Chapter 321

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Western Division.

John, the old rookie, walked into the conference room through the back door, greeted his colleagues around him, and took a seat in the front row.

Lucy sat beside him, and the two chatted in a low voice for a few moments.

Not long afterward, a middle-aged black man in a police uniform walked up to the conference room podium from the front door.

John walked up and greeted him, “Superintendent Gray, I’d like to talk to you.”

“Talk about what?”

“About that false alarm case, Lucy and I worked overtime yesterday to investigate and found some new clues.”

“New leads?”

“Yes.” John was confident.

“I see, why don’t you sit back down first.”

“Superintendent, I haven’t said what the clues are?”

Superintendent Gray said lightly, “John, I appreciate your work ethic, but it’s no longer needed.”


We searched the convenience stores around the cell phone signal and found all the customer profiles or photos of recent disposable cell phone purchasers, and by lining up those people, we’re likely to find the suspect who filed the false police report.”

“You’ve made a good point, and you’re doing a good job, so it’s encouraging.” Superintendent Gray’s words changed, “However, last night’s robbery and murder division has already caught the person who filed a false police report.”

“Caught!” It was John’s turn to be surprised, “Caught so soon?”

“That’s right, Captain Lee personally led the arrest, not to mention that you didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect to catch the suspect so quickly either.”

Hearing Superintendent Gray’s words, John walked back to his seat somewhat disoriented.

Lucy asked, “What’s wrong with you? The superintendent didn’t praise you?”

John didn’t answer, still looking preoccupied.

“What the hell happened?” Lucy said with concern.

John took a deep breath, “Do you …… want to see me run around naked?”

Lucy “……”

Ten o’clock in the morning.

105 Prendergast Neighborhood.

A black Dodge pulls up to the curb.

Black stepped out of the car and glanced at Jackson next to him, “Rookie, you look excited today.”

“Shouldn’t we be happy that we solved the case?” Jackson asked back.

“Come on, a case like this is no hardship at all, it doesn’t even rank in the Robbery-Murder Division, I can’t think of anything to be proud of.”

“I made a bet with my former coworkers in the Western Division, a race to see who could catch the first person to file a false police report, and the loser would have to run around naked.”

Black smiled, “Why didn’t you tell me something so meaningful?”

“It’s not too late to know.”

“Can I go watch?”

“That’s a bit difficult, I’d have to get his permission to do that.”

“Male or female?”

“Male, you know him too.”

“The old rookie?”

“That’s right.”

“Forget it then, I’m not interested in middle-aged or old people being naked.” Black shook his head and walked right up to Jaime Robinson’s door and said to Jackson, who was off to the side, “Detective Jackson, what are you waiting for, knock.”

“As you wish, Detective Marcus.” Jackson bristled.

“Knock knock.”

A moment later, the door opened.

Jaime Robinson stood in the doorway and questioned, “What are you doing here again?”

Blackie said, “Mr. Robinson, we came over to make sure you’re safe and see if you’re abnormal.”

“I’m fine, you guys can leave now.”

Blacky blocked the door, “Hey, isn’t there anything you want to say?”

“Say what?”

“I’m the one asking you.”

“What kind of attitude is that?

I haven’t even filed a complaint against you for shooting me with a stun gun.

Now you’re coming after me again.

Do you guys think I’m easy to bully?

Better get out of my sight or I’ll definitely sue you guys.”

Jackson said, “Mr. Robinson, we’re here about the false alarm case.”

“Look, investigating the case is your business, I’ve already told you all I know, so don’t bother me about this anymore, OK?”

Xiao Hei said, “We came here today to tell you that we have caught the suspect who filed a false police report.”

“You guys caught it?” It was Jaime Robinson’s turn to be surprised.

“That’s right.”

“Uh …… where is the person who filed the false police report? What’s the name?”

“Far away and close by.” Black waved his right index finger and pointed it at Jaime Robinson.

“Don’t be ridiculous, how could I call the police on myself and have them shoot me at gunpoint.

I’m the victim and the one who called the fake police was female, you guys are unbelievable.”

“It’s true that you didn’t make the 911 call, it was made by a woman named Suri Matic, and according to her identification, you were a co-conspirator as well.”

“What are you saying? Suri Matich identified me!” Jaime Robinson was shocked.

“That’s right, and that’s why we’re here today.” Blackie flashed his handcuffs.

“Hey, hey, hey, you guys must be mistaken.” Jaime Robinson hastily stepped back, “I have nothing to do with the false alarm case at all, I’m the victim.”

“If it had nothing to do with it, why did Suri Matich identify you as an accomplice?”

“She actually identified me?”

“How else would we know and why did we come to your house?”

“Jesus Christ, why would she do that.” Jaime Robinson gave a look of disappointment and disbelief, “I really had nothing to do with this. I don’t know why, but she’s lying.”

Jackson asked, “Do you know Suri Matic?”

“Uh …… yeah, we’re friends.”

Jackson asked, “And do you know that she was the one who filed the false police report?”

Jaime Robinson hesitated, “I …… don’t know.”

Jackson made a note in his book and asked, “Since you guys are friends, you should be able to hear her voice.”

“We’re friends but we don’t see each other very much, mostly playing games together.”

“Computer games?”


Black pressed, “When was the last time you saw him?”

Jaime Robinson didn’t answer positively, “Does that have anything to do with the case?”

“All you have to do is answer. Think before you speak, lying will work against you.”

Jaime Robinson’s forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat and he hesitated for a long time, “Last night, I went to her house.”

“Why did you go to her house?”

“I’m sorry I lied earlier.

Captain Lee made me listen to the alarm recording, and it sounded like Suri Matic to me, but I wasn’t sure.

So, I thought I’d go to her house and ask for clarification.”

“If that’s the case, why didn’t you call the police, we hinted at it when we came here just now, but you still didn’t take the initiative to expose Suri Matich, why?”

“She wouldn’t admit it, and I wasn’t sure, so I didn’t.”

Blackie said, “That’s not what Suri Matich said. According to her, you know very well that she was the one who filed the false police report.”

“She lied, I don’t know.”

“Do you have any proof of that?”


“How do you usually communicate?”

“Mostly by computer.”

“That’s good then. You and I will get in the police car.

Jackson, take his computer mainframe and we’ll go back to the station and break it up.”

“Don’t touch my computer.”


“Computers are expensive and have important files on them, I’m afraid they’ll get broken.”

“We’ll take good care of it, don’t worry.”

Detective Bureau.

Last night, Luke led the men to arrest Suri Matich, and the case wasn’t much more suspenseful.

Solely, Luke dumped the case to Blackie and Jackson, leaving them in charge of finding out the follow-up of the case and whether there were any other people involved.

He himself cleared his mind.

Had a meeting in the morning to organize his work.

At about ten o’clock he deserted, ran to the gym, worked out for an hour, took a shower, and skipped to the Director’s office before going to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

After that, a lunch break of an hour or so.

At three in the afternoon, Luke came out of the office with his coffee cup.

“Marcus, how’s the case coming along?”

Blackie was confident, “Captain, we have basically found out the cause and effect of the case, and we are about to report to you.”

Luke sat down on his previous office chair, “Then tell us the details of the case, it’s almost time to close the case.”

“Ahem ……,” Black said as he cleared his throat.

“This morning, we brought Jaime Robinson back to the police station as well, there was a certain discrepancy between his and Suri Matich’s statements, we gave them separate statements to cross-reference.

After that, we investigated the contact records on their computers, and basically figured out the cause and effect of the false police report.”

Black walked over to the whiteboard and wrote down a name: “Jaime Robinson and Suri Matich both like to play online games, and that’s how they met.

The other day, Suri Matich was playing a game called ‘Persian Wonder’ with other friends, and she made a bet with her friends that the loser of the game would have to do something exciting.

As a result, Suri Matich lost.

Egged on by her friends, she chose to file a false police report.

In the process Suri Matich, out of nervousness, mistakenly gave out the address of Jaime Robinson’s house.

Jaime Robinson did not have this game called ‘Persian Miracle’ in his computer, the two of them met in a shooting game, beforehand, he should not have known about the false police report.

Later, the captain made him listen to the police recording, and he heard Suri Matich’s voice.

However, he did not choose to tell the police, but secretly went to meet Suri Martic at night.

Although he did not know about it beforehand, he chose to harbor Suri Matich afterwards.

That’s the basics of the case.”

Luke nodded, “Good, we can close the case.”

The vice squad grunted, “These assholes are really fed up, they actually ‘reported a false police report’ for the sake of excitement, they should really be thrown to the African grasslands to starve for a while.

This kind of person must not be let off easily, otherwise there will be more people who will follow their example of filing false police reports.

Wasting resources is one thing, and more importantly, people who really need the police’s help may not be able to get it.”

Luke said, “The vice squad has a point, I’ll communicate with the assistant prosecutor to teach them a deep lesson.”

Matthew intoned, “Guys, I found something on Jaime Robinson’s computer.”

Black reminded, “Matthew, it’s closed.”

Matthew said, “Not yet, I think he should add another charge.

Captain, you should come over and take a look.”

Luke walked over and checked Matthew’s computer with some surprise.

Only to see that a man and a woman were clapping for love on the screen, a very powerful image, and just looking at it, Luke’s brow furrowed.

Applauding for love wasn’t a big deal, but the problem was that the woman, no, I should say a black girl, was probably only twelve or thirteen years old.

“This is from Jaime Robinson’s computer?”

“Yes, this asshole actually likes to read this kind of stuff, Captain, shouldn’t we add a charge against him.”

“I will.” Luke nodded.

Simply colored content wasn’t illegal in Los Angeles, but it couldn’t have children in it.

There were also some differences between this and China, such as some people looking at other people’s children as cute and saving pictures of them taking a bath or having pictures of children peeing inside their cell phones.

In China, it’s probably just a joke, no harm, no foul.

In Los Angeles, it’s a big joke and a violation of the law.

Videos like this one of minors clapping for love are even more problematic.

The other team members came over to check it out and cringed.

The vice team couldn’t help but open their mouths to curse already, “FUCK, only perverts would like to watch this kind of stuff.”

Black gritted his teeth, “If I catch the man in the video, I will castrate him.”

Jackson frowned and pointed at the little girl on the screen, “I think I recognize her!”

“It is a little familiar.” Jenny said thoughtfully, “Seems to be the victim of a kidnapping – Olive Browning.”

Luke scrutinized the girl in the video and had little recollection, “When was the case, why don’t I remember.”

Blackie said, “I remember too, it was a case 3 months ago, you went to Las Vegas for fun at that time.

The one responsible for investigating the case was the second squadron, after the kidnappers demanded the ransom, the second squadron was understaffed, so we also participated in the deployment and arrest.

But the robbers didn’t come for the ransom and didn’t call again.

At that time, we all thought that the little girl had been torn apart, and everyone was so depressed after this happened that naturally no one took the initiative to mention it.”

Xiao Hei sighed and continued, “Once the Las Vegas shooting came out, causing a tragic case with nearly a thousand casualties, the heat of this case was immediately suppressed, and even the media stopped reporting on it.”

Matthew made a beeline for the computer and pointed at the screen, “I pulled up the information on the missing person, Liv Browning.”

Name, Liv Browning

Age, thirteen

Gender, female

Skin color, black

Date of disappearance, July 9th

Location of disappearance, Los Angeles

In the top right corner of the profile, there was also a picture of the girl, which was very similar to the girl in the video.


The vice squad hit the table hard and blew out their beards, “There will be no letting go of these brutes.”

Jackson said, “Everyone thought the robbers tore up the ticket before, but now it looks like Olive Browning might not be dead.

We still have a chance to save her.

There’s still a chance to make up for the mistake.”

Blackie said, “Good point, last time the captain was saving the tourists in Las Vegas.

With him this time, we can definitely save the girl.”

Ramon also had an angry look on his face, “Captain, we should do something.”

It was rare for First Squadron to be so united in their opinions, Luke nodded, “Jackson, take Jaime Robinson to the interrogation room, we need to ask about the source of the video, we may be able to find a lead on Olive Browning.”

“YES, Sir.”

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