Chapter 352

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Inside the garage.

Inside a Mazda convertible, a black man with dirty dreadlocks is strapped into the seat of the car with duct tape over his mouth.

Luke put on a pair of white gloves, “I know you’re awake, don’t pretend to be asleep.”

The dirty braided man didn’t respond.

Luke held his mouth down with his left hand and made a fist with his right hand, slamming it hard into his stomach.

“Oooo……” the dirty braided man let out a pained sound, his eyes wider than brass bells.

Luke sighed, “I really don’t like this.

I’ll remove the tape from your mouth, don’t yell or scream, let’s talk calmly, it’s better for each other.


The dirty braided man nodded slightly as a cold sweat broke out from the pain.

“GOOD BOY,” Luke took his left hand away and removed the tape from the dirty braided man’s mouth, the man gasped, “What the hell do you want?”

“I should be the one asking you that.” Luke pointed to the Mazda convertible, “Is that a Porsche 911?

What was your purpose in tricking me into the garage and sneaking up on me from behind?

Was it to try and kill me?”

“No, I wasn’t trying to kill you, I just didn’t want you to call the police.

You kept pestering me and made me …… have to do it.”

“Shit, making yourself sound like a victim.

If I hadn’t been alert enough, my head would have blown off by now.

I’m angry, you have to give me an explanation, otherwise, you’ll end up in a miserable situation.”

“What account do you want?”

“This attitude of yours makes me very uncomfortable, you sneakily attacked me behind my back, you should be harboring guilt, but I don’t see guilt on your face, instead I see resentment and anger.

It’s not right for you to be like this, it’s bad.”

“FUCK, what do you want? You scumbag, actually naked strangling me from behind. Let go of me if you can and let’s fight it out in a proper manner.”

Luke laughed, “You’re the one who sneaked up on me from behind first, and, even if I let go of you, you still can’t beat me.”

Hearing Luke’s response, Quentin Haggas continued to use the agitation method, “If it wasn’t for that gun, you would have been knocked out by me, you coward.”

Luke said, “You’re not convinced?”

“That’s right, subdue me fair and square if you can, just make me lose and I’ll tell you anything you want to know, including the whereabouts of the Porsche 911.”

“You admit to stealing that car?”

Quentin Haggas showed a provocative look, “If you want to know, fight me fair and square, like a real tough guy.”

“You’re a real tough guy?”

“You’ll know if you try.”

“As you wish.” Luke scanned the area as if looking for tools.

“What are you going to do?”

Luke made a silent gesture, “Tough guy, no matter what happens next, you should not shout out loud or resist, otherwise, you will end up in a worse situation.”

After saying that, Luke found a towel to lay on Quentin Haggas’ face, got a watering can from the garage, and caught water in the garage sink.

Quentin Haggas had started to tremble in fear when he heard the sound of catching water, “NoNoNo, please, don’t do this, you can’t do this to me …… oooo……”

As the water poured over Quentin Haggas’ face, he instinctively closed his mouth, leaving him with only a pained ‘whimper’ ……

The water poured through the towel on his face, Quentin Haggas closed his mouth tightly, the water rushing into his nostrils made it unusually hard for him to breathe, and once he breathed in the water flowed into his mouth and nose, making it even more agonizing.

Water torture is completely different from the feeling of holding your breath in water, the water flow keeps hitting the nostrils, coupled with the strong pressure, it will soon make one’s breath disturbed, breathing hard, however breathing will choke on the water, which will only make it more unbearable.

In less than forty seconds, Quentin Haggas could no longer carry it, the water rushing into his mouth and nose, his body struggling and twisting violently ……

Luke had been observing the other party’s reaction, feeling that the other party had reached a critical point before stopping the watering: “No shouting, otherwise, I will continue ……”

Luke lifted the towel, and Quentin Haggis showed a pained expression, water spilling out of his mouth and nose as he kept dry-heaving.

“Get a hold of yourself and don’t make a scene or I will cover your face with the towel again.”

“Please, don’t do that, please.” Quentin Haggis whispered a prayer, and couldn’t tell if it was water, or tears and snot.

“Tough guy, how do you feel now?”

“I’m not a tough guy, and I don’t want to be one.

I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

“It’s only the first round, I want to try again, I think you can still hold out.”

“NoNoNo, please don’t, I’ll die, I’ll tell you anything, anything at all.

You’re the tough guy, you’re the real deal.”

“Well, my biggest flaw as a person is that I’m too soft-hearted.” In fact, Luke did want to try again, but he was just worried that making a lot of noise would cause unnecessary trouble.

The reason why Luke used waterboarding was because he was sneak attacked by the other party and was holding a fire in his heart.

The second reason was because the other party lied and refused to tell the whereabouts of the Porsche 911.

The third reason was that Luke also wanted to have more crafts.

As a police officer, it is inevitable to encounter some difficult suspects, the country has its own set of methods, just that set of methods is not suitable for use in Los Angeles.

During this period of time in Los Angeles to investigate cases, Luke also felt the lack of means to deter suspects, like Quentin Haggas, this asshole, he attacked Luke from behind, if not come a little tough how can we suppress each other?

Water torture is a very good means, the human body has sixty to seventy percent water, people can not leave the water, the use of water torture will not leave wounds.

Luke took Quentin Haggas practice hand also have experience.

Luke looked at Quentin Haggas, “I’m actually a good person and don’t want to do this to you, can we have an honest conversation?”

“Yes, I’m all yours.”

“Why did you attack me?”

“I was worried you’d call the police on me.”

“Did you steal the Porsche 911?”

“I stole it.”

“Why did you steal the car?”

“I saw Billie Warwick step out of the Porsche that day, and I was so angry and hot-headed that I stole the car.”

“Why couldn’t the police locate the car?”

“I removed the car’s locator device.”

“You have a previous conviction for theft?”

“Yes, I’ve been guilty before, but it’s been a long time since I did it.”

“So what made you go back to your old ways? Revenge for a friend?”

Quentin Haggas hesitated for a moment, “No…… I just felt betrayed by Billie Warwick.”

Luke pressed, “What was your relationship with Billie Warwick?”

“Two months ago, Billie Warrick and Rado Geithner had a fight, both of them were pissed off and it got ugly, then Rado Geithner drove off.

I was there, and it was not a good place to get a cab, so I thought I would take Billie Warwick home.

But she wouldn’t go back to Redo Geithner’s place ……

So I drove her to the hotel.

I had been drinking that day …… too …… and played poker sparingly.” Quentin Haggas shook his head slightly and sighed, “We had a couple more dates and it was a great feeling ……

I know it’s wrong, but love can’t be controlled ……”

Luke pressed, “What did you see that night, describe it carefully.”

“I knew that Rado Geithner was working the late shift that day, so, I tried to find Billie Warwick for a date, and I bought her a gift to surprise her ……

But to my surprise, she surprised me first by evening a rich man, a superstar.

I recognized Danny Carter when I saw him come out of the cab, who wouldn’t recognize the man of the hour of the LA football team.

That’s when I knew that I had lost, and I had lost big.

I was furious, I felt cheated.” Quentin Haggas’ eyes were red, “I watched them go into the house and couldn’t control my anger, so I stole his car.”

“You were angry?”


“Then why didn’t you punch Danny Carter instead of choosing to steal his car?”

“I did think about beating him up, but Danny Carter is a rich man, and if I beat him up, his lawyers would surely put me in jail.

Plus, Redo Geithner would know about me and the Billie Warwick thing. ……

He is my friend after all, and I haven’t figured out how to face him yet.”

Luke was a little speechless, you’re getting righteous at this fucking time.

Quentin Haggas continued, “I was thinking that if I could just steal the car in time, I could disrupt Billie Warwick’s date with Danny Carter and things would be settled.”

Luke laughed, “Too bad you were so slow to steal the car.”

Quentin Haggas sighed, “I didn’t think they’d be that monkeyshit …… simply shameless.”

“Where is that Porsche 911?”

“I was worried about being detected by the police, so I hid it in an abandoned factory, very few people will go to that place, and I am going to wait until some time later to deal with it.

I can take you to the car, but please don’t turn me over to the police.” Quentin Haggis gave a prayerful look.

Luke kept his eyes on the other man’s expression; he still had a look of panic and awe on his face, and it was difficult for Luke to tell whether the other man was lying or not with this intensity of emotion.

However, his statement coincided with Blackie’s investigation.

Previously, Luke had asked Blackie to investigate the trail of the car, but Blackie had not been able to find out anything about it.

Instead, it corroborated with Quentin Haggas’s statement that the Porsche 911 had not yet been taken out, so naturally, Blackie could not find out about the car’s trail.

Luke asked, “Did you touch anything in the car?”

“I removed the car’s locator device.”

“What about the rest?”

“I also took the cash, papers, and the car recorder.”

“Where are the papers and the CarLog?”

“I put them in a tin cabinet in the garage utility pile.”

Luke scanned the garage and quickly found the tin cabinet, opened it and found the car recorder and the papers.

Luke checked the contents of the car recorder and the video inside had not been deleted.

Luke made a copy of it on his tablet and said, “How do you want to fix things when they’re going this way?”

Quentin Haggas said with a trill, “I’ll do as you say.”

“I’ll give you two choices, first choice, I’ll call the police and have them arrest you for car theft.

The second choice, you put the car recorder back in the car and put the Porsche 911 in the location I specified.

I’ll pretend it never happened.”

“I’ll take the second option and I’ll put the car in the location you specified.”

“Park the car near the Kumar Building on Stilwell Street within an hour.”

“No problem, I promise to finish.”

“Very well.

I knew you’d be resentful ……”

Before Luke could finish, Quentin Haggas interrupted, “NoNoNo, I don’t and I wouldn’t dare.

As long as you let me go, I will pretend nothing has happened.”

“I can feel your sincerity, this should be your true thoughts at this time.

But people are always fickle, forgetting pain after a good wound.

It’s okay, I will give you a chance to take revenge.” Luke finished cleaning up the scene and opened the garage door.

“We’ll meet again.”

Luke wasn’t worried that the other party would call the police, firstly, the other party stole the Porsche 911, and his own butt is not clean enough to call the police easily.

Secondly, it would be useless even if he called the police, there were no visible injuries left on his body, there was no way to prove that Luke had hurt him.

Luke had been careful when he tied him up, taking off his jacket and pants and wrapping his arms and legs with his clothes, the strangulation marks on his wrists and legs were not obvious.

The bruises on his abdomen also could not be proved to be associated with Luke.

Without sufficient evidence, he didn’t have the ability to convict Luke even if he called the police, and with the disparity between the two men’s identities, there was a high probability that the police and the judge would take Luke’s word for it, and probably convict him of false accusation or assaulting a police officer.

After this was done, Luke made a half circle around the city to clean up some things again, and then met up with Daisy to go to the Marriott Hotel to turn in his mission.

By the time he got to the hotel floor, an hour had passed and Luke dialed John’s number.

“Hey Luke, I heard you were on vacation, how’s it going?”

“Pretty wonderful, how about you?”

“I’m working the night shift today, it’s just starting now, tomorrow morning, would you be interested in a drink?”

“No, I’m not in the habit of having a morning drink, and you’re dead if you disturb my sleep.

Who are you partnered with today?”

“Lucy, what’s up?”

“I have a gift for you.”

“What gift?”

“You’ll find out if you rush over to Stilwell Street near the Kumar Building now.”

“Hehehe, it’s quite mysterious, making me look forward to it a little.”

“Remember to buy me a drink tonight next time.” Luke hung up his cell phone.

Daisy asked, “You’re asking them to catch car thieves?”

Luke glanced at his watch, “If all goes well, the car thief should have already put the car in the designated spot and left.

John won’t meet up with him and won’t have a chance to catch him.

I don’t usually make things worse.”

It was true that Luke had no thoughts of capturing Quentin Haggas, and once Quentin Haggas was captured, he would probably bite Luke indiscriminately and identify Luke as having harmed him.

Although Luke had the certainty of clearing his name, there was no need to cause a scene.

There were many means to clean up a small person like Quentin Haggas, and even if he hurt the enemy a thousand times and lost a hundred times, it was considered a loss for Luke.

He didn’t deserve it.

Luke’s purpose was to find the contents of the car recorder, to clear the suspicion for Danny Carter, and smoothly get his own commission.

Now that he had already obtained the video of the car recorder and successfully completed the task, why bother.

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