Chapter 346

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

Luke was on vacation.

The reason for the leave was simple, he had shot a suspect.

As for the closing procedures of the case it was left to the vice squad.

This backfired on Luke, who was lazier than before since he became a captain.

Yesterday Luke redeemed two Jiu-Jitsu cards and went to the Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club early this morning.

Luke had already made an appointment with Natasha in advance.

After meeting, Luke greeted, “Good morning, Coach.”

Natasha asked, “Good morning, isn’t your police department busy lately?”

“I shot my gun the day before yesterday.”

“Were you hurt?”

“No, God forbid.” Luke tapped his chest.

Natasha laughed, “I was going to go easy on you.”

“Not necessary, suspects don’t go easy on us.”

Natasha clapped her hands and beckoned, “Come on, let’s see if you’ve grown in two days.”

“Then you should be careful, I’ve been practicing every day.” Luke walked into the training arena also wearing a black jiu-jitsu suit.

The two bowed and saluted each other.

Luke initiated the attack, pressing down and preparing to hold Natasha’s legs in a diving hold.

Natasha was experienced and had already seen through Luke’s move, bracing his right arm with her left hand and holding down the back of Luke’s neck with her right hand, she twisted hard and broke Luke’s hold directly, flipping Luke to the ground.

At this time, the two people’s offense and defense exchange, Natasha right leg pressure Luke abdomen, hands hold down Luke arm ……

Had her left leg pressed Luke’s neck again, she would have completed a crossbody.

Luke also has a certain understanding of jiu-jitsu, naturally will not sit idly by, with the left arm pressed down on the back of Natasha’s neck, so that the other party can not complete the crossbody, and then sideways to get rid of Natasha’s pressure.

The two stood frozen for a moment, neither able to subdue the other in the first place.

The two let go of each other and resume their standing positions once again.

Natasha nodded, “Not bad, you’re improving quickly.”

“You taught me well too.”

“It’s your turn to be careful this time ……,” Natasha finished and took the initiative to attack.

Natasha’s attack was swift, but Luke wasn’t the rookie he was before, seeing the moves and resolving the first wave of attack with his physical advantage ……

Jiu-Jitsu practical training was hard, Luke studied hard, using two Jiu-Jitsu cards in one day, his technique became more comprehensive and skillful.

From barely being able to see the moves at the beginning, he had the power to fight later on.

In the morning, he was almost pressed, and in the afternoon, he was occasionally able to subdue Natasha with his physical superiority, and although he lost more than he won, he had already made significant progress.

At the end of the day’s training, Natasha once again marveled at Luke’s talent, and even asked him if he had any thoughts of participating in a professional jiu-jitsu tournament.

Luke politely declined, the reason why he was a fast learner was because the Jiu-Jitsu card had stimulated his own potential, he was just a stronger learner, but the thing about talent was fixed, once the talent was at the top, it was hard to refine it.

Currently, he wasn’t sure how high his jiu-jitsu talent was.

Take for example, his boxing talent, has reached the level of a professional boxer, it’s no problem to deal with three or five ordinary people, but to participate in a professional boxing match is just an ordinary player, the probability is that he will be abused, and there is still a considerable gap between him and the top boxer.

And this gap in addition to their own efforts, the more important thing is talent.

After practicing jiu jitsu, Luke ate a barbecue, went home to soak in the bath, relax, and had a beautiful sleep at night.

The next morning, Luke finished breakfast and drove to the pet store.

Luke was kind of bored living alone, and the house wasn’t too small, so having an animal kind of pissed him off.

Pilton Street.

This is a street of pet stores.

From south to north there are stores selling pets, as well as pet hospitals, pet grooming, haircuts, and more.

Mostly cats and dogs, but also reptiles, snakes, lizards and so on.

Luke out of curiosity, also went in to see, for reptiles he is not very afraid, but keep in the house will always feel awkward, this thing is cold-blooded, can add what anger.

Luke browsed the pet dog store, the dog can be raised, he also has a dog training card, but the key is that he is too busy, do not have time to take care of.

Luke decided to wait a little longer, there would be a suitable opportunity later.

Finally, Luke ran to the fish pet store again.

Raising this fish thing is still relatively hassle-free, when you have time to look at it and feed it, and when you don’t have time, you don’t have to bother too much.

At least it’s a living thing, so it can be kept in the house with more life.

Thinking of this, Luke began to select the fish tank and fish.

Luke shopped around, the fish are really many, really beautiful, silver dragonfish, gold dragonfish, seven star sword, parrot fish, luohan fish and so on.

Luke looked dazzled, one of his favorite is still the silver dragonfish, looking for the waiter to ask, raising fish is also a technical work, not you want to raise which few, just raise which few.

Fish will also fight, and even eat each other, silver dragonfish can eat small fish, so only with large fish together.

The silver dragonfish itself is very large, can grow to more than a meter long, the fish tank should also choose a larger.

The clerk recommended a fish tank that was two meters long and 80 centimeters high, too big for Luke to get in and take a bath himself.

Money wasn’t the main concern, he was worried about the effort involved in painting the tank.

In the end, he opted to feed smaller fish.

Bought a fish tank that was 100cm long, 40cm wide and 60cm high.

The fish he bought were all small ornamental fish, peacock fish, Mary fish, traffic light fish, zebra fish, red arrow fish, and two small turtles.

It was also the shopkeeper who helped him match the fish, in the words of the shopkeeper, the color combination, water temperature and environment of these fish were more suitable.

Luke will buy the fish tank and fish home, can not care about food began to study fish breeding equipment oxygen pump, filter, water plants and decorations.

Luke tossed more than an hour to place the fish tank, put water, install equipment, and finally put the fish into the tank.

Fish swimming around in the tank, colorful and very beautiful, the house has a little more life.

Luke loved it, but always felt that something was missing.

Luke walked into the bedroom, from the cabinet out of a wooden box, wooden box is not big, about 45cm long, 35cm wide, 35cm high, open the box is loaded with golden gold coins.

Luke thought about it, and I don’t know if it was out of bad taste, directly sprinkled the gold coins into the fish tank.

Watching the gold coins sink to the bottom and the fish swimming on top made it even more beautiful.

As for whether it would be stolen, Luke wasn’t worried.

First, he wouldn’t invite outsiders.

Second, even if there were thieves, they wouldn’t think the gold coins in the fish tank were real.

Third, the person who had the guts to steal his gold coins wouldn’t be able to look at these few gold coins.

Fourth, even if they did get stolen, haha ……

As for the box containing the gold coins Luke wasn’t going to throw it away and was going to drill a few holes in it to get a house for the little fish.

Luke said to do it, looking for a toolbox to dig holes in the box.

Labor in Los Angeles is more expensive, and live in a wooden house, often have to repair and repair, the man will have a toolbox.

Luke took out a pen and drew a few round holes in the box, and directly removed the lid of the wooden box, and then knocked on the wooden box with a screwdriver, and felt that the bottom of the box sounded a little different.

Luke turned over and studied it again, it felt like the bottom of the chest was empty, and there seemed to be a mezzanine.

Previously, after finding the treasure, Luke and the three of them were mesmerized by the gold coins in the chest, and no one took the chest seriously.

Now it seemed that there might be something else at the bottom of the chest.

Luke used a hammer and conical very violent pry open the bottom of the box, the compartment is not very big, only a thin layer, no wonder it was not found at that time.

After opening the compartment, a sealed bag was placed inside, the material of the sealed bag was very good, and it could not be torn by hand, Luke used a knife to cut it open, revealing what was inside.

A tan colored map.

Luke picked up the map and looked at it, there were no obvious markings or obvious locations.

A few lines were written in the bottom right corner.

”Haha, man, we meet again.

You’re the smartest one.

The gold coins from before were just appetizers.

The real treasure is on this map.

Want it?

Then go and find it.

Forrest Finn.’

“Crap, you damn well know how to play.” Luke cried and laughed a little.

The thoughts of rich people were really confusing.

At this moment, Luke couldn’t care less about the fish tank, threw a handful of fish material and began to study the treasure map.

This time, the treasure map was far more complicated than the previous one, and the geographical area was also bigger, even he suspected that it was not a complete map.

After half a day of research, Luke also has no clue, this kind of thing can’t find someone to ask, simply hide it first, have time to slowly study.

Treasure is a good thing, who does not want, but sometimes too much obsession will become a burden.

Let nature take its course.

Although the wooden chest only had four sides left, it didn’t hinder the use, Luke punched a few holes in the chest and threw it into the fish tank by hand.

With the gold coins and wooden box, this small fish tank froze by him out of the mystery of the pirate’s hidden treasure.

Not bad.

Luke was still very satisfied with this fish tank.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Luke drove to his mom’s house.

Knowing that Luke is off for the next two days, Linda called him to come home for dinner.

Luke has not been home for a while, but also a little bit like mom’s cooking.

Today’s weather is good, Luke did not drive a car, riding a Harley home.

Luke’s Harley has been remodeled with a lot of money, and it’s very cool, causing a lot of envious stares along the way.

Entering the community street, Luke slowed down the speed of the car, trying not to affect the neighbors.

The Harley drove straight to the garage door and stopped.


There was a noisy mowing sound, accompanied by a strong smell of grass.

Fatty was mowing the lawn; Luke used to do this kind of work, but now that Luke had moved out, the job fell to Fatty.

“Hey man, good job. Mow it for me sometime.”

The little fat man protested loudly, “Child labor is illegal!”

“You should tell that to Mom, she’ll help you reinterpret California law.”

“She doesn’t care about the law, she’ll just redistribute my allowance.”

“Haha ……” Luke laughed, taking a bag off his motorcycle, “Boy, think outside the box, I got your favorite fried chicken.”

“Only fried chicken?”

“What else do you want?”

“No, I’m just asking.”

Chubby was almost done, put the mower back in the garage and went home with Luke.

Little Fatty took the bag of fried chicken and opened it and sniffed it with an intoxicated look on his face.

Luke shook his head and lost his smile, opening the door and entering the house.

“Bang Bang ……”

The sound of two salute cannons rang out.

Colorful ribbons fell on Luke, who stood in place somewhat confused.


Grandpa Robert, Uncle Val, and Mom Linda were all standing in the doorway.

Luke was still a little confused, what was going on?

Linda said with a delighted face, “Happy Birthday!”

Luke then reacted to the fact that today was his birthday, and it was also the first time he celebrated his birthday since he came to Los Angeles.

And because it was the first time, he didn’t remember this special day.

“Older brother, what’s that look on your face, don’t tell me that you actually forgot your birthday.”

“I remembered it a few days ago, but I was busy the past two days and forgot. Thank you guys, it’s really a surprise for me.”

“Not just a surprise, but a present.” Val handed Luke a box, “Happy Birthday.”

Luke shook the box, “What kind of present?”

“I’ve recorded a couple more songs that I’m sure you’ll like.”

“Come on, Uncle, you can’t be serious.” The last time Val had given him a hard drive of songs, Luke had only listened to half of them before tossing them aside and describing them in four words as ‘unappealing’.

Val asked rhetorically, “What’s that look on your kid’s face, I sing bad songs?

Open it up.”

Luke opened the box, inside was a metal flip-top lighter, very well made, with Luke’s initials engraved on it, Luke struck the flame and it glowed blue.

“Thank you uncle, I love this gift.”

“Luke, your gift.” Robert handed over an ornate envelope.

“A little something to look forward to.” Luke smiled and opened the envelope, which contained an Amazon gift card.

“I don’t know what you youngsters like these days, so go buy whatever you like yourself.”

“Thanks Grandpa, actually, whatever you give me, I like it.”

“Happy birthday my son.” Linda handed Luke a gift box as well.

Luke opened the box, which contained a beautiful black leather bag, the material was soft, comfortable to the touch and exquisitely made.

“I saw that your purse was a little old, so I bought you a new one.”

“Thanks mom, I like it a lot.” Luke directly replaced the old wallet and put the cash and cards into the new wallet, “It fits.”

Luke then turned his attention to his brother, “Where’s your present?”

The chubby little man said, “I got A’s on all my tests this time ……”

Luke interrupted, “No, I don’t care if my brother is a lawyer, or a dishwasher in the future, I just want the gift now ……”

“You’re such a dear good brother.”

Little Fatty rolled his eyes, waved his hand to signal the crowd to get out of the way, and walked over to the living room table, where a box sat on the table, Little Fatty opened the lid, “This is a cake that I made with my own hands, the best chocolates, creams, nuts, and fresh fruits, and I’ve been making it for the whole morning.

It’s also the first time I’ve ever made a birthday cake with my own hands.”

Luke surveyed the cake, the mold wasn’t as fine as the store’s, but it did have the flavors he liked, “You really made it yourself?”

Linda said, “I can prove it.”

“Thank you old boy, I’m touched, I’ll savor it.”

Robert laughed, “Family, I also brought a bottle of champagne, let’s have a nice drink and celebrate Luke’s 26th birthday.”

The crowd drank and chatted, accompanied by the crunching sound of the little fat man eating fried chicken, the room was filled with laughter ……

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