Chapter 314

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:05:51
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Marriott Hotel.

The hotel was located near well-known landmarks in Washington, D.C., with easy access to monuments, the National Mall, museums, and cultural venues such as the National Theatre, the Convention Center, and the National Portrait Gallery.

Luke and the others arrived at the hotel on the airport bus, two waiters offered to help with the luggage, and Luke graciously tipped each of them five dollars; after all, he was now representing the entire LAPD.

Luke was not a stingy person, but rarely gave large tips to the waiters, 5 dollars was quite a lot for him.

The main reason, still in his subconscious is not used to the tipping culture.

Luke’s own hotel room was booked and financed by the government, but the cost of Luke’s family’s room was borne by him.

Luke is now worth nearly two million dollars, so these costs are nothing to him.

Luke himself stayed in room 701, he also booked four rooms 710, 711, 712 and 713.

Grandpa stayed in 710, Linda stayed in 711, and Little Fatty and Val stayed in 712.

Luke pulled his suitcase towards room 701 and said to his family, “See you in a minute.”

Linda said, “Luke, pack up in a minute, I’m going to visit your room and see how the White House reservation is different from ours.”

The little fat man shouted, “Me too.”

Although Luke didn’t think the room was any different, what could he say, “The door to the room is always open for you.” Seeing his uncle’s expression of eagerness as well, Luke added, “Grandpa and Uncle, you’re welcome to be guests as well.”

Val said faintly, “Since you’re so enthusiastic about the invitation, OK.”

“Cluck ……” a door slammed, and the door across from Luke opened.

A burly black man walked out of room 702, standing at over one meter nine, a full size larger than Luke.

The black man sized Luke up, “Luke Lee?”

“Since when am I so famous in Washington? Which one are you?”

“Fata’u Brandi, I’m here to receive an award just like you.” The black man held out his right hand.

“You’re a cop too?” Luke also extended his right hand to shake the other man’s hand.

“No, I’m a firefighter, from the Las Vegas Fire Department.”

As he spoke, Fata’u Brandi’s grip increased a few points, so strong that it hurt Luke’s hand a little.

Luke felt that the other party was giving himself a downward spiral, and it was not good to roll his eyes in front of the crowd, and he couldn’t pull his right hand out.

Luke with a smile on his face, his left hand fist smashed into the other party’s heart, looks like a friend in greeting, but this punch is not light, directly to the black man Fata’u Brandi stunned.

Although the time was short, it was enough for Luke to retrieve his right hand.

Luke is still smiling, but has been waiting for the other side, the other side is physically stronger, there is a certain advantage, but the most important thing in the fight is still skill and ruthlessness.

In the aspect of fighting for bravery and ruthlessness, firefighters were definitely no match for police officers.

Fata’u Brandi swept the back of his right hand over his left chest, “We sort of know each other.”

“Once again, I feel the warmth from Las Vegas, it’s very nostalgic.”

“See you later.” Fata’u Brandi dropped the words and turned to leave.

Val walked over and gazed at Fata’u Brandi’s back, “When did you mess with this chimpanzee? He looks really strong.

I think he could beat a lion to death.”

“Excellence is always envied, just get used to it.” Luke didn’t take it seriously and turned into his room.

Because of the Las Vegas shooting incident, Luke was in the limelight, and things were two-sided, the better Luke performed, the more useful he was, the more he would appear to be incompetent to the Las Vegas police.

Firefighters also belong to the concept of ‘big police’, although they do not belong to the same department, but the two sides often go out together to cooperate with each other, and can be considered their own people.

There is cooperation and conflict between firefighters and police, but it is an internal love affair, and once there is an ‘enemy’ they will also be on the same page.

Most of the Public Safety Personnel Medal of Valor recipients are cops and firefighters.

Luke punched the Las Vegas police in the face, and Fattau Brandi, as a member of the Las Vegas public safety department, naturally wouldn’t be too friendly with Luke, or else he wouldn’t be able to account for it when he went back.

If he is in Washington with Luke, back to Las Vegas and the police with the police, those Las Vegas police officers can give him a good face is strange.

However, do not like to directly show attitude, but do not have to worry about the other side to play dirty.

Luke simply cleaned up a bit, the little fat man, Val, Linda, Robert came to the room to visit.

After some comparisons, they agreed that Luke’s room was better, mainly reflected in two points, the first point Luke’s room had a letter of greeting from the White House, and a piece of black coquettish – eaten by Little Fatty.

Also, Luke’s room is a side household with an extra terrace, from which you can just about see the White House.

Little Fatty wanted to move into Luke’s room to live together, was Luke strictly refused, he this room is a king-size bed room, do not want to sleep with Little Fatty a bed.

Little Fatty and Val stayed in a double room with two beds, which was much more appropriate.

After chatting for a while, the family went to the buffet restaurant downstairs to eat.

The food was quite sumptuous, salmon, beef and lamb, prawns and oysters were enough.

The family ate while chatting, Val and the little fat man together inevitably have to fight, Luke has already seen the strange.

After the meal, free time.

Luke went to the open-air bar on the top floor of the hotel.

Unlike other bars, this bar was decorated in a cozy way, there were not many people in the bar, and you could only come in and spend money if you had a room card.

Luke walked up to the bar and the bartender in a black vest asked, “What would you like to drink, sir?”

Luke glanced at the drink list and found that there were actually national wines Moutai and Wuliangye, from which he could see the influence of rich people in China, “A glass of Wuliangye.”

Although Moutai is good, Luke doesn’t like the sauce flavor much.

“Your drink, sir, will be put on the room card bill.”

“Thanks.” Luke took a sip and it was that flavor.

Wine was a good thing, and Luke was going to buy some good wine to stock up on later when he had time.

“Hi Luke, we meet again.” A woman’s voice rang out next to him.

Luke twisted his head to look, it was the Latin beauty Laura, wearing a long black dress, front and back, willow snake waist, very sexy.

“Laura, you are also staying in this hotel?”

“Yes, the company booked the room for me, I wanted a high-rise room, but they only booked me a room on the fourth floor.” Laura grumbled and sat down next to Luke, her body leaning forward, her murder weapon very much in view.

“What do you do?”

“Finance business. And you?”


Luke carefully surveyed the other party, indeed quite eye-catching …… you dare to wear, I dare to look.

Laura also seems to have noticed Luke’s gaze, but didn’t care too much about it, and asked generously, “Do you want to buy me a drink?”

“Sure …… but not today.”

“I’m rejected?” Laura revealed a disappointed look.

“No, I’d love to buy you a drink, but I have an appointment today.”


“Yes, he didn’t lie to you.” A Latin beauty with even more outstanding looks, temperament, and figure walked between the two with lotus steps.

Luke introduced, “Orty, this is Laura, we came on the same plane.”

Laura carefully sized up Orty and showed some embarrassment on her face, “I won’t bother you guys, I’ll see you some other time.”

Orty sat down on the other side of Luke and looked at Laura’s back, “Not interrupting, are we?”

“No, you came just in time.”

“She seems okay, and seems to be interested in you, most men would be, you really have no idea?”

Luke looked at Orty, “I have more deserving hearts around me.”

Orty looked sideways at Luke, her willowy eyebrows twitching slightly, “Are you flirting with me?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “By any chance?”

Orty smiled and held up his hands, “I surrender, let’s get down to business.”

“Fancy a drink? My treat.”

“An apple martini, please.” Orty spoke to the bartender and turned his head to look at Luke, “What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”

“Aren’t you going to be my guide? Your call.”

“Didn’t you come with your family?”

“I could have gone alone.”

“Your family is most important, so you’d better stay with them.

I’ll take you to the headquarters of the Pinkerton Detective Agency when the ordination ceremony is over.” Orty picked up his cocktail and took a sip.

“If you run into any problems in Washington, let me know and I’ll help you out.”

Luke leaned forward and said softly, “Check out that woman from earlier for me.”


“That’s right.”

Orty smiled, “Wow…… Captain Lee got a heart attack, or is there something else on his mind?”

“I’ll let you know when I find out, was it difficult?”

“A small matter.”

“Wait for your news.” Luke picked up his glass and clinked it with Orty.

“Luke, so there you are.” Val walked into the bar and waved at Luke as he approached, “Hey, is this gorgeous woman a friend of yours?”

Luke introduced, “Orty, my new girlfriend.”

“Whoa, whoa ……,” Val’s mouth opened wide and looked to the side at Orty with an unbelievable look, “When did you get a girlfriend?

This beauty is really your girlfriend?”

Olty laughed, “He’s teasing you, we’re just ordinary friends who just happened to run into each other in Washington.”

Val froze for a moment, the beautiful woman in front of him smiled so sweetly he was willing to believe it, but thinking about Luke’s analysis of the first love newlyweds after they got off the plane – two friends from Los Angeles who just happened to come to Washington, who just happened to meet at the same hotel bar – suggested that the two had been in touch for a long time… …

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

Luke nodded, “You’re already interrupting.”

Val waved a fist at Luke and squeezed out another smile at Orty, “Nice to meet you.”

With that said, Val stepped aside and addressed the bartender, “Give me a shot of your most expensive whiskey. Put it on the bill for that bad boy just now.”

“Sir, is that gentleman a friend of yours?”

“I’m his uncle.”

“As you wish.”

“Bad boy.

Sure enough, pretty women still like bad boys ……”

Orty asked, “Who is he?”

“My dear uncle.”

“I can see that you guys have a good relationship.

But why did you say I was your new girlfriend?”

Luke laughed, “I was bragging.”

“Bragging?” Orty leaned forward and pursed her red lips, “Will it be honorable?”

“Of course. You don’t mind, do you?”

“For the sake of you being so classy …… next time.

Thanks for the drink.” Orty left a comment and left with his long legs.

Seeing Orty leave, Luke’s eyes scanned the bar for the figure of another Latin beauty, Laura.

The reason why Luke asked Orty to help investigate Laura was that one, he felt like Laura was deliberately approaching him, and another, he wanted to see what the Pinkerton Detective Agency was capable of.

Luke saw Laura, sitting in the east corner of the bar, next to a burly figure, none other than Fata’u Brandi, a firefighter from Las Vegas.

Fata’u Brandi seemed to see Luke as well, and raised his glass at Luke.

Luke didn’t know if he was making a gesture of goodwill or showing off that he had a beautiful woman by his side, and didn’t bother to think about it as he raised his glass in a gesture of goodwill.

The same Latin beauty, with Orty’s pearl in front of him, he really has little interest in Laura.

This is the same reason as the college entrance examination, a difference of one point may be a few hundred rankings.

The following morning.

After the family had dinner, they officially started the tour.

The first stop went to the Capitol Building, a building with a white marble style and grandeur that Washington himself laid the foundation stone for in 1793.

There were a lot of tourists lined up for this attraction, mostly foreign tourists, but luckily Luke and his family got there early and didn’t have to wait in line for too long.

The second attraction to go to the National Art Museum, this art museum is very unique, east and west two very different architectural styles, the east is a modernist style of geometric architecture, while the west then has a strong ancient Greek style, the exhibition hall has a total of almost 40,000 pieces of collections, there are a lot of celebrities and paintings.

But the paintings of this thing, it recognizes you, you do not recognize it, a thousand viewers have a thousand Hamlets, the little fat man this age which have the patience to see this, stayed for half an hour and yelled to go to the aerospace museum.

Luke wanted to go too, it was said that there were as many as 260 real airplanes alone, that’s where a man should go.

But the problem was that there was a woman in the group, so the group still spent an hour or so at the museum, followed by dinner at a famous local restaurant recommended by Orty.

In the afternoon, the little fat man finally went to the longed-for Air and Space Museum, which is really big and has a lot of airplanes, displaying all kinds of airplanes, rockets, missiles, spaceships, and artifacts used by famous pilots and astronauts that are important in the history of flight.

Visitors from all countries are allowed to enter the tour, but it is forbidden to take pictures.

Luke is also a kind of eye-opening, just to visit this aerospace museum has been worth the trip.

After the aerospace museum, the little fat man also yelled to visit the National Museum of Natural History, but the time is already a little late, can only wait for the day after tomorrow to go again.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, Luke returned to the hotel ahead of the others and stood waiting at the entrance.

Around five-ten, a bus pulled up at the entrance, and one by one, passengers stepped off the bus.

A middle-aged Asian man in casual clothes stepped off the bus, the man was about one meter eight tall, somewhat thin, wearing a black frame glasses.

Luke quickly greeted him, “Uncle.”


The two men hugged.

“Let me help you with your luggage.” Luke took the man’s suitcase.

“The last time we saw each other was New Year’s Eve, right?”


Li Zhaonian sized up Luke, “Compared to the last time we met, you’re a lot more stable.”

“I was young and unintelligent in the past, so I let you guys worry about me. I have booked a hotel room for you.” Luke led his uncle into the hotel.

The day before yesterday, after Luke contacted his father, Li Zhaofeng, he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He then made a greeting call to his grandfather and told the old man about his coming to Washington to receive the award.

The old man was very happy and let his uncle Li Zhaonian come to Washington on behalf of the family to participate in the award ceremony.

Luke booked four hotel rooms, one of which was a reserved for his uncle Li Zhaonian.

Luke was concerned, “How is my dad’s body?”

“It’s not much of a problem anymore, you don’t have to worry.”

“I was thinking of going to New York to see him when the Washington side is over.”

“No, he doesn’t want Jack to know about it, anyway, Christmas is coming up, by then you brothers will go to New York together and your dad will be well enough to have a good time with you brothers.”

Luke nodded, “I was just afraid that Jack would know about it, so I didn’t let him pick you up.”

“None of them are outsiders, why are you polite with me. Hasn’t this little fatty been yelling about losing weight and getting skinny?”

Luke laughed, “You can see for yourself in a while.”

Luke brought his uncle to the hotel room, put down his suitcase, and went to the hotel restaurant to eat together.

Li Zhaonian and Robert and Val also know each other, although Luke’s parents have divorced, but the relationship between the two sides is quite good.

The little fat man was very happy to see Li Zhaonian, pestered Li Zhaonian for red envelopes, and asked why his dad didn’t come.

Li Zhaonian can only hide behind the fact that Li Zhaofeng is busy at work.

The little fat man is a little unhappy, asked for a red envelope to show a smiling face.

At the dinner table, Li Zhaonian drank a lot of wine, frequently to Robert, Linda, Val toast.

A mouthful of a sister-in-law called, not to mention a few sincere, but the surface relationship is maintained very well.

For a divorced family with little interaction, this was enough.

Even if Li Zhaonian does not look at his brother’s face, he must also look at the face of his two nephews.

After the meal, Li Zhaonian drank a lot of wine, Luke sent him back to his hotel room, accompanied him to chat for a while, and then returned to his room himself.

Tomorrow was the day of the medal, when it was broadcast live across the country, no, I should say the whole world could see it.

Based on the reputation of killing the Las Vegas shooting gunman alone, Luke could also attract a lot of attention.

He was only a minor celebrity in Los Angeles and Las Vegas before, after tomorrow, he might be noticed by the whole world.

Of course, this attention didn’t mean everyone, but rather people in the same industry or those who followed similar news.

“Buzz.” Luke’s cell phone rang, a text message from Orty.

She had already found out Laura’s identity.

Seeing the specific content of the text message, Luke smiled.

Maybe he was overly concerned, Laura’s identity should not be a threat to him, it was irrelevant.

Luke replied, “Tough luck, beautiful.”

“All the best for tomorrow, ‘big hero’.”

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