Chapter 312

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:05:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early the next morning.

In his sleep, Luke was woken up by a familiar voice.

[Congratulations to the host, detecting the North Hollywood bank robbery series, successfully arrested six suspects, rewarded with 70 lottery chances.]

Luke rubbed his eyes, yawned, and laid down for another ten minutes before getting out of bed.

He got up and washed up first while drinking a cup of warm water.

Breakfast was simple, a pot of coffee, a cup of milk, a sandwich, a chicken wrap, and an orange; the chicken wrap and sandwich could be heated up in the microwave, and the whole thing was ready in a few minutes.

As long as he wasn’t busy at work, Luke usually ate breakfast in the yard, the air was fresh, the environment was nice, and his mouth was soothed by the food he was eating for the day.

Luke first ate a chicken roll to pad his stomach, and then started the raffle.


Pointer stops, Shield Card [Shields communication signals within twenty meters around you for ten minutes (use can be interrupted at any time)]

Luke drew fifty times and won a total of six cards.

Respectively, 5 new cards, shielding cards.

1 old card, the detection card.

Also won $64,000 in prizes.

This time, two cards were drawn, a new card and an old card.

The new card shielding card, the effect is somewhat similar to a shield, the advantage is that it is easy to carry.

Shield this thing how to say, most of the time can not be used, when used can not be found.

It is impossible to carry this thing with you 24 hours a day.

But once used, absolutely can play a great role.

For example, this face to capture the bank robbery robber action, in escorting Muriel Baldini on the way to work, Luke temporarily guessed that Muriel Baldini may have been kidnapped by the robbers, and the body bundled with a remote control bomb.

And that’s why he was hesitant to carry out the capture operation.

However, if Luke had a shielding card, he wouldn’t have too many worries, as long as the shielding card was used, the signals from the remote control would be shielded, and without the threat of the bomb, the arrest operation would be smoother.

Detection Card [Detecting unknown electronic devices within ten meters of the surrounding area, such as surveillance, listening, recording, tracking and other functional devices].

This was an old card that Luke used infrequently in the past, but it didn’t mean that this card was not very useful.

Quite the contrary, it was a very bullish card.

Luke had also watched some American dramas, and he found a pattern that many big shots with only their hands in the air and a fine mind had lost in the black information before they had succeeded.

At that time, not mature enough, not cautious enough is one aspect of the reason, the more important reason is to want to succeed with other people to cooperate, the exchange of interests.

Once or twice may not matter, more often will inevitably be interested in leaving evidence, monitoring, eavesdropping, etc..

You did not succeed, these evidence may sink into the sea, once you succeed, these evidence is to bring down your black material.

Luke is not a big shot yet, but if he wants to go farther and become a big shot, he needs to build more network of relationships, and the exchange of benefits is also necessary.

Just like the relationship between him and Orty, Luke would use his position to help the Pinkerton Detective Agency with things that would not affect the work of the police department, and just by lifting his hand, he could gain a considerable amount of benefits.

But his conversations with Orty being publicized would affect his prospects just as much.

Every time he talked to Orty, he would choose to do it in a place with water swimming pools, hot springs, etc. It might be fine for a short period of time, but if it stayed that way, the trust between the two would hardly increase.

In addition, Orty agreed to this request from Luke out of vulnerability, in the future Luke might negotiate with people with a higher status than himself, and at that time he couldn’t also let people take off their clothes and talk in the pool.

At this time, the effect of the detection card will be reflected, not only will not hurt the peace, but also can be prevented in advance.

Previously used less, can only show that Luke level is low, there is no utilization value.

But in the future, as Luke’s fame, identity and status increased, the frequency of use would also increase.

In the morning, Luke rushed to the police station to start dealing with the closing procedures of the North Hollywood bank robbery case.

Although Muriel Baldini was the mastermind behind this case, the one who was most guilty was Soest.

However, Muriel Baldini’s case was not over, the Economic Crimes Division had also opened a case against her company, and once convicted she faced equally serious criminal charges.

“Knock knock.”

At four in the afternoon, a knock sounded on the door of Luke’s office.

“Come in.”

The door opened and Reed walked into the office, “Luke, I have good news for you.”

Luke guessed, “I’m turning?”

“No, but it’s coming soon.”

“What’s the good news then.”

“The Directorate has been notified by the White House that, in light of your bravery during the Las Vegas shooting, the President has decided to award you the ‘Public Safety Officer’s Medal of Valor’, with an investiture ceremony to be held in Washington, D.C. on October 22nd.


“The Public Safety Officers Medal of Valor?”


“I thought it was the Medal of Freedom. After all, I don’t have law enforcement powers in Las Vegas.”

“You’re a cop, this medal suits you better, you’re the first in our entire detective bureau, steal it.”

“So, I’ve done the Bureau a favor?”

“Of course.”

“Is there a bonus?”

“Oh, I’ll get it for you.”

“How much?”

“At least enough to pay for your trip to Washington?”

“Don’t be too cheap for the Bureau, I’m representing the entire LAPD on this trip to Washington.”

“Then you should ask Frank for it, not me.”

Luke laughed bitterly, “Then I’d have to be able to see it too.”

“Prepare yourself, it’s a medal presented by the President himself and the highest honor a police officer can receive, like you said, you’re not going to Washington alone this time, you’re representing the entire LAPD, let me know if you need anything.

If there are difficulties, the Bureau will help you out as well.”

“Before I go, I’d like to take two days off to adjust.”

“As long as you account for your work with the vice squad, no problem.”

“Can I bring my family to the investiture ceremony?”

“Of course, this honor belongs not only to you alone, but to your family as well.”

“Wow. That’s another lot of money to spend.”

“Don’t even think about asking me for reimbursement on that one, the Bureau is only responsible for yours.”

“How many days am I going to be in Washington?”

“You can spend a few days over there, just as a tourist. I’ll send you the exact time and arrangements for your ordination.”

“Thank you Chief, that’s very considerate of you.”

“However, I have to warn you. Washington is not Los Angeles, don’t do things impulsively.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“Very well, I’m off.” Reed exited the captain’s office and addressed the team in the office area.

“Guys, good news, Captain Luke is buying tonight.”

Luke spread his hands and walked Reed to the office door.

Blackie laughed, “Captain, what are we having for dinner tonight? Fondue?”

Luke was speechless, shameless, not asking me if I want a treat, but directly asking what to eat?

Jackson curiously said, “Captain, why do you want a treat? Are you getting married too?”

Luke said, “I’m single.”

Black felt that this sounded a bit familiar, why is it so much like me back then? Stinking shameless.

The lieutenant guessed, “You’ve changed your mind?”

Blacky concurred, “Yes, that’s exactly what I was going to say.”

“No, actually, I also think we should treat ourselves when we turn.” Luke laughed.

“How about this, I’ll give you guys a day, if you can guess, I’ll treat you, if not, we’ll do it together after I turn.”

Matthew said, “Captain, you’ve earned the Public Safety Officers Medal of Valor!”

Luke was surprised, “How did you know that?”

Matthew said, “Open the official website of the Directorate and it’s on the front page.

Captain, you’re on fire.”

“Wow wow ……” The crowd showed envious looks and opened their computers to check it out.

Blackie shouted, “Luke, it’s true, there’s a picture of you on it.”

Luke was also a bit surprised, this was too fast, Reed had just told himself, and the Directorate had directly announced it on the official website.

The vice squad said, “Luke, no shit, you’ll have to treat yourself. And it’s a big meal, to get this medal is simply more worth celebrating than your transfer.”

Blackie said, “Fondue.”

Jackson: “Mexican food is good too.”

Jenny said, “Actually, I’d rather have French food.”

Luke “……”

French your sister, French, you’re trying to eat me out of business.


Papani’s Mexican Restaurant.

Luke is still being pitched a meal, thinking about it or Jackson’s offer is more reliable.

The more this time, the more low-key, so Luke did not even call David, only invited a few people from the first squadron.

The lieutenant raised his glass, “Guys, raise your glasses and toast our Captain Luke.”

“Captain, congratulations on receiving the Public Safety Officers Medal of Valor.” The crowd raised their glasses in congratulations.

“Thanks.” Luke also raised his glass and took a sip.

The lieutenant laughed, “You guys know what? I suddenly feel like I have a bright future ahead of me, and I have hopes of becoming a captain again.”

Luke reminded, “Lieutenant, I’m still here.”

“I know, but I have a feeling you’re going to be promoted soon, and who else on the team will I be when that happens?” The lieutenant scanned around.

Luke laughed, “Lieutenant, not that I’m knocking you, I haven’t turned yet, I’m still early for promotion.”

The Vice Squad said, “It seems you don’t understand the significance of the Public Safety Officer’s Medal of Valor, this medal is the highest honor bestowed by the state on the nation’s public safety officers, it is awarded by the President himself, the welfare benefits that come with this national honor will be with the police officer for the rest of his life.

If I had this medal, even Frank would have to give me some face when he met me.

Luke, you’re going to be rich.”

Blackie revealed a curious look, “Lieutenant, what are the benefits and perks of this medal?”

The vice squad was silent for a moment, “It seems that after receiving the medal, you will enjoy a special pension of $300 per month for life …… I can’t remember the rest ……”

“I thought you knew everything.”

“Please don’t embarrass an almost seventy year old man, besides, I didn’t get it, you should ask Luke, he’s the medallion recipient.”

“I’ll come back and tell you all about it after I receive my award.” Luke smiled and raised his glass.

“Guys, thank you for your support, without you I wouldn’t have been able to receive this honor.

It’s just as much a credit to you all.


The crowd broke up a little after 8pm.

Black suggested going to the bar for the second set.

Luke didn’t go, though, and Orty texted him to meet up.

Around nine, Luke returned home and sure enough, he saw a white sedan parked in front of his door and Orty sitting on a stool in the yard waiting for him.

Luke was still impressed with Orty as a money-giving girl.

“Hi, beautiful coach, I’ve kept you waiting.”

“I wouldn’t dare call myself your coach anymore, you’re a better snorkeler than I am now.” Orty picked up a gift box from the round table.

“Captain Luke, congratulations on receiving the Public Safety Officer’s Medal of Valor.”

“Thanks.” Luke took the box, “I like this brand of champagne.

Please come on in, we have just the thing for a drink.”

Luke invited Orty into his home, opened the champagne and poured two glasses, with nachos and blueberries as a downer.

That was a pretty good downer for a Los Angeleno.

“Cheers.” Luke raised his glass in a gesture and took a sip.

“Good wine.

Orty, what can I do for you today?”

“Uh ……,” Orty gestured to his clothes, “I came in a hurry today and didn’t book a hotel room with a pool, can I borrow the bathroom? And a bathrobe?”

Luke laughed, not being able to hear the slight dissatisfaction in the other’s tone.

Luke had come and gone with Orty a few times, the other party was relatively disciplined, and the few times he had cooperated with the Pinkerton Detective Agency he had gained a lot of benefits.

Because of the identity of the police officer, Luke every contact with Orty are more careful, in talking about some m sense of the problem will ask the other party to wear a relatively cool, there is a swimming pool or soak in the hot springs is still relatively easy to accept, but this occasion is a little awkward.

Ortie heart will certainly feel some ‘aggrieved’, in exchange for some self-respecting people may feel that it is a kind of insult, and will even secretly hate Luke.

Through these few times of contact with Orty, from the other party’s attitude and reaction, she should not have the tendency to hold a grudge against herself, but she could not talk about closeness either.

The relationship between the two had always been light.

It wasn’t hard to understand, every time he talked about things Luke put up a stance of distrust, how could people be willing to draw close to you.

Luke carefully considered, such a relationship is difficult to maintain for a long time, from the last few contacts, Pinkerton Detective Agency this line is still very valuable, the two sides belong to mutual benefit.

“There’s no need to go to the bathroom, just say what you have to say, of course, if you want to stay overnight, the bathroom is at your disposal.”

Orty was a little surprised, “Wow, that’s not like your usual behavior.”

Luke said, “It’s true that I’m not a very trusting person, but if I choose to trust someone …… I have no reservations.”

“Sounds a bit touching, I’m considered someone you trust now?”

“Of course.” Luke answered and directly used a Detection Card.

He now had 5 Detection Cards, and instead of sitting idle, he would use them.

After the card was used, it showed that there was no abnormality, so Luke could talk at ease.

“Thank you for your trust, this is probably my biggest gain today.” Orty sounded sincere.

“So, are you going to stay over tonight?”

“Some other time.” Olti smiled and turned the conversation around, “Luke, it’s time for us to get down to business.”

“All ears.”

Orty pulled a brand new check out of his bag, “Here’s yours.”

Luke glanced at the amount, “One hundred and fifty thousand dollars, that’s more than I expected.”

Olty said, “After the North Hollywood Bank was robbed, the insurance company suspected that there was a problem with the amount of compensation and hired a detective agency to investigate the matter.

Regardless of the purpose, this matter was solved by you, and the client is very grateful to you, fifty thousand dollars of which is the consultant’s fee paid to you by the detective agency, but it will be paid out in the name of labor allowance.

As for the other one hundred thousand dollars, it is an additional reward from the detective agency after you received the Medal of Valor for Public Safety Officers.”

“So generous, is there anything else I need to do?”

“You are a consultant of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, and the more famous you are, the more you help the detective agency.

Theoretically there is no need for you to do anything.

However, the Pinkerton Agency is headquartered in Washington, D.C. I can show you around, and there are a lot of people who would like to meet you.

In fact, it’s not just the Pinkerton Agency that’s headquartered in Washington, a lot of big companies have headquarters and branches here, and I could show you around some of them if you want.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Have you ever been to Washington before?”


“Call me when you think about it, I’ll be a good guide, and besides, you’ve just won the highest award given to a public safety officer in the country, with all the glory, it’d be a shame not to take advantage of the opportunity to get in on some of the action.”

Luke thought for a moment, “Is it a free guide?”

“Just manage the food.”

“Deal.” Luke raised his glass and the two clinked.

Orty took a sip of champagne and wondered, “Luke, did you get the Public Safety Officer’s Medal of Valor because of the Las Vegas shooting?”

“I suppose so.”

“I’ve learned about the shooting, and I heard that there were over eight hundred people killed and injured at the open air concert, while the shooter was only one person, can you tell us how you overpowered him? I’m curious, super curious ……”

Luke said, “The process wasn’t really complicated, many people were shocked by the death toll, and the gunman wasn’t that different from an ordinary thug except for the fact that he was carrying a large number of modified rifles.

Once I determined the location of the thug, I rushed to the hotel room first, broke down the door, opened fire, and chose to shoot himself after he was shot.

To be honest, there is a large element of luck that I can obtain this medal of valor for public safety personnel ……”

The two made small talk for half an hour and the bottle of champagne bottomed out before Orty offered his farewell.

This was also the first time since the two had met that Orty had talked so much ‘small talk’ with Luke, before it was all business and he left after finishing his work.

Luke sent Orty to the entrance of the courtyard.

Olty took the initiative and kissed Luke on the cheek, “Thank you for your trust.”

Luke watched Orty get into the car and waved goodbye.

From Orty’s attitude, Luke felt that his choice was correct, people are all mutual, you trust each other, the other will likewise open their hearts.

Orty as Luke and Pinkerton Detective Agency’s contact, with her to make good relations, deepen the trust is still necessary.

Of course trust is trust, if it comes to the topic of M sense, Luke will still use the detection card.

You can’t do harm to people, but you can’t do nothing to prevent them.

This is especially true for women, especially beautiful women.

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