Chapter 366

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:05
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This reason sounded grand, but as the deluded party, Luke still didn’t feel pain in his heart.

The FBI was manipulating everything as the mastermind behind the scenes, while the police was like a pawn, being used by them without knowing it.

Alfie Yima sighed, “Captain Lee, please believe me, if it wasn’t a last resort, we wouldn’t have taken this approach.”

Luke said, “You have your reasons, but you can’t treat others as fools.”

“I definitely didn’t have that in mind, I swear.”

“How do you plan to wrap things up when it comes down to it?”

“I’m hoping that the LAPD will turn Ramon Borrego over to the FBI and we’ll convict him, after which we’ll put out the word for two gangs to feud.

There has always been a conflict of interest between the Posta Gang and the Gunside Gang.

I believe this conflict will prompt the two gangs to escalate their conflict and have a firefight.

The entire plan will also be completed.”

Xiao Hei said, “You’re thinking pretty well.

After utilizing us in the Robbery and Murder Division, you will just kick us aside, and the credit and benefits will be yours, so what is our heart-wrenching investigation over the past few days?

Our captain was also ambushed by the Gunseed Gang’s gunmen, what about this account?”

“SORRY, I was the one who didn’t think things through.

We, the FBI, are willing to give you some compensation to make up for your loss.”

“What kind of compensation?”

Alfie Yima thought for a moment, “We can compensate you with a sum of funds, part of which can be distributed to the Heist and Murder Division as a reward, and it is up to Captain Lee to decide how to distribute it.”

Luke said, “I’m not short of money.

This matter can’t be solved with money alone.”

Alfie Yima added, “We will have the opportunity to work together in the future, count me as owing you a favor.

In the future, if you have any use for me, you can call me at any time.

As long as it doesn’t violate the rules, I can help you.”

“Can I trust you?”


“OK, I’ll report back to the higher-ups in the Detective Bureau and confirm if this is an FBI-orchestrated operation or if you personally have something else up your sleeve.”

“I swear, this is definitely an FBI operation and not my personal behavior.

The only reason we didn’t tell the police was because we were worried that the police would cascade up the chain of command and leak the information.”

“And now you’re complaining about the police?

Blame yourselves for complicating things.” Luke didn’t fully take her word for it, if she could lie to the police once, she could do it again, and even if this was an operation planned by the FBI, Luke didn’t trust the FBI.

The best thing to do would be for the police hierarchy to contact the FBI hierarchy so that Luke didn’t have to take the blame, but also to maximize the benefits and have peace of mind that he would be compensated.

If there was no communication with the LAPD brass, and the FBI broke the contract afterward, Luke would not even have a place to reason.

Luke contacted Chief Reed and told him all the causes and consequences.

Reed didn’t take a stand right away and told Luke to wait for the call.

Forty minutes later, Reed called and said, ”Luke, I contacted the top management of the FBI, this operation was indeed planned by the FBI, and these assholes even took a codename name ‘Operation Desert’.

The FBI executives apologized for concealing the police and are willing to make some compensation.

However, they still hope that the police can cooperate with them to complete the plan.”

Luke asked, “Cooperate how?”

“Hand over the case and the people involved to them for handling, and the police withdraw from this operation.”

“What compensation?”

“Compensation of one hundred thousand dollars in funding for the Detective Bureau, fifty thousand dollars of which you will be responsible for distributing as a reward for the Heist and Murder Division.”

“This is to gag us with money?”

“What do you think?”

Being used as a pawn by the FBI was really uncomfortable in Luke’s heart, but the plan against the two gangs was almost complete, and it wouldn’t do Luke any good to ruin it.

All Luke could do now was to ask for more compensation for himself and his teammates.

“I don’t think the FBI is sincere enough, the funding and reward compensation should at least be doubled.”

Reed smiled, “Wait for my call.”

Alfie Imma shrugged, “That’s the first time I’ve seen someone blackmail the FBI.”

Luke corrected, “It’s not blackmail, it’s defusing a conflict between two departments.

Compensation is given in place, conflicts are eliminated, and in the future, they will still be brotherly forces fighting side by side.

You can’t be petty with your brothers.”

Alfie Ima held up the handcuffs on his wrists, “This is the way you treat your brothers?”

Blackie laughed, “My mom always says, ‘A brother with money is a true brother’.”

Alfie Ima lamented, “I really envy you for having a mom who sees through the essence.”

Twenty minutes later, Reed called again, and the FBI agreed to Luke’s terms of compensation and, at the same time, wanted Luke to release Alfie Ima immediately.

Luke uncuffed Alfie Ima and shook hands, “Agent Ima, good cooperation.”

Alfie Imma rubbed his wrists, “How did you suspect the FBI?”

When Luke gave a statement to Ramon Borrego, he detected signs of lying on the other side and knew that the black hand behind the scene was probably not the Posta Gang, after that, Luke continued to test the waters, but Ramon Borrego bit the bullet.

Luke threatened to hand him over to the FBI if he didn’t cooperate.

If it was an ordinary suspect, hearing the name of the FBI would be nervous, panic, and even fear, but Luke saw from Ramon Borrego’s micro-expression that the other party not only did not get nervous, but instead looked like he was relieved.

That’s what made Luke suspicious of the FBI.

It’s just that he wasn’t clear about the FBI’s motives at that time and didn’t have any evidence, so that’s why he intentionally told Alfie Imma that he speculated that Natasha might not be dead, and that he was going to collect a new biopsy to identify the DNA, just to create this opportunity to make an arrest.

Of course, there was no need for Luke to tell the other party all this, and said perfunctorily, “A hunch.”

Alfie Yima also did not continue to pursue, “OK, I like smart people, and I’m looking forward to the next cooperation.”

Luke laughed, “I hope that the next time we work together, you will be more sincere.”

Blackie added, “If you can’t do that, it’s okay to prepare more money, hehehe.”

Alfie Ima “……”

Luke then watched Alfie Yima leave, and he didn’t ask about Natasha’s situation since the beginning.

Firstly, if Luke asked, she might not say anything.

Secondly, Luke also felt that there was no need to inquire.

This time, the plan codenamed ‘Operation Desert’, the planner was definitely the FBI, and Natasha might not be able to help herself.

But no matter what reason she had, deceiving Luke and Orty was a fact.

It is better to see each other than not to see each other.

The following morning.

Luke came in later than usual.

Around ten a.m., Luke walked out of his office with a cup of tea.

“Guys, a morning meeting.”

Seeing the crowd looking over, Luke continued, “The Jiu Jitsu Club bombing case involves two stowaway gangs, and the director and I have discussed it and are ready to transfer the case to the FBI for processing.

What do you guys think?”

Other than Blackie, the others didn’t know about ‘Operation Desert’.

Although Luke was dissatisfied with the FBI’s approach, like Alfie Ima said, the less people knew about this matter, the better.

The lieutenant shrugged, “It’s not like you to hand it over to the FBI when the people have already been captured.”

“I originally didn’t intend to hand the case over either, but these suspects have other cases on their backs, so it’s more appropriate for the FBI to interrogate them.

This time, the first squadron of investigating the case has made a lot of effort, we will get an extra reward.”

Jackson was a bit surprised, “What kind of reward?”

“The above allocated a hundred thousand dollars for the bonus, I am going to divide ten thousand dollars for each person in the team, and the remaining twenty thousand dollars for the team’s funds, for everyone to use for parties and dinners in the future.

What do you guys think?”

“What! A ten thousand dollar bonus!” Jackson was nonplussed.

Matthew asked, “Do I get a share too?”

Blackie, being in the know, smiled faintly, “Man, if you don’t want it, you can give it to me too.”

Matthew waved his hand in a huff, “NoNoNo, of course I want it, wow wow, it just surprised me a little.”

Jenny said, “It was the surprise.”

Potter smiled back, “Looks like I was right to transfer to the Heist and Murder Division.”

The lieutenant bristled, he couldn’t remember a time when Reed had been so generous, there was definitely something going on here.

However, since Luke didn’t say anything, he didn’t bother to ask, who would have a problem with money.

In the afternoon, people from the FBI came and took away the dossier related to the Jiu-Jitsu Club.

The Robbery and Murder Division was no longer involved in the case.

In the evening, the crowd went to a bar to drink and celebrate.

Early the next morning.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully solved the Jiu-Jitsu Club bombing case, rewarded 80 points.]

Luke just woke up and a familiar voice rang in his head.

Luke opened the Divine Detective System, which originally still had 20 points in it, and now it totaled 100 points.

Luke used three cards in this case, which were Precision Card, Bullet Avoidance Card and Shielding Card.

Luke replenished each of the three cards with another one.

Bullet Dodge Card, 30 points.

Accuracy card, 20 points.

Shield card, 10

There were still 40 points left in the Sleuth System, Luke did not continue to exchange them, keeping the points for backup.

Luke was on vacation today, and after getting up and washing up, he felt a little hungry and ate a sandwich, orange, and a glass of milk.

After he ate, he took the fish food and fed the small fish, and when he saw the treasure chest in the fish tank, he suddenly thought of the treasure map.

He had been a little busy the past few days and almost forgot about the treasure map.

Luke took out the treasure map and started to study it, this treasure map is first of all a topographical map, one has to find the location drawn on the map before further determining the location of the treasure.

Luke didn’t have similar experience, he couldn’t just flip through Google Maps little by little, that would have to be compared to a monkey’s age.

Luke was not a very patient person.

“Dingdong ……” the cell phone rang, it was a bank transfer text message, a full six hundred thousand dollars.

Luke smiled.

The hiring money for football star Danny Carter had arrived.

Danny Carter was embroiled in a sexual assault case, and Luke had helped him find evidence to clear his name, which was the previously promised commission.

Luke puts the treasure map away, what’s the point of bothering?

With another large sum of money in the bank, Luke thinks about what to spend it on.

In fact, Luke also had quite a few things he wanted to buy, such as a mansion, just that this plan was too far away, and for the time being, he couldn’t gather enough money.

A more easily realized idea was to buy some weapons and a good wine collection.

Luke took out a paper and pen and listed the types of firearms and famous wines he wanted to buy ……

“Ringing ……”

It was Uncle Val calling.


“Luke, I’ve got my eye on a used car, do you have a minute? Come take a look.”

“No, I’m too busy to come over right now, tell me the condition of the car.”

Val said, “It’s a black Volvo sedan, 18 years old, it’s in pretty good condition and no major accidents.

It’s $12,000 total, and I have four thousand dollars here.

What do you think?”

Luke said, “Sounds good, let’s go with this car, I’ll transfer the money to you.”

“Aren’t you coming to look at it? It’s a car purchase!”

“I believe you.

I’ll transfer you eight thousand dollars later.”

“OK, it’s happily decided.”

Luke hung up his cell phone, this car he was going to use when he was on a mission, as long as it was drivable and not high-profile, as for the rest Val liked it.

Mosola’s Bar.

Luke had asked Judge Walker to join him for a drink.

At 8:00 p.m. Luke arrived at the bar and scanned the bar for a good number of people, but didn’t see Walker.

Instead of going to the bar, Luke sat at a small round table for two, ordered a whiskey, and took a small plate of snacks.

After a few minutes, a little old man in a suit walked into the bar, none other than Walker.

Luke waved, and Walker walked over quickly, “Sorry, had another incident near the end of the shift, delayed a bit.”

“Know you’re a busy man, have a seat.”

Walker took off his jacket and set it up on a chair, ordering a whiskey as well, and turned to Luke, “You guys turned the Jiu Jitsu Club case over to the FBI?”

“Yes, that’s why I’m in the mood to come out for a drink today.”

“It’s a good thing it was handed over, or you’d have your hands full.”

Luke asked back, “Have you been busy lately?”

“The usual, it’s either this case or that one, unlike you guys, you get a break when you’re done with the case at hand.”

Luke laughed, “I’m resting because I shot someone.”

“Killed someone?”

Luke didn’t answer, “Let’s not talk about work, let’s talk about something else.

Do you have any more plans for a treasure hunt these days?”

Walker rolled his eyes, “You think treasure maps are that easy to come by?”

Luke pulled the brown leather out of his pocket and handed it to Walker, “Take a look.”

Walker took it and showed a surprised look, lowering his voice, “This is a treasure map? Where did you get it?”

Luke told the story of how he bought the fish tank and then put the chest with the treasure in it.

Walker’s eyes widened, “You threw gold coins into the fish tank?”


Walker’s eyes stared at the map and muttered, “I wonder which guy is going to be unlucky.”

Just then, the waiter came over with the wine, Walker hurriedly covered up the treasure map, raised his wine glass and clinked a glass with Luke, “Have you researched the location of the treasure map?”

Luke shook his head, “I have no experience with treasure hunting, what do you see?”

“It was too short and I wasn’t wearing my glasses ……”

“Then take it back and study it.”

“Are you sure?” Walker was a little taken aback.

“Of course, this map was found by our treasure hunt together, so naturally you have a share.”

“This is a treasure map!” Walker looked a little excited.

Luke pointed to his head, “I don’t want to bother with this brain, you take it back and study it.

When you find the treasure, just remember to share half of it with me.”

Luke is not poor in money now, instead of hiding a treasure map that he doesn’t know whether he can find the treasure or not, it is better to have a good relationship with Walker.

Besides, this treasure map itself has Walker’s share, Luke can’t be said to swallow it alone.

Walker’s tone was full of excitement, “This map will be put on me first, when I understand it, let’s study it together ……”

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