Chapter 330

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light


Inside the Mezik Bar.

Luke was promoted and went to the bar with his colleagues at night to celebrate.

The people of the 1st Squadron were sitting around the sofa, and Blackie suggested, “Captain, now that you’ve been transferred, I think we should have a promotion banquet.”

Luke shook his head, “No need, I already celebrated last time I was acting captain, I’ll buy everyone a drink tonight.”

The lieutenant said, “As far as I know, you should be the youngest captain in the Detective Bureau, you really should celebrate, I’ll have to have a few more drinks tonight.”

Luke laughed, “I’ll pay for the drinks, but I don’t care to deliver them if you get drunk.”

The lieutenant was unimpressed, “It’s best if you don’t mind me, maybe you’ll even meet a pretty girl and have a fling.”

“Haha ……”

The crowd let out a burst of laughter.

Harvey Simmons, the captain of the Economic Crime Division, came over and patted Luke’s shoulder, “Luke, I heard that you’ve been converted, congratulations.”

“Captain Harvey, you are quite well informed.”

“This is good news, it should be celebrated.” Harvey Simmons raised his glass in a gesture.

“You’re right.” Luke clinked glasses with him and took a sip of wine.

Originally, Luke wanted to keep a low profile, but after Harvey Simmons’ reminder, Luke changed his mind again.

The transfer represented the elevation of his status in the Detective Bureau, and this kind of thing was different from receiving a medal, which represented honor and benefits, and a promotion represented power and status.

The latter does not need to be hidden, nor can it be hidden, it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together, so he just bought everyone a drink in a generous manner.

He also said to Xiao Hei on the side, “Tell the bartender, the first drink for all the guests tonight, count it as mine.”

After Xiao Hei’s conveyance, the bartender told the guests present the news.

Soon the bar was buzzing with people saying thank you and some of the guests not sure what was going on.

After the know-it-all relayed the news of Luke’s transfer, a number of officers rushed over to congratulate him.

Luke responded one by one and drank a few glasses of wine in a row, but fortunately he had a good capacity for alcohol and was not affected much.

Watching Luke being complimented by the crowd, Blackie revealed an envious look, “I hope I’ll have such a day too.”

The vice squad snickered, “Then go home early and go to bed.”

Blackie bristled and shot back, “Vice Squad, your methods don’t suit me, hehehe.”

Jackson glanced down at his cell phone, “Captain, John’s buying us drinks, what day are you available?”

“How about tomorrow night?”

Jackson laughed, “I can’t wait a little bit.”

Blackie said, “What are you guys going to do? How about adding me to the mix?”

Jackson shook his head, “Not this time, I’ll be sure to bring you next time.”

“Why not this time?”

Jackson played coy, “Because there’s a special program, but you didn’t buy a ticket in advance.”

Luke didn’t stay long at the bar and settled his tab at the bar on his way out, spending less than a thousand dollars.

It was still necessary to spend a little money to bond with his coworkers.

Leaving the bar, Luke didn’t go home, but went to Daisy’s house.

Daisy called in the afternoon and had something to discuss with Luke.

When he arrived at Daisy’s house, it was already past nine in the evening.

Daisy was sitting on the sofa in a nightgown, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, and her fair skin had an extra touch of redness, which made her look very attractive.

Many Americans have the habit of tanning, but Daisy is busy with work, and the occasional exercise is in the gym, rarely have the time to sunbathe, the snow white skin in turn is very suitable for the Oriental aesthetics.

Daisy picked up the bottle of wine and asked, “Want a drink?”

Luke sat next to Daisy, took the bottle and poured himself a small half glass, concerned, “Why are you drinking so much? Don’t you have to work tomorrow?”

“Got a client appointment tomorrow afternoon.”

Luke clinked glasses with the other man and took a sip, “Feel like you’re in a bit of a slump, trouble at work?”

“Laurence Miller came to see me again.”

Luke froze for a moment before responding, it was Daisy’s father, “He went to your law firm again?”

Daisy shook her head, “Not exactly a scene, he was ‘friendly’ this time, said he sold his house for his son’s case.

Wanted to borrow some money from me to live on.”

“How much did he want to borrow?”

“I didn’t ask, I just refused.

Money wasn’t the main thing, and I was worried that once I lent it to him, there would be another time.”

“After refusing, he didn’t put in a hard word?”

“No, he went straight away.”

Luke had been in contact with Laurence Miller a few times and had a general idea of what he was like, “That’s not in character for him.”

“I thought it was a bit out of character, too, and I was a bit unsettled.”

Luke asked, “Have you and he been in contact lately?”

“No.” Daisy answered and took another sip of red wine, “But because of what happened last time, I’m completely disappointed in him.

A few days ago, I changed my last name.

It’s Daisy Ellis now.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.

I’ll keep an eye on him for you, and whatever he’s up to, I won’t let him hurt you.”

Daisy leaned on Luke’s shoulder and sighed softly, “I’d like him to do something irrational so I can file for an order of protection.”

The following morning.

Daisy was not busy in the morning and Luke had breakfast at Daisy’s house before leaving.

Luke made an appointment with his informant, Annelec Lauer, to help keep an eye on Rollins Miller.

Annelec Lauer was a thief who went to Luke’s house to steal valuable vinyl records, was caught by Luke, given a hard time, and then developed into an informant by Luke.

Before that, had already helped Luke do something once, not bad.

Luke first gave him a thousand dollars of funding, want to let the horse run, you have to let it eat first.

Because something delayed in the morning, Luke arrived at the detective bureau already almost ten o’clock.

After a simple morning meeting and arranging for his team members to go through the formalities of closing the case, he himself went back to his office and dealt with a few points of paperwork while starting to feel the fish.

“Congratulations to the host for successfully solving the false alarm case, discovering new clues in the teenage girl kidnapping case, and successfully solving the case to rescue the three victims.” Luke waited for a while, and the imagined reward didn’t come.

After a while, a voice sounded in his head again, “Congratulations to the host, he has become the captain of Squadron 1 of the Robbery and Murder Division, and the lottery system has been upgraded to a redemption system.

Points can be used to redeem existing cards.

This case rewards 70 points.”

This change made Luke a little surprised, not expecting that with his official promotion, the system would also produce changes.

Luke tapped on the system interface, and the lottery interface disappeared, replaced by the redemption interface.

You can exchange points for existing cards, and you can replenish whatever cards you need, greatly increasing your autonomy.

However, the disadvantage was that without the lottery system, there was no way to directly draw from the reserve.

There is still 180,000 U.S. dollars in the reserve column, and there is an additional note next to it that the deadline is two months to realize the cash, and the expiration date will be cleared.

This makes Luke have a feeling of disappointment, this wealth is gone, in the future will have to find a new way to make money.

The good thing was that he was not short of money now, there was no direct impact.

Luke was ready to try it out, a Detection Card required ten points, Luke exchanged one.

The points column became 60 points.

The Detection Card column changed from five to six.

Overall, his autonomy of choice had increased, which was a benefit.

Nine o’clock in the evening.

Ross Beach open-air restaurant.


Luke, Jackson, John, and Lucy clinked their glasses.

There were no other guests in the restaurant anymore, only their table outside.

Luke poured a mouthful of beer and looked at the sea not far away, the moonlight spilled over the sea like it was tinted with a golden edge.

The four of them were chatting and enjoying the moonlight, listening to the sound of the waves and the sea breeze, enjoying their leisure time.

John took a bite of his pizza and looked over at Luke and Jackson, “I’ve always wondered how you guys caught the suspect in the false alarm case?”

Jackson ate an onion ring and wiped his mouth, “We were giving a statement to the false alarm victim when we noticed he was showing signs of lying and guessed that he might have known who had filed the false alarm, so we followed him and went straight to the false alarm suspect.”

“That’s it?”


John thought for a moment, “How did you guys find out there was something wrong with the victim in the false alarm case?”

“It was the captain who found out, his interrogation techniques are so good that it’s hard for normal suspects to lie in front of him.”

John gave a look like he was right from the start, “Which means I actually lost to Luke, not you.”

Jackson said, “Woo-oh, woo-oh, sounds like you’re trying to renege.”

“I’m not that kind of guy.” John cleared his throat, “Ahem …… But do you really want to see me run around naked?

I think I should ask before I start.

Lest you guys think I’m a pervert.”

Jackson sounded certain, “Come on, that’s what I’m here for.”

“Lucy, what about you?”

Lucy hesitated for a moment, “Uh …… a little bit.”


Luke looked complicated, “I’m abstaining.

I’m content to drink a bottle of beer with the sea breeze.”

John asked around and drained the bottle of beer as if he had finally made a decision, “Give me two minutes.”

John took the bag and went to the backlit side of the restaurant and came back out wearing a robe and spreading his arms wide, “Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest, grandest, most talked about moment of the night is here.”

John stepped out of the confines of the restaurant and stood on the beach, looking around, seeing no one else, then jerked off the robe, naked inside.

“Whoa whoa whoa whoa ……,” Jackson said as he stood up, waving the bottle in his hand.

“Jesus Christ, you’re actually doing this for real ……,” Lucy shouted with a laugh.

Luke cried, “Why am I watching this?”

John turned and ran towards the far side of the beach, his white silhouette contrasting with the black night sky.

“Yooooooooo……” he ran, while still ghostly screaming randomly.

Luckily, there weren’t many people on the beach at night, and it didn’t attract much attention.

Of course, there weren’t many people, but there were still some.

A homeless man rubbed his eyes and sighed, “Another poor guy driven crazy by life ……”

An old white woman sitting on the beach was shocked and looked at John somewhat incredulously, “Jesus Christ, what am I seeing?”

With her left hand shivering, the old lady pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed 911, “Hey, I need to call the police.”

“Ma’am, what’s going on?”

“I saw a pervert on the beach.”

“What kind of pervert, can you describe him specifically?”

“He was running naked on the beach, a white guy, and while he was running, ……

I haven’t seen it in a while ……

Jesus Christ …… he’s running back again.”

“Ma’am, can you give me the exact address?”

“He’s running toward me.”

“Ma’am, are you in danger? State the exact address.”

The old lady fumbled around on her body for a while, “Where are my old glasses? Damn, I can’t believe I forgot to bring ……”

“Ma’am, what did you say?

Please speak louder, I can’t hear you.”

“I …… canceled the alarm.”

John made waves on the beach, got dressed again, and continued to sit in the restaurant drinking beer.

Luke raised his glass, “John, here’s to your courage.”

Lucy said, “Me too.”

Jackson said, “Man, you did what I wanted to do and was afraid to do.”

John took a sip of his drink and said in a serious voice, “Actually, you should all try it, it’s a great way to decompress.

The moment I run, I feel like I become part of nature, all the stress is gone, it’s like going back to my college days ……

It makes me feel younger.”

Luke said, “Hearing you say that makes me kind of want to try it.”

John encouraged, “What are you waiting for?”

“Haha …… That’ll have to wait until you beat me next time.”

Early the next morning.

Luke’s house.

Last night, the four of them played until after ten, and Luke had a lot to drink.

In the morning, he brushed his teeth and made a pot of Longjing in the yard to drink some tea and sober up.

A white sedan pulled up in front of Luke’s house, the driver’s door opened, a long leg stuck out of the car, and a tall, curvy Latin beauty stepped out of the car.

“Orty, you’re just in time, the first brew of tea is just right.”

Orty walked over to Luke, “Captain Luke, congratulations on your transfer.”

Luke poured her a cup of tea, “Congratulations can’t be all talk, got a present?”

Orty sat down across from Luke and placed a bag on the table, “Does breakfast count?”

Luke smiled, “Breakfast doesn’t count, but ……

If you can eat breakfast with me, it counts.”

Orty smirked, “Are you teasing me?”

“Is it obvious?”

Luke opened the takeout, which contained omelettes, muffins, bacon, hash browns, and sausage, and smelling the aromas, was getting a little hungry.

Orty picked up his teacup and took a sip, his eyes twinkling, “Is there any benefit to having breakfast with you?”

“Plenty of benefits, let’s see what you want now.” Luke used the plastic fork that came with the takeout and ate a piece of hash brown cake, which tasted pretty good.

Orty broke off a piece of the muffin and took a small bite, “I’ve come here to congratulate you, but I’ve also been given a very suitable commission, and I was wondering if you had the time?”

“Is it dangerous?”

“Not to speak of.”

“How much is the commission?”

“Depending on the employer’s requirements, the commission is between fifty thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, depending on the completion of the mission.”

If it was before, Luke might have been more hesitant, but now that the Sleuth System was upgraded, he couldn’t directly extract the prize money and needed other means of making money.

If you wanted to live in style in Los Angeles, money couldn’t be scarce.

“I’ll think about it.”

Ortie pursed her lips, a hint of petulance and complaint in her tone, “But you’ve rejected me more than once?”

Luke smiled, “OK, talk about the commissioned mission.”

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