Chapter 365

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:02
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Luke didn’t say anything, so he just kept staring at him coldly.

Earlier, Luke had guessed that the ones who had dropped the bomb were most likely from the Posta Gang, with the aim of using the police and the FBI to combat the Gonzadez Gang’s power in Los Angeles, and judging from the facts, it did achieve that aim.

But by speaking with Ramon Borrego, it is likely that there is another hidden agenda.

Assuming that it wasn’t the Posta Gang that was behind it, who could it be?

Could it be that Natasha isn’t dead?

Was she directing all of this?

“Knock knock.” A knock sounded outside, and Luke suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

“Come in.”

Jackson pushed the door open, “Captain, Agent Alfie Imma from the FBI is here.”

“I see, have her wait outside.”

“Understood.” Jackson closed the door to the hospital room again.

The FBI had come at just the right time for Luke to use them to put pressure on Ramon Borrego.

“Hey Ramon, who instructed you to put the bomb in the package?”

“It was someone high up in the Posta Gang.”

“What’s his name?”

“Motovay Santos.”

“How old is he and where is he now?”

“He’s about forty, in Mexico.”

“How did you make contact?”

“We were using disposable prepaid cell phones, and I finished the job after dropping the bomb and threw the phone into the ocean.”

“Did you know Carlos?”

“Yes. He’s been lurking around Natasha, feeding information to the Posta Gang.”

“Did Carlos know you were going to drop the bomb?”

“No idea. We’re on two different lines.”

“Why didn’t you let Carlos do it?”

Ramon Borrego explained, “While Carlos could have killed Natasha, he couldn’t involve the Gunside Gang in the case.

Using the Gunside Gang’s drug trafficking network to blow up Natasha would be the best way to kill two birds with one stone, and it would be in our gang’s best interest.”

Luke stared at the other party and said in a cold voice, “You know what? I hate being lied to.”

“I didn’t lie, what I said is true.”

“Whether it’s true or not, you know in your own heart. I’ll ask one last time, who told you to drop the bomb.

If you are lying, I will turn you over to the FBI.”

Ramon Borrego said, “I’m not lying, everything I said is true.”

Luke got up and made to walk away, “Then you can say it again with the FBI.

They’re not as nice as the LAPD.

But the good thing is that this is the hospital, so you can be treated close by.”

“NoNoNo, please, don’t turn me over to the FBI.

I’m willing to assist the police in their investigation.”

“Then tell me who is behind this?”

“Like I said, it’s Motovi Santos, the top man of the Posta Gang.” Ramon Borrego continued to bite his tongue.

“See you in another life.” Luke turned and left the hospital room.

Alfie Ima was standing by the corridor not far away and greeted him, asking, “Captain Lee, I heard that you guys caught the suspect who delivered the bomb.”


“What is he?”

“He claimed to be a member of the Posta Gang and was instructed by Posta Gang senior Motovay Santos, have you heard of this person?”

Alfie Ima thought for a moment, “He’s one of the founders of the Posta Gang, but he’s been remotely controlled from abroad and hasn’t been active in Los Angeles.

What’s the purpose of him doing that?”

Luke said, “Ramon Borrego is flat out saying that Motovi Santos is behind this, but I have a feeling he’s lying.”

“Any proof?”

“No, just a feeling.”

“And who do you think is behind it?”

Luke said thoughtfully, “Do you think there could be something fishy about Natasha’s death?”

Alfie Imma asked rhetorically, “What about the DNA results?”

“The police found long female hair on a comb in the toilet at Natasha’s house, and it’s an exact match to the DNA match from the explosion scene.”

“So what’s there to suspect?”

“There was a burglary at Natasha’s house before the police search, and now that I think about it, the suspect was able to run to Natasha’s house and burglarize it just as well as he could have willed to replace Natasha’s hair.”

Alfie Ima guessed, “You suspect the bombing was self-inflicted?”

“Do you think it’s possible?”

Alfie Imma pondered briefly, “What was her purpose in doing this?”

“It’s unclear for now, it’s just a speculation on my part.”

“How do you intend to verify it?”

“Natasha’s adoptive parents’ home has been keeping a room for Natasha, I’m going to get a warrant to go to Natasha’s parents’ home to re-search for DNA comparison samples.”

Alfie Ima nodded, “Good idea.

Why don’t we split up, you get the search warrant.

I’ll be in charge of interrogating the suspect who dropped the bomb.”

Luke glanced at his watch, “The judge is off duty at this hour, so we’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

This is a hospital, are you sure you can make the suspect who delivered the bomb talk?”

Alfie Imma laughed, “Would you like a tour?”

Luke shook his head, “No. Remember to call me when the interrogation produces new leads.”

“I will.”

Alfie Imma watched Luke leave and pushed his way into Ramon Borrego’s hospital room.

Ramon Borrego had a nervous look on his face when he saw Alfie Yima.

Alfie Yma glanced around the hospital room and said with concern, “How are the injuries?”

Ramon Borrego looked in the direction of the door.

Alfie Imma said, “Don’t worry, the LAPD has left.”

Ramon Borrego breathed a sigh of relief, “Why didn’t you get here in time, you said you would protect me?”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

Ramon Borrego held up his injured left hand, “The police hit me in the wrist, I’m a wreck now.

They might even just shoot me.

Is that how you FBI protect people?”

“No, they won’t, they need you alive so they can get to the bottom of the bombing.”

“I don’t care, I’ve done what you told me to do, I’m getting out of here or not only the police, but the Posta Gang and the Gonzoids won’t leave me alone.”

“Hey, I’ll do what I promised.

A new identity, a new environment, and a settlement, you’re no longer Ramon Borrego and no one will find you.”

“Then you send me away now.”

“Not now, if I take you now, the police will be suspicious.”

“Then when can I?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask the police for someone.

You’re staying in the hospital for now, and the LAPD can’t do anything to you.” Saying this, Alfie Ima revealed a dissatisfied look, “But before you go, you can’t show your face, or else all your plans will be ruined.”

“I know, I have always done as you said.”

“Then why would Captain Li suspect you of lying? Why would he question that the Perseus Tower Gang wasn’t behind it? Think carefully, where did you show your hand.”

“I don’t know, I’ve been very careful, and I’ve also followed all your instructions, but ……

I’m not sure why he’s suspicious.”

“Hey, you need to buck up and never make another mistake.

If the police find out what’s going on and the news leaks out, neither the Posta Gang nor the Gunseed Gang will let you go.”

“I know, I don’t need you to remind me.

On the contrary, it’s you, hurry up and do something ah, didn’t you keep saying how powerful the FBI is before.

Then go take care of the LAPD.”

“I don’t need you to teach me how to do that, mind your own business.” Alfie Ima dropped the sentence and made a move to leave.

“Will I be in danger?”

“I will leave someone behind to protect you.” Alfie Imma exits the hospital room, grumbling in a low voice, “Idiot, and I have to wipe your ass for you ……”

Natasha’s parents’ house.

The previously clean and tidy small yard had a few more hints of depression.

After all, paper can’t keep fire, Natasha’s adoptive mother was overly sad and unwell after learning of her daughter’s murder.

The two old people now rarely go out, mostly all stay at home.

One o’clock in the morning.

A dark shadow quietly walked into the yard of Natasha’s parents’ home, slowly moved forward along the roots of the wall, walked under the window, cut the window screen with a knife, turned over and climbed into the house.

This dark shadow moved very gently, and after entering the room on the first floor, crept up the stairs and walked up to the second floor.

On the east side of the second floor was the room where Natasha used to live, the black shadow walked to the door, slowly opened the door, and walked into Natasha’s room.


Suddenly, the room’s lights came on.

Putting the black shadow under a jump, followed by the sound of a voice: “LAPD, don’t move!”

Only to see two people sitting in the corner of the room, one was Luke, and the other was Blackie, both of them were holding pistols pointing at the black shadow.

Looking at the black shadow again, it was dressed in black, black hood, and looked like a female by the size.

Luke said, “Remove your hood.

Don’t make any unnecessary movements.”

The person in black sighed softly and slowly removed the hood as Luke instructed, and it was a woman with short hair.

“Agent Alfie Ima, I didn’t realize it was really you?”

“Captain Lee, what are you doing here?”

“I should be the one to ask this, why did you run to the victim’s parents’ house in the middle of the night?

And dressed so chic, is this your new FBI uniform?”

“I’m here to investigate a case just like you guys …….”

“You don’t look like you’re here to investigate a case.”

“Tonight at the hospital, I heard about the burglary at Natasha’s house and thought I’d come to Natasha’s parents’ house to look for new biopsies.”

“Then why didn’t you come in the open?”

“It was too late to get a warrant now, and I was worried about a repeat of what happened last time, so I snuck in to look for evidence.”

“What does a repeat of last time refer to?”

“Someone broke into Natasha’s house and burglarized it, resulting in the destruction of her biopsy. So, I wanted to come over and collect it first thing.”

“What did you find?”

“I just came in and haven’t had a chance to look for it yet.”

“Marcus, go search her.”

Marcus stepped closer and instructed, “Hands on your head, don’t move, no tricks.”

Marcus handcuffed her, then searched her and fished out a pistol and a clear plastic bag containing a dozen or so long strands of hair.

Luke picked up the clear plastic bag and examined it, “If I’m right, the hairs in this bag should match the DNA of the body found at the explosion site.

After the explosion at the jiu-jitsu club, the one who went to Natasha’s house to burglarize it should also be you, with two purposes.

One was to place the fake biopsy at Natasha’s house.

The other is to fake the scene of the burglary and frame the Gunther Gang.

What was your purpose in doing this?”

Without answering, Alfie Ima asked, “How did you suspect me?”

“Now I’m the one asking you if Natasha is alive or dead?”

Alfie Ima said helplessly, “This matter is complicated and important, and it can’t be known by too many people.

I will only tell you one person.”

Luke said, “You don’t seem to understand the current situation, I’m not discussing with you.

Answer my question.”

“You’re right, Natasha is indeed not dead, I had Ramon Borrego drop the bomb.”

“Was it your idea alone, or was it an entire FBI operational mission?”

“It was an FBI operation.”

“Then why did you deceive the police? Why didn’t you give the police a heads up before the operation.”

“This operation has to be kept secret, not too many people can know about it, if it leaks the consequences are unimaginable.”

“So you’re not going to say anything now?”

Alfie Imma hesitated for a moment, looking at Luke and then at Blackie, “Are you sure you want to say it here?”

“You can go to the police station if you want.”

“Some time ago during an operation, we captured Ramon Borrego, a member of the Posta Gang.

From him, we learned that someone from the Posta Gang was lurking beside Natasha, and yes, it was Carlos.

At the time, Natasha hadn’t wanted to believe it, was devastated.

And I, for one, realized the magnitude of the problem.” Alfie Imma sat back in his chair and continued.

“Carlos could have killed Natasha at any time, and what’s more, the fact that he didn’t do so, but instead lurked beside Natasha, means that what he’s up to is much bigger and scary.

The Posta Gang can get to Natasha and so can other smuggling organizations.

Natasha’s in danger, and she can’t stay in L.A. any longer.”

Luke said, “So the FBI and Natasha worked together on the fake death plan?”

“At first Natasha didn’t want to do it, in her words she wasn’t afraid to die and could protect herself.

I knew she knew jujitsu, but no amount of jujitsu would help in the presence of a handgun.

In the end, all I could do was use the advice of her adoptive parents’ safety.

If she didn’t ‘die’, her adoptive parents would be in danger as well.

So, we we replaced Natasha with the body of a death row inmate and faked the death scene.

I sent someone to put the hair of the condemned man in the toilet of Natasha’s house.

What happened after that, you all already know.”

Luke didn’t want to believe in making such a big fuss just to fake Natasha’s death, if he was just thinking about Natasha’s safety, he could have let her sneak away and change her identity.

“What is the purpose of you doing this?”

“The first purpose, faking Natasha’s fake death so she could get a new identity and start a new life.

She helped a lot of people, a lot of families, and she deserved it.” Alfie Imma looked at Natasha’s picture on the table and continued.

“The second purpose, the Posta Gang and the Gunside Gang are the two largest smuggling gangs near Los Angeles, these two gangs are engaged in a variety of criminal activities, smuggling, drug smuggling, human trafficking, human organs, it can be said that there is no evil.

Over the years, the FBI has been cracking down on these two smuggling organizations, knocking down their strongholds in Los Angeles on more than one occasion.

But it won’t be long before another group is smuggled in from Mexico to establish a new criminal stronghold.

We can eradicate their criminal strongholds in Los Angeles, California, and even throughout the United States, but their headquarters are in Mexico.

We can’t hit the Mexican gangs with a single blow; they’re like hair, cut after cut.

To completely eliminate these two gangs, we need to weaken their power in Mexico.

Not to mention the LAPD, we at the FBI are incapable of doing that.

So, we made this dog-eat-dog plan.

Let the people from the Posta Gang use the Gunside Gang’s drug trafficking network to drop bombs to help Natasha create ‘death’.

That way no one would suspect that Natasha had faked her death.

The FBI and the police followed the trail and eliminated the drug trafficking members of the Gunside Gang.

Afterward, the police caught the Posta Gang members who had dropped the bomb.

The Gunside Gang learns the ‘truth’ of the case and that the Posta Gang is using the FBI and police force to fight them.

The Gonzadeh gang will surely retaliate against the Posta gang.

The Posta Gang will surely fight back as well.

And the headquarters of both gangs are in Mexico, fighting and fighting for real, even if it can’t lead to the destruction of the two gangs, it can still cut the strength of the two gangs.

Our purpose will also be achieved.

One move and several gains.”

“Why didn’t you inform the police about this, treating us as fools?”

“That’s something we’ve been wrestling with for a long time as well.

But considering the fact that the Smuggling Organization has been operating in Los Angeles for many years, and will probably place undercover agents within the police, we didn’t dare to take that risk.

We’ve seen too many similar misfortunes ……

The fewer people who know about this, the safer and more successful it will be.”

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