Chapter 379

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Suburb of Los Angeles.

A grayish-white church building was built next to a remote forest.

One of the church’s side halls was about thirty square meters, with drawn curtains and clear glass on top, casting light that reflected in the center of the church.

There weren’t many decorations or objects in the church, eight chairs were placed around the center, and eight people of different races, genders, and ages were sitting around.

Among them, the oldest was a white man, who looked to be in his fifties, holding a folder with a hammer mark emblazoned above the upper right corner.

The white man opened the folder and said, “Gentlemen, welcome to the Workers’ Compensation Mutual Aid Association.

I am Bern Nelson, the organizer of the mutual aid society.

We are all gathered here because difficulties at work are affecting our lives and our health.

I hope that you can be brave enough to speak out about your problems and feelings, and discuss and help each other to overcome your problems.”

Bern Nelson scanned the crowd, “Who would like to introduce themselves first?”

A man of Mexican descent raised his hand, “Hi, my name is Martin, I’m 32 years old and I have depression ……

I’m an attorney and I work 12+ hours a day and I haven’t laughed in a long time ……

I feel like I’ve forgotten what it feels like to laugh ……

I’m scared …… scared of cell phones ……

I’ve had very little private time since I became a lawyer, even at Christmas I have to be on 24/7 ……

Every day I live in a state of tightness ……

I’d love to turn off my cell phone and get a good night’s sleep ……

But I can’t …… I’m responsible for my client ……

I’m so stressed and out of breath that I’ve wanted to leave my job more than once ……

I’ve written my resignation letter more than once ……

But I still don’t have the courage to quit ……

I don’t know what to do ……

I’ve been solving all kinds of problems for my clients, but my own life is in shambles.

I make a lot of money, but that money is just a string of numbers to me ……

I don’t feel happy at all.

I’m going crazy with this stress ……”

“Hello, my name is Mary, I’m 28 years old from Orange County, I’m a telephone operator and my daily job is to listen to customer requests, provide information, and assist with bills ……”

“Hi, my name is Polita, I’m 45 years old, I have a herniated disc and I have knee problems, my doctor recommended I take some time off.

I’m a horticulturist, which is a very competitive and low-paying industry ……

I have been working very hard ……

But instead of earning much money, I’ve ended up with a lot of injuries and illnesses ……”

The people at the support meeting voiced their problems and issues, mostly caused by their jobs.

The organizer, Bern Nelson, would listen to each person carefully and record their problems and confusions, as well as enlighten each other with calm words.

“Knock knock ……”

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Bern Nelson stood up, “You guys continue, I’m going to take a look.”

Bern Nelson picked up his folder and walked to the door, opened the door and saw two men standing outside, a black man and a dark-haired youth, “What can I do for you?”

The two men were none other than Luke and Blackie.

After getting the Mutual’s business card from the psychiatrist.

Luke felt that the three cases were probably related to this Mutual Aid Association, and then asked Shakru Khan and Melanie Hickman, both of whom admitted to having participated in the Mutual Aid Association, whose organizer was none other than Bern Nelson on the business card.

Luke sized up the other man, “Are you Mr. Bern Nelson?”

“That’s me.”

Black flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Marcus from the Robbery-Murder Division and this is Captain Lee.

We’re investigating a series of murders and would like to get some information from you.”

Bern Nelson’s face changed slightly, “Murder case? Are you guys looking for the wrong person.”

Luke pursued, “Do you know Shakru Khan?”

“The name is somewhat familiar.”

Luke took out the other person’s photo, and Bern Nelson took a closer look, “Recognize, he attended the Mutual Aid Society.”

Luke pulled out another picture of Melanie Hickman, “What about her?”

“Also a member of the congregation.”

Luke thought for a moment and pulled out another photo of the people involved in the deceased Majestic’s case, “Who do you recognize in these three photos?”

Bern Nelson looked at them and pointed to the photo of Song Bo, a restaurant employee, “He’s also a member of our mutual aid society.”

“That’s right, these three are involved in three separate murders.

And all three are members of the ‘Workers’ Mutual Aid Association’.

We have reason to believe that your Mutual Aid Association is involved in these three murders.”

Bern Nelson froze in place, “Could there be some misunderstanding?

The purpose of our Mutual Aid Association is to defend the rights of workers, it is a charitable organization, how could it be involved in the murder cases?”

Luke relieved, “You don’t have to be nervous, we are just here for a routine investigation, and I also hope that these three murders have nothing to do with the Mutual Aid Association.”

“Where were you between ten p.m. on December 17th and two a.m. the next morning?”

“I was at home.”

“Is there anyone who can testify to that?”

“My wife.”

“Where were you between 9:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. on December 18th?”

“At home.”

“Where were you between nine and eleven o’clock in the evening of December 19th?”

“At home.”

Luke had his wife contacted to verify the alibi.

Luke continued, “How many people do you have in this mutual aid society?”

Bern Nelson said, “Too many, all over the country, I’m only in charge of the Los Angeles City Mutual.”

“How many people are in charge of the Mutual Aid Society in the city of Los Angeles? Or how many have access to those three members I mentioned earlier?”

Bern Nelson thought about it and showed a difficult look.

Luke advised, “Don’t be psychologically burdened, just say it directly.

We’ll verify it carefully and won’t wrongly accuse a good person.”

“Park Zhengmin.

He is also a member of the Mutual Aid Society and often comes to the Society to help out, receive new members, and enlighten those who need help.

He’s a good person, happy to help everyone, and definitely wouldn’t be a murderer.”

“Where is he now?”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you seen him in the last three days?”


Luke pulled out the photo of the suspect vehicle, “Have you seen this car?”

“Park Jung Min seems to have a car of the same make, style, and color.”

“Do you know where he can be found?”

“No idea.”

“You should know his cell phone number and home address, right?”

Luke didn’t question Bourne Nelson any further, but had him under control first.

According to the murderer’s killing rhythm, it was likely that he would commit another crime tonight.

The police must find the first suspect, Park Jung Min, as soon as possible.

Based on the clues provided by Bern Nelson, the police found Park Jung-min’s house.

Kelmet Apartments.

Park Jung-min was staying in room 309 of the apartment. There was no light on in the room, and no suspect vehicle was found in the parking lot.

At this point, it was already eight o’clock at night, Luke speculated that the other party was probably not at home, or even already on their way to commit the crime.

Must be scrambled.

Luke led the team to the outside of apartment 309, pressed against the door and listened for a while, there was no sound.

Luke gave a wave of his hand.

A patrolman swung the door breaker.

“Bang!” The door to the apartment was slammed right through.

“LAPD!” said Black, Jackson, and Potter as they rushed into the room.


“No sign of it.”

The apartment was small, with only an open room and toilet, and the police quickly searched it.

Luke turned on the lights in the apartment and the inside of the apartment was in full view.

The apartment was somewhat cluttered, with leftover food on the table and the smell of pickles wafting through the house.

The wall on the right hand side caught Luke’s attention, there were several photos and some information taped to the wall.

The first photo on the left was Yoshimi Hashimoto.

The second photo on the left was Majahui.

The third photo Amir Murdy.

The fourth photo is an Asian man.

These photos on the wall more and more confirm that Park Jung-min is probably the murderer.

And the fourth photo was probably his next target.

Luke glanced at his watch, it was already ten minutes past eight o’clock, and from the point in time of the other party’s previous crimes, it was likely that the other party had not done anything yet.

The police must find the man on the fourth photo as soon as possible, every minute added, the other party is one more point of danger.

On the wall, in addition to the photos, there are profiles of each man.

Park Jung-min had mapped out each of his victims before committing the crime, and perhaps that was the reason why he was so successful in his crimes.

Name, Ma Zheng

Race, Chinese

Age, 30.

Occupation, delivery man.

Cell phone number, 626 836 2231

License plate number, 8lcb393

A white Toyota is parked on the side of the road.

A man came down from the cab, the man had a headset on his right ear and seemed to be talking to someone, “Wife, I’ve arrived at the ground, I won’t talk for a while, it’s just a takeaway for the customers.”

Said the man walked to the trunk, took out a takeaway, ran to the side of a family villa.

Not long after, the man walked out of the villa and said into his headset, “Crap, her house is really big.

Honey, guess how much you just tipped me?

Twenty dollars!

Fucking rich.

You know what she ordered?

Just ordered a vegetable salad.

Hey ……

These foreigners make too much money.

I just ran this order, can earn small two hundred yuan.

This fucking with picking up money what difference.”

The man said more and more excited: “Dry, must be dry, tonight have to work until ten o’clock, when the restaurant when off, when I get off.

These foreign devils are too lazy and close at ten o’clock.

Otherwise, I can work until twelve o’clock.

No, two in the morning.

Haha …… I’m not talking to you, I’m going to deliver the next one.

When I get off work at ten, I’ll go back and get something to eat, and then I’ll do it in the morning.

These foreigners are so stupid that they can’t rob me.

Who doesn’t know that I’m the ‘King of Order Grabbing’ in this area?

When we return home in a few years, we will be able to buy a house, not to mention the county house, we can buy the city …….

Yes, the second tier city go up, must.”

The man hung up his cell phone, walked to his car and froze.

When he came there was a car parked behind him, but in front of him there was no car, he obediently parked his car here.

But just such a moment of effort, he parked another car in front of him, and close to his car, this distance …… can not drive out.

“Your sister …… will drive?” The man slandered a sentence, looked at the front of the black Volkswagen sedan, the cab seems to be someone, he breathed a sigh of relief, someone is good, no one can be caught blind.

The man walked to the driver’s side of the Volkswagen sedan and knocked on the window, “Knock knock.”

The window came down and there was an Asian man in the car as well.

“Coincidence.” The man laughed, his English is not very good, it is not possible to meet the hometown: “Brother, behind is my car, you give blocked, hurry to move.”

“@#¥%&……” The Asian man in the driver’s cab gibbered a bunch of words.

Takeaway man first froze, this is what bird language, more difficult to understand than English.

Then, he thought of his wife’s favorite Korean drama, right, this is the words of the country of the stick, can not be worse, followed by a trailing accent.

Come on, let’s use our hands.

The takeaway man gestured with his hands again, signaling him to move his car.

“Zee ……” Volkswagen sedan driver’s door opened, the stick stepped out of the car, the hand seems to hold something.

Takeaway man looked at the other side, first some disdain, then, eyes flashed a flash of panic: “Crap!”

Only to see that the stick was holding a knife in his hand, getting out of the car and violently stabbing at the takeaway man.

“Plop!” A knife was inserted into the abdomen.

“Ah!” Although the takeaway man tried his best to dodge, he was still stabbed on.

Fortunately, he had excellent physical qualities, and turned around and ran the moment the other party pulled out the knife, “Murder!”

Stick had just pulled out his knife and was about to stab a second time when he saw his target running away.

Stick that would let the other party go, straight from the back to chase up.

The takeaway man often sports, excellent physical quality, even if he was injured, he still covered his wounds and ran forward.

Stick in the back in hot pursuit, the two speed is equal, run out dozens of meters away.

Rapid running led to the takeaway man’s blood flow more and more, running speed and slow, he was anxious and angry, if not injured, he would have thrown off the stick.

If not for the knife in the stick’s hand, he would have been able to fuck over the other party even if he was injured.

“Ah!” The takeaway man screamed miserably.

The stick caught up and slashed at his back.

Under the pain, the takeaway man’s speed had accelerated a few points, he knew that once he was caught up, he would definitely be killed by the other party.

“Ding bell ……” the cell phone ringing in his ear.

The takeaway man directly ignored it, where did he care to answer the phone.

Blood left a floor, the takeaway man’s body is getting weaker and weaker, he feels that he can’t run anymore, some despair.

Is he just going to die?

His own plan to get rich has not yet been realized, really unwilling ah!

Wife, I ……

“Oooh ……”

Just at this moment, a sudden siren came, giving him hope again.

“Murder!” The takeaway man shouted, expecting to attract the attention of the police cars.

Soon two police cars drove by.

Stick was also startled when he saw the police cars and turned around to run back.

However, on the other side of the street, two cars with flashing police lights also drove by.

Stick turned around and looked at the takeout man again, with a murderous look in his eyes.

At this time, four patrolmen had gotten out of the car, guns in both hands, shouting, “LAPD, put down your weapon!”

“Drop your weapon or I’ll shoot!”

“Drop your weapon and put your hands on your head!”

Stick stood still, looking at the increasing number of police around him, his body kept trembling, his hands and feet were out of control, the knife slipped out of his hand and fell to the ground.

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