Chapter 323

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:15
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Metzker’s Bar.

Luke was holding a glass of wine and chatting with a few police officers.

Luke said, “Jones, is that gray pickup out there new to you?”

“Yes, the latest Dodge RAM 1500, 6.2 liter Hemi V8 mechanically supercharged engine with 712 hp, mated to an 8-speed automatic transmission, handling is undeniable and worth owning.”

Jones pulled the keys out of his pocket and waved them around, “Wanna try the car?”

Blackie laughed, “Captain Jones, are you advertising?”

“Yea, that’s what I’m saying, hurry up and trade in your sissy car!”

Blacky “……”

“Haha ……”

The crowd burst into laughter.

Chen Kelin pulled the corner of his mouth with a leathery smile and walked over to Luke, “Luke, I want to talk to you.”

“Okay.” The two stepped aside and Luke asked, “Is it about Olive Browning?”

“Yes.” Chanclin nodded, “Let’s go somewhere quieter for a change, and I’ll buy you a late lunch.”

“Sounds good.”

One Pot Beef Restaurant.

It was a Chinese restaurant with red lanterns hanging at the entrance, Chinese menus and pictorials posted inside, and the decoration was also in the Chinese style.

At this time, it was already nine o’clock in the evening, and there were still two tables of guests left in the store.

Chen Kelin and Luke sat down on the stall outside the store’s entrance, and a Chinese waiter came over and asked, “What would you two like to eat?”

Chen Klin signaled and handed Luke the menu, “Luke, take a look.”

Luke took the menu to check it out, it was a restaurant that specialized in beef, and said, “Have one of your restaurant’s signature dishes, one pot of beef, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of cucumber.”

Luke handed the menu to Chen Kelin again, “Take a look.”

Hearing Luke’s order of the standard dish for his next drink, Chen Klin was a bit surprised and laughed, “Can I have a loose egg?”

“Of course.”

The wine was brought by Chen Kelin, who took a bottle of Guojiao 1573 from the trunk of the car.

There was only one new guest at their table, and the food was quickly served, three cold dishes and a beef pot.

Inside the pot there was beef brisket, beef tendon, beef tripe, beef whip, beef meatballs, with a large handful of chopped scallions and cilantro sprinkled on top.

Luke smelled the aroma, “Looks good.”

Chen Kelin introduced, “This store has been in business for decades, and hand-beaten beef meatballs are their specialty.”

Luke chucked a piece of beef whip first, “Tastes good.”

Chen Kelin smiled and poured Luke a glass of wine, “I’ll toast to you for the new clues in the case.”

Luke picked up the glass of wine and sniffed it, taking a sip, “This is the first time I’ve drank Guojiao, it tastes good.”

Chen Kelin put down the wine glass, “I heard that you put two cases of Wuliangye in the back of your car, is that true?”

“Who told you that?” Luke was a bit surprised.

Chen Kling shrugged, “The detective bureau has no secrets.”

“It’s a good wine, next time I might put in a case of Guojiao as well.” Luke took a bite of the food and asked, “Klin, you didn’t just find me here today to say thank you.”

Chen Kling poured Luke another glass of wine and said solemnly, “I would like to ask you to take over the case of Olive Browning’s kidnapping.”

Luke asked, “Why?”

“Chief Reed and I met with the parents of the kidnapped person this morning, and they’ve lost trust in the Second Squadron because the last time the kidnappers demanded ransom without success.

They’ve learned about you and know that you’ve solved a number of major cases, and they want the case to be taken over by you for investigation.”

Luke was a bit surprised, or the first time a victim’s family took the initiative to ask him to handle the case: “The bureau has the bureau’s rules, which department takes over the case also has the corresponding arrangements, I think it should still be considered comprehensively.

The victim’s family only understand some surface situation, not familiar with the internal affairs of the police station.

Moreover, the Second Squadron has handled Olive Browning’s case before and is more familiar with the case.”

Chen Klin said helplessly, “You’re right.

But the problem now is that the victim’s family no longer trusts the Second Squadron’s ability to handle the case.

If the Second Squadron continues to investigate the case again, they will feel uncomfortable in their hearts, and the Second Squadron will also be under pressure.

On the contrary, the first squadron can lighten up and the second squadron will assist you if needed.”

Luke said, “I’m still an acting captain.

It’s not good to let you, a more senior regular captain, assist me in investigating the case.”

“Some things can’t be taken at face value, although you are still junior in seniority, your ability is undoubted.

You still have a great future, as long as you get credit, promotion is only a matter of time.

But I …… am satisfied with my current position.” Chen Kelin wanted to say something.

Although Chen Kelin didn’t put words through, Luke understood what he meant, it should be the so-called ‘workplace ceiling’.

Except for a few extremely outstanding Chinese, most Chinese would encounter it.

Luke picked up his wine glass and clinked it with Chen Kelin: “I will seriously consider it.”

The following morning.

Reed approached Luke for a formal talk, hoping that the 1st Squadron would take over the case.

With things having come to this point, Luke did not hesitate any longer and agreed to take over the case of Olive Browning’s kidnapping.

He began to learn about the case in many ways.

First, Luke went to the Second Squadron to meet with Chen Kelin to learn about the case from him and get the case file.

In the afternoon, Luke invited Olive Browning’s parents to the police station to give a statement.

A black couple entered the conference room, Luke got up and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Browning, I am the captain of the 1st Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division, and I am now in charge of investigating the case of Olive Browning’s kidnapping.

I asked you to come here today to get a better understanding of the case.”

The black husband walked over and shook Luke’s hand, “Hello Captain Lee, I’m George Browning, Olive Browning’s father.”

“Please have a seat, both of you.”

George Browning said, “Captain Lee, I’ve heard a lot about you.

Since my daughter’s accident, I’ve been following the developments of the LAPD, and I know that you’re a very powerful detective who has solved many major cases, and that the vice mayor’s daughter was also rescued by you.

I’m grateful that you are willing to take over my daughter’s case, giving us hope again.”

Luke squarely said, “Mr. and Mrs. Browning, thank you for your trust, I will do my best to solve the case.”

Mrs. Browning choked up, “Thank you, I thank you for Olive.”

Luke nodded and said, “I’d like to find out how Olive Browning disappeared, it’s important, the more detail the better.”

George Browning recalled for a moment and said, “It was the night of July 9th, Olive’s classmate’s birthday, she went to a party at her classmate’s house, and it was agreed that the party would end at ten o’clock, and I would pick her up at her classmate’s house.

But at 9:10 p.m., Olive called and asked my wife to pick her up.

My wife was in the bathroom at the time, and I answered the phone. I asked her what was going on, but she wouldn’t say.

I realized then that something was wrong because we had previously agreed that I would be the one to pick her up from her classmate’s house, and now not only was she ahead of schedule, but her mother was being asked to pick her up, which was very counterintuitive.

I asked her if she was in danger. Was there someone next to her?

She said no and hung up her cell phone.” George Browning sighed, a pained look on his face, “My wife and I immediately drove to her classmate’s house and when we arrived, we couldn’t find her.

The classmates who were at the party said they saw her go out and make a phone call, and no one has seen her since.”

“It just happened without warning, my wife and I were desperate and just as we were about to mobilize people to look for her my phone rang and it was my daughter’s number.

I answered the call and the person who spoke was not my daughter but a man’s voice.

He said he had Olive and not to call the police or tell anyone else or he would just tear the ticket.

Then, told me to prepare a million dollars and wait for his call, and that he would release her as soon as he got the money.

After that, hung up the phone.”

“One million dollars in cash is not a small amount, can you guys get that amount?”

“I run a freight company, my financial situation is okay, I can come up with the money in two days.”

“When did you guys call the police?”

“On the matter of calling the police, my wife and I had a disagreement, she was worried about her daughter’s safety and wanted to pay the ransom to save her.

And I was worried that the kidnappers would not honor their word and would still tear the ticket after receiving the money, so I preferred to call the police.

In the end, our couple compromised with each other, raising money while secretly calling the police.

The one responsible for the investigation of the case was the Second Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division.

The next morning, the robber called on a disposable cell phone and told my wife to put the one million in cash in Sokkeli Park at ten o’clock in the evening, and she was only allowed to go alone.

I asked my daughter to answer the call as instructed by Captain Chan and I heard my daughter calling for help and that was the last time I heard her voice.

Captain Chan knew about the situation and started to set up control in Sokoli Park ahead of time.

My wife also went to deliver the ransom as instructed by the robbers, but the robbers never went to get the money and there was no news of my daughter.

I never understood why things turned out the way they did.”

Luke asked, “Have you heard from the robbers again in the meantime?”

“No. We always thought Olive …… had been killed.

Thank you for bringing news of Olive again.

I know she’s probably in a bad way now, but at least she’s alive.”

Mrs. Browning whimpered, “Captain Lee, please you must save my daughter, you are our last hope ……


“I’ll do my best.” Luke asked a few more questions and personally sent the couple away.

By giving a statement to the Browning couple, as well as Chen Kelin’s description and the dossier, Luke roughly understood the circumstances of Olive Browning’s kidnapping.

Once the Second Squadron was called in, they began to secretly investigate Olive Browning’s kidnapping, and also gave statements to the people who attended the party that day.

According to the students who attended the party that night, they did see Olive Browning leave the party in a panic, but did not know why she left.

The 2nd Squadron gave statements to those who attended the party and found no suspicious persons.

As for the suspect who demanded a ransom and then didn’t show up to pick it up, police have not been able to find out why.

The disposable cell phone could not be traced to its user either.

Eventually, all the clues broke down and it became an unsolved case until the 1st Squadron spotted Olive Browning on the tinted video.

After Luke understood the case, combined with the descriptions of the three people and the file, he also did not find anything suspicious, the Second Squadron that should be investigated have been investigated, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to investigate again, not to mention that after so much time has passed, it may not be clear.

Therefore, Luke put the focus of the investigation on the tinted videos, in which the man was wearing a mask and the girl’s appearance was clearly visible.

There were three girls in those tinted videos, and besides Olive Browning, the other two girls had not been identified, and Luke guessed that those two girls might also be missing persons.

The three girls were most likely kidnapped and held hostage by the same group of people, and finding out what happened to the other two girls would also help in the investigation of the case.

After Luke arranged the task, the first squadron split up to investigate.

Soon, through the comparison of the face database, the police found out the identity of the other girl.

Name, Tayana Haney.

Age, 11.

Color, white.

Place of residence, Los Angeles, 128 Virgil Neighborhood

Missing, June 5, 2022 (found, case dismissed)

Reported by Connor Haney (father-daughter relationship).

Seeing this information, Luke was pleasantly surprised, this girl had been found, perhaps she could provide some valuable clues.

Half an hour later.

Virgil Community 128.

Luke and Jenny got out of the car one after the other, the reason why he brought Jenny to investigate was because it would be more appropriate to have a female police officer in this kind of occasion.

Not far away was another car parked with Blackie and Jackson sitting in it on stakeout.

After finding out the information about Tayana Haney, Luke’s mind could not help but wonder why Tayana Haney was able to return home safely.

It was also for this reason that Luke was a little more wary.

“Knock knock ……” Jenny knocked on the door of the room.

After a while, the door to the room opened and a white middle-aged woman stood in the doorway, “What can I do for you guys?”

Jenny asked, “May I ask if this is Tayana Haney’s house?”

“Yes, who are you guys?”

Jenny flashed her badge, “LAPD, we’d like to find out about Tayana Haney.”

“Learn about what? I’m a little confused.”

“What is your relationship to Tayana Haney?”

“I’m her mother.”

“As far as we know, there was a missing person record for Tayana Hanni in June, and we’re here to verify the situation.”

“Oh, that was just a misunderstanding, a child playing pranks, and then she came back on her own. We’ve educated her and it won’t happen again.”

Luke asked, “Your daughter came back on her own?”


“Do you remember exactly when she disappeared and when she returned?”

“It’s been a couple months, I can’t remember, maybe a three or four days.”

“Did Tayana Haney tell you anything about what happened to her during the time she was away?”

“It was quite simple really, she felt that my husband and I favored her sister more, so she took a gamble and ran away from home, and then when her pocket money ran out, she ran back on her own.

There was nothing wrong with her, but instead the family was scared with her.”

“Is Tayana Haney at home? I want to talk to her.”

“She went to a friend’s house to play and hasn’t returned yet.”

“Ma’am, we’d like to talk to her in person.”

“I’m sorry to say that although my daughter has returned, it wasn’t a good memory.

I don’t want her to be having similar thoughts, so it’s better if you guys leave.

Thank you for your concern for my daughter, she is fine now.” After the woman finished speaking, she directly closed the door of the room.

Facing this situation, Jenny was a bit confused, “Captain, what do we do now?”

“Let’s go first.” Luke and the two of them got into the car and drove away from the Virgil community.

Not far away, Blackie had been observing the situation over here and took out his walkie-talkie and asked, “Captain, what’s happening?”

“Tayana Haney’s mother is at home, she hasn’t provided any valuable clues and doesn’t want us to see her daughter.

You guys continue to keep an eye on the neighborhood, confirm Tayana Hanni’s condition, and keep me posted.”

“YES, Sir.”

Luke recalled the conversation he had just had and could sense that the woman was hiding something.

What was the other woman hiding, did she know that her daughter had filmed a colored video?

Had Tayana Haney actually returned safely?

If she did come back, why were the kidnappers willing to let her go?

One by one, the doubts came to mind.

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