Chapter 380

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Park Jung Min is brought back to the police station and Luke prepares to interrogate him overnight to try to close the case before Christmas.

Robbery and Murder Division Interrogation Room.

Park Jung Min was brought into the interrogation room and handcuffed to the seat, no longer as nervous as earlier, just a little pale.

The door to the interrogation room opened.

Luke, with a cup of black coffee in his hand, and Jackson, with a pile of information in his hand, glared at Park Jung-min, don’t look at the man who was skinny and a bit thin, but was probably the murderer of the three victims.

Tough guy.

Luke sat in his chair and took a sip of coffee and asked, “Name?”

“Park Jung-min.”

“You’re of Korean descent?”


“Why did you go after the delivery man, Ma Zheng?”

“He asked me to move my car, but we didn’t speak the same language and he made some insulting gestures at me, so I fought back.”

“Fight back?” Luke shook his head, “You stabbed him in the stomach and slashed him in the back, that’s not fighting back, that’s moving to kill.”

Park Jung Min sighed, “I was in a hot head and was too impulsive.”

“Then you killed Yoshimi Hashimoto on impulse as well?”

“Who is Yoshimi Hashimoto, I don’t know.”

Luke pulled out a picture of his opponent, “Ever seen her? Look closely.”

Park Jung Min took a look and shifted his gaze to the side, “No.”

“Are you sure?”


“We found your DNA in her mouth.”

Park Jung Min licked his lips, “So, you’re planning to arrest me for whoring?”

Luke took out a photo of a kimono sash, “The kimono sash in the photo is what we found at the scene, and it was this sash that the deceased Yoshimi Hashimoto was strangled by, and we found your DNA on the heel of this sash.

This is enough to show that you are the murderer of Yoshimi Hashimoto.”

Luke revealed a look of contempt, “Looking at your modus operandi and way of committing the crime, I thought you were a person who dared to do something.

Now it seems that you are no different from the other suspects, full of lies in order to evade the law, a wimp.”

Park Jung Min said, “You don’t have to use aggressive tactics.

I’m not a goon, I just want to probe your police’s knowledge of the case, since you’ve already decided that I’m the murderer and found evidence.

Then there’s nothing more to say, I plead guilty.

I killed Yoshimi Hashimoto.

Tonight, I also purposely blocked Ma Zheng’s car, preparing to kill him by surprise, who knew that guy was as strong as an ox, and could actually run after being stabbed.

It’s a pity.”

Luke smoothly inquired, “Why did you kill Ma Zheng?”

“Doesn’t he deserve to die?”

“I don’t know him yet, how about you tell me why he deserved to die?”

“He started running takeout orders at nine in the morning every day and didn’t get off until ten in the evening, working thirteen hours a day, and he was very good at grabbing orders, driving while grabbing orders, which is a very dangerous behavior.

The number of orders he runs every day is two to three times the number of other takeout workers, and his income is also two to three times that of other takeout workers.”

Luke frowned slightly, “Just because he works hard, you think he deserves to die.”

Park Jung Min said, “I’ve researched the takeout industry, and the takeout software dispatch and unit prices are not set in stone, but are always changing based on the market and the income of the takeout workers.

The average salary of most delivery workers is not much higher than that of an average worker, and the platform adjusts itself so that delivery workers can earn money, but not too much.

Many takeaways believe that the more they work, the more they deliver.

This may be true for a short period of time, but after a while takeaway websites will reduce the income of takeaway workers by lowering the price of takeaway orders.

The result is that, whereas they used to make five dollars for a single run, they can now only make three dollars for a single run, and the takeaway will become even more laborious, while their actual income will not increase much.

Before, running eight hours to earn money, now running twelve hours to earn.

It takes 13 hours of running to earn more than eight hours of running before.

Do you think this kind of person is short-sighted and detrimental.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Do you run takeout?”

“Don’t run.”

“What’s that got to do with you?”

“The workers of the world are one family, I can’t watch my own family’s interests being jeopardized, and I don’t want to see their hard-earned money being exploited by capital.

And people like Ma Zheng are traitors who betray the working class, the lackeys of capital.”

Jackson frowned, “I can’t agree with your words.

The education I received from a young age is that hard work is a virtue, so why in your mouth does it become a lackey of capital.”

“If working hard during normal working hours is worth advocating, however, Ma Zheng has to work thirteen hours a day, this behavior is a crime.”

Luke said, “America is a free country, aren’t you regulating too much.”

“Freedom is based on not affecting other people, and this kind of behavior of his will harm the majority.

Have you heard the story of ‘the chicken country that doesn’t lay eggs’?” Park Jung-min said in a polite manner, “Chickens were served as a delicacy on the table, and people ate not only chicken meat but also eggs.

One day the chicken king wanted to change that and ordered all the hens not to lay eggs.

So chickens became fewer and fewer and became pets and even protected animals.

Humans, unable to eat chicken and eggs, also became anxious and offered a bounty to many hens for laying eggs.

As long as the hens laid eggs, they would be treated as national treasures.

Under the human bounty, one hen could not resist the temptation and betrayed the flock by laying an egg.

The humans fulfilled their promise and let it enjoy the treatment of a national treasure, eating the best food every day, having massages and baths, and living in a big and spacious chicken coop.

The other hens were envious and jealous.

We are all chickens, why she enjoys the treatment of national treasures.

So more hens laid eggs and these hens were rewarded.

Then more and more hens laid eggs, and the chicken king’s order was completely abolished.

Hens resumed laying eggs, and the number of chickens grew without the crisis of extinction.

Chicken meat and eggs once again became the delicacies of the human table.”

Park Zhengmin said in a cold voice, “Ma Zheng is that hen who was the first to lay eggs for his own selfish interests, betrayed his flock under the temptation of capital, and allowed the entire flock to be once again slaughtered, eaten, and drank the meat and blood of capital, shouldn’t he be killed?”

Looking at Luke and Jackson’s expressionless faces, Park Jung Min continued, “I know that as soon as the word worker is mentioned, you may feel that it has nothing to do with you.

In fact, except for those who can make money without working for capital, people from all walks of life belong to the ‘worker’ class, just that they have changed from factories to companies, and from machines to computers.

You are exploited by your bosses and capital again just the same, and the harder and more diligent you are, the more your bosses’ lives will be nourished.”

Luke clarified his motive for the killing and continued to inquire, “You killed Yoshimi Hashimoto also because she worked too hard?”

“That’s right, this woman was the vice president of an architectural design company, a strong woman who worked overtime almost every day, rarely rested on Saturdays and Sundays, and had almost no entertainment or friends.

She pushes herself to the limit, and the stress of her job has caused her to face a mental breakdown.

She didn’t work as a streetwalker for money, but as a kind of morbid catharsis, this woman had been ruined by her work.

And she’s not just still ruining herself, she’s already affected her assistant as well.

Not only is she demanding herself, but she is also demanding of her assistant, Melanie Hickman, who has been under intense work pressure for a long time and has also developed mental depression.

If it continues, it may also develop into psychosis.”

“Describe how you killed Yoshimi Hashimoto?”

“Melanie Hickman attended a support meeting where she talked about her difficulties at work and the effect Yoshimi Hashimoto had on her.

When I heard about it, I felt that Yoshimi Hashimoto was behaving badly and was also a traitor.

So, I have been secretly following and investigating Yoshimi Hashimoto. I am not a homicidal maniac, and before I strike again, I will do some detailed research on my target.

I’ve been following Yoshimi Hashimoto, and at first I was a little surprised to see her working as a streetwalker. Then I figured out that she was probably having mental problems because of the stress of her job.

I then approached her, followed her back to her apartment, and deliberately tried to get to know her better.

She wasn’t living a happy life and had developed mental problems, so I felt decided to help her out.”

Jackson questioned, “Who are you to help free her?”

“She is a traitor and I am qualified to judge her.”

Jackson was disgruntled, “You’re a traitor in every breath, so what have you and the ‘Worker’s Mutual Aid Association’ behind you brought to the working class?”

Park Jung Min laughed, “Do you know why there is a rule of two days off a week and eight hours of work a day?”

Jackson said, “You also said it’s a rule, hasn’t it always been that way?”

“Don’t be naive, in the early days of the English revolution the factory overseer said something like ‘Give me a young man in good health and I shall never let him live more than three years in front of a machine.’

Capital has never been greedy and all the vacations and eight-hour workdays were gained by the workers through resistance.

And this resistance is extremely brutal, piled up with tired white bones.

Have you heard of the Pinkerton Detective Agency?

Find out what they got their start on.

The Workers’ Mutual Aid Association has been around for hundreds of years and was one of the first mutual aid societies, and it’s been in obscurity because of the suppression of capital.

The Mutual Benefit Society has always fought for the interests of workers.

Don’t think that double rest and eight-hour working day are deserved. Many countries still haven’t realized it.

Even if it is realized, capital will counterattack again and eat up the interests of workers.

Capital won’t let go of the opportunity to make people work as cows and horses, ever.” Park Jung Min clenched his fist, “At this time, we must be united and never back down.

Once someone backs down, capital will take advantage of the situation and gradually divide the workers.

The first person to back down is a traitor, a thousand mile dike is destroyed by an ant hole, don’t such people deserve to die?”

Luke flipped through the next piece of information, “You killed the hotel owner, Ma Jiehui, also because he was imploding?”

“Involved, that’s a good word to use.

You’re right, this man deserves to die even more.

The prices of the dishes he maliciously lowered in order to solicit customers looked like they were benefiting the customers, and many people praised him for his benevolence, but in fact, it was just as detrimental to the people as it was to himself.

Maybe I say this, you will sympathize with Ma Jiehui, that is because you are customers, stand in the customer’s point of view.

He lowered his prices and sold at a low profit, affecting the business and interests of other restaurants. He made money and other restaurants went out of business.

If you guys consider it from the other restaurants’ point of view, you’ll know how hateful he is.” Park Jung Min grunted and continued, “If your industry, too, had such an insider king appear, you guys would know how detestable it is.

Originally, you could make 100 dollars in eight hours, but when this bastard appeared, you had to work 12 hours to make 100 dollars.

Four extra hours of work for the boss for nothing, and you know how aggravating he can be.”

This sentence touched Luke a little, reminding him of a netroots ramen brother, at first when he heard of the ramen brother, Luke thought that this is a real person, a good person, so that the people who eat the noodles get the benefits.

But now think about it is also a roll king, cheap noodle prices, a bowl of ramen can not earn a few dollars, their own hard work not to mention the peers also dry out of business.

If you stand in the customer’s point of view, it is true that the benefits, but if it is a peer?

If every industry has such people, also quite desperate.

Rolling you to death, as long as you don’t die, keep rolling.

Jackson continued, “What about Amir Murdy? He’s still a student.”

Park Jung Min looked at Jackson with a slight sideways glance, “What’s wrong with students?

Don’t you think there’s a big problem with education nowadays?

The level of students’ involutions even exceeds that of adults, do you think that’s normal?”

Jackson retorted, “According to what you just said, hard work is in the service of capital.

But learning is your own, the more you learn, the more you gain, so what does that have to do with capital?”

Park Jung Min asked without answering, “Do you like sports?”

“Love it.”

“Why do you like sports?”

“It keeps one healthy and happy, what does it have to do with education?”

Park Jung-min said, “But as far as I know, most athletes are full of injuries and illnesses, and their average life expectancy is far lower than normal.

If sports can make people healthy and in a good mood, why would they be covered in injuries and diseases and die early?”

Jackson said, “Everything has to be done in moderation, and so does exercise, excessive exercise does hurt.”

Park Jung Min slapped his palm and said, “You’re right, moderate exercise is good, but once it’s associated with competitions and contests, exercise becomes tainted, and what’s beneficial, becomes harmful again.

The same goes for education. Learning is good, but if it gets caught up in excessive competition and examinations, it is just as harmful.

Moreover, education has been controlled by capital, and the essence of education is actually stratification and differentiation.

If the essence of education is learning, then the standard of examination should be a fixed score, and as long as one passes this score and learns these things, everyone can go to university.

But in reality, the number of places in universities is limited, and it is not based on how many points you have scored in the examination, but on your ranking.

And what you learn is exactly what the capital wants you to learn.

No matter how well you learn, you cannot escape the framework of capital.

The essence of education is to bind talents within an inherent framework.

To avoid the emergence of people like Hong Xiuquan and Moustache.

If you are interested, you can look up these two men, it’s interesting.

People smarter than them went to school and became a brick that capital needed.

These two didn’t go to school, but made something great instead.

Do you think capital would still be able to sleep if those smarter ones didn’t over ‘study’ either, didn’t get a ‘systematic’ education, and had time to think?”

Luke somewhat did not want to interrogate, this bastard is really ruining the view ah.

Fortunately, Luke had a sound mind and would not be easily fooled by him.

Luke changed the topic and asked, “You are looking for murder targets through the Mutual Aid Society?”


“How did you murder Majahui?”

“Stabbed to death with a knife.

Before killing him, I went to his store.

I actually gave him a chance to live.

At that time, his store was about to close, the stove was out, and the restaurant was cleaned.

If he had refused to do business at that time, I would have let him go.

But he didn’t.

He wanted to roll his peers to death, so I had to send him to his death!”

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