Chapter 311

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:05:44
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“Why do you use the word out of control? Have you known each other long?”


“How did you meet? What’s the relationship?”

“He’s my bodyguard and sometimes helps me with personal matters.”

Jenny said, “Didn’t you say publicly that you don’t have a bodyguard?”

Muriel Baldini glanced at Jenny, “You have to realize that no matter how well you do, there will always be people in this world who will look at you unfavorably.

Doing business is the same, there are profits and losses, since you want to make money you have to take the corresponding risks, but there are always people who can’t figure this out, thinking that after investing money in our company, the company is obligated to help him make money, and once he loses money, he will make trouble.

If there were no bodyguards secretly protecting me, how could I ride my bike to and from work at will.”

Luke asked, “Soister drives and escorts you to work every day?”

“Sometimes it’s Mabry, he’s the bodyguard I hire too.”

Jenny wondered, “With all the bodyguards out there, why did you hire two shitty people as bodyguards?”

Muriel Baldini said, “Like you said, I can’t possibly claim to the public that I have bodyguards in order to maintain an image of being close to the public.

Although Soster and Mabry have previous convictions, in the end, they are only in it for the money, so as long as I give them enough money, they will feel at ease to work for me.”

Luke knew that Muriel Baldini wasn’t telling the truth, and that she hadn’t chosen these two men as bodyguards for a pure purpose.

Muriel Baldini’s company was supposed to be in trouble, Jakob Johnston’s case might not be an isolated case, and these two bodyguards were supposed to do his dirty work for him.

Jenny questioned, “You say you like environmentally friendly transportation, but you have three luxury cars parked in your garage, and you say you don’t have bodyguards, but you instruct your bodyguards to hurt people.

I didn’t think you’d be such a hypocrite, what else is fake about you?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you.

I don’t want to deceive people either, but a lot of people in this world like …… similar images and chicken soup.

Since portraying a similar image would help my career, why not?”

Luke stared at Muriel Baldini and asked, “Ms. Baldini, I’ve been watching your expression and noticed that you haven’t had too many mood swings since the beginning, can you tell me how you did it?”

“I’ve taken a professional emotion management course, this is the basic quality of a successful businessman, in addition, I’ve also had a microdermabrasion to make my facial lines look more approachable and easier for my clients to feel good about.

If you need it, I can recommend it for you.”

“No, I can’t use it.” Luke understood why he couldn’t see through the other man’s lies; emotion management was one aspect, but the main thing was probably plastic surgery.

With plastic surgery the muscles in the face would be stiff and disjointed, which would have an effect on micro-expression observation.

“What was the conflict between you and Jakob Johnston?”

“Conflicts at work.”

“Describe it in detail.”

“Uh …… The company has had some operational problems lately, and the company executives and I are doing our best to deal with them, and there are ways to smooth the transition and turn things around, as long as they follow my plan.

However, Jakob Johnston has different ideas, he is very stubborn and doesn’t know how to change, he has stolen a lot of information from the company and even threatened me to give this information to the media.

As long as these negative news are publicized it could potentially ruin the company, and there’s no way I’m going to let that happen, so I’ll let Solstice take care of it.”

“Ms. Baldini, we got a document from Soest, and the owner of the document is Giacobo Johnston, who has a different view on the company’s situation than you do.”

“You have found that document?”

“Yes, would you like to hear it?” Luke pulled a document out of his binder and read it.

“This is a tough decision for me, I don’t want to do the company a disservice and I don’t want my coworkers to lose their jobs, but if I turn a blind eye, my clients’ interests will be compromised and my conscience will be uneasy.

The company has been having some problems lately, and to be precise, I’ve been suspicious of some of the company’s practices for a long time, only recently the company’s financial crisis has completely lifted the veil.

I couldn’t lie to myself anymore, not just about ethics, but if I didn’t say anything, it would make me feel like a fraud.

That’s right, a fraudster.

I found out that the company had been having problems embezzling money from customers. At first, the problem wasn’t that big, then later, it was using new customers’ money to make up for old ones, but sooner or later, something would go wrong if it went on like that.

So, the company’s top management decided to make false accounts and use ‘legal’ means to shift the losses to the customers. There may be some disputes in a short time, but as long as they prevail in terms of willingness to spend money, buy the media, and public opinion, it won’t have an impact on the company’s reputation.

It’s horrible, I can’t believe this is actually the company I fought for.

If I don’t expose these things, I’ll have a conscience for the rest of my life.

Jakob Johnston.”

“Lies, he’s lying, the company is not at all what he says it is, he must be out of his mind.”

Luke said, “I’ve turned that information over to the Economic Crimes Division.”

Muriel Baldini closed her eyes and her cheeks appeared to twitch irregularly, “This company is my heart and soul, I have paid a lot for this company, I can’t stand by and watch him destroy the company ……”

Luke said, “Is it this obsession that made you decide to rob the bank?”

“No, as I’ve said before, I had nothing to do with robbing the bank, I knew absolutely nothing about it. Soest told me about it only after he robbed the bank.”

“Then did you know about the information that Jakob Johnston put in the bank locker?”




“That’s not what Soest said, according to him, after getting your instructions he and Mabry Carr acted together and forced the information out of Jacob Johnston’s home, and got the key in the safe and asked for the combination.

The two men then took Jacob Johnston out into the field and killed him.

The FBI had already taken Soest to identify the scene, something he couldn’t have lied about.” Luke paused and continued, “According to Souster, after getting the key and combination to the bank locker, he told you about it.

Because of the similarity in physical features between Mabry Carr and Jakob Johnston, you let Mabry go to the bank’s locker with his ID to pretend to be Jakob Johnston to get something, Mabry entered the vault and tried to open the locker, the key was real but the password prompted an error.

According to bank regulations, if the password is wrong three times, we have to verify the identity of the owner of the locker.

Mabry tried only once and rushed out.

The three of you talk it over, suspecting that Jacob Johnston gave the fake combination, but Jacob Johnston has been killed by you and there is no way for you to get a new one, and you grumble at Soest.

Soest suggested robbing the bank and you agreed.”

“He lied, I had no idea.” Muriel Baldini sounded certain.

Luke took out a set of photos and put them in front of Muriel Baldini: “This is the surveillance of the North Hollywood Bank, and the surveillance is on the exact date that Mabry pretended to be Jacob Johnston and went to the bank locker to retrieve something.

At that time, you ran outside the bank and waited in order to get the information first, this is your Maserati car, although you didn’t get out of the car, the camera still captured you sitting in the driver’s side, which means that you knew that the information was hidden in the bank, and you also knew about Sost’s and their actions to rob the bank.

You lied.”

Muriel Baldini sighed, “I regret it, I should have called a lawyer.”

“If you really regret it, you shouldn’t have done anything illegal or criminal.”

“Sometimes people are in a position where they have to do something even if you don’t want to.”

“Tell me about the night you were ‘kidnapped’.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Then talk about the FBI agent who got blown up.”

“I had nothing to do with it, so don’t you dare try to pin it on me again.”

“Then talk about you being ‘kidnapped’.”

“Hoo……” Muriel Baldini let out a long sigh, “Things went south after Soest and the others robbed the bank.

At first, I didn’t dare to contact them.

Later, they said that they wanted to go out to avoid it and wanted to meet with me before going.

I agreed and prepared some cash for them.

After the meeting, I asked him about the information, and he said he had already destroyed it.

Before I had time to be happy, you guys tracked it down too and things got out of control.

The three of us put our heads together and decided that I would drive them out, and you all know what happened after that.”

Jenny said, “Ms. Baldini, I didn’t think you’d be in the company of someone like Thorst.”

Muriel Baldini laughed, “Officer Jenny, I’m not as good as you think I am, and Soister is not as bad as you think he is.

I have a handle on him.

In fact, I’m curious as to why he betrayed me.”

Jenny said, “He’s always had something on you.”

Muriel Baldini was unimpressed, “That’s just some means of self-preservation, I can understand that.

But I can’t figure out the means you used to get him to betray me. Even if the lawyers turned against me, as long as Thorst doesn’t come forward and identify himself, you guys won’t be able to get the evidence just the same.”

Jenny asked rhetorically, “What makes you believe that Soest won’t identify you?”

“The crime that Soest committed whether he betrayed me or not, he will be sentenced to death and spend the rest of his life behind bars.

And I’ll be able to secretly take care of him and his family.”

“Nice thought, but plans don’t change.” Luke made a perfunctory remark and didn’t say much.

If it was a conventional interrogation, the probability was that Souster would not identify Muriel Baldini, and from this perspective Luke did have to thank Anthony, otherwise it would be difficult to open a breakthrough in the interrogation.

This also shows the importance of cooperating with each other, there is strength in numbers, eating alone is not a good habit.

7 o’clock in the evening, Marcus’s house.

The case was solved, and the people who had been busy for several days could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Marcus invited the crowd to his home for a gathering, and also took this opportunity to formally introduce Julian to everyone.

The two had already received a license and became an official couple, they just hadn’t organized a wedding yet.

When the crowd arrived at Marcus’ house, Julian greeted them at the courtyard door, “Guys, I’m glad you could make it to the party.”

“Julian, you’re beautifully dressed today, this blue dress suits you.” Luke handed over a bag with red wine, “It’s a gift for you.”

“Thanks.” Julian smiled and took it.

Blackie said, “Julian, let me introduce you, this is Chief Reed, he’s always taken care of me at the police station.”

“Hello, Chief Reed.”

Reed smiled, “Hello, Mrs. Burnett.

I just heard the news about Marcus getting married and I was a little disbelieving.

The guy …… is a bit of a hard nut to crack.

I’ve always been curious about what kind of woman can subdue him.

I finally got to meet one today.”

“Wow wow, hearing you say that makes me suddenly feel awesome.”

Reed handed over a gift box as well, “Happy wedding.”


Black stood aside and introduced his coworkers to Julian one by one.

Among them were those who had never met Julian, such as the vice squad and Matthew.

The remaining few coworkers had all met Julian, but it wasn’t exactly a formal acquaintance, so Blackie reintroduced them all the same.

Around ten minutes past seven, David drove up as well, and the party guests had all arrived.

Marcus reconsidered, but still did not invite Susan, not that I do not respect her, just that this time belongs to the temporary invitation, Susan after all, went to other departments, may not have time to come to participate.

Wait until the wedding is organized and then invite her.

The crowd set up a grill in the yard and ate barbecue.

The ingredients were all procured by Julian, there were beef, lamb, chicken, various seafood, and some vegetables.

Soon under the charcoal fire, the steaks were moist and fragrant.


The crowd celebrated by raising their beers.

Reed put down his glass and said, “Everyone, the bank robbery case this time was well done, and the FBI’s limelight was overpowered by you.

I didn’t think there would be a mastermind behind the case either.”

“Muriel Baldini is very cunning, there is an agreement between her and Soest that even if Soest is caught by the police, she won’t easily give him up.

In exchange, she would provide for Soest and Soest’s daughter for a long time.

Jackson deserves a lot of credit for finding out that Muriel Baldini is in trouble this time.” Luke took a mouthful of beef and continued.

“Chief, the confessions of Muriel Baldini and Soest basically match.

The murder of Jakob Johnston and the North Hollywood bank robbery have been cleared.

The reason that Muriel Baldini is going after Giacobo Johnston is because Giacobo was going to report some problems with the company.

I recommend that Muriel Baldini be turned over to the Economic Crimes Division.”

Reed nodded, “You can contact the Economic Crimes Division.”

Black came over with a metal tray and put the cooked meat on the dinner plate, “Guys, we’ve been working on cases all day, it’s hard to get off work, so why don’t we talk about something lighter.”

David laughed, “Good idea, why don’t we talk about your newlywed life and how it feels?”

Blackie sat down in the seat next to him, “GOOD, it feels superb, hot coffee and breakfast every morning when I wake up, and the lights are on at night no matter how late I get home, it’s cozy.

I’m enjoying my life right now.”

David raised his glass, “Man, congratulations, I honestly didn’t think you’d be the first of us to get married.”

Jenny said, “I didn’t expect it either.”

The lieutenant said, “Me too.”

Matthew said, “And me.”

Blackie looked back and whispered, “Actually, I didn’t expect it either ……”

“Haha ……” the crowd laughed.

“Life is inherently impermanent, if everything is calculated, then life is no fun to speak of.

Marriage is also a growth spurt for men.” Reed raised his glass, “Inspector Marcus, congratulations on a perfect family.”

“Thank you Chief.” Black raised his glass as well, “But, Chief …… Detective, I’m still a detective.”

“Are you sure?” Reed smiled and looked aside at Luke, “Captain, am I misremembering, or is Detective Marcus?”

Luke also laughed, “Chief, how could you be wrong, it’s Inspector Marcus who remembered it wrong.”

Blacky reacted, revealing a look of surprise, “Jesus Christ, Inspector Marcus! I’ve been promoted!

Did you guys hear that? I’m an Inspector now!”

“Chief, Captain, thank you so much …… I’m so happy I don’t even know what to say.”

Reed said, “Marcus, I’ve always seen your ability, you’re an integral part of the team, but your flaws are also obvious, you’re not steady enough and you do things randomly.

Your decision to get married and start a new family shows that you have the commitment and responsibility to become a husband and father, proving that you are more stable compared to before.

The position of detective is well deserved.”

“Chief, thank you for your recognition, I always thought ……” Black is an emotional man, his eyes a little red, as a black police officer, he has always had a natural closeness to Chief Reed.

But this sense of closeness has not been responded to, he envied the relationship between Reed and Luke, and now with Reed’s words, Blacky felt warm, it turned out that Reed had been paying attention to himself.

The lieutenant chimed in, “Wow, Detective Marcus, that still sounds a little uncomfortable.”

“Inspector Marcus, congratulations.” The rest of the team congratulated them.

“Thanks.” Marcus responded with a smile, made a toast with the crowd, and ran over to Julian who was preparing a vegetable salad.

“Hey babe, did you hear that?

I got promoted.

I’m Detective Marcus now!”

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