Chapter 382

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:08:47
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Robert’s house.

The atmosphere in the house was a bit strange, except for Luke’s grandmother who was there chirping and talking with an excited face, everyone else was a bit silent.

Luke and this grandmother were not very close, she and grandfather Robert had been divorced for many years, only occasionally would come to ‘string’ a door, every time it was not happy and leave without saying goodbye.

Luke’s mom and grandmother’s relationship is also not very good, mother and daughter are often quarrel.

The ones who had the best relationship with Grandma were Val and Fatty.

Robert, Linda, and Luke were silent on the sidelines, Val had a conversation, on the contrary, Little Fatty was complimented a few times, less rusty, the more they chatted, the more they warmed up.

“Grandma, why did you suddenly come to Los Angeles? Didn’t you say last time that you wanted to settle in Canada?”

“That’s right, I did think about settling in Canada, that country is very suitable for retirement, this season is already snowy, you can build a snowman in the yard, and everyone sits by the fireplace and roasts the fire, that kind of feeling is very cozy and great ……

Honestly, it’s going to be more atmospheric than spending the holidays in Los Angeles.”

Linda asked rhetorically, “Then why don’t you spend Christmas in Canada?”

“Good question.” Grandma’s eyes scanned the crowd, “I originally wanted to spend New Year’s Eve in Canada ……

But I couldn’t leave you all ……

You are the people closest to me, and I wanted to spend this special day with my family.

I am sure that you all will think the same way as I do.

We are family, we are connected at the heart ……”

Robert clasped his hands to his chest, “Wow. …… That’s very heartwarming.

But not everyone is your family, shouldn’t you have asked your host for his opinion before coming.”

Grandma said, “SORRY, I can’t wait to meet my son, daughter and grandson.

I want to surprise them and make it a Christmas to remember.”

Robert said, “I don’t know about them, but it sure was memorable for me …… couldn’t forget it if I tried.”

Grandma laughed, “That means I succeeded.”

Robert said, “That’s right, you succeeded in ruining our Christmas.”

Grandma gave a sad look, “God, you actually think that?” Grandma looked at the others again, “Is that what you think?”

Linda didn’t say anything.

Val didn’t dare to look at Robert and could only say stiffly, “I …… we still want you to come.”

The little fat man hadn’t realized the seriousness of the problem and laughed, “Although hiding in a box is a bit cliché, it’s still the first time I’ve seen it, and it did surprise me a bit.

To be honest, if Old Brother wasn’t right behind me, I wouldn’t have even dared to get close.”

Seeing the little fat man involving himself in this, Luke was not good enough to not show a little expression and nodded with a smile.

Granny gave Robert a look that seemed to say, See, someone still welcomes me.

Little Fatty said, “Granny, why didn’t you come earlier to have dinner with us?”

“I wanted to have dinner with you guys too, but something held me up.

I’ve been rushing and rushing …… to get to Christmas with you guys and I haven’t had dinner yet.”

Val shook her head.

Linda rolled her eyes.

The little fat man, however, heard it in his heart and said enthusiastically, “There’s food in the kitchen, I’ll take you there.”

“My dear Jack, you are too sweet.” Grandma kissed Jack on the forehead and followed Jack to the dining room.

Robert looked at Linda and then at Val and asked in a low voice, “Tell me, what’s going on? Don’t tell me you guys didn’t know about this?”

Val forgot to glance at the restaurant, “She went to the grocery store where I work, dragged me to the restaurant, and said she wanted to spend Christmas with us.

I …… I didn’t know how to say no at the time ……”

Robert questioned, “Then why didn’t you tell me? Just let her come running over here like that, is that a surprise? It’s a shock.”

Val explained, “I …… didn’t think it was right afterward either.

So, I called her again and told her ……

that it might not be convenient to come today, and made an appointment to meet her at my sister’s house, and I didn’t expect her to come running over out of the blue.”

Robert asked, “How long is she planning to stay?”

“I don’t know.”

“What about her tonight?” Robert looked at Val and then at Linda.

Linda was filled with helplessness, “I have empty rooms over there ……”

Robert said, “If it’s difficult, you can book a hotel for her and I’ll reimburse you.”

“It’s not appropriate, besides she can’t stay long ……”

Robert patted his daughter’s shoulder, “Don’t push yourself.”

Ever since the old lady arrived, the atmosphere had become a little weird and time had slowed down.

Several of the adults were a bit distracted.

Little Fatty seemed to notice it as well and tugged on Luke’s shoulder, “Older brother, what’s wrong?”

Luke didn’t know how to tell him, even if he did, it shouldn’t be him who said this, and in Luke’s opinion, the adult’s matter has nothing to do with the child, Little Fatty kinda likes this grandmother who occasionally comes to the door, so the two of them will just get along with each other in their own way, and there’s no need to be affected by the adult’s emotions, that would be uncomfortable instead.

Finally, it was 12 o’clock midnight.

“Yay, Christmas is here!” Little Fatty, with a Christmas hat and a telescopic whistle in his mouth, couldn’t wait to run under the Christmas tree to get his presents.

The others also walked under the Christmas tree and started getting their own presents.

Luke was given a total of four presents, and opened the first box, which was a fine notebook with a matching carbon pen hanging from it, and a black cover that was nicely textured and well made.

Val said, “This is from me, the cover of the notebook is very durable and the paper inside can be replaced when it runs out, this book can be used for many years.”

“Thank you uncle, I like it a lot.” Luke couldn’t live without a notebook at work, and this book was quite the right size.

The little fat man on the side shouted with a start, “Hey, my gift is a pair of teacups, who is this from?”

Robert said, “From me, it’s a set of couple cups, you can give one to Maggie.”

“Thanks Grandpa, Maggie will be very happy.”

The chubby little man opened another gift, “Who sent the chocolates?”

Linda said, “From me, dark chocolates that are eighty-five percent pure, perfect for you.”

Luke picked up the same chocolate and shook it, “This brand is very delicate, thanks mom.”

“Why don’t you get the ninety-five percent?” Little Fatty bristled, he didn’t like the high purity dark chocolates, they tasted a little bitter, and salty, not sweet at all.

Chubby turned over the next gift, “It’s a movie voucher.”

Varda said, “It’s from me, it’s good for ten trips to the movies, five popcorns, and two Haagen-Dazs.”

“Wowow, that sounds pretty good.” Little Fatty smiled and opened the last gift, revealing a look of surprise, “An ipad!

Haha…… old man, did you send it?”

Luke nodded, “You’re welcome.”

Little Fatty was a bit in love with the iPad and couldn’t wait to start studying it now, then, as if he remembered something, “Grandma, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were coming, so I didn’t prepare a gift for you.”

Grandma was not amused, “Don’t take it too personally, dear.

It’s Christmas every year, gifts every year, back and forth it’s the same gifts, it’s all gotten a bit mundane.”

Hearing this, the little fat man’s smile faded a bit.

Robert bristled, “Have you prepared a Christmas present for Jack yet? He’s looking forward to it.”

“Uh ……

Like I said, it’s too cheesy to have those gifts every time.

I’m going to do something different this year and surprise you all with myself as a gift.”

Robert said, “Or maybe a shock.

I’m glad I don’t have a heart condition or I might have to spend this Christmas in the hospital.”

“Robert. Don’t be so mean, I know that my leaving made you sad and you still can’t let go of me in your heart, but ……

Let’s act like adults and grow up.”

“No, your leaving didn’t make me sad, it was pleasant.

And that’s the only thing I’m grateful for about you.”

Grandma glared at Robert, “God jeez, that hurts, are you sure you want to say that in front of the kids?”

Val stood up and stepped in front of the two, “It’s Christmas, we should be talking about something happy.”

Linda glanced at the clock on the wall, “Kids, the presents have been received and it’s time for us to go home.”

The chubby little man looked away from the iPad fondly, “Aren’t we staying here? I thought we weren’t going home until tomorrow night?”

Linda said, “You misunderstood, today is already the next day.”

The chubby little man argued, “But it used to be ……”

Linda couldn’t help herself, “Pack up and go home.” Linda looked aside to her grandmother, “Go stay at my place, Luke has moved out and there just happens to be an empty room.”

“OK,” Grandma answered and looked aside to Val again, “I’ll see you tomorrow, dear.”

“Go ahead, I’ll be at my sister’s tomorrow too.” Val didn’t dare let his old mom come again, or he risked being kicked out of the house.

Under Val’s watchful eye, Luke drove off, dropped off his old mom, chubby boy, and grandmother in the Eno neighborhood, chatted briefly, said his goodbyes, and drove back to his house.

This Christmas was a bit of a tiger.

Luke parked his car in front of his house and looked at the dark house, a stark contrast to the bright windows of the neighboring homes around him.

He hadn’t expected to be home alone again in the early hours of Christmas morning.

Kind of didn’t want to go back.

Luke took out his cell phone and dialed Daisy’s number, and after a brief chat, Daisy was at her mother’s house for the holidays and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow afternoon.

Luke felt even more uninterested and took out his cell phone and called Orty, “Hey beautiful, Merry Christmas.”

“Happy holidays.” Orty was a little surprised, “Why did you remember to call me at this time of year when you’re not spending time with your family.”

“What about you? Where are you spending the holidays?”

“Los Angeles.”

“With family?”

Orty said, “Just me.”

“Too bad, I’m alone too, want me to come over and spend Christmas with you?”

Orty laughed, “It’s that time of year, what are you doing over here with me?


Luke laughed, “I’d love to, if that’s what you have in mind.”

“Forget it for today.

If we have time tomorrow, we can have dinner together, just so I have something to talk to you about.”

“What is it?”

“A face-to-face meeting.”

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