Chapter 347

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Luke rode his Harley to Daisy’s house.

Daisy’s house is lit, Luke is not in a hurry, smoke a cigarette before going in.

Luke walked into the house and saw Daisy wrapped in a bath towel walking down from the second floor in a graceful manner, “Just got out of the shower?”

“Busy day on the case today, took a relaxing bath.”

“Too bad, wish I had come earlier.”

Daisy walked over to the coffee table and picked up the bottle of red wine and poured a glass, “You’ve had a lot of wine today, would you like another?”

“Why not?” Luke took the glass and took a sip of wine.

Daisy pulled out a delicate bag from under the coffee table, “Happy birthday.”

Luke was a little surprised, “Thanks, how did you know it was my birthday?”

Daisy gave a slight sideways glance, “Come on, I’m just busy with work, I’m not stupid.”

Luke opened the bag inside was an exquisite box with the crown labeled on it, lifting the lid was a beautiful Rolex watch.

With a black dial, gold hands, gold trim, and leather wrists, it looked sleek, stylish, and upscale.

Daisy took the watch and put it on Luke’s wrist, “Do you like it?”

“Of course, I love it, I just haven’t been able to buy it, is it expensive?”

“Not too expensive, only about three thousand dollars.

I was going to buy you an expensive watch, but considering you’re on a mission, I got this one.”

Luke said, “I’ll wear it when I’m on vacation.

I can’t afford to scratch a gift from you.”

“No, I bought this watch for you to use when you’re working, don’t worry about wearing it, I’ll send you a new one if it breaks.”

“Finally I know why a lot of men like to eat soft food, I will wear it all the time.” Luke wrapped his arms around Daisy and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“You smell like booze, go wash up first, I have other gifts.”

“There are other gifts? What is it?”

“You’ll find out in a moment.”

“You’ve successfully piqued my curiosity.”

Luke had been around the pet store most of the day and really needed a good shower.

When Luke came out of the shower, Daisy was not in the bedroom, presumably she had gone to prepare the gift, Luke was in no hurry and turned on the TV.

While watching TV, while waiting for her.

A few moments later, the checkroom door opened, Daisy wearing a semi-transparent light pajamas, can vaguely see the inside of the delicate body, black stockings and underwear.

Daisy is already a big beautiful woman, her appearance is delicate, her body is concave and convex, and then wearing these clothes, as long as it is a straight man will not be able to hold on.

Daisy walked to the edge of the bed and sat straight on Luke’s lap, whispering softly, “Do you like this gift?”

“All the surprises of the day combined don’t compare to this moment.”

Two games of poker were played just after 10:00 PM.


Daisy went to the bathroom to wash up while Luke lay in bed watching TV.

Luke was sort of in the management of the police force, not a high rank, but a more important position.

He is now more concerned about the news in Los Angeles, can be on the news are not trivial, and as long as it is related to homicide, there is no chance that Luke can be involved.

Luke changed stations in a row, all broadcasting the same news.

Los Angeles Rams cornerback Danny Carter has been arrested by the LAPD after allegedly raping a 20-year-old female fan.

Americans revere sports, in the international sphere of influence is the largest when the NBA, but in the United States domestic basketball can only rank third, the influence of the first ranked football.

In February of this year, the Los Angeles Rams just won the Super Bowl championship, which is also after 23 years the Rams again won the Super Bowl championship, for the people of Los Angeles, this is an event, the influence of the U.S. election than.

Danny Carter was eye-catching in the Super Bowl and extended his contract for four years at a salary of eighty million dollars.

The bathroom door opened and Daisy came out in her pajamas and laid down on the other side of the bed, “You’re following this case too, any inside information?”

Luke laughed, “No, I’m not involved in this case, I’m just a little curious, a rich, famous man like this should have no shortage of women, why does he have to be hard?”

“Maybe he’s innocent.”

Luke looked over at Daisy’s white cheeks, “You’re a fan of his too.”

“No, I’m his lawyer.”


“What kind of tone is that, doubting my abilities?”

“No, I just think you’re young ……”

Daisy glared at Luke, “Lawyers rely on competence, not seniority, and I went to school early …… can’t I?”

“Sure.” Luke changed the topic, “This is a big case, there should be a lot of commission, right?”

“Roughly estimated, there should be a few million dollars, but money is not the main thing, the more crucial thing is the case influence.”

“Then wouldn’t you be a little rich?”

“It’s not as simple as you say, first of all the lawsuit has to be won before it can be done, and secondly, I’m only one lawyer in the group of lawyers, there are two other female lawyers who exceed me in age, seniority, and fame.”

“Both female lawyers?”

“Yes. It’s easier for a female attorney to gain the trust of a jury and be more persuasive in a lawsuit like this.”

Luke wondered, “So did Danny Carter rape any female fans?”

“He admitted to having sex with the female fan, but it was consensual.”

“Do you believe him?”

“Of course, I’m his lawyer.”

“And what if you’re not his lawyer?”

Daisy didn’t answer positively and looked over at Luke, “Are you interested?”

“Of course, big star scandals like this belong to the national news, everyone is curious, it’s the best thing to talk about after dinner.

My mom and uncle are definitely curious.”

“Then are you interested in joining this case?”

“What do you mean?”

“Danny Carter has already hired three lawyers, and possibly a fourth, maybe even a fifth, and I think there are enough lawyers already.

Instead of hiring more defense attorneys, he could use a good detective.

Suppose it would be more valuable to unearth more new clues than to hire more lawyers.


“To be honest …… not very interested.”


“He’s hiring a lawyer, not a detective, so what am I? Your deputy?”

“No, that’s not what I meant.

You’re in charge of investigating new leads in the case, and I’m in charge of making that evidence as effective as it should be in court.

Danny Carter, who has been living in Los Angeles, must have heard of your reputation, and I’m sure he’d be more than willing to hire.”

“And what’s my commission?”

“The same as a lawyer on the bar, what do you think?”

“Sounds good, but I’ll have to talk to him before I decide.” Luke wasn’t a lawyer, he had moral boundaries and wouldn’t help a rapist get off.

Seven o’clock in the morning.

Daisy woke up and washed up on time.

Compared to the past days, she looked a bit hyper today, it was the first time Daisy got this kind of celebrity case, whether it was in terms of popularity, influence, or commission, which she had never encountered before.

It was also a stroke of luck that she got the case, firstly because of the firm’s connections, Danny Carter had originally been a client of the firm, and secondly because of her gender, rape cases involving men were mostly dominated by female defense attorneys.

Her desire to have Luke intervene in the case as a detective was also based on multiple considerations.

First of all, Danny Carter had already hired three lawyers and might hire more afterward, but Daisy felt that the case wasn’t too complicated, and three lawyers were already enough, any more would not be able to do much good, so it would be better to hire a well-known detective like Luke.

Luke has solved several big cases in Los Angeles, no one will doubt his ability to solve the case, with him on board, he can dig up more clues in Danny Carter’s favor, and the help for the case will be more obvious.

Secondly, Daisy is the most junior among the three lawyers, and it is almost impossible for her to defend the case in court, but with Luke’s joining in the case, it is different, with the relationship between Luke and her, Luke will definitely tell her when he finds out the clues, and with Luke’s help, she will have the possibility to defend the case in court.

The attention of this case is very high, her popularity will also rise.

The last point, the commission for this kind of case was high, even if it was divided among a few people it would be a considerable amount of income, rather than letting outsiders get a piece of the pie, it would be better for Luke to benefit from it.

Various thoughts crossed her mind, and with this effort Daisy also made breakfast.

She usually had a simple breakfast, milk, fruit, and a sandwich, but Luke’s meals were larger, and with Luke here, she also fried bacon and ham.

At the table, the two chatted some more.

After the meal, Daisy went to the law firm and Luke returned to the neighborhood.

After the Harley drove into the neighborhood, Luke didn’t go home right away, but instead went to pick up something from the UPS Smart Pickup locker on the east side of the neighborhood.

Yesterday, Luke’s dad also sent a birthday present, only Luke wasn’t at home and had the courier temporarily put it in the pickup locker.

Luke opened the pickup cabinet, is a twenty centimeters long, 10 centimeters wide, 8 centimeters high cardboard box, looks like the gift will not be too big.

Luke is not in a hurry, back home to put the Harley in the garage, sprinkled a handful of fish food in the fish tank, admiring the colorful small fish happily eat food.

A seemingly uninteresting event, Luke watched for a good two minutes.

The fish food is almost eaten, Luke used the key to open the delivery carton, which contains a gray cardboard box, the box outside a layer of transparent plastic sealing bag.

Luke cut open the plastic bag, open the box, there is a black spring-loaded retractable knife, the handle is very heavy, there is a switch on the top of the handle, push it forward, and out pops a sharp blade, the back of the knife has serrated teeth.

The switch went back and the blade retracted.

Luke measured it with a ruler, the handle was about 12.5cm long, the blade about 11cm long, total length 23.5cm.

After retracting the blade, the knife handle was only 12.5cm, making it easy to carry.

As a police officer will inevitably encounter accidents, one more dagger, and one more tool for self-defense.

Luke tried the handle felt good, the blade was also sharp, it was a good knife.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

Daisy led Luke to the Marriott Hotel.

The two got off the elevator and entered the 7th floor corridor, Luke asked, “Doesn’t the suspect have a place to stay in Los Angeles?”

Daisy corrected, “It’s the client.”

“Sorry about the slip of the tongue.”

“He had a villa in Beverly Hills, but it was too inconvenient with all the reporters outside.

Stayed at a hotel after being released on bail.”

“What about his family?”

“He’s divorced and has a child with his ex-wife.”

“Famous, rich bachelor, he must have a colorful life.”

“True, and the bail was generous.” Daisy spat, walked to the door, and rang the bell, “Ding-dong.”

Half a moment later, the door opened.

At the door stood a young black man in his twenties, thick lips, headphones hanging in his neck, less than 180cm tall, broad shoulders, and a stocky build.

“Attorney Ellis, hello.”

“Mr. Carter, let me introduce you, this is ……”

Danny Carter interrupted Daisy, “No need for an introduction.

I know Captain Luke Lee, I’ve seen him in the news, a real tough guy.”

“I’ve seen you play too, fastest player in the game.”

Daisy laughed, “Can you two gentlemen, come into the room and be blowing each other off?”

Danny Carter stepped aside, “Come on in.

I’m sorry, the house is a bit of a mess and I don’t want anyone in the room right now to clean it.”

Daisy said, “You’re right, the fewer people you touch right now, the better.”

“I know, be careful what you say.” Danny Carter sighed and sat on his butt on the couch, “I regret it, I shouldn’t have gone home with her that day.

Officer Luke, can I call you that?”

“Just call me Luke.” Luke was now helping him with his investigation as a detective.

Some time ago, Orty had already helped him get a detective’s license, and with the endorsement of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, it didn’t take Luke any trouble at all.

“Me too, just call me Danny.

Luke, I know you’ve handled a lot of big cases, wouldn’t a case like mine be a piece of cake for you.”

“Danny, I’d like to talk to you before I officially accept your commission.”

Danny Carter shrugged, “OK, talk about what?”

“I heard from Attorney Ellis that you’ve been accused of alleged involvement in a rape case?”


“What was the name of the person who accused you of rape?”

“Billie Warwick.”

“When did you have contact?”

“The evening of November 18th.”

“Did you know each other before?”


“On the night of November 18th, did you have sex?”


“Did you force yourself on her?”

“Absolutely not.

She said she was a fan of mine and was very fond of me and enthusiastic.

Invited me to her place for a cup of coffee and it was natural to have sex.”

“Then why did she call the police?”

“I don’t know, I regret now that I shouldn’t have trusted her.”

Luke kept his eyes on the other man and saw no sign of lying on his face.

In other words, he was innocent.

“OK, let’s talk about the commission.”

Danny Carter breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you for being willing to help me.

I need the support of an expert like you so badly right now, and I’d be helpless if you weren’t even willing to help …….”

The commission and commission side of things Daisy had already negotiated, with Luke intervening in the case as a detective consultant, also taking up a lawyer slot, and getting the same percentage of commission as Daisy.

Of course, that was just on the surface, in reality Luke didn’t have to be pumped by the law firm and received far more than Daisy.

“Danny, I’d like you to describe the contact with Billie Warwick, the more detailed the better.”

“What a bad memory ……,” Danny Carter took a sip from the wine glass on the coffee table.

“We had training that day and after it was over we went to the pub for a drink, we had a team agreement not to drink too much, I just had a beer and enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of the pub.

At the bar I met Billie Warwick, who claims to be a fan of mine, and we had a nice chat.

I bought her a drink and we danced together on the dance floor ……

It was a great feeling at the time.”

“What time did you get to the bar, and which bar?”

“Camweatt Street, Vistas Bar, I arrived about eight o’clock and left the bar at ten o’clock.”

“Was there surveillance in the bar?”

“I’m not really sure.”

“Did anyone see you two together?”

“Yes, two of my teammates.”

“Where did you go after you left the bar?”

“The place wasn’t a good place to get a cab, so I offered to drive her home, and she agreed.

In the car, we had a nice conversation.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said she was single.

I drove her to her door and she offered to invite me in for coffee, parked in front of her house and followed her home.”

Danny Carter picked up his cigarette, lit it and took a drag, “We had another drink and that vibe was great at the time ……

I kissed her, she didn’t say no, and then clapped for love.”

“Where did you clap for love?”

“At her house on the couch.”

“About how long from kiss to finish?”

“Seven or eight minutes.”

“Was there any verbal or motor resistance from her at that time?”


“How long was the substantial contact?”

“I was excited, it was only two or three minutes.”

“Was there any genetic material left behind?”


“How many times?”

“Just once.”

Something struck Luke as unusual, how could a young, strong lad like that only have it once when dealing with a pretty girl he’d just met?

“What happened after that?”

“We went to her bedroom, she went to take a shower, I was in bed playing with my phone, and then I heard a familiar car noise ……

I went to the window to check it out and realized my car had been taken.

It was my new Porsche 911, and by the time I chased it out …… my car was gone, I couldn’t even see the taillights.”

“What time was it?”

“It was about eleven o’clock.”

“Did you call the police?”

“Yes, I called the police and then went to deal with the theft of the car.

The next morning I was working out in my yard when the police found my house and thought they had found my car.

Turns out it wasn’t the same cops at all, the new ones asked for my name and said Billie Warwick had called the police claiming I raped her last night.

I explained to them, but they wouldn’t even listen and took the arrest straight into the police station.

I swear to God that what I said is true, I didn’t force myself on anyone, Billie Warwick absolutely consented.”

Luke asked and answered, “When did Billie Warwick call the police?”

“The morning of November 19th.”

“Was your car found?”

“No. That’s what pisses me off, my car was stolen and the police didn’t react at all.

Someone else falsely accused me and the cops just arrested me.

Luke, can your Robbery-Murder Division take over this case?”

“Maybe if something bad happened to Billie Warwick.”

“Are you kidding?”

“No, I’m serious.”

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