Chapter 392

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The neighborhood of Juventus.

207 is a white house with a posthumous photo of a white man in police uniform in the living room, none other than slain police officer Jens Hauraige.

The vice squad investigated Jens Haurage’s family situation; he grew up in a single-parent home, was not married, and was now living with his fiancée.

Jens Haurage’s fiancée’s name was Dasha Elman, and with her permission, the Vice Squad brought deputies to the home to search it.

Initially, when the police investigated the murder of Jens Hauraige, they thought it was an accident in the line of duty, but as they delved deeper into the matter, which may have been more complicated than they thought, the scope of the investigation widened.

The vice squad’s experience in handling cases is rich, and they are fully capable of doing it alone, which is the bottom line that Luke dares to take over two cases.

At this moment, there was a white woman around thirty years old sitting on the sofa, her eyes were red and her complexion looked a little haggard.

The lieutenant sighed, “Ms. Elman, I’m sorry for the loss of Jens Hauraige, my condolences.”

Dasha Elman’s voice was hoarse and her eyes blurred with tears, “I …… still can’t believe that he’s really gone.

I keep thinking it’s a dream, wishing I’d wake up and he’d be right next to me ……”

“I can understand that feeling, ten years ago, my wife also left.

It took me a long time to accept that.

Every year I visit her and bring a bouquet of her favorite roses.

If you want to talk to someone, feel free to contact me.”

“Thanks.” Dasha Elman wiped her tears, “Have you found out who killed Jens yet?”

“I’m sorry, not yet.

I came by today to see if there are any clues in his belongings that are relevant to the case.”

Dasha Elman pointed to the bedroom on the right, “All of his belongings are in that room.”

The lieutenant nodded and led an officer into the bedroom to search it.

The officer was a patrolman from the South Precinct and had a good relationship with the deceased, Jens Hauraige, and also knew the deceased’s girlfriend, Dasha Ehrman, which made communication easier and allowed for more trust in each other.

The vice squad entered the bedroom, put on gloves and began searching the house.

There was not a lot of furniture in the room; a bed, a closet, and a dresser with some miscellaneous items stacked underneath.

The vice squad first searched the bed, pillows, sheets, mattresses, the bottom of the bed are carefully viewed; then viewed the closet of the deceased, as a patrolman to wear police uniforms during the work period, the closet is not a lot of clothes, are ironed very neatly.

The closet did not see any valuable clues.

The vice squad began to search the dresser and the miscellaneous items below, there was no makeup on the dresser, just sunscreen, vitamin C, a breath freshener, and a water cup, and pulling open the drawer below the dresser held a number of items.

Nail clippers, a charger, an ear scooper, a toothbrush that hadn’t been used yet, and mostly a mess of miscellaneous items.

Among the items, there was also a small blue metal box, about the size of a palm, which when opened held a number of cards, including a bank card, a restaurant VIP card, and some IDs, among which was a key.

The vice squad picked up the key and checked it, recalling the door lock of the house, and from his experience, this key was not the key to the door of the house.

And as this metal box contained some of the more important items, this key should have some value as well.

The lieutenant scanned the perimeter of the house and found no items like a safe, he then rummaged through the clutter under the dresser, there was a box of red wine, half a bag of toilet paper, and an unused pots and pans, again no items with locks were found.

The lieutenant searched the room again and still found no need to use this key.

The lieutenant put the key in a clear plastic bag and walked out of the bedroom to Dasha Ehrman on the couch, “Ms. Ehrman, I’d like to have a word with you, if that’s convenient.”

Dasha Elman took a deep breath and nodded.

The lieutenant sat on the other side of the couch and asked, “How long have you and Jens Haurage been dating?”

“A little over a year, we met on the beach last summer.

I didn’t know he was a cop at the time, he was funny, sassy, and asked me to go to the bar for a drink.

I declined.

Then, one time I was speeding and got pulled over by a police car.

I saw the cop and thought something looked familiar, and it was him.

It’s a marvelous fate ……

Later, we got in touch.

He started pursuing me and two months later we were together.”

“How long have you lived together?”

“Six months, and we got engaged three months ago.

We were going to get married in the summer of ’23, but who knew he’d just take off.” Dasha Elman wiped her tears, “I can’t figure out why this happened, what was he killed for?

Why hasn’t the killer been caught?”

The lieutenant said, “We’ve also been working hard on the investigation, and there’s been some progress in the case investigation.

Although we haven’t caught the murderer for the time being, we have also found out some people related to the case.”

Saying that, the vice squad took out a few photos for Dasha Elman to identify, “Do you recognize these people in the photos?”

In total, the vice squad pulled out six photos, both male and female, and one of the pairs of men and women were the same pair of male and female witnesses to the car he had stopped on the night Jens Hauraki was killed.

Dasha Elman scrutinized the photos and shook her head, “No recognition.”

The lieutenant switched to another set of photos, which included a photo of another homicide victim, pianist Kiru Jones.

Dasha Elman looks at it and again shakes her head.

The lieutenant resurfaced with another set of photos, which included a photo of the couple involved in the murder, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison.

Dasha Ehrman still did not recognize them.

Finally, the lieutenant pulled out a photo of the Gray couple that Luke was investigating.

Dasha Ehrman still shook her head.

If Dasha Elman recognized the people in the photo, the two cases were somehow connected, but Dasha Elman now didn’t know anything about it when asked, and the lieutenant was more than a little disappointed in his mind.

“Did Jens Haurage ever offend anyone?”

“No. He’s a very righteous man, always kind to others, and gets along well with the neighbors and co-workers around him.”

“What’s unusual about Jens Hauraige these days?”

Dasha Elman thought for a moment and said, “I …… don’t know what to say.

His recent mood is indeed a bit abnormal, in the past when he was resting, he would accompany me to go shopping or go to the park for a walk.

But recently he is very busy, often working overtime.

Especially in the last month, I feel that he is very tight and his smile is getting less and less.

I can sense that something is on his mind, and I’ve asked, but he won’t talk about it.”

The lieutenant pressed, “Do you think it’s work that’s bothering him? Life? Or people?”

Dasha Elman replied, “I think it’s probably work because he’s been so busy lately.”

“Does Jens Hauraki have any other place to live besides this house he lives in with you?”


He rented a house before, but that one has been retired.” Dasha Elman finished, then as if remembering something, “By the way, after he retired the house, he had some unused items that he rented a warehouse specifically for storage.”

“Where is that warehouse?”

“I’ve only been there once, I can’t remember the name …… It’s near Encore Street.”

The lieutenant pulled out the key he had found in his bedroom, “Have you seen this key?”

Dasha Elman took the plastic bag and looked at it, “Yes, this seems to be the key to the warehouse.”

Luke finished taking Georgia Gray’s statement and had her taken to the hospital for a medical checkup.

After surveying the scene at the vacation home, Luke returned to the police station.

At this moment, he was sitting in his office flipping through the contents of Georgia Gray’s statement.

Previously, when Luke gave Georgia Gray’s statement, the other party’s emotions had been a bit tense and panicky.

Considering that Georgia Gray had just been rescued from the secret room, it was normal for her to have such emotions.

At first, Georgia Gray also deliberately covered for her husband, Luke could see that the other party was lying, this was more obvious.

Subsequently, under Luke’s questioning, Georgia Gray admitted to cheating on her husband with the deceased, and was broken up by her own husband, who then shot and killed him.

Georgia Gray account of the situation with the police to find out the clues match, Georgia Gray husband is likely to be the murder of the deceased Kiru Jones murderer.

After returning to the police station, Luke always feel that there is something wrong, once again check the contents of the statement, found that Georgia Gray although accounted for some of the circumstances, such as the reason why she wore leather shoes to the scene, but in some key issues are incoherent.

For example, the pistol that killed the deceased, Georgia Gray only knew that it was a black pistol, but was not clear about the whereabouts of that pistol, only saying that her husband handled it.

Well, Luke believed it for now, after all, a pistol is still relatively easy to hide.

Luke also inquired about the dead man’s clothing, shoes and belongings, and Georgia Gray likewise said she didn’t know and that her husband had handled it.

But according to Georgia Gray, she and her husband had been together after the killing of the deceased, and these items were stained with blood, which her husband could not have had with him at all times.

If her husband had gone out to dispose of them, there was no way Georgia Gray would have known anything about it.

Of course, Luke also just felt suspicious, these were not enough to prove that Georgia Gray had lied, and it was not possible that she was so big-hearted that she really did not care about them.

Subsequently, Luke opened the law enforcement recorder to view the video of Georgia Gray making a statement.

This time, Luke watched very carefully, scrutinizing Georgia Gray’s expression and sometimes playing back the video.

Luke watched the video of making a statement twice carefully, and felt more and more that Georgia Gray’s expression was a bit abnormal, and her nervousness and panic might not be because she just came out from the secret room, but probably because she lied to the police.

However, the above was just Luke’s guess, there was no evidence that Georgia Gray had lied yet, and tangible evidence needed to be found to do so.

Assuming, Georgia Gray did lie, what was she hiding?

Luke returned to the Gray family’s vacation home once again.

He focused his line of questioning on the secret room; if Georgia Gray had lied, it meant that her being trapped in the secret room was probably an illusion, or she had made it up.

If that was the case, she must have had a way out.

Georgia Gray was wearing handcuffs on her hands and feet, and her hands were cuffed from behind, so if she wanted to leave the chamber alone, she would have to open the handcuffs first.

Luke led people to search the secret room carefully, in the wooden cabinet under the drawer found a key, this key is hidden very hidden, using glue under the drawer, under normal circumstances can not be seen, and the gap is very small, it is generally very difficult to hide other items.

Luke found the key and smoothly used it to unlock the handcuffs holding Georgia Gray.

And the door to the secret room could be opened with a code.

Georgia Gray was able to save herself, which means that being trapped in the secret room was probably something she directed herself to do.

But what was the purpose of her doing it?

To hide something?

Luke recalled the content of the other party’s transcript, although Georgia Gray disguised herself as trusting her husband, and even helped him to hide it in the beginning, but from the transcript of doing the result, Georgia Gray pushed all the charges onto her husband.

Hypothetically, her husband did not kill the deceased, Kiru Jones, nor did he bewitch her?

Then who was the real murderer?

And who would have been at Gray’s house at that point in time?

Georgia Gray!

In a roundabout way, she’s still the most suspicious.

But why would she kill Kiru Jones?

And why plant the evidence on her husband?

And where did her husband go?

And did she have anything to do with the murder of Constable Jens Haurage?

The questions in Luke’s mind have increased rather than decreased.

Although the key to the handcuffs had been found in the secret room, it still didn’t serve as tangible evidence to finger Georgia Gray.

Luke still needed more evidence that Georgia Gray had lied to the police.

Luke walked out of the Gray family’s vacation home as darkness fell, and he wasn’t going to go back to the police station, wanting to wait for the results of the tech team’s identification before making his next move.

“Ringing ……”

His cell phone rang.


“Does Luke have time? Let’s have dinner together tonight.” Orty’s voice came from the cell phone.

After working on the case for several days in a row, Luke was busy in a row, it was time for him to relax and have a good meal to treat himself, “Are you treating me?”

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