Chapter 329

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:30
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“Stop the car!”

The chortle didn’t affect the speed of the RV in the slightest.

Luke and Jenny also got into a police car and drove after it.

The community highway was then the scene of a drag race, with an RV driving in front and a couple of police cars chasing behind it, and many residents poking their heads out to see what was going on.

Luke did not worry about the other side can run away, the speed of the caravan can not compare to the police car, soon there are police cars overtake the caravan.

But against the much larger RV, it wasn’t easy to stop.

Luke had been communicating with the patrol department over the intercom, asking them to set up roadblocks and tire breakers up ahead.

Luke had to think about not only apprehending the suspect, but also ensuring the safety of the officers and the public, and minimizing the damage caused by the car chase.

A police car overtook the RV still maintaining a high rate of speed, and after passing the RV by some distance, pulled over and two officers ran to the trunk of the car and pulled out tire breakers.

Waiting for the RV to travel closer, they directly threw the tire buster.

“Bang!” The tire blew out.

The caravan also began to tilt to one side, greatly affecting the speed of the caravan.

Suddenly, the caravan made a sharp right turn and rushed into a patch of grass, slamming straight into a large tree that was nearly a meter thick in diameter.


With a popping sound, the caravan crashed into the tree and the glass shattered in response.

A silhouette flew out of the driver’s side, crashing into the left side of the large tree, and flew out nearly ten meters further, a man with a twisted body landed on the ground at a weird angle, and both of his shoes were thrown off.

A black SUV pulled up to the side of the road and Luke stepped out to check it out, followed by several armed patrolmen.

The front of the RV was smashed, and the interior was ablaze with black smoke.

Two patrolmen were holding fire extinguishers to put out the fire.

Luke walked over to the man to check him out, his body was covered in scratches, his neck was broken, blood stains hung from his head, and from the side cheek it looked to be none other than the suspect, Franco Toure.

Jenny crouched down next to him and whispered, “This guy kind of got what he deserved.”

Luke didn’t answer, thinking back to the trajectory of the RV just now, he felt like the other guy had consciously crashed into the tree, possibly committing suicide.

Half an hour later, forensic and technical’s also arrived at the scene to investigate.

The ambulance pulled away the two kidnapped girls, and the police notified their families.

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One.

Three suspects were arrested one after another.

One of them, Sobha Doyle (cameraman), was an accessory and was only responsible for shooting the movie and had no knowledge of the kidnapping process.

One of the main suspects, Franco Toure, crashed his car and died.

The interrogation focuses on another suspect, Raúl Gipta.

Ten o’clock in the morning.

Luke and Jackson arraign suspect Raul Gipta.

Luke sat at the interrogation table and flipped through the interrogation materials, “Name?”

The Indian-origin man sitting across from him said lightly, “Don’t you guys know it?”

Jackson spoke in a stern tone, “Hey, put on a smart face and answer whatever you’re asked, understand?”

The Indian-American man sighed, “Raul Gipta.”

Luke continued, “Why did you call yourself Pecos?”

“It’s hard to say, it was a mixed bag of emotions and all sorts of reasons.”

“Then tell me something uncomplicated.” Luke turned the tables and questioned, “Were the three girls, Tayana Haney, Olive Browning, and Merry Gandhi, kidnapped by you?”

“I was only involved in the kidnapping of Olive Browning, Merry Gandhi, the other girl, Tayana Hanni, had nothing to do with me, she was tricked by Franco Toure, and sent away after the movie.”

“Who was the first one you kidnapped?”

“Olive Browning.”

“When was she kidnapped?”

“July 9th.”

“Describe the process of your kidnapping.”

“We had been on to her for a long time, she had gone to a party at a friend’s house that night, and around 9:00 p.m. she came out of her friend’s house alone, she was the only one around at the time ……

So we grabbed her in the car and took her away.”

Speaking of the case, Luke had a few more questions, “At that time, how did you trick Olive Browning out of the party?”

“We didn’t trick her, she came out on her own.”

Luke recalled, “But according to Olive Browning’s parents, the appointment was to pick her up at the party around ten o’clock that night, so why did she leave early?”

Raul Gipta laughed, “She had her great aunt.

We didn’t find out until we brought her to the car, it was her first time having a great aunt, she was scared and too embarrassed to tell anyone else, so she called her mom.”

Luke heard this reason and then associated it with Olive Browning’s abnormality all explained, Olive Browning had her first period and left the party in a panic because she was afraid of being seen by her classmates, while calling her mother.

But her mother was in the bathroom and the person who answered the phone was her father, she was too embarrassed to talk to her father, so she specified that her mother should come and pick her up, unfortunately before her parents arrived, she was abducted by two suspects who were secretly following her.

“Why did you guys kidnap her?”

“For money, her family is rich and in cash. So we targeted her.”

“You guys asked her parents for a ransom, but why didn’t you go get the money?”

“Uh …… the reason is …… we were worried about them calling the police.

I asked Franco to go and he was afraid to.

He asked me to go and I did ……

So neither one went.”

Jackson gave a look of contempt, “You dared to kidnap the girl, but you didn’t dare go for the ransom?”

Raul Gipta said, “One is to face a girl with no hands, the other is to face a group of heavily armed police, the difficulty of the two is completely different, it is anyone who would have scruples.”

“Why did you guys make colored videos?”

“At first it was to keep a souvenir, and then …… wanted to get some money with these videos.

You guys should know that there are a lot of people looking for excitement in the darknet, a lot of people just like colored videos of girls, there are a lot of potential customers, and the darknet is facing the whole world.

There’s a lot of potential in this business, and designing a simple video site was a breeze for me, so we did it.”

“How did you and Franco Toure meet?”

“We just met through the dark web, and we usually use the dark web to contact each other, it’s a lot safer than cell phones and common chat tools.”

Luke made a note in his book and continued, “Why did you kidnap Merry Gandhi?”

“To make a video.

The members of the site like freshness, and we had the African-American girl, the white girl, and we were missing an Indian girl, so I picked her.”

“She’s the daughter of your boss?”


“Why did you choose her?”

Raul Gipta sneered, “I can only blame him for having a good father.”

“What’s your beef with Merry Gandhi’s father?”

“You know what? I’ve been with that company for five years now, but haven’t gotten a promotion since I turned.

Pecos, the guy whose name I’m assuming, he’s only been with the company for a little over two years, and I brought him in when he first joined the company, and now he’s my boss.

It’s because Merry Gandhi’s father gave Pecks the promotion that should have been mine.

It’s not fair.”

Luke asked, “Why did Merry Gandhi’s father do that? Is there something wrong with your work?”

“No. I’m one of the few most skilled people in the company, and Pecos is nothing compared to me, he’s nowhere near as skilled as I am.

I did most of the work on the last project, and as a result, Merry Gandhi’s father turned around and promoted Pecks.

How would you have felt in his place?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “You think Merry Gandhi’s father is targeting you?”

“That’s right, just because Pecos is a Kshatriya and I’m only of Vaishnava origin, my hard work and merits are wiped out.

His criterion for promotion is birth, birth, birth.” Raoul Gipta showed his anger.

“I came to this country for freedom, to get away from the damn caste system, but it is this damn system that has been inflicted on me once again.

I can’t accept it, I have to fight it.”

Jackson said, “The idea that you want to fight is right, this system is indeed unfair, but the target of your revenge shouldn’t be on a twelve or thirteen year old girl.

That only shows your cowardice.”

Raul Gipta shook his head, “You are wrong, she is not only a girl but also an honorable Brahmin, born to ride on my head, I am not wrong.”

“So you did that cruel thing to a girl?” Jackson asked himself.

“That’s a disgusting statement on your part.

It seems to me that you don’t hate the system, you just hate the fact that you were born into a Vaishnava family instead of a Brahmin family.

Once a person like you is born into a Brahmin family, you will only intensify your bullying.

You don’t deserve any sympathy at all.”

Raul Gipta shook his head, “You are not of Indian descent, you don’t understand.”

Jackson said, “I don’t want to understand this monstrous cultural product either.”

Luke moved on to the next topic, “Tell us about the third victim, Tayana Haney.”

Raul Gipta thought for a moment, “Here’s a girl obsessed with sci-fi stories, silly and cute.

She was tricked by Franco Toure and I simply applauded her for love.”

Raul Gipta added, “Speaking of Franco Toure, he’s the one who’s an unabashed creep, the guy who conned the Tayana Haney family, Tayana Haney’s parents were his lovers.

I kind of admire his methods.”

Luke pursued, “What else do you know about Franco Toure?”

Raul Gipta gave a curious look, “Is he dead?”

The police did not publicize Franco Toure’s death for the time being, and Luke even strictly forbade Raul Gipta to know about it, so it was reasonable that he should not know about it.

Luke pretended to be indifferent and said, “Why do you ask?”

“That guy always said that no one could judge him and that he’d rather die than confess.

And that the only thing the police would take away would be his body.” Raul Gipta asked back, “Is he dead?”

Luke, still not wanting him to know about Franco Toure’s death, said perfunctorily, “You expect someone who’s afraid to even take the ransom money to have the courage to commit suicide?”

Raul Gipta bristled, “Sure enough, he wimped out again at the critical moment.”

Luke asked, “Besides these three girls, have you kidnapped any other girls?”


“Was the photographer, Sobha Doyle, involved in the kidnapping?”

“No, but he was in the know and took a lot of my money.”

“If the police hadn’t caught you, would you have done it again?”

Raul Gipta froze for a moment and said with a serious look on his face, “I don’t know, maybe.”

The interrogation was over.

Luke also had the details of the case.

Upon returning to his office, he found Merry Gandhi’s father waiting in his office.

Merry Gandhi’s father, Arap Gandhi, greeted him and revealed a look of gratitude, “Captain Luke, thank you for rescuing my daughter, I really didn’t expect to see her again.

Thank you.”

Luke related, “How is your daughter’s health?”

Arap Gandhi sighed, “There are no major physical problems, but she was shocked …… experienced a lot of things that she shouldn’t have experienced at this age ……

She’s freaked out.

Why did those assholes kidnap her and do such cruel things to her.

I heard that Raul Gipta was one of the suspects, we were coworkers, why would he want to hurt my daughter?”

Luke said, “He felt he put a lot into his job, but you valued provenance more, so you promoted Pecos, who was clearly less capable than him.”

“What? That’s the reason he did it!

What a shameless bastard.” Arap Gandhi said with some anger.

“I didn’t promote him, not because of his origin, but because he wasn’t suitable.

I recognize that he’s better in terms of technique, but management wants a more well-rounded ability than just technique.

For example, communication skills, Raul Gipta is a very introverted person, never takes the initiative to talk to me, and reports his work with his head down, not daring to look at me.

He lacked the drive to be a leader in the workplace and lacked the confidence to communicate.

What the company needed was an outspoken, constructive negativist who would stick to his guns in the midst of conflict.

Pecos is better suited to the position with a more well-rounded education and the ability to rally his coworkers.”

Luke didn’t say any more about this aspect; everyone had their own perspective, and it was hard to discern between the two men with their own opinions.

Luke wasn’t interested in bothering with that either.

After sending off Arap Gandhi, Luke went to Reed’s office to report for work.

“Knock knock.”

“Come in.”

Luke pushed the door and walked in, placing a document on the desk, “Chief, this is the statement of suspect Raul Gipta, he confessed.”

“Good job!”

Reed leaned back in his chair and made a gesture of invitation, signaling Luke to sit down, “This case has been a long time in the past and the investigation has been difficult.

The Second Squadron has also fallen on this case, and to be honest, I was a little worried ……

As it turns out, you guys are even better than I thought, and my worries were unwarranted.”

Luke said, “The successful detection of the case this time couldn’t be done without the efforts of every member of the team, especially Marcus and Jackson, the two of them have performed outstandingly.”

Reed suggested, “Since the two of them took credit.

You should buy them a nice drink tonight.”

Luke countered, “Why is it my treat?”

Reed laughed and took out a document from a drawer, “Captain Luke, this is your transfer notice.


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