Chapter 316

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:05:56
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“Nice work.” Luke a thumbs up, “I only saw your beauty before, now it seems like a rose with thorns.”

“Has it affected my image in your mind?”

“I like roses.”

Orty laughed, “Be careful with the thorns, they can hurt.”

“Thanks for the reminder.”

Orty asked, “Want me to check this guy out for you?”

“You think he’s coming after me?”

“I can’t believe you can’t tell.”

“It does seem a little off, but it makes sense that a beautiful woman like you should be hit on all the time, doesn’t it?”

“I do get hit on a lot, so I can be sure he’s not.” Orty picked up his cocktail and clinked glasses with Luke.

“You decide.”

Luke was also a little torn, being targeted was a little stifling if he did nothing.

If he let Orty investigate the white man who had provoked him, there was again the possibility of being drawn in deeper.

Luke is not worried about his own safety, he has just been awarded the highest honor award, is tantamount to having a hero aura added to his body, if someone dares to assassinate him in Washington at this time, it is tantamount to provoking the entire United States.

With this medal, Luke is tantamount to being buffed.

If you want to deal with him, you first have to peel off this layer of buff, just like the FBI’s arrest of civilian hero Chris Franco, although the arrest was extremely short and would not cause substantial harm to him, the impact was tremendous.

Since he was apprehended by the FBI in a legal way, it means that he is indeed a fugitive from justice.

Can a fugitive still be called a hero?

Can they represent the valor of American citizens?

Obviously it cannot.

Chris Franco’s golden body buff has been broken and his halo stripped away, and the damage and impact of that is immense.

Assuming that Orty hadn’t made a move today, Luke was faced with an awkward situation, and if the white man had continued to provoke, the two men would probably have gone at it.

Then, three outcomes could have resulted.

The first result, the white drunk man was knocked away and the matter was left unsettled.

The second result, the white drunk man was beaten away, and it might be on the news the next day.

The news headline Luke had it all figured out, Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor recipient Luke Lee beats up drunk guy in bar.

The news content was sure to be spiced up by the media, such as Luke getting into an argument and fight with a drunk at a bar over a woman.

Once involved with this kind of bullshit, Luke would be left speechless and his newly acquired honor would be greatly diminished.

The third outcome, the white drunk calls the police after the beating and Luke and the others are taken to the station for questioning.

Then the fun would be over, and Luke would probably break right out of his golden body buff, just like Chris Franco.

Not only would this trip to Washington not be rewarding, but it would probably become a laughingstock for others.

In other words, what appeared to be a small matter could have serious consequences in this particular case.

Once he was labeled as a man who couldn’t make things happen and couldn’t be helped, Luke’s future would also be affected.

No Burroughs would want to nurture a dark horse in unstable form.

From this perspective, Orty helped him defuse a potential crisis.

Olti asked, “Have you thought about it?”

Luke said, “I’ll drop you off and call later.”


Luke sent Orty to the hotel entrance and watched her get into her car and leave before returning to his own hotel room.

Although Luke had just analyzed multiple possibilities, they were only superficial, there must be a deeper reason here.

The first possibility, the Z-governance game, someone wanted to hit the face of the King of Understanding.

For a country with an election system, this kind of behavior would affect the citizens’ trust and support for King Knowles.

The second possibility, Luke thought of Laura, why did this woman approach himself?

Luke didn’t give a damn about her, she ran to Fata’u Brandi again.

And Fata’u Brandi is from the Las Vegas Fire Department again.

Did she and Fattau Brandi know each other originally? Is there a Las Vegas police presence behind this?

Realizing that there is no one who would hate to see Luke receive an award more than the Las Vegas police, they are motivated to trip Luke up.

The third possibility, spies.

Knowing that King’s ruling style was somewhat capricious, it was inevitable that he would make enemies abroad, and it could not be ruled out that there were people abroad who wanted to punch him in the face.

The fourth possibility, accident.

The appearance of the drunkard is an accident, Luke overthinks, just like Linda said, he puts the set in the work in life, see everything has problems.

Of the four scenarios above, Luke had hoped instead that it was the fourth possibility, because the first three were beyond him.

But in Luke’s experience, the fourth possibility was instead the least likely.

Luke wisped his thoughts and dialed Reed’s cell phone.

Luke had represented the LAPD with this award, and now that he was in trouble, it was only natural to call the organization.

He was never alone, and he wasn’t in the habit of going it alone.

Reed’s flirtatious voice rang from his cell phone, “Hey big hero, how are you feeling?”

“Pretty good at first, a little homesick now.”

“Why are you homesick so soon, that’s not like a young man to say?”

“Chief, did you see the news about Chris Franco’s arrest?”

“Yes, it does seem a bit of a rip off, but it won’t affect your honor. What’s the problem?”

“Ever since I stepped on the plane to Washington, D.C., I’ve had a feeling something …… isn’t right.”

“Tell me about it.”

Luke related what had happened in the last few days and his concerns.

After a moment of silence, Reed said, “Take a break and wait for my call.”


Half an hour later, Reed called again, “Luke, do you have any plans for yourself?”

“I originally wanted to spend about four days in Washington with my family, but I’m not in the mood to cruise anymore and want to return to Los Angeles as soon as possible.”

“I wasn’t in DC and I don’t know the specifics, so it’s up to you to make up your own mind on the matter.

However, we at the LAPD don’t mess around and we’re equally not afraid of trouble.

I’ll give you a contact who you can call if things come up.”

“What man?”

“Tristan Seeger, he’s an FBI agent who happens to be in Washington at the moment.”

Luke reminded, “Chris Franco was taken by the FBI.”

“I know.

But the FBI is a national agency with many departments, many responsibilities, and different voices and ideas.”

“Can I trust him?”

“He’s been with the LAPD for at least ten years, we were partners for a while, kind of one of our own.”

“What were his main responsibilities at the FBI?”

“Catching spies.”

“I see.

Good night, Chief.” Luke smiled.

It didn’t matter what the group was up to, as long as he messed with Luke again, he’d be treated like a spy.

Luke had just received an award in Washington, and as long as he didn’t leave Washington, he had the aura of a hero attached to him, so if someone dared to target a ‘national hero’, what was he if not a spy?

The LAPD’s influence exceeded Luke’s predictions.

But as the second largest police department in the country, it was normal to have a relationship in the FBI.

Luke’s heart was a lot more solid, and instead of leaving Washington immediately the next day, he compromised and shortened the original four-day tour plan to two days.

Take care of what needed to be taken care of before going back.

Early the next morning, Luke went to the Natural History Museum with his family.

Luke was still quite excited about the museum.

There were a lot of people visiting the Natural History Museum, mostly parents with their children, and Luke and the others went to the site half an hour earlier to line up.

The museum only opened at ten in the morning, Luke’s family entered the museum with the crowd.

Entering the first floor hall, they saw a huge specimen of African wild elephant.

On the second floor was the Mineral and Gemstone Exhibition Hall, which was said to have exhibited the ‘Star of Hope’, a blue diamond weighing 45 grams.

Each exhibition hall had its own special place, in which extremely realistic natural bio-chains were restored, allowing visitors to learn while visiting.

Near noon, Luke and the others finished strolling through the Natural History Museum, not to mention minors like Little Fatty, Luke himself felt that he had benefited a lot.

After lunch, the family went to the Library of Congress.

However, Luke himself didn’t go, but asked to meet with Orty.

K Street.

The street is located between Capitol Hill and White G, from west to east, across the northern part of Washington, D.C., is the United States famous “said a street”.

Here gathered a large number of think tanks, lobbying groups, public relations firms, civic organizations, international headquarters, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund also settled here.

If New York “Wall Street” is an international financial center, that Washington “K Street” can be said to be the center of the international political changes.

Luke and Ortiz strolling in the streets of Washington, the weather has turned cold, Ortiz wearing a khaki windbreaker, gray stockings, figure wonderful, turnover rate is very high.

The two people did not walk fast, Luke walked while observing the square gray buildings on both sides.

After leaving this time, there was a high probability that he wouldn’t come to Washington for a short period of time.

Luke is famous in Los Angeles, but also a little power, is considered a snake, belongs to as long as you do not die, no one is willing to provoke the existence of.

But in Washington is a small fish, people set off a wave, even if only by the aftermath of the wave, may also knock him over.

Just like the award together with the Mexican-American civilians, the forces behind it are obviously aimed at the king of understanding, understanding the king may also be a little unhappy because of this, but that’s all, while this Mexican-American civilians were shot dead on the beach.

Physically unharmed, but already socially dead and miserable.

Orty stopped and pointed ahead to an eight-story gray building, “The Pinkerton Detective Agency is headquartered here.”

“The whole building?”

“No, only the eighth and seventh floors are. If you knew the rent prices here, you wouldn’t ask that.”

Orty led Luke straight up the elevator to the eighth floor.

Once off the elevator, two men in suits stood at the door, and Orty flashed an ID before the two were allowed into the hallway.

There were about ten offices in a building, and most of the offices had glass doors, Luke could see the environment in the office through the glass, and it didn’t feel any different from an ordinary company.

This made Luke a bit surprised.

Before, Luke had been wondering what the headquarters of the big-name Pinkerton Detective Agency would be like.

Luke had thought of various possibilities, such as an underground building, a hidden alleyway, etc., only he did not expect it to be this kind of scenario, and if he did not know it he would have thought that he had come to a lawyer’s office.

Under the leadership of Orty, Luke entered the easternmost office, a large office area, divided into a lot of independent small office rooms, the position by the window is separated by glass some independent offices, the windows are covered with blinds, privacy is not considered too good.

Along the passageway to the inside, the easternmost side is a solid wall office, wooden door, completely unable to see the inside, is also the best privacy of an office.

Luke scanned the office, which had no sign on the door.

Next to the office was a desk with a white woman in her forties sitting behind it.

“Good afternoon Ms. Mena, I’m here to see the president.”

“Hello Ms. Dean.”

Ms. Mena glanced at Luke and nodded her head before walking over to the office and knocking on the door, “Knock knock ……”

“Come in.”

Ms. Mena opened the door and said, “President, Ms. Dean is here.”

“Invite her in for me.” A man’s voice came from the room.

Ms. Mena stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Orty led Luke into the office.

A slightly balding white man in his mid-fifties rose to greet him, “It’s been a long time, Orty.

Mr. Lee, good to see you.”

“Same here, President Bailey.”

The man in front of him was Kundula Bailey, the president of the North American office of the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

“Both of you please take a seat.” Kundula Bailey gestured for the two to sit on the sofa.

Ms. Mena walked in with a tray, placed three cups of black tea on the coffee table, closed the door to the room and went out.

Kundula Bailey said, “Mr. Lee, I’ve wanted to meet you since the last Las Vegas shooting.

I knew you would be a hero, and this troubled world needs heroes like you.”

Luke said, “I do have the ability to be a hero and have done some things that qualify as heroic behavior.

But people’s definition of a hero is more of a moral and spiritual thing, and I don’t like that being artificially defined.”

Kundula Bailey nodded, “I can see what you mean, it’s kind of like the American election, where every candidate seems righteous and full of endless enthusiasm and selflessness for this country.

But secretly who can stand up to investigation?

There are two sides to people, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It’s enough to show people the side they want to see.

You’re the hero in their minds, not that you wish it, but they wish they had one that would make them feel safer.”

“Hearing you say that makes me much more honest.” In fact, there was a worry in Luke’s mind while receiving the award, once he was defined as a ‘hero’, he would receive more attention and some of his behaviors would be magnified.

Now that he thought about it, which of the previous presidents did not have any black materials, but they did not walk up to the high position just the same, compared to that, Luke’s words, behavior and deeds were much safer than theirs.

“Mr. Lee, you have had several collaborations with the firm after you were hired as a consultant and helped the firm complete several commissions.

Your ability is outstanding, and the firm would like to deepen its relationship with you.”

“In what way?”

“For example, we can set up a separate detective team for you.

If there is a suitable commission it will be directly assigned to your team, and you will be responsible for leading and assigning tasks, what do you think?”

This matter, Orty had not mentioned beforehand, Luke twisted his head to look at Orty, and found that she was also a bit surprised.

Luke thought briefly, “President Bailey, thank you for your trust, and your proposal is very heartwarming.

But I’m very happy with the way I live and work now, and with the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

I get along well with Orty, and if the detective agency needs me for anything, you can have her contact me.

I’ll do what I can.”

There were two main considerations for Luke in declining Kundula Bailey’s offer.

The first aspect was that Luke was more satisfied with his current state, his work was still focused on the police department, and if he agreed to the offer to set up a team, he would inevitably have to focus more on detective work.

He was not short of money now, there was no need to make himself so tired.

On the second hand, detective work inevitably intersects with cases, and this is when the conversation is a bit M-sense, even when talking to the more familiar Orty, Luke will use the detection card.

If he leads another team of detectives, the number of probe cards used will greatly increase, some of the loss is not worth it.

All things considered, Luke still felt that it would be better to have a contact person with the detective agency, and Orty could fill that role very well.

“Okay, I respect your decision.” Kundula Bailey didn’t force the issue and changed the topic of conversation.

Both sides chatted for a while longer, and after half an hour Luke excused himself and left.

A little after three in the afternoon, Luke and Orty strolled through the streets of Washington.

Orty twisted his head to look aside at Luke, “Thank you.”

Luke had rejected Kundula Bailey’s offer in his own self-interest, but it did indirectly help Orty, and once Luke set up his own team of detectives, the role of Orty as a contact person would be greatly weakened.

“Thank you can’t just say it with your mouth, it’s too insincere.”

Orty thought for a moment, “There’s a nice cafe out front, I’ll buy you afternoon tea.”

“Sounds good, it’s the first time a woman has bought me afternoon tea.”

“Let’s go then, maybe you’ll like the feel of it, it’s a lot cheaper than a hotel room.”

“I still prefer the hotel pool.”

Orty “……”

The two entered the cafe and found a seat by the window, where Orty ordered two coffees and two desserts.

The hand-ground coffee and desserts were exquisite, and the two of them chatted as they sipped their afternoon tea, Luke kinda enjoying the laid back feeling.

There were two televisions hanging over the bar where the coffee was ordered, one was showing a movie and the other was showing the news.

“Hello everyone, this is CBG TV reporter Fleet Matos with a news story.

In the early hours of this morning, the Washington police received a report of an illegal s-exchange at the Marriott Hotel, and in a raid, the police caught five women selling silver and six johns, one of whom was named Fata’u Brandi, a suspected firefighter who was awarded the Public Safety Officer’s Medal of Valor just yesterday ……”

Luke slapped his forehead and sighed, “FUCK, what a dumbass.”

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