Chapter 364

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:07:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ginobee’s Bar.

Eleven forty at night.

The FBI and the police had basically completed the ‘catch a turtle in a jar’ plan.

On the east side of the bar, a dozen or so suspects were lined up in order, handcuffed and crouching on the ground.

On the west side of the bar, there were some temporarily detained customers who had to verify their identities before they could leave.

Luke got out of the car, chatted with Ramon in front of the bar, and entered the first floor lobby of the bar.

Luke looked inside the bar and greeted Alfie Imma, “Agent Imma, congratulations on a good day.”

Alfie Ima walked over and said, “We also found a large amount of drugs within the mezzanine of the second floor wall of the bar, and they are new drugs that are worth over millions of dollars.”

Luke asked, “All of these drugs were shipped from Mexico?”

“That’s right.” Alfie Yima pointed to the people crouching on the ground, “These are members of the Gunsite Gang, mainly responsible for receiving and selling drugs.

They have been operating in Los Angeles for a long time, forming their own drug sales network.”

Luke asked, “Any leads on Natasha’s murder?”

Alfie Ima sighed, “The head of the bar was named Rossibi Clemente, and he denied any involvement in the bombing.

After that, I interrogated several other members of the skeleton crew, and they all denied any involvement in the bombing.

I feel that it’s unlikely that they conspired to confess.

How is the interrogation going on your side?”

Luke shook his head, “Brando Salvatore didn’t admit to being involved in the bombing either.”

Alfie Yima said, “So it seems that there are still doubts in the case of Natasha’s murder, have you investigated the source of the bomb package?”

Luke said, “Checked.

Since the main suspect at the time was the courier Brando, it wasn’t investigated in depth.

I’ve already had someone re-investigate the courier’s transportation channel.”

Alfie Imma rubbed his chin and thought, “Is it possible that Natasha’s death had nothing to do with the smuggling organization, but that she offended someone else and was blown up for other reasons?”

Luke pursued, “Did Natasha have other enemies?

Killing someone in such a brutal way is not an ordinary grudge.”

Alfie Yima shook her head, “I’m not sure, although we’ve been in contact, in order to avoid her identity being exposed, we try to minimize our contact, and we don’t talk about things that have nothing to do with our work.

To tell the truth, I don’t know much about her life either.”

The investigation was going in the wrong direction?

This speculation gave Luke a sense of powerlessness?

Making such a big noise one after another, but not finding out why the real culprit committed the crime?

Luke took a moment to analyze, in his experience, it was possible for coincidences to occur in one case, but it was impossible for them to occur one after another.

Natasha’s death was closely linked to two smuggling organizations, and Luke didn’t believe it was chance or coincidence.

“Agent Irma, you know more about the stowaway organizations, who profits when the Gunside Gang’s drug distribution network in Los Angeles is broken up?”

“Number one is the other local drug gangs in Los Angeles, and number two is the other stowaway organizations.” Alfie Ima finished and asked rhetorically, “You suspect it’s that this was set up by other smuggling organizations?”

“Do you think that’s a possibility?”

Alfie Ima nodded, “That’s a good thought, there is often friction between smuggling organizations, and it’s not impossible to use the FBI and the police to retaliate against their opponents.

If it’s true, I will definitely make them pay.”

The following morning.

Luke arrived at the Detective Bureau and first went to the Technical Division to ask if any new clues had been found at the explosion site.

The Jiu-Jitsu Club was a mess after the explosion, the scene investigation was a big job, and the physical evidence was sent to the Technical Division for testing.

Through the explosive residue testing, the source of the explosion did come from that courier package.

Then, Luke’s thought of letting Blackie re-investigate the courier transportation channel was correct.

Luke went to the Director’s office to report to him on the progress of the case investigation.

Reed was also concerned about the case and urged him to be careful when investigating the smuggling organization, these smuggling members were all outlaws, and if there was a shortage of manpower, he could send additional manpower to the 1st Squadron.

Luke chatted for a few moments and returned to the Robbery and Murder Division.

Right now, what he needed was not to send additional manpower, but to find new clues or suspect objects from the fog.

At eleven o’clock in the morning, Blacky hurried into the office and took a big gulp from a glass of cool water, “Guys, I’ve got a new lead.”

The lieutenant asked, “It’s a lead on the bomb package?”

“That’s right.” Blackie saw Luke walk out of the office as well and continued, “I double-checked the courier package’s shipping channels and process and found a few staff members who had access to the package.

I originally wanted to meet with these few staff members and make a statement.

However, the contact person of the ups courier company claimed that one of the staff members suddenly took a leave of absence yesterday.

This staff member who took leave instead aroused my suspicion even more.”

Saying that, Black put a piece of information on the projector.

Name, Ramon Borrego.

Race, Latino

Gender, male

Age, 35

Cell phone number, 626 876 2325

Social Security number, 623-53-7644.

Jackson said, “He’s Latino too, could he be connected to the smuggling organization?”

Blackie snapped his fingers, “Yes, I had Matthew check him out on the way back.

According to Matthew, he bought a ticket to Mexico with a boarding time of one o’clock in the afternoon.”

Luke glanced at his watch, “So what are we waiting for?

It leaves in five minutes.”


A Latino man picked up his ticket and sat down on a bench to relax.

He took out a loaf of bread from the black backpack next to him and ate it with his right hand, tucking his left hand in his jacket pocket, his eyes looking around from time to time.

He was alert, observing everyone around him.

Suddenly, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, dropped the bread, stood up, grabbed the backpack with his right hand and prepared to leave.

“LAPD, don’t move!”

Seeing that the other party was about to run, Blackie took out his pistol to police the area.

The other officers also pulled out their pistols.

The surrounding passengers dispersed.

Although there was a certain degree of panic, after all, they were well-informed Los Angeles citizens and didn’t cause too much of a commotion.

Luke asked, “What’s your name?”

“Ramon Borrego.”

“Put your hands up and slow down.”

Ramon Borrego was disgruntled, “Why? Who are you to point a gun at me?”

Luke said, “You raise your hands and we’ll lower the guns.”

“OK, I’ll raise my hands, but you guys don’t shoot.” Ramon Borrego stuck his left hand out of his pocket, revealing a small remote control, a fierce look on his face.

“I forgot to tell you guys, I’m carrying a bomb on me, and if you dare to shoot, I’ll push the activation button.”

The surrounding officers all revealed nervous looks.

Luke commanded, “Everyone back off.”

Ramon Borrego threatened, “No, don’t move! If you move, I’ll push the button that activates the bomb!”

Luke countered, “What do you want?”

“I want a helicopter.”

“There is no helicopter.”

Ramon Borrego said in a cold voice, “Then you guys will be buried with me.”

Hearing this, the surrounding police officers couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air.

Luke kept staring at the remote control in the other party’s hand, he had a certain kind of variety regarding the types of remote control bombs, this kind of bomb should be activated by a signal.

Luke thought of a function card he possessed.

Shield Card [Shields communication signals within twenty meters around you for twenty minutes (use can be interrupted at any time)]

Judging from the effect, this card was suitable for the current situation.

Ramon Borrego was most likely an outlaw, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be easy to convince him to give up his resistance, and the consequences would be unimaginable once he detonated the bomb.

Luke no longer hesitated and directly used the shielding card.

Luke took out his cell phone to check, there was no more signal.

“Bang Bang!”

He made an immediate decision to directly shoot, one of the shots hit the opponent’s wrist.


Ramon Borrego screamed miserably, and the remote control fell to the ground.

Blacky and Jackson rushed up and directly held Ramon Borrego down, controlling his hands and keeping him away from the black backpack.

Luke walked over and crouched down to carefully check the remote control, and then slowly opened the black backpack to check the items inside.

After looking at it for a while, Luke boldly took out the contents of the backpack one by one.

“Captain, be careful!

Should we call the bomb disposal team!” Jenny reminded.

“No need, there’s no bomb in the backpack at all.” Luke searched everything in the backpack and found no bomb at all, and picked up the remote control on the ground to double-check it.


Blackie asked as he searched Ramon Borrego, “Didn’t you say there was a bomb? Where is it?”

Ramon Borrego glared at Blackie and didn’t answer.

Blacky held down the wrist on the other man’s hand, “Where’s the bomb?”


Ramon Borrego screamed ‘ah ah ah’ in pain, “There’s no bomb, I’m lying, I just don’t want to get caught.”

Luke ordered, “Marcus, take him to the hospital.

Ramon, you stay and process the scene.”

“YES, Sir.”

Sofitel Hospital.

Six o’clock in the afternoon.

Learning that Ramon Borrego’s injuries had stabilized, Luke was ready to give him a statement while the iron was hot.

“Cluck ……” Luke didn’t knock on the door and just pushed the door into the hospital room.

Ramon Borrego was lying on the hospital bed, his left hand was wrapped in a thick bandage, and his right hand was cuffed to the hospital bed.

Ramon Borrego’s face was a little pale, and there was a hint of fear in his gaze towards Luke.

Luke greeted with a smile as if he had come to visit a friend, “Ramon, how are you feeling?”

Ramon Borrego didn’t answer.

Blackie laughed, “Man, you hurt your wrist, not your mouth, don’t play dumb there.”

“You guys wasted one of my hands, what do you want me to say?”

“Tell us the reason why we arrested you?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t done anything.”

“Then why did you resist arrest and lie about having a bomb in your hand?”

“I just didn’t want to get caught.”

“Don’t you think your words are contradictory? If you haven’t done anything, why are we arresting you?”

“Because I’m Latino …… The police always like to pick on us.”

“You just arrived in L.A. six months ago?”


“How long have you been working at UPS Express?”

“About a month.”

“Have you ever heard the name Natasha?”


Luke stared at Right’s expression, “Then why do you have Natasha’s information in the house you’re renting?”

The look on Ramon Borrego’s face grew tense, “What are you trying to say?”

“You placed a bomb in Natasha’s package.”

“What proof do you guys have? You can’t say that I placed a bomb in her package just because I know her?”

“Not only was Natasha’s information found in your home, but you also found residual explosives and parts to assemble the bomb, which matched exactly the composition of the explosives found at the Vaughn Jiu-Jitsu Club.

How do you explain all this?”

Ramon Borrego’s body began to shake and his voice choked, “I didn’t want to do it, I was coerced.

I just put that thing in the courier package as instructed ……”

“Who told you to put it in?”

Ramon Borrego shook his head, “I can’t say.”

“Man, do you not realize the seriousness of the problem, you’ve now blown up a man, and if you don’t cooperate with the police investigation, you’ll definitely get the death penalty.

Your only chance of surviving is to cooperate with the police.”

“They’ll kill me!”

“Who are they?”

Ramon Borrego still shook his head.

“Look, it’s not just the police who are investigating this case, it’s also the FBI, and we can work together to keep you safe if you’re willing to cooperate.”

“Can you give me some time to think about it?”

“As long as you give an honest account, we will provide you with the appropriate protection according to the level of danger.

On the contrary, if you procrastinate, you are likely to be silenced by your accomplices.

I believe that you should have your own judgment in this matter.

As long as you die, no one will know the truth and the mastermind behind the scene will be safe.”

Hearing Luke’s words, Ramon Borrego seemed to be somewhat relieved, “You guys can really keep me safe.”


Who exactly is the mastermind behind this?”

Ramon Borrego hesitated for a while and said, “The Posta Gang.”

“You’re a member of the Posta Gang?”


“Why did the Posta Gang kill Natasha?”

“Two reasons, one is because she was investigating the Posta Gang and the higher ups in the gang felt she was a threat.

And another, the Gunseed Gang has been stealing our business, smuggling, smuggling, drug trafficking, selling silver, and other industries, and they want a piece of it, and the biggest piece of it.

They’re too greedy and have been eating away at the territory and business of the Posta Gang.” Ramon Borrego sighed and continued.

“The gang brass felt that they couldn’t go on like this, and that they had to crack down on the Gunside Gang.

We found out that the Gunseed Gang had developed a drug trafficking network using couriers, so the top brass asked me to infiltrate the courier company and use this drug trafficking network to mail bombs to Natasha.

This way the police will be able to find out about the Gunside Gang’s drug trafficking network, and the FBI will sweep up the Gunside Gang’s forces in Los Angeles in order to avenge Natasha’s death.

This will accomplish the goal of weakening the Gunside Gang.”

“You’re a member of Posta?”

Ramon Borrego replied, “I’m just a peripheral member, a nobody.”

“Did the top brass of the Posta gang order you to blow up Natasha?”



Through the exchange just now, Luke realized that there were truths and lies in his words.

The bomb should have been set by him, and there was no wrong person.

It’s just that there’s a question mark hanging over whether or not the mastermind behind it is the Posta Gang?

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