Chapter 335

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:45
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Cruise Manor.

Early in the morning, Luke was awakened by the awful sounds of the manor.

Today was the day of Fionn Cruise and Chanel Carr’s engagement, and if nothing else, Luke’s last day at the manor.

Just make sure the engagement ceremony went off without a hitch and the $200,000 commission would be in hand.

Luke got up and washed up and made his rounds in the manor, there were quite a few more raw faces in the manor, most of them were making preparations for the engagement ceremony, preparing the food, setting up the scene, make-up artists and so on.

Luke circled around and didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, so he simply ran into the dining room to eat, just in time to see bad boy Manny eating as well.

Luke ordered breakfast from the maid next to him, poured a cup of coffee from the coffee pot, and greeted him, “Hey man, good morning.”

Manny bristled, “I don’t want to talk to you.”

Luke laughed, “You’ve got that look on your face like a pissed off little girl.”

“I scrubbed the dishes last night with so many people eating, I feel like I’m washing the skin off my hands, and it’s all because of you.”

“SORRY for delaying your jerking off.”

“You’re such an asshole.”

“That’s what bad guys say about me.”

“If I’m the bad guy, what are you?”

“I’m the bad guy who bullies the bad guy with a positive negative, so I’m the good guy.

Like Captain America.

You can call me Captain L.A.”

“No, you’re not a captain, captains don’t bully minors.”

“So he’s dead and I’m alive.”

“The captain didn’t die, he just stayed in the past to be with the person he loves, this ending is very romantic, the director is very imaginative.”

“I don’t care if he died or went back to the past.

It also doesn’t matter if it’s a minor or a woman, as long as he/she dares to kick me into the lake, be prepared for a beating.”

Manny laughed, “You’ve beaten a woman?”

“Not so far, because women like me, and they’re more interested in taking a bath with me than kicking me into the lake.”

Manny “……”

“I came here for breakfast, not to hear you brag.”

“I’m not bragging, I’m handsome, rich, famous, and awesome, and lots of women like me.”

“So you have a messy private life.”

“I’m not that kind of person, most of my energy is spent on my work, I’m very busy.”

“Have you always been a detective?”

“I’m a police officer by trade.”

“It should be hard to become rich on a police officer’s income.”

“No matter what profession you’re in, if you become the best in that profession, making money is just incidental.”

“Will we meet again in the future?”

“No, I’m leaving the manor when your grandfather’s engagement ceremony ends.

In the future, it’s best if you don’t run into me again either.”

“Why? You’ll still beat me up?”

“Beating you up is trivial. I usually only handle major criminal cases, which simply means dealing with dead people.”

“Have you ever killed anyone?”

Luke laughed, “What day are you referring to?”

“OK, forget I asked.”

After some ‘friendly’ exchanges, the two men eased up quite a bit.

Even, Luke had a feeling that this kid had already worshipped himself a bit.

That’s right, he was handsome, imposing, and capable of fighting, wasn’t he exactly the object of a teenager’s worship?

The whole morning, Cruise Manor was busy.

The engagement ceremony was held at ten thirty in the morning and ended at one thirty in the afternoon.

At nine o’clock in the morning, there were guests arriving at the manor one after another.

Fionn Cruise and Chanel Carr stood at the entrance of the manor to greet them.

Luke also secretly observed the demeanor and mannerisms of the two and found that they were getting closer.

It seems that the two should have communicated last night and the result was not bad.

After all, it was someone’s private matter, Luke also did not have the intention to pursue the question.

However, Luke also had his own speculations about the reason for Shannel Carr’s concealment.

The first possibility, the clues that Luke and Orty had found out were just coincidental, and Galkon was not Shannel Carr’s child.

This was highly unlikely, but not impossible.

The second possibility, Galkon was indeed Sharnell Carr’s child, only that for some reason, Sharnell Carr had to hide it.

Luke guessed that it might have something to do with the industry that Sharnell Carr was in, Sharnell Carr used to be an actress, and perhaps it was for the sake of her future and career that she hid the truth about her unmarried child.

It may sound a bit ridiculous now, but this incident happened more than thirty years ago, when the Hollywood culture was not as open as it is now.

In fact, even now in Hollywood, the same is not as open as imagined.

In terms of coming out of the closet, Hollywood is very tolerant on the surface, as if this kind of thing in Hollywood is not at all called a matter, and can even add buffs.

But privately, the impact is still very big.

As for why Chanel Carr didn’t tell Fionn Cruise about Galcon, first of all, Chanel Carr wasn’t short of money, and although her assets weren’t as good as Fionn Cruise’s, she herself was also very wealthy.

The second reason would have come from Vion Cruise’s children.

In the case that Chanel Carr did not have any children, Fionn Cruise’s children were opposed to the two getting married, and if they knew that Chanel Carr had a son, Fionn Cruise’s children would definitely be even more opposed to it.

If, this child is still their father’s own, the assets of the two may shrink by nearly half, it is estimated that it is necessary to make a fuss.

As long as Chanel Carr and Fionn Cruise were married, there would be more chances to get along with each other in the future, and then telling Fionn Cruise about Galkon would be a no-brainer.

Of course, this kind of thing was relatively simple to think about, but not easy to actually do.

In Luke’s opinion, this engagement ceremony was just the beginning, and in the future, this family would become more and more lively.

There wasn’t a single oil lamp.

“Ringing ……”

Luke was cell phone rang, he took a look at the screen, it was the number of the informant Annelec Lauer.

“Hello, this is Luke.”

“Boss, you guessed it, the guy is driving to the southern suburbs of Los Angeles.”

“Send me a location.”


Luke hung up his cell phone and received a location fix from Annelec Lauer.

Three days ago, Daisy approached Luke and said that her own father, Laurence Miller, had come to the law firm to borrow money; Daisy refused, and Laurence Miller left without making a scene or putting out harsh words.

This, in turn, makes her feel uneasy and she seeks Luke’s help.

Luke then had his informant keep an eye on Rollins Miller.

Luke guessed that he was probably the one who wrote the threatening letter to Hill-Cruise (the employer’s son).

As for the reason, Hill Crews’ current wife, Isabeau Crews, is Rollins Miller’s ex-wife, Daisy’s mother.

According to what Ortie investigated.

Daisy’s mother divorced Rollins Miller 18 years ago and raised Daisy alone afterward before marrying Hill Crews 14 years ago and giving birth to her youngest daughter, Erin.

That’s why Luke felt familiar with Isabeau Cruise when he first met the other man.

Luke found Fionn Cruise, “Mr. Cruise, may I have a moment?”


The two of them stepped aside, and Luke said, “Mr. Cruise, I’ve received a message that someone might be coming to mess up the engagement ceremony, and I’d like to borrow a car to intercept the other party?”

“What kind of person? Why would the other party want to do that?”

“This person is most likely not targeting you.

But you have a big family and many relatives.

As the family’s great patriarch, it’s inevitable that some people will settle their grudges on you, and as long as your engagement ceremony is messed up, the entire Cruz family will lose face.”

“This group of guys really don’t let people worry about them.” Cruise frowned slightly, “Do you need anything else?”

“No, just a car will do. The detective agency will have others to back me up.”


I’ll have Tom take you to the garage, there’s as many cars there as you want.”

“Sounds good.”

A few minutes later, a Hummer H2 SUT pulled out of the estate.

It was a high-horsepower pickup truck, and Luke now had a motorcycle, a car, and was missing a pickup truck.

This kind of car is very suitable for driving in the countryside, high body, sufficient horsepower, large space, the driving feeling is more enjoyable than Bentley, the only drawback is that the gas consumption is too high.

After driving for some distance, Luke saw a black Honda coming from the opposite direction, and then reduced the speed of the car, moving the car across to block the middle of the lane.

The black Honda stopped, and a white man in his fifties came down from the car, not young but still handsome, cursing, “Can you fucking drive? Why are you parked in the middle of the road.”

Luke jumped out of the car and smiled, “Hey man, long time no see.”

The man was a little taken aback, “Whoa whoa, if it isn’t Officer Luke!

“Smells like booze, how much have you had to drink?” Luke smelled the odor of alcohol before he even approached.

“I had a beer, sober as a whistle.” The man gave a perfunctory answer and asked back, “What brings you here?”

“I’m here for a friend’s engagement, and you?”

“Huh.” The man laughed and asked instead of answering, “You came with Daisy?”

The white man was none other than Daisy’s own father, Lorenzo Miller.

“No, it was Mr. Vernon Cruise who invited me.”

“What a surprise, so you have climbed up to the Cruise family as well, that’s right, it’s better to have a rich father-in-law than one like me.

This world is still so realistic, over and over again, joyfully.”

“Daisy doesn’t know I’m here, she hasn’t even said anything about her mother reorganizing her family.

I’m not here for Daisy, at least not just for her.”

“Then I’d like to know, what exactly is your relationship to the Cruise family?”

“We’re not talking about the same Cruise.

My employer is Vernon Cruise.

He wanted to get engaged to a lady, but there was a lot of opposition, and Mr. Vernon Cruise hired a security team to make sure the engagement ceremony went smoothly.

I am a member of this security team.”

“As expected, like father, like son, they are all assholes who like to steal other people’s wives and children.”

“Mr. Miller, please leave, Mr. Fionn Cruise doesn’t want you to attend his engagement ceremony.”

“I don’t care if he does or not, his son married my ex-wife and instigated my daughter to change her last name.

They, the Cruise family, are trying to steal my lawyer daughter.

Daisy’s unwillingness to be close to me and help her brother must be behind her mother and the Cruise family.

My son is in jail, my people are living in a mess, and the Cruise family old thing is still trying to get engaged at his age.

Do you think the world is fair?”

Luke said, “I’ve only met Hill Crews and Daisy’s mother once, and while I’m not familiar with them, from what I know indirectly, Daisy and the Crews aren’t close.

Daisy also did not attend Mr. Vernon Cruise’s engagement ceremony, Daisy changed her last name just because she was disappointed with some of your actions, and, she changed it to her grandfather’s last name Ellis, not Cruise.

So, things aren’t what you think they are.”

“That’s just what you see, or what they want you to see, not necessarily the truth.”

“OK, I’ll tell you what the truth is.

You’re jealous that your ex-wife is doing better than you, so you’re writing threatening letters to her husband, and you’re going to mess up her father-in-law’s engagement ceremony.

Am I right?”

“They called the police? Do you have proof?”

“Have you seen my badge?”


“That’s right then, I’m not communicating with you as a police officer, but as a friend advising you not to look for trouble.”

“What if I am inclined to look for trouble.”

“Look, I’m here to help you.

I’m not the only one on the security team that Mr. Fionn Cruise has hired.

The others won’t be as nice as I am, understand?”

Laurence Miller asked back, “How do you want to help me?”

“If you go to the Cruise Manor and make a scene, it won’t do you any good, the Cruise family will lose face, and you will be just as dishonored.

This is completely damaging behavior.”

Laurence Miller patted his cheeks, “I have nothing to lose anymore, I don’t care if it’s light or dishonorable, as long as I can disgust the Cruise family and let everyone else know how shameless this family is, my purpose is achieved.

If they won’t let me live well, they won’t be able to live well either.”

“Listen, feuding with such a family won’t do you any good. Moreover, it will also embarrass Daisy.”

“Why should I care about that stinking girl when she’s become a lawyer and looks down on my useless father.” Laurence Miller grunted, unimpressed.

“You think you can send me away by saying a few pretty words?”

Sure enough, some people only believe what they want to believe, Luke could only think differently, “I can give you two options, Option A, I’ll give you five hundred dollars, you buy a plane ticket out of Los Angeles and don’t come back for a short time.

Option B, I’ll give you fifty dollars, find a bar and have a few good drinks and think about it.

If you figure it out, just leave; if you don’t, you can come back to the Cruise family.”

Luke presented two options, also with different purposes.

Option A, not only to keep Rollins Miller from interfering with the engagement ceremony, but also to keep him out of Daisy’s way.

Option B, so that Rollins Miller doesn’t interfere with the engagement ceremony, Luke successfully completes the commissioned task, and the commission arrives.

After today, when the engagement ceremony is over, if he makes any more trouble, it will have nothing to do with Luke.

Laurence Miller stalked his neck and asked, “What if I don’t even choose?”

Luke coldly said, “If you don’t choose, you’re smashing my rice bowl, and it’s a personal vendetta.”

“What do you want? Beat me up?”

“You can try.”

The two stared at each other for a moment, and Lorenzo Miller smiled, “OK, I’ll give you face, I’ll choose A.”

“Very well.” Luke took out five hundred dollars from his pocket and handed it to the other party, “Take my money and comply by buying a plane ticket out of Los Angeles.”

“I will.”

“Have a safe trip.” Luke turned to leave.

“Hey, say hi to Daisy for me.”

Luke waved and drove off in the Hummer.

“Fuck, driving such a nice car yourself, five hundred dollars to get rid of me.

Same inhumanity as the Cruise family.” Rollins Miller drove off in a U-turn.

He drove about two miles, the more he thought about it in his mind, the more he grumbled, “Who does he think he is? Five hundred dollars to get rid of me?

Is that five hundred dollars going to get my son out of jail?”

The more he thought about it, the angrier Rollins Miller lowered the speed of his car and turned it around to drive toward the Cruz estate again.

Only, this time he learned to be smart, worried about being stopped by Luke again, turned right into a small road, wanting to make a detour to reach the Cruise Manor.

Laurence Miller had been vigilant in front of him, worried that Luke would intercept him again.

Has been driving for about ten minutes, the front are no abnormal, Lawrence Miller also let out a sigh of relief, secretly said: “Idiot, really think that five hundred dollars can send me off?

Laozi is that worthless in your heart.”

Through the windshield, he saw a large house in the distance, his heart was vaguely excited and uneasy, and he took a deep breath, “Cruise family, old me is here.

You won’t let me have a good time, and I won’t let you have a good time either.”

“Oooh ……” Suddenly, there is a black Ford in the back accelerated and drove over, overtaking the car, don’t get in front of the black Honda.

“FUCK, you idiot can drive?” Laurence Miller, who already had a belly full of anger, couldn’t help but curse.

The black Ford slowed down and forced Rollins Miller’s Honda to a stop.

A black man got out of the Ford, none other than Luke’s informant, Annelec Lauer.

Rollins Miller questioned, “What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you stop my car?”

Annelec Lauer asked, “Man, where are you going?”

“What’s it got to do with you? Let’s go our separate ways and stay out of trouble.” Laurence Miller waved his fist.

Anne-Lec Laure pursued, “You’re going to the Cruise Estate?”

Rollins Miller frowned, disgruntled, “What does that have to do with you?”

“You took Mr. Lee’s money, you have to keep your agreement with him.

You can’t take the money and smash someone’s job.”

“What if I have a preference?”


What responded to him was a right hook.

Anlek Raul was not spoiling him and directly punched him to the ground, riding on top of him and beating him up.

“Ah! Why did you sneak up on me, you bastard?

I’m not one to be messed with.

FUCK, you can’t do this to me ……” Laurence Miller was severely beaten, at first he was still a bit hard-mouthed, and then directly began to beg for mercy.

“Don’t fight, please, don’t fight.

I’m not going to Cruise Manor.

I’m leaving now.”

Anneke Lauer finished the beating and searched his pockets for five hundred dollars, which he put into his shirt pocket.

Laurence Miller shouted, “That’s mine.”

Anneke Lauer spat, “You don’t deserve that money.”

“You can’t do that to me.”

“I can.”

“I’m calling the police.”

“I don’t care, consider it a vacation.

You’re going to get your ass kicked when I come out of there, I promise.” Annelec Lauer pointed to the black Honda.

“Take your car and get the hell out of here right now.”

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