Chapter 328

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light


Several police cars with flashing lights and sirens surrounded the two SUV cars.

Blackie laughed, “Guys, things don’t look good for you.”

“Shut up, dead pervert guy.” The black framed glasses man shoved him, pushing Blackie into the SUV cars.

The burly black man turned to another coworker and said, “Botu, keep an eye on this guy, don’t let the LAPD guys take him.”

The man known as Botu asked back, “How did they get the message?”

The burly black man said, “This group of LAPD is like hyenas, they must have gotten the scent, and I can’t think of anything good about them other than the fact that they are outnumbered.

You just keep an eye on that pervert and leave the rest to us.”

The man with the black-framed glasses chimed in, “That’s right, we’re the ones who arrested the person first, no part of them.”

Luke walked out of the car with a group of police officers heavily armed and questioned, “Who are you people?”

The man with the black-framed glasses flashed his ID, “FBI Agent Javier Mott, what division are you from?”

“Captain of Squadron One, Robbery and Murder Division, Luke Lee.” Luke flashed his credentials as well and asked rhetorically, “Where’s the guy you just dealt with?”

The man with black-framed glasses replied, “You said that pervert who likes little girls, we’ve been staring at him for half a month, so we can only say …… that you guys are a step late.”

Luke laughed, “You guys have been staring at him for half a month?”

The black burly man concurred, “That’s right, we caught the person, we have to be the first to investigate.”

“Haha ……”

The surrounding group of police officers laughed.

The man with the black-framed glasses seemed to notice that something was wrong and frowned, “Is there a problem?”

“It seems like you guys haven’t gotten the message yet.” Luke shook his head, these FBI saw the police coming and instinctively thought that the police were here to take credit, not realizing that the connectors were also police officers.

“You idiots let go of me, I’m a detective, not the pervert you’re after!” The car resounded with Blackie’s shouting and cursing.

At once, the three FBI agents were embarrassed, no wonder the police came so fast, the original transaction object was also a police officer.

The FBI agents’ slow reaction did not mean that they were stupid, they were just surprised by the police’s sudden move, worried about being robbed of the credit, and didn’t think deeper.

FBI agent Javier Mott asked with some embarrassment, “Captain Lee, that deal was with a police officer as well?”

“Of course, you guys better not have hurt him.”

“Sorry, we thought he was really a T-fetishist.”

FBI agent Javier Mott opened the car door and invited Blackie out of the car, releasing his handcuffs, “SORRY, man, it’s because we didn’t understand the situation.”

The burly black man was a little depressed and stifled, “Why didn’t you say you were a cop earlier?”

Blackie asked back, “Are you blaming me for this?

I was on a mission, and without receiving permission from my superiors I could have randomly exposed my identity?

Besides, even if I say I am a police officer, you may not believe me.”

“Is it hard to apologize to my people?” Luke’s tone was a bit dissatisfied, and the police officers behind him gathered around.

“SORRY, it’s us who didn’t verify the situation clearly.” The black burly man also gave in.

“Pay attention next time.” Luke dropped a sentence and left with the constables.

Jackson suggested, “Captain, should we exchange some information with them?”

Black rubbed his wrist, “Do these three goods look like people with important information?”

Luke agreed that it was unlikely, but he was a man who could listen to advice, “Jackson, stay and communicate with them.”

“YES, Sir.”

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One office.

“SORRY, I didn’t realize it was the FBI fishing.” Matthew was carrying a bag in his hand, “I got hand ground coffee and donuts.”

The lieutenant picked up the donut and took a bite, “I forgive you.”

Blackie took the coffee cup, “Lieutenant, if I remember correctly, you weren’t supposed to be there for the trade last night, that should have come from me.”

Vice Squad shrugged, “Is it necessary to be that clear-cut?”

“That’s because you didn’t see what happened to me, being held at gunpoint by three FBI’s and almost getting my head blown off.”

The lieutenant laughed, “What were those idiots up to? Why did you run into them so coincidentally?”

Black spat, “Hell if I know, I even wondered if they were guarding that acreage of the Darknet every day fishing.”

Jackson replied, “You guessed it.

I talked to them, and the FBI does have a department dedicated to keeping an eye on the darknet, and once a wrongful transaction occurs on the darknet, and the address can be traced, the local FBI will be notified to enforce the law.

So, the dark web isn’t as safe as one might think.”

Luke asked, “Do the FBI people have any leads on the three suspects?”

“No, they just got a tip from the department in charge of monitoring the Darknet to come and arrest the ‘big fish’ in the deal.”

Black grumbled, “That means I got caught last night for nothing and got called a pervert by three idiots.

Didn’t they sense the cop vibe on me?”

The lieutenant added, “I don’t think that’s anything to complain about, I’m the one who couldn’t feel it either.”

Black glared at Vice Squad, somewhat helplessly, “I’ll take that as a compliment on my acting skills.”

The lieutenant laughed, “You have a real good heart.”

“Bad old man.” Blackie bristled and muttered in a low voice.

“Ringing ……”

Xiao Hei’s cell phone rang, he glanced at it and went out to answer it.

Jenny said, “Captain, Olive Browning’s father called just now, inquiring about the progress of the investigation of the case, and they want to know the victim’s current well-being.”

Luke sighed, “Lieutenant, you’re experienced, do you think there’s any chance the other two victims are still alive?”

The lieutenant thought for a moment, “It depends on what they kidnapped the two girls for.

But from the way they treated the first victim girl, Tayana Hanni, there is still some hope for the other two girls to survive.”

“Cluck ……” Blackie pushed his way through the door, “Guys, I got a lead on the third suspect monitor (photographer).”

Luke praised, “As expected of Detective Marcus, tell us about it.”

“I gave the sketch image of the suspect to a friend of the gang and told them that this guy likes to make tinted videos and probably works in a similar line of work.

One of the gang fellows deals with similar trades on a regular basis and recognized the guy’s sketch likeness.

Knew his name was Soba, but not his full name, but he had the other guy’s cell phone number, 626 876 2578.”

“Good.” Luke responded, “Matthew, look up the information on this cell phone number.”

“Give me five minutes.” Matthew took a beat at the computer and quickly found the owner’s information.

Name, Soba Doyle.

Age, 32 years old

Skin color, black

Address, 309 Athanasius Community.

Social Security number, 623-53-7342.

Prior offenses, unlawful taking of photographs, extortion

“Ta-da.” Black snapped his fingers, “This guy fits the suspect profile.”

Matthew said, “Guys, I’ve also got a record of a plane ticket purchase, 1:00 PM today LAX to Saravik, Alaska.”

The lieutenant said, “This guy is definitely on the run, and once he gets to sparsely populated Alaska, it’s going to be hard to make our wanted posters work.”

Luke instructed, “Lieutenant, you are responsible for locating this cell phone number.

Ramon, Jenny, you take people to his house to investigate.

The others follow me to LAX.”

“YES, Sir.”

The crowd split up.

Los Angeles International Airport.

A black man with dirty braids sat on a bench fiddling with his camera.

Not far away walks a young Latina girl, stylish and sexy with a tight blue skirt and white jacket draped over her top.

The black man with the dirty braids licked his thick lips, scrutinized the Latina girl, and greeted her with, “Hey, Reverie, are you going to Alaska too?”

The Latin woman looked up at the dirty braided man, “Are you talking to me?”

The dirty braided man walked in for a closer look, “SORRY, I recognized the wrong person. But you really do look like my friend Reverie, she’s a supermodel and just as beautiful as you are.”

“Thanks, are you hitting on me?”

The dirty braided man hemmed and hawed, “My name is Soba, I’m a photographer, nice to see you.”

“You’re a photographer?”


“Have you ever made a movie?”

“Of course, have you seen Avatar?”

“I’m super into it.”

“I was in the movie.”

“Wow wow, you actually worked on Avatar, have you met Cameron? I’ve always admired him.”

“We even had drinks together the day before yesterday, right at his mansion, oversized pool, wine, champagne, whiskey, all kinds of alcohol, it was superb.

I can get you an autograph next time if you need one.”

“Really?” The Latin girl showed an excited look.

“Of course, not only can I help you get an autograph, but I can also help you shoot a movie, I happen to still need a female lead for the documentary I’m shooting in Alaska this time, are you interested?”

“You feel weird about this invitation?”

“Come on, think about it.

When I’m done with the documentary, I’ll ask Cameron to watch it as well. You’re in such good shape that if he sees you, he might invite you to shoot the next movie.

Anything is possible.”

“Wow wow ……,” the Latin girl looked a little complicated, with worry, but also a hint of anticipation.

Soba took out the camera, “If you agree, we can audition now and see how it goes.”

“Uh…… “The Latin girl was still hesitant.

Just then, a black man came over and said, “Looking at this young lady’s appearance I guess she’s not very interested. What do you think about me being the main character of the video?”

Soba questioned, “Who are you? I don’t seem to recognize you.”

The black man flashed his badge, “Do you recognize it then?”

“FUCK!” said Sobha, startled, standing up and about to run.



“Put your hands up.”

Luke had already brought his men around to block Soba’s path of escape.

“Soba Doyle, you are under arrest.”

Inside the airport conference room.

Sobha Doyle’s hands were cuffed and he looked around at the police somewhat nervously.

“I just wanted to chat with that woman, why are you guys arresting me?”

Luke took out his tablet and played a video, “Did you film this?”

Soba Doyle stared at the video, his face becoming more and more ugly.

“Bang bang.” Black knocked on the table, “Hey, think before you answer, we found you just have enough evidence, don’t lie.”

After a moment, Sobha Doyle took a deep breath, “I want an immunity deal.”

Luke shook his head, “There is no immunity deal.

However, if you can take the initiative to explain the situation, we will give you a more favorable plea deal based on your charges and your guilty plea.

This is also your only chance.”

Xiao Hei reminded from the side, “Man, you should know very well what kind of ending you would have if you were sent to prison on this charge.

The people in there are going to be very, very warm and welcoming to you ……”

Soba Doyle was sweating in fear, “OK, I admit it, I shot these videos.”

“Where is the kidnapped girl?”

“I don’t know, I was only there for the filming, I was only responsible for the filming, the two girls had nothing to do with me.”

“Then who are they related to?”

“Pecos and Franco.”

Luke pulled out six photographs for him to identify, “Find out about those two.”

Soba pulled out two of the photos from the table and it was the other two suspects.

“Where are they?”

“I don’t know.”

Black was disgruntled, “Hey man, think about what I just said.”

“I really don’t know. I don’t usually have contact with them.”

“How do you contact them?”

“Through the darknet.”

“Can you still contact them now?”

“I can leave them a message, but whether or not they’ll respond and when, I’m not sure.”

Luke thought for a moment, “Where was the video taken?”

“At a house in the northern suburbs of Los Angeles.”

“Was it there every time?”


“I need to know the exact address.”

Hilmar neighborhood.

A black commercial car was parked not far away, Luke sat in the car looking through the window at the gray house not far away and said, “According to Sobha’s description, the filming took place in that house, which has a basement in the back.

The two girls were hidden in the basement, and would be brought into the house to wash up and put on makeup before filming, so I’m guessing that the two girls may still be locked up in the basement.

Our first goal is to confirm the safety of the two girls and rescue them first if they are still alive.”

Black asked, “What about the two suspects?”

Luke guessed, “If the two girls are hidden in the basement, then there is at least one suspect hiding in the house, and as long as the two girls are rescued, the suspect hiding in the house is a turkey in a jar.

However, there is another possibility that the suspect is also hiding in the basement, and the process of rescuing the girls may be a bit dangerous.

Considering the narrow entrance to the basement, only one or two people can be sent to check it out first.”

Jackson volunteered, “Captain, let me go.”

“Courageous, one more person is needed to cover.”

Kuro said, “I’ll go too.”

“Be careful, we’ll be up here for support.” For a moment, Luke wanted to take the initiative to take the lead, after all, he had a bulletproof card and was far less dangerous than the others.

But Luke couldn’t cover for them all the time, he always had to give them a chance to exercise.

Just like Jackson who was eager to try, this was also an opportunity for him, and Luke didn’t want to demotivate him.

Jackson and Blackie donned body armor, grabbed their pistols and strong flashlights, and quietly sneaked into the backyard of the gray house.

Luke and the others were hiding outside the backyard fence, checking out the backyard through the cracks.

Jackson and Blackie walked near the house and began to look for the entrance to the basement, and after a bit of groping, Blackie uncovered a piece of sod, revealing an iron lid underneath.

The two exchanged glances, Blacky pulled up the iron lid, and Jackson crossed his arms, holding a pistol in his right hand and a strong flashlight in his left and shone it into the basement.

Jackson shone the light and saw no figures, but could vaguely hear movement, and there was a wooden ladder below.

Jackson gritted his teeth and went straight down the ladder, shining his left hand with the flashlight towards the rest of the basement, which was not a small space, with a wooden bed in each of the south-east and north-east corners, and a girl chained to each of the wooden beds.

Both girls were bound and their mouths were taped shut, making ‘whimpering’ noises when they saw Jackson.

“Don’t be scared, don’t make a sound, we’re LAPD.” Jackson whispered reassuringly.

However, it was better if he didn’t say anything, but when he did the two girls became even more agitated and begged for help.

The encounters during this period of time, as well as the desire for freedom, made them lose the ability to think.

At this time, Xiao Hei also came down from above and whispered, “We are here to save you, don’t be anxious, the suspect hasn’t been caught yet, don’t ……”

Before Xiao Hei finished speaking, a light appeared on the top of the east basement, and a head poked out from above, unable to see his appearance, it should be a man.

Four eyes, each other froze for a moment.

There were two entrances to the basement, one inside the house and one outside the house.

Black raised his pistol and shouted, “LAPD, don’t move!”

Jackson also raised his gun in warning, “Drop your weapon!”

Before the words left his mouth, the head retracted and a footstep was heard next.


Black cursed, picking up his walkie-talkie, “Captain, both girls are in the basement, not in life-threatening danger, but they’ve been spotted by the suspects and may run or fight back.”

“Copy that, stay safe and I’ll send someone to meet you.” Luke breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to send patrolmen over for backup.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the front yard.

“LAPD, freeze!”

“Put your hands where I can see them.”

“Come out immediately!”

Luke rushed to the front yard, only to see an Indian man halfway out of a window, hands up, shouting, “I’m unarmed, don’t shoot.”

Ramon and Jenny went over to him, pulled him out of the window, handcuffed him, and searched him.

Ramon lifted the Indian man up, “He’s unarmed.”

Luke asked, “Why didn’t you use the door?”

“I blocked the door, originally thought that you guys bang on the door, can delay some time, I will run from the basement, but found that there is movement in the basement, I panicked …… and tried to jump out of the window to escape.”

“What’s your name?”

“Raul Gipta.”

Luke asked, “Where is Franco Toure?”

“He’s been living in an RV.”

“Where is his RV?”

Raul Gipta stood up, raised his hands and pointed toward the garage, and before he could speak ……


There was a popping sound and the garage door slammed open.

An RV sprang out of it, smashed through the fence, nearly ran into a patrolman on the side, and swerved violently into the community driveway ……

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