Chapter 355

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:36
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You’ve just finished training, I don’t want to win by giving you a forty minute break.” Natasha glanced at her watch before leaving the training room.

She was then heard yelling downstairs for a while, seemingly talking to the other trainees again.

Luke was indeed a bit tired, and picked up a bottle of mineral water and sat on the floor ‘gulping’ half of it.

After resting for a while, Luke looked to be doing stretches, which was good for relaxing the muscles.

“Da da ……”

A footstep sounded outside.

Luke knew by the sound that the person coming was not Natasha, Natasha’s footsteps were calm and steady, while this footsteps were lighter.

“Cluck ……” The door opened.

A shapely figure walked into the training room, it was none other than Orty from the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

“What brings you here?” Luke stood up and sized up the other woman.

Orty wore a black dress with a style somewhat similar to a cheongsam, a thin waist, long legs, and a small blue bag in her hand, making it hard to connect her to this place.

“I hear you’re short a referee, how about me?”

Luke laughed, “Natasha is afraid of losing face, that’s why she asked you to interfere with me?”

“On the contrary, she was worried that if she injured you, she wouldn’t be able to explain to me. After all, I’m the one who introduced you here to learn Jiu-Jitsu.”

“Huh.” Luke let out a soft laugh, “How touching.”

Aldi was curious, “Are you sure you can beat Natasha?”

“Of course.”

“Natasha may be a woman, but her jiu-jitsu is amazing, and I know you’re going to have a no rules match this time.

Just because you have your own methods doesn’t mean Natasha doesn’t.

Don’t take it lightly.”

“So you’re on my side.”

Orty squeezed his eyes, “I’ll be cheering you on.”

Luke said darkly, mouthy woman.

He sat down and closed his eyes to regain his strength.

At seven o’clock, Natasha returned to the training room and said, “How’s the rest going?”

Luke stood up and moved his arms and legs, “Ready to go, got any gloves?”

Natasha asked rhetorically, “Are you afraid of injuring your hands?”

Luke said, “I just don’t want you to go out tomorrow wearing a mask.”

Natasha pulled a glove from the cabinet and tossed it over, “Lady, better worry about yourself.”

Orty laughs, “I smell gunpowder.”

Luke put on the gloves and threw two quick punches in the air, “Coach Natasha, watch out, I’m punching hard.”

Natasha walks into the training arena as well and both men meet and greet.

Orti stood next to the training ring as the referee, “Subduing the opponent or falling out of the training ring counts as a win, two out of three.

The contest begins!”

Unlike the previous jiu-jitsu confrontation training, Luke didn’t put up a jiu-jitsu stance this time, but used a boxing stance.

Boxing belonged to medium and long distance fighting skills, with a large range of attacks, flexible footwork, and fast movement speed.

Jiu Jitsu belonged to close combat and would suffer a bit in terms of attack distance.

Luke swayed his body and took the initiative to approach Natasha with nimble steps.

Natasha was on guard, her pace was steady, adjusting her direction from time to time, also waiting for the opportunity to find Luke’s cracks.

Luke was the first to attack, slamming a right hook into Natasha’s head.

Natasha took a step back and sidestepped the right hook slightly.

Luke didn’t finish his attack, he used a combination and a straight left to Natasha.

This time Natasha couldn’t be in a position to dodge it, and hastily embraced her arm to fend it off.

“Bang!” The punch, Natasha was knocked back a few steps, also a kind of self-protection to prevent Luke from attacking continuously again.

Luke found a rhythm of attack and once again closed in on his opponent.

Natasha, on the other hand, was retreating rhythmically.

Luke seized the opportunity and took a violent left step and threw another right hook.

This time the punch was even swifter.

Natasha clasped her hands over her head in defense, while at the same time kicking her left foot at the inside of Luke’s thigh.

Both of them attacked each other almost at the same time, and Natasha felt a brief dizziness as if she had been hit hard in the head.

Luke was kicked to the inside of his left leg, and his left leg tilted, tilting his body and almost falling over.

Overall, it was Luke who had the advantage with this blow, and he tried to continue his attack, but Natasha stepped back again and the two pulled apart.

Luke’s punches were heavy and harsh, hard to dodge, and Natasha’s mind grew wary.

She knew Luke could box, she just didn’t expect the level of boxing to be so high, making it hard for her to find a break.

If she forced herself to get close, she would probably be put down by a punch.

The two of them went back and forth, testing each other a few times, both were more restrained and didn’t dare to act rashly.

Natasha was afraid of being blindsided by a punch from Luke.

Luke kept preventing Natasha from getting in close.

Overall, Luke’s height and arm length were more dominant, and Natasha had been passive in her defense.

“Go for it!” Orty shouted from the sidelines, not knowing who he was cheering for.

Natasha was now on the disadvantaged side, to beat Luke, she had to fight close, and to get close, she had to dodge Luke’s punches.

Natasha had been studying Luke’s fighting style, and planned a way to subdue Luke in her head, and when she saw the right moment, she swooped down and rushed at Luke, attacking his lower body.

Although the idea is good, Luke will not sit back and wait for death, continuously swinging punches to Natasha.

Natasha continuously dodged and quickly approached, thinking that she could catch Luke and not give the other party space to swing, but the other party’s footwork was flexible and skillfully pulled away.

“Bang!” With a sound, Natasha was hit by a punch to the head.

The rhythm of her attack was interrupted, and with her hands protecting her head, she hastily backed away.

Attack and defense were swapped.

Luke quickly rushed up, and with a waist hold and leg hook, he directly put Natasha down and mounted her.

“Bang ……”

Luke quickly swung his fist and continuously attacked Natasha’s head.

Although the two of them were close, Luke’s fists were heavy and fast, smashing down like rain, Natasha could only hold her head to protect her vitals, and the moment she let go, she might be knocked out.

Good thing Luke was wearing gloves, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Seeing that Natasha was unable to make a comeback, in order to avoid Natasha from getting hurt, Orty hurriedly called a halt: “STOP, first round, Luke wins.”

After the two separated, Luke reached out and yanked Natasha to her feet, “Need a break?”

“No, you’re a great boxer, former pro?”

Luke smiled, “I’m pretty good at jiu-jitsu too.”

Natasha beckoned, “Then beat me with jiu-jitsu.”

The two continued to compete, Luke was still the active attacker, forcing Natasha to keep moving back.

Suddenly, Natasha rushed forward and slid short, her entire body laying on the ground to avoid Luke’s punching range, and hooked her legs around Luke’s left leg.

Natasha’s movements were extremely fast, Luke was already hooked on her leg by the time he reacted, a difficult position to be in, and the punches couldn’t hit the opponent at all.

Natasha then locked Luke’s left leg in a double leg lock.

Next, both sides began a bout of wrestling.

Jiu Jitsu is about ground skills, and it’s not a very pretty fight, so if you want to beat your opponent, it depends on who can get a favorable position.

If it was before he had learned jiu-jitsu, Luke would probably have been put down, but he had learned jiu-jitsu now as well, and knew how to deal with the situation.

Luke also went with the flow and laid down, kicking his opponent in the stomach so that Natasha couldn’t make a submission move.

The two fought a stalemate, neither being able to gain a favorable position and letting go.

Luke stood up, but Natasha had no intention of getting up and sat on the ground in a tight position.

Luke was crying a little, this was a bummer of a fight, and the boxing advantage wasn’t working at all.

At this time, Luke can only can use leg sweep, but this has a certain risk, once caught by Natasha’s leg, it is very easy to perform ground techniques, and subdue Luke in the process.

Seeing that Luke did not take the initiative to attack, Natasha actually sat on the ground and took the initiative to rub forward, trying to lock Luke’s ankles with her feet.

Can you have some face?

Luke was a bit out of temper by her, he still liked the hard hitting feeling of boxing.

The two stalemate for a few minutes before Luke sees his chance and throws a hard right leg kick to Natasha’s head.

Natasha’s hands protected her head and her right leg kicked at Luke’s left leg.


Natasha is knocked down by a kick from Luke.

Luke’s standing left leg was attacked, his weight was off balance and he also fell to the ground.

In this exchange of blows, both sides had achieved their goals.

However, the moment Luke fell, his mind was clear, and he counterattacked at the first opportunity, hooking both legs directly onto Natasha’s left leg in a lock.

The right arm locked Natasha’s ankle.

At this time, Luke just needs to lean back his body and exert force, he can directly make the other party’s ligaments injured, and even break the other party’s ankle.

Natasha was kicked in the head by Luke, although it was not a big problem, but there was a brief dizziness, when she reacted, she was already unable to be in a position to break free from Luke’s restraints.

Feeling the pain coming from her ankle, Natasha had no choice but to tap the ground, “Bang Bang ……”

Olti shouted, “Second round, Luke wins.”

Luke had won twice in a row, and there was no need for a third round.

Luke won because of his physical superiority and more comprehensive skills.

First of all, Luke’s boxing skills completely crushed Natasha, causing Natasha to have to be distracted in her defense, and many of her jiu-jitsu moves could not be executed.

Secondly, even if she risked getting hit close to Luke, it didn’t mean that she could necessarily subdue Luke.

Although Natasha’s jiu-jitsu skills were more powerful, Luke could just as easily use jiu-jitsu to subdue Natasha as long as he had the upper hand.

Just like just now, Natasha was struck on the head and briefly dazed, although she also succeeded in getting close to Luke, put down Luke, but was Luke took advantage of the opportunity to seize the opportunity to counter-control.

To put it bluntly, Natasha’s jiu-jitsu, though strong, has shortcomings, as long as you catch her shortcomings, you can take advantage of the opportunity to defeat her.

Luke, on the other hand, had made up for the short board, making it difficult to find a break, with a more comprehensive technique and more stable play.

“OK, you’re out of the division.” Natasha looked complicated.

Luke smiled, “Coach, can I still learn Jiu-Jitsu from you in the future?”

Natasha snickered, “Of course, the leg lock maneuver you just did …… could have been better.”

Orty applauds and walks over, “Coach Natasha, congratulations on training an awesome student.”

Natasha squeezes out a smile, “It’s the first time I’ve seen a referee who is so comforting.

Thank you, it makes the heart feel much better.”

Luke offers, “Ladies, I wonder if I’d have the honor of inviting you all to dinner tonight.”

“Uh ……,” Natasha hesitated a bit.

“Coach, your delivery.” A teenager’s voice came from downstairs.

Natasha spread her hands, “Sorry, I have to go check.”

Orty read her thoughts, “OK, we’ll make an appointment another time.”

With Natasha’s not-so-enthusiastic farewell, Luke and Orty left the Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club.

By now, it was getting dark and the surrounding stores were lit up.

Luke looked back at the clubhouse, “Should I have another match?”

Orty asked, “You want to let the game slip so Natasha can win a round?”

“It doesn’t have to be a let down, maybe she’ll win the third set, it’ll make everyone look better.”

“What if she loses again?” Orty had been watching the fight from the sidelines, and as a bystander, she could detect that Natasha had been passive.

“You’re such a good boxer, I can’t believe I didn’t know.”

Luke laughed, “Is there suddenly some admiration for me?”

“Huh.” Orty let out a light laugh and turned the conversation around, “Why don’t we discuss what you’re treating me to?”

The two of them got into the Mercedes and Luke said, “The host follows the guest, you pick the restaurant and I’ll do the driving.”

“Will something more expensive do?”


“Looks like you made a lot of money on this mission.”

“You’re still holding a grudge?”

“Is it obvious?”

“Huh.” Luke laughed and started the car, easing into the street.

“Boom ……”

Suddenly, there was a popping sound not far away.

Luke felt his eardrums shake raw, and a brief tinnitus appeared.

A few moments later, a scream rang out around them, and pedestrians ran into the distance in terror.

Luke looked over at his co-pilot, “You’re not hurt, are you?”

“No, and you?”

“Fine.” Luke got out of the car and looked over to where the explosion had gone off.

All that was visible was the wall of the building that housed the Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club collapsing and billowing smoke.

“Damn, the explosion was at the Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club!”

Orty also exclaimed, “Natasha is still inside!”

Luke pulled out his pistol and looked around and didn’t see any suspicious figures, “Call 911, I’m going to get Natasha.”

He took the gun and ran back downstairs to the club, the smoke was thick and dusty, it was easy to inhale the smoke and suffocate by just barging right in.

Luke returned to the car again to find a towel wet with mineral water, tied it around his head, covered his mouth and nose, took the remaining half bottle of mineral water with him, and once again returned to the club floor.

Luke entered the first floor of the club, the explosion was so powerful that the walls had crumbled, the training equipment and cupboards had been blown up, and some of the flammable items had burned.

“Ah ……” Luke vaguely heard a cry of pain.

Luke twisted his head to look over, and it looked like someone was buried in the collapsed rubble and debris.

He quickly walked over and peeled back the rubble and debris to find a blasted Latino teenager with injuries to the other’s face, head, and legs.

The Latino youth had blood on his face, but Luke recognized the other man as the same teenager he had been training with today in a jiu-jitsu confrontation.

Luke yelled out, “Christian, can you hear me?”


“Can you move?”

“No, it hurts, it hurts all over.”

Luke pulled out another wet towel, dampened it and put it over the other man’s mouth and nose, “Can you breathe?”


“Good, take big breaths.”

“I will.”

“Where’s Natasha?

The teenager said in a choked voice, “She’s in her office on the 2nd floor, hurry and get her.”

Luke realized that something was wrong, because the second floor had been blown up even worse, the explosion had probably happened from the second floor, and Natasha’s situation could be even more dangerous.

He couldn’t think of asking any more questions and rushed to climb the stairs to the second floor.

A section of the stairwell between the first and second floors was collapsed by the blast, Luke grabbed the handrail that was bent by the blast and climbed up, the corridor on the second floor was already covered with rubble debris and glass slag.

The smoke was noticeably denser on the second floor than the first, and Luke once again dampened his towel with mineral water to prevent inhaling too much of it.

He found the Jiu-Jitsu Club’s office, the door had been blown off, the windows blown out, and a strong odor of blood wafted from the office.

Luke took a look into the office and there was blood and flesh on the walls, on the floor, and on the clutter.

“FUCK!”Luke clenched his fists and showed an angry look.

Luke had seen a lot of crime scenes before, and there had been bloodier ones than this, but those victims were not directly related to Luke.

Natasha was Luke’s jiu-jitsu instructor, and although they hadn’t known each other for long, she had taught Luke practically, and it was hard for anyone to be calm when a familiar friend was blown up in the blink of an eye.

Orty also went up to the second floor and asked hurriedly, “Did you find Natasha?”

Luke glanced at her, “You go downstairs first.”

“I want to see her.” Orty insisted on walking into the office despite the obstruction, her voice choking as she saw the tragic scene inside.

“Jesus Christ, is that Natasha?

Why would anyone want to do that?”

“This belongs at the scene of the crime, so why don’t you go down there.

Check on the teenager.” Luke patted Orty on the shoulder with a few reassuring words.

Orty glanced at the office again, looking sad and silent as she descended the stairs.

Luke didn’t leave with her, gazing at the office for a moment before going to the other rooms to search for any more injured.

“Whoops ……”

A siren sounded outside.

One by one, police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks arrived outside the Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club.

And, of course, there were the news vans, which were never missing for a big event like this.

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