Chapter 338

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:06:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Near the Flying Bar.

A Honda was traveling fast and didn’t slow down at the intersection, directly running the yellow light and scurrying past.


A police car chased up from behind, a black and white Dodge, a car with high performance that rarely missed in a chase.

The Dodge police car followed the black Honda, flashing its lights and siren.

The black Honda merged to the right, and the Dodge police car followed, which amounted to a signal to stop.

In Los Angeles, police officers are the first to stop a car once they spot an offending or suspicious vehicle, and the way to do it is simple: follow the stopped car.

If the car in front of you from the rearview mirror to see the police car behind the siren flashing lights, to the first time to the right side of the parallel, if the police car drove straight through, congratulations, the police target is not you, just let you get out of the way.

If, the police car also followed the right side of the parallel, then the unlucky child is you, you need to stop immediately to accept the inspection.

Sure enough, the black Honda in front of you slowed to a stop.

Two officers, one black and one white, stepped out of the car, the white officer stepped out of the driver’s side, touched the Honda’s butt, and looked into the driver’s side glass, “Hello sir, turn off the engine please.”

The man driving the car was none other than Lorenzo Miller, who had just left Daisy’s house, “What can I do for you?”

“Please step out of the car and be inspected.”


The white officer held the handle of his gun in his right hand and shined a flashlight on the driver’s side with his left, “Please put your hands on the steering wheel so I can see them.”

“Move the flashlight, I can’t open my eyes.”

“Lower the window.”

“OK,” Laurence Miller pushed down the window and asked, “Sir, what can I do for you?”

A strong odor of alcohol emanated from the car, and the white officer asked, “Have you been drinking?”

“Uh …… I did have a beer.”

“You don’t look like you’ve had one beer, get out of the car.” The white officer held out his right hand to the car door.

“Whoops ……”

Rollins Miller shifted into gear and stepped on the gas, and the car leapt right out, nearly knocking the white police officer over.

“Damn it, get in the car!” The white constable greeted, returned to the driver’s side of the police car, and drove after him.

The black officer grumbled, “Why do these idiots have to do this every time.”

The white constable said as he drove, “That’s why we exist, otherwise those stingy politicians wouldn’t bother to pay us.”

The black constable laughed, “So we should still be thanking them.”

“I already am. He wishes to play cat and mouse, I’ll play with him.” The white officer pressed harder on the gas again and the car raced on, closing the distance to the black Honda.

The Dodge instantly picked up speed and once again caught up behind the black Honda, flashing its lights and honking its horn, signaling to stop.

The black Honda made a right turn, reduced its speed, merged right, and slowed to a stop.

The Dodge followed suit and the white officer muttered, “Looks like this guy knows what’s up and figured it out.”

The two officers got out of the Dodge and walked one behind the other to the black Honda.

Suddenly, the Honda accelerated hard and took off once more.

The white officer became enraged, “FUCK! This asshole is playing us.”

The black officer turns on his walkie-talkie, reports the situation, and calls for backup.

The two officers ran into their cars again and drove the Dodge police car after them, flashing their lights and sirens.

But this time the Honda didn’t slow down, didn’t merge, and didn’t seem intent on stopping.

“Sit tight.” The white officer accelerated from the left side, ready to force a stop.

The black officer’s right hand gripped the armrest above him tightly, “These assholes just like to get their kicks.”

“I bet this asshole is either high or on drugs.” By the time the white officer finished speaking, the Dodge police car had driven to the left of the Honda, which in turn hit the steering wheel to the right.

“Bang!” The Dodge hit the left rear of the Honda directly.

The Honda was unsteady and reduced its speed, and the car began to spin and went into a greenbelt in the other lane.

The white officer pulled over and two officers rushed up with guns, “LAPD!”

“Put your hands where I can see them.”

“Freeze, you’re under arrest!”

“Don’t shoot, I’m unarmed.” Knowing there was no escape, Rollins Miller could only open the door and step out of the car.

The black officer rushed up and grabbed him right out of the car, “Get on the ground and don’t move!”

“Congratulations, under arrest.” The white officers took out handcuffs and cuffed him, and searched him again.

“I’m unarmed and I haven’t broken any laws, you’ve got the wrong person.”

The white officer questioned, “Then why did you refuse to be questioned by the police? Why did you drive away?”

“I ……” Laurence Miller couldn’t answer.

“Are you high on drugs?”

“No, I haven’t touched the stuff in a long time and I can’t afford it.”

“When did you drink?”

“Uh …… it’s been a while, I’ve only had a little bit to drink.”

The white officer uncuffed him.

Laurence Miller showed a flash of joy, “Are you guys going to let me go?”

“No, you’re going to have to take a sobriety test.”

“I don’t need one ……”

“Why wouldn’t you? I suggest you take it.”

“I’m sober, and drinking doesn’t affect my ability to drive properly.”

“But the fact of the matter is that your car swerved and went into a greenbelt.”

“That was hit by you and I want to go home now.”

“Look, this is the third time I’ve asked you, would you like to take a field sobriety test?”

Rollins Miller took a deep breath, “Yes, I accept.”

“Then let’s go over to the test.”

Under the watchful eye of the two officers, Rollins Miller could only comply and walk over to the open space.

The white constable said, “It’s a bit more level, are you happy with it?”


“Now start the straight line test.”

Laurence Miller took a deep breath and began to walk slowly forward in a straight line as the constable instructed.

The two constables had also been watching from the sidelines.

Rollins Miller walked slowly, and after taking three steps forward, he swayed a little and took another step backward, almost falling.

“Sir, I’d like to take another test.”

The white officer didn’t give him a hard time, “Retrace your steps from where you were.”

Rollins Miller went back to the original point, calmed down for a moment, and retraced his steps, this time he learned to be smart, take a step, pause, and stabilize his stance before taking another step.

Rollins Miller took nine steps forward, the white police officer said, “OK, now turn around and walk back.”

Rollins Miller stood still and waited for a moment before he turned around and walked back.

He took a step forward, his body swayed, and he took another step back.

He stopped, stood still, and took another step forward.

With each step, he paused to stabilize his body before continuing.

Finally, LAWRENCE MILLER was back to square one, and it took him much longer than the average person to walk this circle.

However, the conditions for a DUI in Los Angeles were lenient, and the white officer hesitated for a moment, “You pass.”

Laurence Miller breathed a sigh of relief, “Can I go now?”

“There’s a second test, you have to stand on one leg, one leg off the ground and one leg for support.”

“Which leg stands?”

“Suit yourself.”

Laurence Miller rubbed his face with his hands, stood on his right leg and slowly raised his left, “Is this okay?”

“Raise it a little higher, at least more than the height of a Coke bottle.”

Laurence Miller lifted his left leg a little higher and swayed, almost falling over.

Trying again, he remained unsteady on his feet.

The white officer said, “You go lie down on the car.”

Rollins Miller prayed, “I can try again.”

“No, you’re under arrest.”

“Please don’t, I have a friend who is also a police officer, you guys can let me off the hook this time.”

“Don’t come with that.”

“I’ll give you money, we can trade.”

“Are you bribing us?”

“No, my friend told me …… this would work.”

“Your friend isn’t here, this has nothing to do with your friend.

If you bribe us, you’ll be criminally charged, so you might as well shut up.” The white officer chortled, handcuffed him again, and escorted him into the police car.

“Jesus Christ, why did this happen?” Laurence Miller wore a chagrined look.

Los Angeles DUI convictions were lenient, but once convicted of DUI, the charges could be serious.

And he had an additional charge of resisting arrest, a multiple offense.

The following morning.

Detective Bureau.

Luke yawned as he walked into his office.

Last night, Rollins Miller took turns calling Luke and Daisy.

Daisy didn’t answer, and Luke answered the phone after the third time it rang, somewhat impatiently.

On the cell phone, Rollins Miller told Luke about his DUI arrest and wanted to ask for Luke’s help.

Luke said there was nothing he could do.

Rollins Miller backed off and asked Daisy to lawyer up for him, and Daisy declined.

Rollins Miller was a little depressed and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Daisy learns about the situation and has some mixed feelings when she learns that Rollins Miller may be going to jail.

Pulling Luke out of bed to drink with her.

Luke could feel more relief and relaxation deep inside the other woman.

Blackie said, “Guys, there’s a wine tasting festival in a few days, who wants to go with me?”

“Where?” Luke had always had the idea of stocking up on some high-end wine.

“San Fernando Street, wanna come along?”

Luke poured a cup of hot coffee and took a sip, “Sure, call me when you get there.”

“I’m late.” Porter Hafid walked into the office with a paper bag in his hand.

Black said, “That’s not a good work ethic, newbie.”

“Sorry, I should have come in earlier.

But my wife made donuts for everyone when she found out about the transfer and I was delayed a bit waiting for the donuts to be ready.”

The lieutenant asked, “Your wife made them herself?”

“Uh …… yes.” Porter Haffield opened the bag and pulled out a cardboard box to distribute to the crowd.

“Thanks.” The lieutenant picked up the donut and took a bite, “Tastes good.”

Luke ate the chocolate flavored one, “Goes well with coffee.”

Jenny complimented, “It’s really good, your wife is a great cook.”

“Thanks, she’ll be happy to hear that.

You guys go ahead and eat, there’s some left in the bag, I’ll take it to my coworkers in the other departments.” Porter Hafidh finished and left the office.

The lieutenant finished his donut in a few bites, called Luke aside and asked privately, “Luke, why did you pick this kid for the team?”

Luke asked back, “What’s the problem?”

“He lied, his wife didn’t even make this donut.”

Luke was curious, “Lieutenant, how do you know that?”

“I’ve been eating donuts all my life, there isn’t a famous donut store in Los Angeles that I haven’t eaten at.

The donut I just ate was bought at a dessert store, I often go to that dessert store, I’m familiar with the flavor, it can’t be wrong.”

Luke frowned slightly, he wasn’t sure why Potter Hafid was lying, “What do you think, Lieutenant?”

The lieutenant smiled, “In my experience, he and his wife should be having relationship problems, but he doesn’t want to be known.

That’s why he bought donuts from outside and said his wife made them.

Of course, that’s just my guess, and there could be other purposes as well.”

Luke had chosen Porter Hafed in the first place for three reasons: firstly, he had experience in investigating cases, secondly, he was familiar with the people in the Southern Division; thirdly, he had a complete and harmonious family, a wife and a son and a daughter.

In the first squadron, except for the newly married Blackie, the others were either single or their marriages were not very smooth.

The vice squadron needed no introduction.

Raymond worked a lot of overtime and was never late or early, and he spent most of his time off at the range, so it was a wonder that the couple had a good relationship.

Luke had hoped that the arrival of Porter Haffield would bring some good influence, but now it seemed likely that it would fall through again.

Being a cop, it’s really hard to balance work and life ……

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang and pressed the answer button, “Chief ……

Uh, I know ……

Okay, I’ll bring someone over there ……”

After hanging up his cell phone, Luke said aloud, “Guys, there’s a new case.

Everyone get ready and meet downstairs in five minutes.”

“YES, Sir.”

Half an hour later.

Muliranka Street.

Traffic on the street had been blocked, a cordon was drawn on both sides of the road, and police, fire trucks, and ambulances were parked around.

There were several hit cars in the lane traveling from south to north.

The cars had burn marks, which had been extinguished, and were in a state of disarray.

There was also blood residue from the injured around the cars and a body dripping blood.

The body was a male with burn marks, a dark body, a number of scratches, and a visible wound where his chest was, stained red with blood.

Luke finished observing the scene, gathered several of his team members together and asked, “What do you think?”

Porter Hafid said, “Captain, the first ones to arrive at the scene were officers from the southern division, and I approached them to inquire about the situation.

According to them, the burnt out BMW was the vehicle that caused the accident, it was originally traveling from north to south, after which the car lost control and ran into the opposite lane, colliding with a car.

Several cars behind it braked too hard and crashed into each other as well, resulting in injuries and the car catching fire.

One of the drivers of the BMW involved in the accident died on the spot, and the other eight injured were taken to the hospital.”

Blackie asked, “Is it possible that it was an accident?”

Ramon’s tone was certain, “Impossible, that deceased was shot.”

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