Chapter 326

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:23
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Everyone in the room was a little confused, it was clearly a case investigation, how did it get to aliens?

Luke asked, “Tayana, have you seen aliens?”

“I’ve said enough already, I can’t say any more or else ……,” Tayana Haney looked to her parents with a worried look on her face.

Blackie was a little hard of hearing, “Tayana, don’t be afraid, there are no aliens in this world.”

Tayana Hanny asked back, “The universe is so big, the earth is as small as a grain of dust, how do you know there are no aliens?”

Blackie “……”

Luke could see that to get the truth out of the little girl, he would have to settle for the aliens first.

Luke thought about it for a moment and Copped, “Tayana, you’re right, the universe is huge, and there could be other civilizations outside the galaxy.

But, precisely because the universe is so big, the likelihood of two different civilizations coming into contact is almost nil.” Luke’s words changed, “Tayana, have you ever won the lottery?”

“No. What does that have to do with the lottery?”

Luke explained, “The probability of you encountering aliens is lower than the probability of winning the lottery.

Instead of believing in something that can’t happen, why don’t you trust the police standing in front of you, we’re here to protect you.”

“But what if there really are aliens? They’ll kill my parents?”

“Have you ever seen an alien with your own eyes?”

“I’ve heard them.”

Luke said, “Seeing is believing, voices can be faked, and people who purposely disguise themselves as aliens in order to trick you are faking it.”


“You can ask your own parents if you don’t believe me.” Luke pointed to Mr. and Mrs. Haney.

Mrs. Haney wrapped her arms around her daughter, “Baby, there are no aliens in this world, God will bless you, don’t be afraid, the aliens are fake.”

Clemen Hanny also squatted down and encouraged, “Tayana, aliens are just works of art, what’s on TV and movies can’t be taken seriously.

Don’t you be afraid, be brave and say it.”

Hearing her parents’ encouragement, Tayana Hanny cried out loud, this kind of crying was not sadness, it was more like a kind of release.

Blackie said at the side, “Tayana, have you seen the Man in Black? Even if there really are aliens, you don’t have to be afraid, I will shoot them down with my own hands.

No one can hurt you.”

Encouraged by the crowd Tayana Haney looked up, “You guys will really protect me and mom and dad?”

Luke pulled out his pistol, “Of course, we’re ready.”

“Thanks.” With a sobbing voice, Tayana Haney looked at the gun in Luke’s hand, her emotions smoothing out.

“The aliens said that I was an Earthling-alien hybrid, that I was charged with the task of saving the planet, and that to accomplish that task, I would have to have sex with the other testers.

If the mission is not accomplished, my parents will be killed by the aliens and the Earth will be destroyed.”

“Who else is a tester besides you?”

“Mr. Toure is also a tester.”

“He had sex with you?”


“God, why did this happen! He’s a devil, why would he do such a thing ……” Mrs. Hanney covered her face and wept bitterly.

Clemen Hanney, too, as if stricken, looked angry and resentful, clenched his fists tightly, and gasped for breath.

“Besides you and Franco Toure, are there any other testers?”

“There’s also the man in the mask in the video, he’s a tester too.”

“Do you know his name?”

Tayana Haney thought for a moment, “Pecos, I think I heard Mr. Toure call him Pecos.”

Luke made a mental note of the name, “Were there any other testers besides the two of them?”

“I haven’t seen any other testers, however, I have seen a monitor.”

“What’s a monitor?”

“When the tester and I were clapping for love, he would be filming and recording from the sidelines, known as a monitor.”


These fucking brutes! @#$%…… “Clemen Hanny finally couldn’t help himself and cursed.

Not to mention the Hanny couple, the surrounding team members also had angry faces.

Luke continued to ask, “Do you know the name of that monitor?”


“When did you have contact with the alien?”

“When I was ten years old, Mr. Toure took me out for a playdate, and I was asleep in the RV when I was suddenly awakened by the voice of an alien, which knew my name and said that I had been chosen to be a beta tester and was charged with the responsibility of protecting my parents and the planet.”

“Where was Franco Toure at the time?”

“He was in the RV as well, we were both chosen as testers together.”

Luke was now basically certain that Franco Toure was bullying Tayana Hanny under the guise of being an alien, and at the same time, using Tayana Hanny’s parents as a threat in order to avoid her snitching.

Of course, if it were normal parents wouldn’t let a man without blood close to their daughter, so Franco Toure took care of Tayana Hanni’s parents before he approached her, giving them the false impression that he was in love with them.

The guy was an unapologetic creep.

If it wasn’t for the false alarm case that uncovered the video of Tayana Hanni being bullied, this would have never been discovered and Tayana Hanni would have been bullied all along.

Perhaps only when she grows up and has a sound world view will she realize that this is a hoax.

As for her parents, they simply didn’t do their due diligence.

Some people who didn’t even live their own lives, whose lives were a mess, didn’t deserve to be parents at all.

Luke pressed down the contempt in his heart, “How many times have you seen the Monitor?”

“Four times.”

“Where was the location of each meeting?”

“Each time Mr. Toure drove me, I usually slept in the car and when I woke up I was in a house, it was so small I didn’t know exactly where it was.”

“Have you seen any girls your own age?”


“Ever met a female tester?”


“Can you describe the appearance of the male tester in the video?”

“Cannot. He wore a mask the whole time.”

“What about the monitor?”


“You describe his physical features.”

Luke got a pen and paper and prepared to draw a sketch portrait of the monitor.

Ten o’clock the following morning.

Luke held a case summarization meeting at the Robbery-Murder Division.

Luke posted photos and sketches of the three suspects on a whiteboard.

“Based on Tayana Haney’s description, there are now three known suspects, Franco Toure, the masked man in the video, and the photographer.

We have now identified Franco Toure, who may be at large in a caravan, and I have applied for a BOLO.

The masked man in the video is most likely named Pecos.

The identity of the cameraman is not yet known, but I have drawn a forensic sketch portrait of him.

That’s all the information on the three suspects.”

Jenny said, “Although Tayana Haney has been released home, Tayana Haney’s parents are so unreliable, should we take some precautions?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’d like to contact the child welfare agency to evaluate the couple’s guardianship.”

Blackie said, “Good idea, I raise my hands in favor of it.”

The vice squad grunted, “Do we still need to evaluate? People like that don’t deserve to be parents at all, and they have the nerve to have two daughters.”

Jackson said, “But from what I’ve observed, Tayana Haney is deeply attached to her parents, and Franco Toure is using her concern for her parents to blackmail her so that she won’t dare to tell anyone else about the bullying.

Taking her away from her parents could cause a second wound.”

“Let’s do what Jenny said, the rest is not our concern.

The next priority is still rescuing the two kidnapped teenage girls.” Luke set the tone and began to organize the tasks after a slight pause.

“Ramon, Jenny, you contact the parents of the first victim, Olive Browning, and ask them to identify the three suspects.

If they recognize these three suspects, there may be further breakthroughs in the case.”

“YES, Sir.”

“Knock knock ……”

Half an hour later, a knock sounded outside Luke’s office.

“Come in.”

Matthew walked into the office, “Captain, the tech team over there found the identity of the third girl through facial recognition, and I pulled her information from the database.”

Matthew put a piece of information in front of Luke.

Name, Merry Gandhi

Age, thirteen

Color, brown

Race, Indian American

Residential address, Los Angeles, 209 Maumelle neighborhood.

Time of disappearance, September 14th.

Reported by, Alabu Gandhi (Relationship, father and daughter)

“Nice work.” Luke finished reading the information and swept a glance at Matthew, seeing that his eyes were bloodshot and he wasn’t in very good shape.

“Work is important, but you also need to rest.”

Matthew sighed, “I can’t sleep well for a day without catching those bastards.”

Luke said, “There’s no end to catching bad guys.”

“You’re right.” Matthew nodded and laughed, “I even used a few tricks to catch those perverts.”

Luke was curious, “What kind of tricks?”

“I can’t tell you yet, just wait and see what happens.”

“OK, I’ll wait and see.” Luke exited the office with Matthew and said to the crowd, “Guys, we’ve got another lead.”

Half an hour later, an Indian-origin couple arrived at the Robbery and Murder Division in a hurry.

“Which is Captain Luke Lee, I’m Merry Gandhi’s father, Arap Gandhi, have you heard from my daughter?”

Luke got up and said, “Hello Mr. Gandhi, I’m Luke Lee.”

The Indian-American woman had tears in her eyes and said, “Captain Lee, have you found my daughter?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Gandhi, please sit down and listen to me slowly.” Luke invited the two to sit down and explained, “We have found out some clues about Merry Gandhi, but we haven’t found her whereabouts yet.”

“What leads?”

“When we were investigating another case, we found some videos on the computers of the people involved, and your daughter was spotted in the videos.

We’ve got some leads now, and we’ve asked you to come here to find out something about the circumstances surrounding Merry Gandhi’s disappearance as well.”

Mrs. Gandhi said, “Can I see the video? I’d like to know how she is now.”

“The content of the video is not very good and I don’t recommend that you two watch it.”

Arap Gandhi pleaded, “Captain Lee, let us see it, we want to know how she is now.”

Luke politely declined, “These videos also relate to other cases and cannot just be viewed as evidence, sorry.”

Mrs. Gandhi asked, “So can you find my daughter?”

“We will do our best to find her, but we need your assistance.”

“What is required of us?”

“Describe the circumstances of your daughter’s disappearance?”

The couple gave a pained look and fell into remembrance.

After a few moments, Mrs. Gandhi slowly said, “My daughter disappeared on August 14th; she went to study dance after school that day, and since the class was not far from the school and she had her classmates for company, I did not go to see her off.

Usually, it is my husband after work at seven o’clock on the way to the training course to pick her up, but that day my husband temporarily working overtime, arrived half an hour late …… when he arrived, has not been able to find my daughter.”

Mrs. Gandhi with a sobbing voice: “We asked the teachers and classmates of the training course, they said that my daughter left after class and no one has seen her since.

I didn’t look all around but couldn’t find her.

We also called the police, who likewise failed to find her whereabouts.”

Luke asked, “Have you received any blackmail calls?”

Arap Gandhi said, “No.

We thought our daughter had been kidnapped at first too, but there have been no ransom calls, and it’s as if my daughter has evaporated, never to be heard from again.”

“Have you offended anyone?”

“No, we have always been good to people.”

“Then do you think Merry Gandhi ran away from home, or was she kidnapped?”

Mrs. Gandhi sounded certain, “My daughter would never run away from home, she must have been kidnapped.

My poor daughter, I can’t believe what has happened to her all this time.

Captain Lee, please you must save my daughter.”

Luke said, “Mr. and Mrs. Gandhi, we have identified three suspicious persons and would like to ask for your assistance in identifying them.”

“Can do.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Franco Toure, “Do you recognize him?”

The two men took a closer look and Arap Gandhi replied, “No.”

Luke pulled out the sketched portrait of the photographer again, “Do you recognize this man?”

“Is there a picture?”


The two men looked closely at the sketch portrait again and Arap Gandhi shook his head, “Doesn’t ring a bell.”

Finally, Luke pulled out a screenshot of the man in the video, “Do you recognize this man?”

“He’s wearing a mask, I don’t recognize him.” Arap Gandhi frowned and questioned, “Why is he shirtless? What is he doing?”

Luke said perfunctorily, “All we have is video of him wearing a mask, and besides, for all we know his name might be Pecos, does that name ring a bell with you guys?”

“Pecos?” Arap Gandhi repeated.


Arap Gandhi gave an angry look, “I can’t believe it’s this asshole! I trusted him so much to kidnap my daughter!”

“You know him?”

“He is my colleague, my subordinate to be exact.

I’ve always held him in high regard, I didn’t think he would do something like this.”

“Where is he now?”

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