Chapter 336

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ten o’clock in the evening at Daisy’s house.

A round of applause for love came from the bedroom.

It was a blush to hear.

Half an hour later, Luke was lying on his bed looking at his cell phone, his body slightly tired after exercising.

Daisy came out of the bathroom, face mask on her face, wearing a light nightgown, the front and back of her delicate body hidden, lifting the covers and lying on the other side of the bed.

“Where have you been for the past two days? How come you haven’t contacted me?”

Luke put down his cell phone and stroked her long brown hair, “You really want to know?”

“I’m just asking off the top of my head, if you don’t feel comfortable talking about it, forget it.”

“I went to the Cruise estate.”

“What?” Daisy showed a surprised look, “You mean the Cruise Manor?”

“Yes, the estate is beautiful, and I learned to ride a horse and met a few new friends.”

“Why were you there?”

“Mr. Cruise was getting ready to get engaged to his girlfriend, and a few days before the engagement he received an anonymous threatening letter from someone who didn’t want him to have an engagement ceremony, and Mr. Cruise commissioned the Pinkerton Detective Agency to investigate the matter in order to make sure that the engagement went off without a hitch.

The commission was substantial, so I took it on.”

Daisy looked sideways at Luke, “What did you find out?”

“The threatening letter was written by Manny, I talked to him and told him it was wrong, he was convinced by me and took it upon himself to approach Mr. Cruise and admit his mistake.”

“So you saw my mother and Irene too?”

“Yes, I thought something looked familiar the first time I saw your mother, and I talked to your stepfather for a while, who also received a threatening letter, but it wasn’t written by Manny, it was written by Laurence Miller.”

Daisy frowned slightly, slightly nervous, “I knew he wouldn’t stop, what did he want?”

“He inquired about Mr. Cruise’s engagement ceremony, and knowing that a lot of family and friends would be invited to the engagement ceremony, he wanted to make a big fuss at the engagement ceremony to make the Cruise family look bad.”

“Why did he do that? What’s the benefit?”

“There is no benefit, some people just like to do things that are detrimental to others.

Once they encounter difficulties and setbacks, they never reflect on their own mistakes, but rather, they have a habit of shifting the blame to the people around them.

As long as he sees that the other party is upset, he’s cool.”

“You’re right, it’s very much in his style for him to do such things.

How did you stop him?”

“I stopped him on his way to Cruise Manor and talked him down hard, but he wouldn’t listen.

Then I offered him five hundred dollars to get out of L.A., and he agreed.”

“He must have been lying to you.

Five hundred dollars wouldn’t even satisfy him.”

“You’re right, shortly after I left, he turned around and changed roads to get to the Cruz estate.

Then, he was intercepted by other security personnel who wouldn’t be as polite as I was and beat him up and drove him away.”

“Thanks, my mother would have been embarrassed if you hadn’t stopped him ……,” Daisy leaned on Luke’s shoulder, silent for a moment.

“But knowing what I know about Lorenzo Miller, he’s bound to come back for more trouble after such a big loss.”

Luke said, “That’s what I think.”

“What do you think I should do?” Daisy sighed, she was an excellent lawyer and solved her client’s problems with ease, but it was a bit difficult to clear the air, and it was a bit difficult to meet a rogue father like this.

“Beg me and I’ll tell you.”

Daisy pushed Luke’s hand away, “Stop it, I’m talking business.”

“Two ways to settle this, the first, you settle it yourself.

The second, leave it to me.”

Daisy thought about it, unless Rollins Miller did something drastic, it would be hard for the law to restrain him.

And she couldn’t keep waiting; there was only a thousand days to be a thief and not a thousand days to prevent one.

“What do you want to do with it?”

“If it’s left to me, trust me and don’t ask any questions.”

“I just don’t want him to influence you, isn’t it worth it for him?”

Luke was unimpressed, “Out of the people I’ve met, he’s not even a clown, cleaning him up won’t affect me in any way.

On the contrary, if he does get cleaned up badly by me, you won’t blame me for being nosy, will you?”

Daisy shook her head, “If I blame you for something like that, then what’s the difference between me and him. You can do what you want, just go ahead.”

“That’s enough with you.”

In the past, Luke didn’t quite want to intervene in the conflict between Daisy’s father and daughter because he was worried about the inside and the outside, but now his mindset had changed a little again.

Luke cleaned up Daisy’s father, that was to do Daisy a favor.

If Daisy’s father was injured and Daisy blamed Luke for it, there would be no need for the two to interact anymore.

To put it bluntly, in the relationship with Daisy, Luke is more and more open, and there is not so much entanglement, ask the heart can not be ashamed.

The next morning.

Luke and Daisy ate breakfast at a restaurant in the city.

And then Daisy went to work.

Luke, on the other hand, went to the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

“Knock knock.” Luke knocked on the door of Orty’s office.

“Come in.”

Luke pushed his way into the office, carrying a cup of coffee in his hand, “Good morning, beautiful. Here you go.”

“Thanks, that’s very sweet of you.” Orty greeted her with a smile and gestured for Luke to sit on the couch, “You did a great job on this commission, and Mr. Cruise even called me specifically to thank me.”

“That’s good.”

Orty took a sip of his coffee, “How are you feeling yourself?”

Luke spread his hands, “More or less uncomfortable, to be honest.”

Smiling, Orty got up and walked over to the safe, removing a check from it and handing it to Luke, “I’m sure you’ll get used to it soon enough.”

Luke took the check and glanced at it, one hundred and forty thousand dollars, it was indeed heartwarming, “Maybe.”

Orty laughed, “That’s quite a commission you’re getting, even I’m a little envious, how would you like to treat yourself?”

“Buy you a nice meal for lunch, restaurant of your choice.”

“Sounds good.” Holding her chin in her slender hand, Orty thought for a moment, “How about Italian food?”

“No problem.” Luke nodded, he quite liked Italian food as well, “By the way, do you know anyone skilled in jiu-jitsu?”

“What do you want to do?”

“Learn jiu-jitsu.”

Orty smiled, “You’re asking the right person, I happen to have a friend who’s a jiu-jitsu champion.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad, hook me up.”

“I’ll ask for you.”

For lunch, Luke and Orty had a nice Italian meal.

After the meal, Orti took Luke to the arena where he was learning jiu-jitsu.

The Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club.

This jiu-jitsu club was located on the east side of a shopping street, and there were small colorful flags hanging in front of the club.

Entering the main door of the club, you can see the training ground inside, the floor and walls are made up of two colors, blue and white, simple and generous without too much decoration.

There are quite a few children in the training hall, the small ones are only eight or nine years old, the big ones are thirteen or fourteen years old, there are boys and girls, some are practicing alone, some are practicing against each other.

They picked their opponents not by gender, but by size and weight.

Luke said, “I don’t want to practice with these little kids.”

Orty said, “There are small training areas on the second floor where you can practice.”

“Where’s the jiu-jitsu champion you were talking about?”

Orty waved at a woman in a white jujitsu uniform, “Natasha, we’re here.”

Luke was surprised, “The jiu-jitsu champion you were talking about is still a woman?”

“Don’t look down on a woman, she’s just as capable of pinning you to the ground.” Orty finished and walked towards the woman called Natasha on long legs.

Luke sized up the other woman, Natasha was also a Latin woman, dressed in a white jiu-jitsu outfit, barefoot, and of similar height to Orty who was wearing high heels.

Orty’s height was around 172CM, wearing high heels around 178CM, which meant Natasha’s height was around 178CM.

Ortie’s front and back were bulging, very material, but her limbs were slender; while Natasha was very strong, the width of her shoulders exceeded that of an ordinary adult man, and the two stood in stark contrast to each other.

Women were different from men, it was hard to build up muscles, Natasha’s figure was enough to show that she had real material.

Luke was 185CM tall, his body height and dimension was a circle larger than Natasha’s, and he still had a big advantage in terms of size.

Ortie seemed to be familiar with Natasha and said with a smile, “Let me introduce you, this is Officer Luke Lee.

He’s the one who wants to learn jiu-jitsu from you.”

Luke nodded his head in greeting, “Hello, Ms. Vaughn.”

Natasha Vaughn sized up Luke as well, “Have you ever studied jiu-jitsu before?”

“No.” Luke also knew quite a few grappling techniques, the best of which was boxing, and he had learned some grappling and wrestling, but he hadn’t really learned jiu-jitsu.

This time he wanted to learn Jiu-Jitsu, mainly because his ground skills were a little weak, and he happened to have three cards for learning Jiu-Jitsu, so he could make use of them.

Natasha put her hands on her waist, “It’s not easy to learn from scratch at this age.”

“I can do some other grappling skills, like boxing and wrestling.”

“If you want to learn jiu-jitsu, you’d better forget about other grappling techniques first.

Of course, it’s not that you won’t be allowed to use them, but this will help you learn Jiu-Jitsu in a systematic way, and when you’ve got a good foundation, you’ll be able to fight as much as you want.”

“That means I have to learn from the most basic theory?”

“Let’s try our hands first, don’t you know how to wrestle? Just use your wrestling skills to put me down.”

“OK,” Luke nodded, before formally learning, he also wanted to try his opponent’s weight first.

If the other party had water, it would be good to leave earlier.

“Follow me.” Natasha led both Luke and Orty up to the second floor.

The second floor was partitioned into two separate training rooms.

Natasha led the two into the east training room.

Luke took off his shoes, changed into a black jiu-jitsu suit, warmed up briefly, and entered the bout arena, where the ground was soft enough that even if he fell, it wouldn’t hurt too much.

Olty was smiling, sitting on the side to watch the fight, “Go Luke!”

Luke twisted his head to look at, how to look at how to feel the other party some gloating appearance.

Lazily ignoring her, Luke put his attention on Natasha.

Natasha stretched briefly and also entered the training ground, bowing slightly.

Luke follows suit and bows as well.

The two high-fived, showing respect to their opponent.

The bout then began in earnest, with both men stretching their arms out in a defensive stance.

Both were trying to make contact, looking for a break in the other.

Suddenly, Natasha took the initiative and grabbed Luke’s collar with her left hand and Luke’s arm with her right hand, pressing her body down and trying to use the downward force to drop Luke.

Luke felt a strong force pulling himself, this force is far beyond the ordinary adult men, than Luke’s strength is not much smaller.

Fortunately, Luke had prepared for this, and also lowered his body, lowering his center of gravity, and grabbed Natasha’s back with his right hand, and the two of them twisted together.

Natasha’s active attack, with a lot of force and speed, twisted back and forth a few times, but still couldn’t wrestle Luke down.

Natasha changed her approach, letting go of Luke with both hands and pressing her body down to hold Luke’s legs.

Luke had taken wrestling lessons and knew that his opponent was trying to hold and wrestle himself, he stomped his legs back and leaned his body forward and down, again lowering his center of gravity.

The two fought each other, twisting and turning a few times, and Luke tried to wrestle his opponent, but again, it didn’t work.

Suddenly, Natasha let go, no longer close to Luke, along with Luke’s strength pounced up, wrapped around Luke’s waist and back, right foot hooked Luke’s leg.

Luke’s center of gravity was unbalanced directly to the ground, struggling to get up, he was well aware that jiu-jitsu had too much advantage on the ground.

However, as good as Luke’s idea was, Natasha was on top of him the moment he hit the ground.

The two grabbed each other’s clothes, held their heads, and wrestled.

Natasha was trying to subdue Luke.

Luke, on the other hand, was trying to shake her off and get up off the ground.

After a lot of wrangling, it was Luke who had the better strength and shook Natasha off hard enough to lean down and get up from the ground.

However, at that very moment, Natasha’s feet wrapped around Luke, her right foot wrapped around her chest, her left foot wrapped around her neck, and her hands clasped Luke’s right arm.

“FUCK!” cursed Luke, knowing that something bad was going to happen.

Sure enough, the next moment Natasha exerted her force, Luke’s right arm was clasped by Natasha’s hands, while the other party’s legs pressed on Luke’s neck and chest, her legs were so strong that Luke could suffocate at any time.

“Knock knock.” Luke slapped the ground with his left hand.

Only then did Natasha let go of his arm and got up from the ground.

Luke gasped and moved his right arm.

Natasha reached down and yanked him up off the ground, “You’ve got a good base.”

Luke laughed bitterly, “You’re good.”

Natasha was stronger than he thought, but Luke still had the advantage in strength, height, and arm length, and lost out entirely on technique.

Natasha laughed, “There’s nothing to be ashamed of when I’ve wrestled more than a reinforced regiment of men.

Wait until you meet Gabby Garcia, then you’ll know what true desperation means.”

“Natasha, I want to learn jiu-jitsu from you, what about tuition?” Luke didn’t think of her as a woman anymore.

“How about 100 dollars an hour?”

“When do you start?”

“Right now. But you have to start with the theory first, I’m going to show you some basics and techniques.”

“No problem.”

Before officially learning jiu-jitsu, Luke sent the watching Orty away.

She didn’t want this woman to take pictures of herself, which didn’t fit her glorious and magnificent image.

And then, Luke followed Natasha to concentrate on learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

He used a jiu jitsu card and followed Natasha to learn the theory and basic movements of jiu jitsu.

Three hours later, he used a second jiu-jitsu card to train against Natasha and learn the essentials of the movements.

With the addition of the two jiu jitsu cards, Luke learned quickly and his jiu jitsu skills skyrocketed ……

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