Chapter 345

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:11
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The outcome was a bit of a surprise to Luke, but it made sense when he thought about it.

Casti Torres and Bart Ramos had different opinions about the business philosophy and direction of the used car dealership, and also had a not-so-small conflict because of this incident, which was also evidenced through peers and family members.

Previously, when the investigation into the murder of Bart Ramos had first begun, Luke had also suspected Casti Torres.

Now that he learned that the real target of the gunman was Casti Torres, then Bart Ramos was naturally suspected.

However, hiring one’s own assassin who ended up killing him was a bit ridiculous anyhow, and verification and definitive evidence was needed before drawing any official conclusions.

“Casti, are you sure this caller is Bart Ramos?”


It is indeed his voice, and I am more than familiar with it after working with him for so many years.

If you don’t believe me, you can ask the other employees.”

“What are your thoughts on the matter?”


It’s true that there was a conflict between us over the direction of the car dealership’s business, but we’ve been working together for many years and are considered good friends.

I can’t believe he would do this, I can’t accept it ……,” Casti Torres showed a hurt look.

Luke had also asked Bart Ramos’s wife before about the relationship between Bart Ramos and Kasdy Torres, and in her wife’s words, the two were coworkers but could not be counted as friends because of their different personalities.

From that point of view, it seemed that there was a difference in the way Casti Torres and Bart Ramos treated each other.

Luke asked, “Did Bart Ramos ever threaten you?”

“We’ve argued about the car dealership, but it hasn’t gotten to that point.”

“Why did Bart Ramos have to open a used car dealership branch? What was your underlying conflict?”

“I built up the Salipo car dealership little by little, I put a lot of effort into it, and the dealership has lived up to my efforts, business has been good, it’s fed our family, it’s allowed us to live a relatively prosperous life, and my family and I no longer have to worry about money.

I’m happy with my life now and just want to run this used car dealership.”

Casti Torres sighed softly and continued, “But Bart Ramos doesn’t see it that way, he’s an ambitious, aspiring man who isn’t satisfied with the status quo.

He’s always energized and motivated, and I can’t match him in that.

But he’s too purposeful and puts too much emphasis on money, and that’s something I’m not too happy about.

Take the matter of selling a car, he would use some small means to make the customer spend more money, the interest is indeed much higher, bringing more revenue to the dealership.

But it also brought a lot of trouble. Customers are not stupid, if they fall for it once, they won’t come back a second time.

He only looks at the benefits, because of this we had a conflict before.

His desire to expand the dealership and open new stores also widened the conflict between us.

Once we open a branch, we will need financing and I will have less and less say in the dealership, and if there are problems with the business, the Salipo dealership will be implicated as well.

I’m happy with my life now and there’s no need to take that risk.”

Luke realized that the fact that Custy Torres had begun to use his full name for Bart Ramos indicated that his attitude toward Bart Ramos had changed.

“Then why did you go with him to Long Beach to do research?”

“He’s the one who kept inviting me to go, and in his words, there has to be a good reason for opposing it, and how do you know that Long Beach City is not the right place to open a branch if you don’t have an on-the-ground view of it.

So I went, ready to reject him after checking on the ground and taking into account the actual situation.

Then it happened.

Now that I think about it, it could have all been designed by him ……” said Casti Torres with a sad look.

These circumstances described by Casti Torres were enough to show that Bart Ramos had the motive to commit the crime, but he was also unable to provide the exact clues and evidence.

After all, it was him that Bart Ramos wanted to kill, so how could he possibly let him notice the clues.

The following morning.

Bart Ramos’s house.

It was a three-story, gray-roofed villa with a tall palm tree planted in the yard and a young Labrador sprawled on the grass.

Three cars were parked in front of Bart Ramos’ house, and Luke and the others stepped out of the cars one after another.

“Woof woof ……” The Labrador got up from the ground and barked at Luke and the others.

Blackie lay on his back on the fence of the yard looking at the yellow Labrador.

“Woof woof ……” the Labrador seemed to feel provoked and barked furiously at Blacky.

Blacky laughed, “This doggy is so cute, I want to kick him.”

The people in the house seemed to have heard the commotion, the door opened, and Bart Ramos’ wife walked out of the house.

“Captain Lee, what brings you here?”

“Mrs. Ramos, we have investigated some new clues and would like to ask for your assistance in the investigation.”

“No problem, you guys please come in.”

Mrs. Ramos called the Labrador aside and invited Luke and the others into her home, apparently she didn’t notice that the police had a different attitude this time.

“Captain Lee, have you found out my husband’s murderer?”

Luke said truthfully, “Last night, we caught the murderer who killed your husband, he is just a professional killer who was instructed by a hired hand, we are unable to confirm the identity of the hired hand for the time being.

Coming over to you today, we also want to ask for your assistance in identification.”

“Thank you, I didn’t expect you guys to catch the shooter so quickly, thank you so much. Anything you guys want to know, just ask.”

“Has your husband used any large amounts of cash recently?”

“Yes, he took ten thousand dollars in cash from the house the other day, saying he needed it to open a branch in Long Beach.”

“Do you know a man named Vadim Tovani?”

“Never heard of him.”

Luke pulled out another picture of the killer for him to identify, “Do you recognize him?”

“Never seen him.”

“Did the conflict between your husband and partner Casti Torres ever deteriorate to the point of murder for hire?”

“You are suspecting that Casti Torres hired a hit man to kill my husband?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Do you think that’s possible?”

Mrs. Ramos thought for a moment, “I …… I don’t know how to say this, but the relationship between my husband and Kasdi Torres was indeed …… terrible.

My husband has complained more than once at home that Casti Torres is a stubborn rock who doesn’t know how to change, doesn’t study the market, and is good for nothing but his skill at fixing cars.

He was only good for technical work and should never have joined management.

Sometimes he would swear at Casti Torres at home, and the relationship between the two of them was far worse than outsiders could imagine.

My husband treated Kasdi Torres in such a way, and Kasdi Torres treated my husband in such a way that I can only imagine.

I would have no doubt if someone told me that Kasdi Torres was also ragging on my husband at home.”

“Mrs. Ramos, how many cell phones does your husband have in total?”

“Three cell phones, a work one, and a home phone, and a spare. There is only one spare cell phone in the house right now, and I don’t know where the other two are.”

“Your husband had two cell phones with him when he was killed, both of which are evidence in the case and are in the custody of the police department, so you can pick them up when the case is cleared up.

Also, we came by today to take away a third cell phone as well, which also belongs to the evidence.”

“Wait, this cell phone has been kept at home, why does it also belong to the evidence?”

“The cell phone may contain some clues to your husband’s murder. Where is the backup cell phone?”

“It’s in the bedside table in the bedroom, I’ll get it.”

“Mrs. Ramos, please stay, I’ll have the officers get it.”

“Why? You’re here on a case, but you’re not free to enter my and my husband’s bedroom, it’s against the law.”

Luke flashed a search warrant, “Mrs. Ramos, please assist.”

“What do you mean by that? Why are you searching my home?”

Luke said, “I’m sorry, the situation is a bit complicated and we can’t disclose it to the public until we find out more.”

Mrs. Ramos was not satisfied with this reason, “Now it was my husband who was killed, he was the victim, and now you are searching my home.

I want an explanation.”

Luke said, “Mrs. Ramos, I will give you an explanation when the search is over. Now please step aside.”

Mrs. Ramos showed a helpless look and said helplessly, “You’d better, or I’ll be sure to sue you.”

Luke waved his hand, signaling the officers to enter the home and search it.

Seeing the officers searching the house, Mrs. Ramos tensed her face, pouted, and muttered, “You guys shouldn’t be doing this ……

My husband was killed ……

He was the victim ……

How can you treat the family of the deceased like this ……”

“Woof woof ……”

Seeing a stranger in the house, Labrador also started barking.

Mrs. Ramos yanked Labrador over to her, grabbed him by the neck stalk, and pointed at his doggy face, “What are you barking about?

Why don’t you answer me?

Don’t you understand human language?

It’s also right, you are an animal ……”

Xiao Hei originally still had a few moments of sympathy for this woman, and seeing that she was pointing and cursing, that trace of sympathy immediately dissipated.

“The husky only died a few days ago and bought a new dog.” Blackie looked at the roof of the villa and muttered to himself, “This house is really nice, I guess it won’t be long before there’s a new male owner.”

Mrs. Ramos showed an angry look, “What are you talking about?”

Blackie glared back at the other, “I’m talking about Labrador.”

Mrs. Ramos glared angrily at Blacky.

Xiao Hei was not willing to show weakness either.

It was good to have someone to keep an eye on Mrs. Ramos, Luke was saved.

After a while, Porter came over with a clear plastic bag, “Captain, found a prepaid cell phone.”

Luke opened the phone to check the local number and checked the communication records, “Yes, this is the phone.”

Mrs. Ramos questioned, “What happened to this phone?”

“Whose cell phone is this?”

Mrs. Ramos hesitated for a moment, “My husband’s.”

“This cell phone has been in contact with the killer before.”

“What the hell are you trying to say? Are you saying that my husband knew the killer?”

Luke explained, “More than that.

According to the killer’s confession, the person he was really trying to kill was Kasdi Torres, who accidentally injured your husband because he was in the same car as him.

And the man who really hired him was probably your husband.”

Mrs. Ramos gave a sad look, “Shit, do you know what you’re talking about?

My husband is dead, and you can’t catch the real murderer so you slander him in such a despicable way, you’re shameless.

I’m going to sue you, and you, you, you ……

Every single one of you is not going to run.”

“I know you don’t want to believe it, but it’s the truth.”

Mrs. Ramos retorted, “Don’t you think it’s funny that according to you, my husband hired a hit man to kill himself?”

Luke held up the cell phone in the plastic bag, “This is your husband’s cell phone, and we found the killer’s call logs on the phone, enough to prove that your husband contacted the killer.”

“That doesn’t mean my husband directed him to kill.” Mrs. Ramos remained undeterred.

Luke pulled out a recorder and played an audio clip.

[“Who are you looking for?”

“Vadim Tovani.”

“Looking for him for what?”


“Who are you?”

“I was referred by Anas Poe, I’m going to kill someone in Los Angeles and I’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars when it’s done ……”]

Mrs. Ramos had a confused, helpless look on her face, covering her forehead and sitting on her butt as if she had lost her last ounce of strength, “NoNoNo, it’s not true, it won’t be ……”

Luke said in a serious tone, “I know you don’t want to believe it, and it’s hard to make people believe it, but the killer was indeed hired by your husband, who originally wanted to kill Kasdey Torres, but because of the killer’s operation error, he accidentally killed your husband, who was also his employer.”

It was a bit cruel to say this in front of the family, but Luke had to say it, and the family of the deceased would not relent if it wasn’t made clear.

The only way this case could be closed successfully was to get them to accept the truth.

This was also the reason why Luke patiently explained.

Looking at the woman sitting on the ground and crying bitterly, Blackie’s original dissatisfaction dissipated with her crying, her husband changed from a victim to a murderer, it was expected that any woman would not be able to accept it for a while, and what was even more ironic was that the assassin he had hired had killed himself.

If this matter spreads out, her husband will become a joke.


Metzker’s Bar.


The case was solved, and the men of the Robbery and Murder Division’s 1st Squadron drank together to celebrate.

Potter’s eyes scanned around, “It’s my first time in this legendary Mezick’s Bar, nice atmosphere, I like it.”

Kuro said, “I almost forgot, it’s your first time. How does it feel to be working a case in the Robbery and Murder Division?”

“Superb, take this case for example, I didn’t expect the killer hired by the murderer to kill himself anyway, this kind of plot is only seen on movies and TV shows, it’s unbelievable.” Porter laughed.

The lieutenant raised his glass in a gesture, “Porter, you’ve done well, welcome to the Heist and Murder Division.

Here’s to the newcomers.”

Luke cried a little, shouldn’t I be the one to say that?

The others raised their glasses as well, “To the newcomer.”

The crowd toasted again and Jackson waved, “Hey guys, this is a little fast paced, it’s still early, we should drink slowly.”

Blackie said, “Faster is better, I have to get home to my wife.”

Potter was surprised, “You’re married too?”

“Of course, I’m still newly married.”

“Wow wow …… I thought you were single, I didn’t see that you were married at all.”

Black shrugged, “I’ll take that as a compliment that I’m young.”

“Ringing ……” Potter’s cell phone rang, he took it out and glanced at the screen and pressed the answer button, “Hello.

I’m at the bar.

Later, I’m having a drink with my coworkers.” With that said, Potter got up, “SORRY, I have to go out and take a call, it’s from my wife’s ……”

After saying that, Potter went aside to answer the call.

The vice squad bristled, “What’s the big deal, like who doesn’t have a wife yes.”

Blackie shook his head, “This guy is secretive, it always feels a little off.”

Luke didn’t pick up the conversation, although Porter didn’t come for a long time, but he was very active in his work, as for the new team member’s personal matters, he didn’t want to ask about it.

【Congratulations to the host, successfully solved the murder for hire case, rewarded 70 points, can be exchanged for existing cards】. A familiar voice rang in Luke’s head.

Together with the points gained last time, Luke now had a total of 130 points.

In this fight with the killer, Luke used a bullet avoidance card, this kind of card can save his life at critical moments, store a few more in case of trouble.

Luke first tried to redeem 1 bullet avoidance card, consuming 30 points.

Previously, he had redeemed the Detection Card, which only required 10 points.

The bullet avoidance card was more expensive than expected, he still needed to redeem other cards, he could only wait until next time when he had more points.

Previously, the Jiu Jitsu card that Luke had obtained had been used up, he redeemed two more Jiu Jitsu cards, 20 points for one Jiu Jitsu card, consuming another 40 points.

There were still 60 points left in the system.

Luke wasn’t going to continue exchanging them, he needed to keep some points, when the time came which card he needed could be exchanged at any time.

The three different cards had different points to redeem depending on their functions.

Detection card, 10 points.

Jiu Jitsu card, 20 points.

Bullet avoidance card, 30 points.

From the number of points redeemed, one could also see how precious the three cards were.

Without the protection of the bullet avoidance card, Luke would probably still be lying on the hospital bed recovering from his injuries.

He still liked the upgraded exchange system that allowed him to freely exchange the cards he needed according to his situation.

The heart was more solid and the bottom line was stronger.

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