Chapter 349

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After dinner.

Blackie said goodbye to Luke and drove off.

Luke sat in the driver’s side of the car smoking while thinking about things.

Since he had accepted Danny Carter’s commission and the other party had given him a generous commission, he naturally had to do his best.

Relying on Blackie’s line alone definitely wouldn’t work, Luke also needed to start investigating from other aspects.

In addition, being a detective and a police officer are different, if Luke is now talking in the capacity of a police officer, he definitely needs to understand the situation from the female victim, Billie Warwick.

But not now, Luke’s identity is not suitable for direct contact with Billie Warwick, even if he conceals his identity and contacts the other party, once he asks about the topic of M-sense, the other party will also avoid talking about it.

Luke needs to abandon the previously familiar way of handling cases and investigate the case in a detective’s way.

Of course, this detective’s way of investigating the case will also carry certain personal characteristics, after all, rivers and mountains are easy to change their nature.

First, Luke contacted Orty and asked her to investigate Billie Warwick’s profile and surrounding connections.

It wasn’t free; he would pay a standard fee.

In fact, it was both convenient and costless for him to utilize the police department’s resources to investigate Billie Warwick, but after careful consideration, he gave up on that idea.

If it was just an occasional investigation of someone in the police system, there was no problem, just like Luke’s previous investigation of Daisy’s father.

But Luke was no longer able to get a direct bonus from the sleuth system, he needed new means of earning money, with his current fame part-time as a detective earnings would be very high, if he didn’t do it, it would be a waste of his fame.

If the detective as a part-time job, in the future, he may often have to investigate the information of some people, and it is not appropriate to frequently use the police department resources.

Spending a small amount of money was a peace of mind.

This fee was a drop in the bucket compared to his commission.

After chatting with Ortie, Luke contacted informant Annelec Lauer again and asked him to go to the neighborhood of Billie Warwick’s house to monitor the area, although there might not be any gains, the arrangements that should be made should still be made.

Low-level mistakes can’t be made.

With those tasks laid out, Luke drove home and went to bed.

Having a good sleep and rest would ensure proper work the next day.

The following morning.

Luke woke up, poured a cup of coffee and sat down in the courtyard to drink it.

Generally speaking, Luke would drink tea when he was on vacation, and with a work situation, he would drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

Tea is still more flavorful to drink in a casual situation, with something on his mind, he can’t drink that taste.

After drinking coffee, Luke was too lazy to cook and drove to a nearby Chinese restaurant for breakfast.

A bowl of beef noodles and two small dishes.

Large piece of beef, very thick and chewy.

The small dishes were mixed three shreds and red oil tripe.

If you say that Los Angeles which Chinese food is the most authentic, is definitely this beef noodles, beef portion kills ninety-five percent of the domestic noodle shop.

The noodles are also very taut, is the domestic authentic ramen master immigrants over.

Eating a bowl of beef noodles, the body is soothing, the whole person is satisfied.

“Jingling ……”

The cell phone rang.

Luke pressed the answer button, “Good morning, beautiful.”

Orty’s voice came from the phone, “Where are you?”

“Having breakfast at a noodle shop, miss me?” Luke laughed.

“Yep, missed you, do you have time today? Let’s meet up.”

Luke thought for a moment, “Not during the day today, how about at night?”

“Forget about night, I’m used to getting my beauty sleep.” Ortie’s words changed, “The person you want to check, has been checked.”

“Very efficient, send it to my mailbox later.”

Orty asked back, “You have nothing to say to me?”


“That’s not what I wanted to hear.” Orty hesitated for a moment and asked, “Are you privately investigating the Danny Carter X-assault case?”

“Wow. …… So that’s what you’re asking.” Luke hesitated slightly and explained, “Danny Carter is a friend of a friend of mine who is in trouble, you should have seen the news.

My friend then asked me to help and clear Danny Carter’s name.”

“Danny Carter is lucky to have met you.”

Luke laughed, “You sound like you’re a little ‘jealous’?”

“The hell I’m not.” Orty simply hung up his cell phone.

Regarding Orty’s mind, Luke could probably guess some of it, Luke and Orty had known each other for some time, and Luke had signed a consultant contract with the Pinkerton Detective Agency, but Luke had been reluctant to formally accept commissioned tasks.

Some time ago, Olty soft-pedaled Luke to take a task.

Now that not more than a few days had passed, Luke had already set aside her to take on a mission on his own, and had asked her to help investigate the people involved, she would definitely have ideas in her heart.

This is also considered a normal reaction, how the other side does not have a little emotion, Luke instead to worry.

Women, emotions are normal, coaxing will be fine, a small problem.

Luke opened the cell phone mailbox, began to check Billie Warwick’s information.

Name, Billie Warwick

Age, 20 years old

Occupation, restaurant waitress

Relatives, mother, live-in boyfriend.

Race, African-American

License plate number, 3CVb328.

Residential address, 209 Naples neighborhood.

Also at the bottom of the profile was a picture of Billie Warwick with her mother and her boyfriend.

After reading the profile, Luke had a general understanding of Billie Warwick’s situation.

Sure enough, Billie Warwick had a boyfriend, which should be and was one of the reasons why the police had determined that Danny Carter was suspected of X-assault.

209 Naphtali Neighborhood.

Luke drove to the neighborhood of Billie Warwick’s house.

On the way here, he had been worried that Annelec Lauer would be discovered by Billie Warrick.

Upon arriving at the community, he realized that his worries were completely unwarranted.

There were a lot of cars parked in the community, Luke swept a few eyes and realized that there was something wrong with these cars, most of these cars were piled up near Billie Warwick’s house, and there were people in the cars, without opening the windows or starting the cars, it was obvious that they were also here to ‘spy’ on Billie Warwick.

As for what they were, it wasn’t hard to guess.

The odds were that they were news reporters.

Danny Carter belonged to a football star with some influence, and as long as this case didn’t end for a day, there would be constant heat and the public was delighted to see it, so naturally the TV stations wouldn’t let go of such good news fodder.

They couldn’t find Danny Carter himself, so they started hitting on Billie Warwick, if they could get a Billie Warwick scoop, they could also catch fire.

Luke then meets up with Annelec Lauer to ask about last night’s stakeout.

Annelec Lauer is depressed, the car smells strongly of smoke, and his upper and lower eyelids are starting to fight.

Luke brings him a burger and coffee, “Eat and go home and get some sleep.”

Annelec Lauer rushed to take a sip of the coffee and bared his teeth as it burned, “I haven’t had a drink of water in hours.”

“Next time remember to buy two bottles of water ahead of time.”

“I just didn’t want to pee in the car.”

“Your body can only stay in good shape if you drink enough water, you should try to get over it.”

Annelec Lauer said with a serious face, “I tried …… not to pee.”

Luke didn’t want to continue this topic, “Tell me about last night.”

“When I got your call, I followed the address and found this place.

There were still lights on in the house, and the windows occasionally showed people walking by, including the woman who was the target, and the man who made physical contact with her in what felt like an altercation.

The man drove out just after 8:00 this morning.

But the woman was still in the house and never came out.” Annelec Lauer finished and took a big bite of his burger.

Luke pulled out a picture of Billie Warwick’s boyfriend, “Is that him?”

“Yes, that’s him.”

“That’s Billie Warwick’s boyfriend.” Luke pressed, “Has anyone else been here?”


“Work hard, eat and go back to sleep.” Luke took three hundred dollars out of his purse and put it in the car.

“Still on stakeout tonight?”

“Wait for my call.” Luke dropped his words and got out of the car and left.

From Annelec Lauer’s description, Billie Warwick did have a boyfriend, and the two had an argument last night that Luke guessed was probably related to the X assault case.

It was unlikely that the two had teamed up for a fairy tale from that point on.

After Annelec Lauer left, Luke continued to stake out the car, and Billie Warrick just took a breath of fresh air in the backyard and soon returned to the house.

The morning passed without Luke gaining any valuable clues.

Also, there had been no news from Blackie.

Luke couldn’t keep waiting foolishly, in case Blacky didn’t end up poking around, wouldn’t he be dumbfounded.

In the afternoon, Luke’s stakeout still made no progress.

He decided not to wait and asked Daisy to join him.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Daisy arrived at the neighborhood to meet Luke.

Daisy wore a professional dress, her figure was concave and convex, and she had the competence of a professional woman: “Did you get any new clues from the investigation?”


“Then what did you call me for?” Daisy looked like I was busy.

“I want you to investigate together?”

“Investigate how?”

“Either the car theft, or the X-rape happened in this neighborhood, and there are likely to be witnesses to the crime in progress.

We can walk around and ask questions, and maybe we can get valuable clues.”

Daisy said, “What is my role?”

“First of all, you’re good looking, so if you’re a male neighbor, you’ll basically open the door to you and be more than willing to talk to you, as long as you’re not bent.

Secondly, women can lower the guard of the subject of the investigation, which is important.

The last point, you’re a lawyer, this status is important, it’s easy to gain people’s trust.”

“So, you’re asking me to be the backdrop.”

“Background board has its benefits, at least you can be the first to get new clues, the other two lawyers, even if they want to be, I won’t give them a chance.” Luke aggravated his tone, talking about work is not talking about love, the initiative must be in the hands.

“If I’m the backdrop, what are you?”

“A whiteboard eraser.”

“Knock knock ……”

Daisy knocked on the door of Billie Warwick’s east side neighbor’s house.

A few moments later, the door opened and a black man in his mid-thirties stood in the doorway, “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hi, my name is Daisy and I’m an attorney.” Daisy handed the other man her business card and pointed to Luke who was standing aside, “This is my assistant.”

The black man took the card, “What can I do for you, beautiful lawyer lady? I don’t think I can afford to hire you.”

Daisy pointed to the house next to her, “Actually, I’m trying to find out something about your neighbor, Billie Warwick.”

“Billie Warwick?”


“I’m not familiar with her either, the house belongs to her boyfriend.”

“How long has she been moving here? What’s the boyfriend’s name?”

“About six months now, her boyfriend’s name is Redo Geithner.”

“How is their relationship?”

“I’m not sure what their private relationship is like, but on the surface it’s pretty good.”

“What does her boyfriend, Redo Geithner, do?”

The black man asked back, “Whose lawyer are you?”

“I’m the attorney for the other person involved in this case.”

“Danny Carter?”


“Wow. …… I should have thought that only a rich guy like him could hire a lawyer as beautiful as you are.”

Daisy tried, “Did you see Danny Carter that night?”

“No, I was watching the game that night and I didn’t know anything was wrong until the police came.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“Oh …… Actually, as a neighbor, I can’t comment too well.

But anyway, a woman living in her boyfriend’s house shouldn’t let a man who has thoughts about her into the house.

If I were Redo Geithner, I’d be pissed off.”

“Did you hear any unusual movements that night?”

“No, I was watching football that night.” The black man shrugged, “Ms. Lawyer, it was nice talking to you, but I really don’t know much about that night, sorry.”

The black man finished and returned to his home, closing the door behind him.

Daisy left the yard and asked, “Didn’t you ask me to be the backdrop? It seems like I’m the one asking the questions all the time.”

“If it was me, I guess the fellow would have closed the door before I could even get a question out.”

Daisy laughed, “So how are you going to repay me?”

“Hard work and a full body massage for you tonight.”

Daisy “……”

“Knock knock ……”

Daisy knocked on the door of the room across the hall from Billie Warwick’s house.

No one answered.

“Knock knock ……”

Daisy continued to knock.

It took a while before a footstep was heard and ‘cackle’ the door opened.

An older black lady stood in the doorway and looked at Daisy, then at Luke, “Who are you people?”

“Hello ma’am, my name is Daisy and I’m an attorney.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I’d like to inquire about something with you.”

The older black woman pointed to the house across the street, “You mean about the girl who was X-raped?”

“Do you know that girl?”

“Yes, but don’t know her well enough to do more than say hello.”

“Were you home that night?”


“Did you see anyone suspicious?”

The older black woman thought for a moment, “No.”

Luke kept his eyes on the other man, sensing signs of a lie, and interjected, “Ma’am, did you see a Porsche 911 that night?”



Luke said, “Ma’am, are you familiar with Billie Warwick’s boyfriend?”

“Not familiar.”

This time there is no sign of lying, according to will let the big woman’s statement with Billie Warwick and her boyfriend is not familiar with, then why deliberately conceal.

According to the process related to the investigation, the police will also visit the surrounding neighbors.

This black amah was able to deceive him and Daisy, just as likely to lie to the police.

What was the purpose of doing so?

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