Chapter 390

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:08
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Mrs. Morrison was a little disgruntled, “Why does it feel like you’re interrogating me?

I’m the one who reported the crime!

If I’m the murderer, why did I call the police?”

Luke said, “Mrs. Morrison, there is no one else here and our conversation will be confidential.

I’d like to know exactly what your relationship was to the deceased, Kiru Jones?”

“Like I said, just very close friends, something like girlfriends.”

Luke said smoothly, “Since he was a bosom friend, he should have talked about everything and should have known him well.”

“What exactly do you want to ask?”

“We checked the deceased Kiru Jones’s information, he had previously lived in New York and only this year moved to live in Los Angeles, he was not married, and his other relatives did not live in Los Angeles.

From what’s available, your ‘best friend’ would be the one who knows the most about his recent life.

Did he say he had offended anyone?

Or, who do you think was involved in his murder?”

“Nothing to do with my husband, I know him.

He would never kill anyone, so don’t waste your time on him.

Put more effort into investigating the real killer.”

“And who do you think it has to do with?

As a ‘bosom friend’, I’m sure you’d like to catch his killer sooner rather than later.”

Mrs. Morrison was silent for a moment, “There is indeed that one person who was close to Kiru Jones, and although Kiru Jones never mentioned the other person, I can sense that their relationship was not ordinary.”

“Have you ever met that person?”


“What’s the name of the person you’re talking about.”

“The two of them talk on the phone a lot, and Kiru Jones calls her Mrs. Gray.”

“What was the relationship between the two of them?”

“Kiru Jones was a pianist, he said he was Mrs. Gray’s piano teacher, but I could sense that they were ‘very close’.

It’s likely that Kiru Jones went to see her the night he disappeared.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “How do you know that?”

“A woman’s intuition.”

“OK,” Luke bristled, making a mental note to call ‘Mrs. Gray’.

After giving Mrs. Morrison’s statement, Luke communicated with Captain Rey.

Captain Rey still thought that the Morrison couple was more suspicious, the couple was deeply entangled with the deceased, and the wife probably had an inappropriate relationship with the deceased, and was also the one who reported the crime.

The husband, Darwin Morrison, had motive and was the last contact of the deceased, as well as having been in the vicinity of the crime scene, and remained the key suspect.

The two men discuss the situation and decide to split the investigation, with Captain Rey still focusing on the Morrison couple, looking for evidence that they may have committed the crime.

Luke is responsible for investigating new leads.

The following morning.

In the Robbery and Murder Division’s Squadron 1 office, Luke called for a meeting.

Luke briefly introduced the progress of the case and inquired to the crowd, “What are your opinions?”

“The deceased, Kiru Jones, was not married and had no relatives around, first he found a bosom friend, Mrs. Morrison, and now he’s hooked up with a Mrs. Gray, this is a typical bad boy and playboy.” The lieutenant bristled.

“It doesn’t surprise me at all that this kind of person gets killed.”

Blackie laughed, “So not only is this Mr. Morrison suspected, but that ‘Mr. Gray’ also has a motive for the crime.

Of course, it can’t be ruled out that this guy has also hooked up with other ladies.

This Kiru Jones guy was killed, I guess there are quite a few ‘gentlemen’ who will clap their hands.”

Luke took a sip of his coffee, “Let’s not talk about that useless stuff.

Captain Rey is in charge of investigating the Morrison couple.

We are in charge of investigating ‘Mrs. Gray’, and our next move is to find out Mrs. Gray’s identity and relationship with the deceased.”

Matthew furtively said, “Leave it to me.

You guys continue the meeting.”

Luke and the others continued to discuss the case.

The vice squad said, “Actually, I also think that the Morrison couple is highly suspicious, Darwin Morrison had the motive and the time to commit the crime.

And his wife’s behavior is suspicious and fits the physical profile of a police officer’s murder – a black female.

But the only thing I can’t figure out is, suppose, Mrs. Morrison is really the murderer of the police officer.

Then what was her motive?”

Luke speculated, “Could there be some connection between the two victims?”

The lieutenant snapped his fingers, “That’s what I think.

That’s why I think we should investigate if there is any other connection between the two dead.

As long as we find what they have in common, we might be able to find clues to testify against the murderer.”

“Good idea, Lieutenant, I’ll leave this clue to you to investigate.” Luke considered for a moment and continued, “In addition, I carefully studied the leather shoe print that was found at the crime scene.

I’ve privately studied some footprint identification, and I think there’s something wrong with that shoe print, it’s most likely a small foot wearing a large shoe.

It was most likely a woman who actually wore those shoes.”

The crowd had a certain understanding of Luke’s motivation and ability to learn, which was why people could be captains at such a young age.

The lieutenant asked, “Can we be sure?”


The vice squad frowned, “That is to say, there is a woman who has been to the scene of Kiru Jones’ body dumping, could it be the black woman who killed the police officer?”

Blackie’s eyes widened as he reminded, “Mrs. Morrison is black, is it possible that she is the real killer in both cases!”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “The question goes back to the beginning, if Mrs. Morrison is the killer, why did she call the police?”

Luke said smoothly, “Is it possible that she knew full well that there was no way to hide the murder of Kiru Jones, and, as she was going to kill others, there was no point in hiding it.

The reason why she took the initiative to report it was actually to get herself a talisman.

Once the police looked into her and felt that she was a suspect, they would look into the identity of the person she reported the case to.

Instead, it will make her less suspicious.”

If Luke’s analysis was correct, then the clue of ‘Mrs. Gray’ was probably a bait thrown by Mrs. Morrison in order to divert the direction of the police’s investigation.

However, whether it was bait or not, it was still necessary to investigate in the end, and it was impossible for the police to let go of any of the clues.

Just at this moment, Matthew came over and said, “Guys, I’ve found out the clue of ‘Mrs. Gray’.”

Jackson gave a thumbs up, “So fast, how did you find out?”

Matthew said, “I looked into the communication contacts of the deceased Kiru Jones, and one of them is a lady named Georgia Gray, same last name, age 38, I’m guessing it’s probably the ‘Mrs. Gray’ we’re looking for.”

Luke said, “I want Georgia Gray’s details.”

“YES, Sir.”

The Winster neighborhood.

It was a wealthy, upscale community where most of the residents had gone away on vacation for Christmas, and with most of the holiday gone, there were some residents returning.

A Ford Explorer was parked on the side of the road, Luke stepped out of the passenger side and looked at the door number, 109, Gray’s house.

This was exactly the address of Mrs. Gray’s house that he was looking for.

According to the information, Mr. and Mrs. Gray belonged to a remarried family, the two of them had been married for ten years, Mr. Gray and his ex-wife had a daughter, and custody was given to his ex-wife.

The Gray family’s yard was large and separated from the outside by a fence, Luke pressed the visual doorbell at the entrance of the yard.

“Ding-dong ……”

It took a few rings, but there was never an answer.

The next door neighbor’s house, a white-bearded old man with a cigar in his mouth, sitting at a round table in the yard drinking coffee, looked at Luke and the others and shouted, “Don’t press it, no one’s home.”

Luke turned to the white-bearded man and asked, “Sir, what’s your name?”

The old white bearded man spat out a mouthful of eyeballs, “My friends call me Old Cole.”

Luke flashed his badge, “I’m Luke Lee, Captain of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Mr. Cole, can I talk to you?”

“A cop? What do you want to talk about?

I don’t really like dealing with cops.”

“We’re here to see Mrs. Gray and would like to find out something about her from you.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you, I haven’t moved here long enough to have much contact with her.”

Luke said, “Just a casual conversation, where did she and her husband go?”

“Went to a vacation home out in the country, never came back.”

“When did they leave?”

“I think it was the 18th, I was sitting in the yard in the sun when I saw them leave and chatted in passing.”

“Were they the only ones there?”


“Do you know the address of their suburban vacation home?”

“Not sure.”

“Did the couple seem unusual at the time?”

Old Cole flicked the ashes of his cigarette, “Didn’t see it.”

“How was the couple’s relationship?”

“That’s a private matter for them, I’m not really sure, I guess it was okay.”

“Did you hear anything out of the ordinary around the night of December 17th or early morning of the 18th?”

“Do gunshots count?”

“Sure. Where did the gunshots come from?”

“I …… am not really sure, at the time, I was watching a movie in the screening room and I think I heard a gunshot, but I am not really sure.”

Luke pressed, “About what time was it?”

“I think it was around ten o’clock, I can’t remember exactly.

I didn’t pay much attention to it because the neighborhood was pretty safe.”

“Can you determine the direction of the gunshots?”


“Were Mr. and Mrs. Gray home on the night of the 17th?”

“I think they were at home; the lights seemed to be on at the Gray’s house about 9:00 p.m.”

“Were there any outsiders at his house on the night of the 17th?”

“I don’t know.

Wouldn’t pry into a neighbor’s privacy either.

That’s all I know.” Old Cole spread his hands and assumed a send-off attitude.

Luke left Old Cole’s yard and instructed the rest of the team, “You guys go around and visit the neighbors and ask about the Gray family.”

“YES, Sir.”

The group split up and more clues came together for Luke.

A number of neighbors reported that they were suspected to have heard gunshots on the night of the 17th, and in addition, people hadn’t seen the Gray couple since the 18th.

Through the above, Luke felt that there was something unusual about the Gray couple.

After pondering for a while, Luke dialed Mrs. Gray’s cell phone, wanting to try to find out the other side of the situation.

However, Mrs. Gray’s cell phone was no longer reachable, aggravating Luke’s suspicion.

Luke decided to apply for a search warrant for Gray’s house.

One o’clock in the afternoon.

Luke simply ate a burger and the search warrant application came down.

Blackie used a lock-picking tool to unlock the door.

Luke led the team into the house to search it.

The house was large, with a living room, kitchen, and bathroom on the first floor.

The 2nd floor had two bedrooms and a guest room.

The 3rd floor a study, a storage room, a recreation room.

The living room on the first floor is luxuriously decorated, and the furniture is customized, Luke touches a table with a layer of dust on it, it should be unoccupied for a while.

Luke went up to the master bedroom on the second floor, as soon as he entered the door, he vaguely smelled a smell of disinfectant.

According to reason, no one has lived there for a while, the time of using disinfectant water is not short, it should have evaporated.

Still being able to smell the smell of disinfectant water, either someone had been here during this period of time, and the disinfectant water used had not been used for a long period of time; or it was used in larger quantities, and the smell had not completely dissipated.

Either way the reason was suspicious.

Blackie took out the Luminol reagent from the trunk of the car and sprayed it on the floor of the house, then pulled the curtains closed and took out a special long tube to shine it on, and a large blue fluorescent light showed up on the floor of the house.


Blackie shouted, pointing at the floor, “Lots of blood.”

Luke stared at the blue fluorescence on the floor, this amount of blood was not small, it should be enough to kill a grown man.

Luke had seen the crime scene photos of the deceased Kiru Jones, Kiru Jones was not wearing any clothes, and there was not much blood at the scene, indicating that it was not the scene of the crime, but just the scene of the dumping of the body.

And now a large amount of blood was found in the bedroom of Gray’s house, indicating that this was most likely the murder scene.

Luke swept his eyes over the bedroom and instructed, “Contact the tech team.

If this is the murder scene, there’s likely to be other evidence.”

Although a large amount of blood was found at the scene, it was not yet possible to determine that the blood belonged to the deceased, Kiru Jones.

While searching Gray’s house, Luke sends out a team to look for the whereabouts of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, as well as their vacation home in the countryside.

If this is the scene of the murder, then the vanished couple are probably the killers.

The so-called vacation away from home was just an excuse to escape while they could.

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