Chapter 32

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:51:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Steven was taken away by his lawyer.

Marcus shrugged, “Just let him go?”

Susan said, “Steven didn’t take the pictures, there’s no reason to detain him under California law.”

Jenny asked, “He had a motive?”

“Motive cannot be used as evidence.” Susan remained serious.

Luke was also a little depressed, if this were in the country where would a lawyer have anything to do with it.

As long as Steven has a motive, the trial will be straightforward.

Steven has suspicion, further investigation.

There is no problem, but also his innocence, the police can put the investigation energy into other directions, but also faster to rescue Alisa.

But California has California’s laws, and that set is not suitable for Los Angeles.

David sighed: “I just deliberately provoked Steven, his emotions do not look like faking, can feel his feelings for his wife.

I think …… Alisa’s disappearance probably has nothing to do with him.”

David finished and then looked at Luke who was on the side, “What do you think?”

Luke shook his head, “I don’t have a wife.”

The lieutenant smiled, “Captain, what do we do next?”

“Everyone split up and investigate, reorganize the clues, find the common traits of the three victims, maybe we can find new clues.” Susan put down a word and returned to the captain’s office.

The lieutenant bristled, looking like I knew it all along.

David asked, “What do you have in mind, Lieutenant?”

“The captain doesn’t have any, what new idea can I have.”

“Come on, everyone knows you’re resourceful and old, don’t be modest.”

The vice squad took out a comb from his pocket and gathered his hair, “From the clues so far, the key figure is still Tony Weir, the modified taser was bought by him, never mind who is the suspect of the robbery, he can’t be bypassed, and will inevitably have some kind of intersection with him.

If Tony himself is the suspect, then he must also have some connection with the victim, so we now put our investigative thoughts into the connection between Harry, Steven, Alisa and Tony.

Of course, the focus is on investigating Steven.”

Matthew said, “I’ve already checked before, Tony and these three people shouldn’t have any direct connection.”

“That’s right, Tony as an identity may not have one, but you mustn’t forget that Tony only assumed a fake identity for twenty years, and the other party has a real identity. What if the other party is connected to these three using a real identity?” The lieutenant concluded.

“Thoroughly investigate the peripheral connections of these three people to see if there is anyone suspected of being Tony Weir.”

“Yes, captain.”

“Yes lieutenant, don’t make me correct you again.”


Luke asked Daisy to meet him at the Fly Bar.

Through a few encounters, Luke felt pretty good about Daisy.

To put it bluntly, he was craving her body.

He had had girlfriends in his past life, but had never really talked about a foreign girl.

Kinda looking forward to it.

Eight o’clock.

Luke met Daisy in front of the bar.

Daisy was wearing a black professional dress, although it was work clothes, it was still hard to hide Daisy’s curvaceous curves, but she just looked a little tired.

“SORRY, made you wait for me again.”

“I just got here too, go on in.”

The two entered the bar and found a small square table with seating for two.

Luke ordered two drinks and a fruit plate, and the waiter picked up some free snacks for the two.

Of course, a tip was not to be missed.

Coming to Los Angeles, it was the first time Luke had the idea of picking up girls.

Different countries, cultures and races, Luke’s previous set of methods of picking up girls might not work, I’m afraid.

He was still in the figuring out stage.

“You come to this bar often?”

“My family lives in this neighborhood, sometimes I’ll stop by for a drink on my way home from work to feel the smoky atmosphere.”

“That doesn’t sound like something a pretty girl in her twenties should say.”

Daisy smiled, “What about you? Work a lot of overtime too?”

“I used to work overtime a lot, but I got injured a while ago and it made me realize that there’s a lot more to life than just work. I try not to work overtime now when I can. Unless there are special circumstances or major clues.”

“Is your captain okay with that? Even though I’ve only met her once, I get the impression she’s pretty serious.”

“You’ve asked the right question, I’m actively striving to prove to her that I can do my share of the work without working overtime. It seems to be working pretty well right now.”

The waiter came over with a tray and served a small fruit plate and two glasses of wine.

“Cheers,” the two men exchanged a toast.

Daisy set her glass down, “By the way, how’s the Taser robbery going? Oh, you can keep it to yourself if there’s a confidentiality clause involved.”

Luke ate a slice of orange, “The case is more complicated than expected, we’ve identified a couple of suspicious people but there’s no direct evidence of them committing the crime, it’s at a standstill right now.”

Daisy asked, “Can you confirm that Tim, the suspect who robbed me, is not a suspect in the ‘Taser Robbery’?”

Luke nodded, “He has alibis for the first two Taser robberies.”

“I can’t believe my luck is that bad even now, I just left the house and was just targeted by a mugger.”

“It’s possible you’re just too bright.”

Daisy raised her glass in a gesture, “Anyway, thank you for arriving in time, otherwise …… I would have been embarrassed.”

Luke raised his glass as well, “Here’s to your car tire, which gave us this bond.”

Daisy laughed and joked, “Yea, I’m going to get separate insurance for it.”

“Haha ……,” Luke laughed.

The two then fell into a brief silence.

Luke resumed the conversation, “How have the last two days been? Any suspicious people bothering you.”

“No, but …… I work all day during the day, and I still get a little unsettled when I come home alone at night.”

“Then you should consider getting a roommate.”

“I’m still used to living alone.”

Luke more or less lost it, “Then install a monitor.”

“I don’t like surveillance, it feels like I’m the one being watched and it makes me more mentally nervous.”

The idea was very American, but Daisy was right, hackers could indeed reverse surveillance.

“Then take some tips.”

“What little tricks.”

“For example, get an inconspicuous piece of thin string and clip it to the door of the house, and before you go home check to see if the string has moved.

If the string falls or changes position, it means that someone may have entered the house. It may not be completely effective, but it saves time and money.”

Daisy thought for a moment, “That doesn’t sound too bad, I’ll give it a try.”

“Hey, feel free to call me if anything suspicious comes up.”


After chatting a bit more, Luke offered to give Daisy a ride home.

The two skipped the street for a while and walked to Daisy’s house.

Daisy’s house was a two-story villa, and with the lights in the dark, it did get a little scary living alone.

“Do you need me to walk you in?”

“No, I appreciate you taking me home.” Daisy spread her hands and seemed a bit embarrassed as well, “I’ll buy you a drink some day.”

“Not buying me in for a cup of coffee?”

Daisy smiled and pursed her red lips, “I do have this idea, however, I have to go to court tomorrow morning, I have to rest early in a while ……”

“Work is important, I can understand that. You go on in, strong woman.”

“BYE,” Daisy snorted and went home.

Daisy entered the house, turned on the light, and stood by the window waving at Luke.

Luke waved and turned to leave.

“Dingdong ……”

Daisy sent a text, “See you tomorrow.”

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