Chapter 38

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“I just did what a lawyer should do and helped him analyze the situation.

It’s an unwritten rule that when something bad happens to a wife, the police’s first suspect is often the husband.

If the police can’t find the real suspect, they will probably target him.

It is recommended that he go out of hiding and come back when the police have found the real suspect.”

Alyssa shook her head, “I don’t believe it, Steven isn’t stupid, if he runs away, the police will suspect him even more.”

“You’re right, it really wasn’t going to be easy to persuade him originally, but there were a few hiccups that happened, the pictures that were found at your parents’ house.”

Alyssa bit her lip, “Didn’t you put those pictures there? What does that have to do with Steven?”

“I’ve explained many times that those photos had nothing to do with me, you’re the one who’s been wronging me.”

“Then what happened to the photos?”

“Someone put the photos in a delivery box at your house, Steven saw those photos and put them at your parents’ house. The police found out about it and suspected him of the crime.

Steven was brought to the police station and my words came true.

He got scared and ran away at my instigation.”

“If you had nothing to do with the photo, how did you know so much about it?”

“I’m Steven’s lawyer, and he contacted me when the police first came to his door. I know everything he’s done, everything the police have said.”

“Even buy the Karma, Steven knew I was at the club ……,” Alyssa whimpered.

“He knew all along and he doesn’t give a shit, he’s just using you as a cash cow.”

“I don’t believe a word you’re saying.”

Dave sighed softly, “Alyssa, what I’m saying is true, Steven even took fifteen thousand dollars from me a while back, did he ever tell you that?”

“Why should I believe you?”

“I would never lie to you.” Dave pulled out an IOU, “See for yourself if it’s in his handwriting.”

Eliza picked up the IOU and ran her hand over the handwriting on it, “What did he borrow so much money for?”

“I don’t know, it’s not like he was fooling around with some woman.”

Eliza glared at Dave and said coldly, “Weren’t you guys best friends once? Just hate him that much.”

“You’re right, we were best friends once, and would still be if it weren’t for you. The only thing I have against you is that you cost me my best best friend.”

“You’re a crazy person, I never initiated the seduction, you’re the one who made it happen!”

“You’re right, I’m the one who’s hopelessly in love with you.”

“You’re in love with me for what?”

“Do you remember the first time we met?

I remember.

The summer of my junior year, Steven and I were doing a part-time job at the mall and you happened to be there.

The first moment I saw you, I fell in love with you. I approached you but didn’t quite dare to talk to you.

At the end of the summer, I got up the courage to confess my love to you.

You said your studies were important and you didn’t want to fall in love yet.

I believed you.

I studied hard, took the LSATs, passed the jd application, felt like I could be good enough for you, and tried to recommit myself to you, only to find out that you were dating Steven.” Dave revealed a touch of bitterness, and his voice rasped as he said.

“I still remember how I felt at the time, desperate, helpless, angry, what was the point of my efforts?

The person I liked became my best friend’s woman. No one can understand that kind of pain.”

Alisa shook her head slightly, “I didn’t promise you anything then? It’s hard to talk about feelings. It’s been so many years, I thought you didn’t care anymore.”

“My feelings for you have never changed.”

“Then why did you purposely alienate me, I could feel that you didn’t seem to like me afterward, and you no longer took the initiative to talk to me.”

“I was deliberately distant.

Every time I see you and Steven together, my heart aches beyond words. What could I do? I can’t get over you, all I can do is stay away from you.”

“There are so many women in the world, you’re so good, surely you can find a better one with your qualifications.”

“You’re right, I have money and status, there are many women who like me.

I’ve tried …… but no one can replace you.

Not only have I distanced myself from you, but I’m rarely in contact with Steven. I know Steven has been complaining that I am rich and look down on him.

It’s not true, there is nothing else I can do but stay away from you.

I have always chosen to suffer …… silently,” Dave rubbed his cheeks and sighed, “Originally, I thought this life would be like this.

However, when I saw you at the club ……

My whole body was about to explode, the goddess I begged for, the muse of my heart actually ……”

Dave clenched his fists, revealing an angry look, “I wanted to kill then, kill everyone in the club.”

Alisa reddened her eyes, “I didn’t want to dance in a place like that either …… but I have to live.”

“That’s what pisses me off, I’ve always loved you deeply and had the power to make a good life for you, but you chose Steven instead.

I reached out to you and tried to give you help, money, but you refused.

Later, you thought that I had stolen the photos and got me into a big fight.

I was really sad.

But more than that, I was heartbroken, and I knew I had to do something; I had to protect you and get you out of the mire.

And I did.”

Eliza shook the chain in her right hand, “That’s how you freed me, by keeping me in the basement like a prisoner.”

“There is inertia in human life.

If I hadn’t done this, would you have left Steven? Could have gotten out of the life of dancing in clubs?

It’s the only way you’ll find a new life.”

“You’re just nuts.”

“Maybe, I’d be crazy for you.”

Alyssa’s voice choked with a hint of supplication, “Dave, let me go, okay? PLEASE.”

“What would you do if I let you go?”

“I’d tell the police it was a runaway, never rat you out, and we’d still be good friends.”

Dave shook his head, “That’s not what I mean, would you choose Steven, or me?”

“I don’t know.”

Dave pinched his head with his right hand, “You’d still choose him? Why?”

Eliza’s lips quivered, “No, I wouldn’t have picked him, he ran off to Mexiga without me, and that’s like giving up on me.

I won’t pick him again.

But you have to give me some time, I can’t accept you all at once.”

“Alyssa, I’m a lawyer, you can’t fool me.” Dave stood up and turned to leave, “Remember to eat the cake on the table, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Dave, don’t go, please let me go.” Alisa cried out in desperation, still not keeping Dave, breaking down a bit emotionally, and

“You asshole, why did you do this to me? Think you’re so great just because you’re rich? I don’t give a shit about your dirty money!”

Dave closed the basement door and took a long breath, “God, why did you do this to me? Letting me meet the woman I love the most, but then deliberately separating us.”

“Knock, knock ……” came a knock on the door from outside.

Dave was instantly alert, making sure to close the basement door before walking straight to the front door, checking the door through the access video to see an old woman with gray hair carrying a tray in her hand.

Dave breathed a sigh of relief; this was the old lady from the neighbor’s house to the east, who loved to give her baked desserts to her neighbors.

It was enthusiastic and obnoxious.

Dave straightened his clothes and unlocked the door.


The front door slammed open.


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