Chapter 369

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:13
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December 15th.

Daisy makes an appointment for the plaintiff to settle out of court.

The location was in an office in the Los Angeles courthouse.

The mediator was Mikita George, also an attorney.

Many state courts have court-attached mediation, and most of these mediators are attorneys or retired judges, and the court encourages the parties to resolve their disputes through the mediation avenues provided by the court.

At 9:20 a.m., Daisy and Luke came to the settlement on behalf of Danny Carter.

The two men chatted with the mediator for a while, and it was clear that he was interested in Danny Carter’s case.

From the conversation, Luke had the vague feeling that he was a little envious of Daisy; getting a client like Danny Carter represented fame and fortune.

At nine thirty, Billie Worley and her lawyer Robin Weir also came, followed by a young man, although it was the first time they met, Luke had read Billie Worley’s profile before and knew that the man was her boyfriend.

The mediator, Mikita George, gestured for them to sit down and said, “OK, since everyone is here, let’s start talking.

I’ve been following this case as well, and I’ve been in contact with quite a few similar cases.

This kind of case does no one any good once it goes to court, and settlement is the right option.

Tell us what you think.”

Robin Weir, the plaintiff’s attorney, said, “In this case, my client has suffered injuries, not just physical injuries, but also mental anguish, and it is based on both of these that we are seeking compensation.”

Daisy said, “Injury?

What injury?

I’m not sure what you’re referring to?”

“Danny Carter raped my client, isn’t that injury?

Attorney Ellis, you’re a woman too, I’m sure you should be able to understand my client’s pain, we’re asking for more than just compensation, we need Danny Carter to apologize in person and admit his mistake.”

Daisy said, “The police have withdrawn the criminal charges against Danny Carter, which means that there was no rape, the two people belonged to two lovers without any coercion or injurious behavior, so why do we need compensation?

In addition, based on the premise of equality between men and women, if there is a relationship to be compensated, is it not that my client can also sue Billie Worry for compensation?”

Billie Worry’s boyfriend revealed an angry look, “Bullshit two lovers, I am Billie Worry’s boyfriend, the two of us have a stable relationship, she loves me very much, it’s impossible for her to do it with another man behind my back.

She was raped by Danny Carter.”

Daisy looked at the young couple and asked, “Billie Worley, is he your boyfriend?”

Billie Worley nodded, “Yes.”

“Did you date any other men while you two were dating?”

“No, I never have, I’m not the kind of woman you think I am, I was drinking that night and Danny Carter offered to take me home, then he started to make a move on me, I tried to fight back ……

but he was too strong and I was forced.”

“So, you don’t like Danny Carter?”

“Yes, I’m not the kind of woman who messes around, I only love my boyfriend.” As she spoke, Billie Worley took her boyfriend’s hand.

Her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Mediator Mikita George said, “Since this is a mediation, I would like both parties to show some sincerity and less unnecessary arguments.

Any questions?”


“Neither do I.”

Mediator Mikita George continued, “Plaintiffs, state your claim?”

Billie Worley’s attorney, Robin Weir, said, “First of all, Danny Carter wants to apologize to my client, and we know he’s a celebrity and we don’t want to ruin him.

So, this apology can be private.

In addition, this incident has greatly affected my client, and this damage is multi-faceted including physical, mental, and reputation, and we are asking for two million dollars in damages.”

Luke smiled, “Korean Won?”

“No, it’s dollars.”

Luke shook his head, “You guys are greedier than you think, what’s the difference between this and blackmail?”

Robin Weir said, “This is the compensation Danny Carter should give my client, she deserves it.”

Daisy said, “Two million dollars is too much compensation for our client to accept.”

The mediator, Mikita George, said, “Does the defendant have any ideas to mention as well?”

Daisy replied, “First of all, my client’s relationship with Billie Worley was based on mutual consent, so there is no compensation.

It’s just that considering the repercussions aspect, my client is willing to put up a sum of money to calm the matter.

But that money has to be within reason.”

Billie Worley’s boyfriend pressed, “How much is he willing to put up?”

“Fifty thousand dollars.”

Billie Worley’s boyfriend looked disgruntled, “What! What are you guys doing? A man like him would pay more than 50,000 dollars for a meal, and you guys want to settle this matter with 50,000 dollars.

I’ll give you two words, dream on.”

Daisy said, “Billie Worley, could you ask your boyfriend to step outside? I want to talk to you alone.”

Billie Worley’s boyfriend jerked up and questioned, “Why did you ask me to leave?”

“We’ve uncovered some new evidence and I don’t want that evidence to be seen by too many people.”

Obviously, this answer didn’t satisfy Billie Worley’s boyfriend, “I’m her boyfriend, she’s been hurt, and I have an obligation to fight for her rights.”

Daisy said, “There’s a saying that caring is not enough, I think it’s enough to have a lawyer present on this occasion.

Ms. Worley, what do you think?”

Billie Worley looked at her boyfriend, “I trust my boyfriend and want him to stay.”

“OK,” Daisy shrugged, took out a piece of information from her bag and put it in front of Billie Worry, “Ms. Worry, please take a look at this information.”

Billie Worry took the information to check, she was a little confused when she first read it, what was written on it was some time and place, but looking at it she seemed to recall something, her face changed greatly and hurriedly covered the information, afraid that the boyfriend beside her would see it.

The boyfriend also saw Billie Worley’s abnormality: “Billie, what’s wrong? What’s written on it?”

Billie Worry twisted her head to look at her boyfriend, “Honey, you go out for a while.”

“Why?” Billie Worley’s boyfriend looked surprised.

“I’ll tell you when I get back, OK?”

Billie Worley gave her lawyer a color, and her lawyer, Robin Weir, stood up and talked her boyfriend out of the office.

Billie Worley re-read the information again, her face looking a little hard, and questioned, “What does this mean? I can’t read what it says?”

Daisy asked back, “If you don’t understand it, why did you kick your boyfriend out?”

Billie Worley asked instead of answering, “Where did you get this information?”

Daisy said, “Quentin Haggas told us.

According to him, there has been an inappropriate relationship between the two of you and the information is about the times and addresses of the dates.

You are not as innocent as you say you are and have been cheating on your boyfriend behind his back.

You can cheat on Quentin Haggas just as well as you can have sex with Danny Carter.

It wasn’t by accident.”

“You lie!” Billie Worley stood up and walked to the corner of her office to make a call, however the call did not connect.

Billie Worley looked a little agitated and made two more calls in a row, which still didn’t connect, before she walked over to him a little bereft, “What did you do with him?”

“He’s fine, and promised to testify.”

“Lies, there’s no way he would betray me!”

Daisy asked back, “Why is it impossible? What is your relationship?”

Billie Worley pointed her finger at Daisy, “Vile, shameful.”

Daisy said, “The despicable and shameful one is you, you have a boyfriend and you are still fooling around.

As a result, when your boyfriend found out, you falsely accused the other party of rape, insulted the other party’s honor, and demanded high compensation.

Do you realize that this will ruin Danny Carter?”

Billie Holiday questioned, “What about me?

Who ever cared about me?

That idiot called the police because his car was stolen and the neighbors around him know.

My boyfriend knows too, what am I going to do?”

“So you admit that no rape occurred, you lied about being raped because Danny Carter called the police and the cheating was discovered.”

Plaintiff’s attorney Robin Weir rushed to pull Billie Worley back and asked in a low voice, “Billie, don’t answer her.

Did you really cheat on your wife?”

“I …… did.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? It would have put me on the spot.”

“I didn’t think they would know about it, and besides, does the fact that I have a lover have anything to do with the case?”

Robin Weir, the plaintiff’s attorney, pulled Billie Worley aside and whispered, “It will hurt your credibility.

If you’re in a stable relationship with your boyfriend, it’s indirect proof that you’re not a promiscuous person, and the jury and the judge will have a favorable impression of you.

But if you cheated on your boyfriend behind his back, it puts a stain on their minds that you’re a watery woman who can cheat once and then again.

The accusation of rape will be harder to stand up to, and it will naturally affect the verdict of the case.”

Billie Worley scratched her hair, “Are we bound to lose?”

“Highly probable.”

“So what do I do?”

“Contact the person you cheated with and as long as he doesn’t show up in court to testify, there’s no way to prove that you cheated.”

Billie Worley sighed, “I just called three times, but I can’t reach him.”

Robin Weir asked, “Has he been in a similar situation before?”

“No, he used to answer first time whenever I called, never like today.”

Robin Weir shook his head, “That means that he’s probably been paid off by the other side’s lawyers.”

“So what do I do?”

“Two ways, the first way is to find the person you cheated on and convince him not to testify so you still have a chance of winning.

The second, settle out of court.”

Billie Worley glanced out of the room, not only was she now worried about Quentin Haggas testifying, she was equally worried about her boyfriend finding out about it.

“I’m not sure I can convince the cheating partner.”

Robin Weir backed off, “Then sit down and I’ll talk to them.”

The two men returned to the negotiating table, and Robin Weir changed the subject, “Attorney Ellis, since we’re all here to talk about settlement, let’s show some sincerity.

We’re willing to voluntarily reduce the settlement to one million dollars.”

Daisy said, “Then we’ll increase it to $80,000 dollars.”

“That’s not enough, not by a long shot. Attorney Ellis, I hope you can show some good faith as well. That way the negotiations can continue.”

Daisy said, “It’s you who are the lion’s share of the money, one million dollars is simply out of the question, and with the evidence we have available to us, it’s impossible for you to win the case.

And once you lose the case, you won’t get a single dollar.”

Robin Weir said, “Winning or losing a lawsuit is not just about the outcome.

It is a fact that Danny Carter had sex with my client, and this incident has caused my client some distress.

Fighting this lawsuit was not my client’s original intention; she just wanted justice.

Fighting a lawsuit is not glamorous, and my client has received a lot of attention and accusations, which has caused her a great deal of stress.

And your client, Danny Carter, is a ball player with an annual salary of more than $20 million, and he is paid more than $50,000 a day. Isn’t it a bit disrespectful of you to try to get rid of my client with $50,000 now.

I believe that if the lawsuit keeps dragging on, your client will suffer far more than mine in terms of repercussions and losses.”

Daisy said, “I don’t deny that there are some repercussions, but my client values more than just money; he just can’t accept being blackmailed.

He and your client had a consensual relationship and it was supposed to be a nice encounter.

But your client is now starting to demand money, and how is that different from a streetwalker.

A streetwalker wants 200 dollars, while your client wants two million dollars, which is a 10,000-fold difference.

This is no longer a question of money. My client cannot swallow this.

If you continue to lionize me, my client would rather suffer the repercussions than win this case, and then you won’t get a penny.”

Billie Worley revealed a nervous look, things had already developed to this point, if she really had to go to court and lose, then she would be completely finished, not only would she not be able to get the money, but her boyfriend would also sweep her off her feet.

Robin Weir’s face is not obvious, but his heart is also a little abrupt.

Billie Worley has no money now, he can only get the money if he wins the case or reaches a settlement, if he really loses in court, his interests will also be affected.

Robin Weir discussed with Billie Worley in a low voice and offered again, “To show our sincerity in settling the case, we are willing to lower the damages to half a million dollars.”

Daisy said, “One hundred thousand dollars.”

“That’s too little, it’s only two days of Danny Carter’s salary, your client can’t swallow it, and my client doesn’t want to be insulted as much as I do.”

Daisy laughed, “You’re right, this amount is only two days of my client’s income.

However, it is your client’s income for two years.

Why measure the amount of compensation in terms of our client’s income.

I think it would be more appropriate to measure it against your client’s income.

Two years of income is a lot.”

Robin Weir didn’t accept that and continued to make his offer, “We’re willing to lower it by another hundred thousand dollars, four hundred thousand dollars, that’s our bottom price.”

Daisy said, “One hundred and fifty thousand dollars, that’s as high as we can go.”

Billie Worley clenched her hands tightly and looked at Robin Weir on the side.

Robin Weir opened the bidding again, “Three hundred thousand dollars, absolutely no lower.”

Daisy said, “One hundred and eighty thousand dollars.”

Robin Weir stood up and waved his hand, “We’ve shown enough sincerity to keep the compensation low.

But you didn’t have enough sincerity, and I don’t think there’s any need to talk anymore.”

“Billie, we should go.” Robin Weir made a gesture to leave.

At this time, the mediator, Mikita George, stood up and advised, “Robin, don’t leave in a hurry.

I think the amount of compensation is already relatively close, so as long as each side gives up one step, the settlement is reached.”

Robin Weir said, “Attorney George, I’m willing to give you that face, but it’s clear that the opposing counsel is not sincere.”

Mikita George looked over at Daisy, “Attorney Ellis.”

Daisy put on a difficult face, “I ……

It’s not that I’m insincere, but my client is adamant.

He feels that Ms. Billie Worley is falsely accusing him and blackmailing him, and it makes him angry.

$200,000, that’s the highest we can offer.

If you are still not satisfied, then we will have to see you in court.” Daisy began to pack her things as well.

Mikita George looked at the other party again, “Robin, it’s your turn.”

“I need to discuss this with my client.” Robin Weir pulled Billie Worley aside and the two exchanged whispers.

After a moment, Robin Weir walked over, looked at Daisy, and turned to Mikita George.

“My client agrees.”

Billie Worley sighed darkly, she couldn’t afford to lose.

Mikita George smiled, “OK, the mediation is successfully completed.


Seeing that the other party agreed, Daisy was relieved in her heart, 200,000 dollars might be astronomical for ordinary people, but for Danny Carter it was just 4 days’ salary, it was cost-effective to solve this case with 4 days’ salary.

Although it was said that with the evidence they had available, Danny Carter’s chances of winning the case were extremely high, but as long as this case was not finished for one day, it would bring continuous negative impacts to Danny Carter, and the losses in all aspects far exceeded 200,000 dollars.

In addition, it is not realistic to want to continue to press the price, the other party’s lawyer is not a fool, and is also clear that the case will bring negative impacts to Danny Carter, if Daisy presses the price too low, so that the other party can’t even get the attorney’s fee, then the other party will not be willing to give up.

Therefore, using 200,000 dollars in exchange for a win-win situation was powerful for everyone.

Luke was also more satisfied with the result, according to Danny’s statement, he would come up with a million dollars in fees, excluding the $200,000 in compensation, there was still $800,000, of which Danny was going to take half of it, and the rest of the half was split equally between Luke and Daisy.

In other words, Luke gets $200,000 for his employment.

With $200,000 in the bank and an informant on the payroll, it’s a good deal no matter how you look at it.

Both sides reach a settlement, the judge signs the settlement agreement, and this is the end of the nation’s sensational football star rape case.

In the evening, Luke and Daisy went to the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills to celebrate with Michelin restaurants, spa massages and a night to remember ……

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