Chapter 393

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:16
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Tuscany Restaurant.

This is a Turkish-flavored restaurant located halfway up the hill, the restaurant’s decoration style is very simple, domed windows, square tablecloths, white wooden tables and chairs, quite a bit of literary small fresh feeling.

Orti wearing a long blue dress, it is difficult to hide the abundant breasts, thin waist, long legs, delicate body hidden, once entering the restaurant has become a landscape in the eyes of male diners.

Luke sat at the table by the window, looking out the window, the beauty across the table, the food on the table, and his mood relaxed.

Work is just a part of life, work is for a better life, and a job will only make people lose themselves and forget the true meaning of life.

Gourmet food, beautiful scenery, beautiful women, the company of friends and family, life is nothing more than this.

Of course, to obtain these prerequisites is to have enough financial income and material security, which is the essence of work.

After all, most people didn’t work out of love and dedication.

Orty flipped through the menu, batting her pretty eyelashes, and asked, “What would you like to eat?”

“Do you have roasted whole lamb?” Luke didn’t know much about Turkish-style restaurants, and was probably under the impression that people in this region liked lamb.

“There is, but it’s not enough to eat, so you’re buying.”

Luke took the menu and flipped through it, pointing to a set of pictures in the upper right corner, “This ancient grilled lamb chop is good, have one.

And this Turkish pie, grilled eggplant, seafood platter, clay pot beef.”

Luke ordered these dishes in small portions, all of which were hard-cooked.

“You haven’t eaten in days?” Orty snatched the menu and ordered another rice pudding, chocolate coffee beans, and a bottle of red wine.

“I haven’t eaten properly since the last time I met you at the museum, so I’ll have to make up for it today with a good meal.”

Olti ruffled the hair around her ears with her right hand and snickered, “Am I that charismatic? It actually made Captain Lee teared up.”

Luke raised both eyebrows, “Of course, I even dreamed about you last night ……”

Orty “……”

A waitress in folkloric garb approached and helped the two order.

Luke wiped his hands on a wet towel, “What is it you wanted to see me about today?”

Orty’s beautiful eyes swept around and said, “The Getty Museum paintings were robbed.”

“When did this happen?” The last time Luke and Ortie met, the two of them had an appointment at the Getty Museum, and according to Ortie, the museum had received a threatening letter claiming that they were going to steal Van Gogh’s masterpiece ‘Iris’ during the Christmas holiday.

“Early this morning.”

“Van Gogh’s Iris was robbed?”

“No, it wasn’t the Iris.

It’s ten other paintings, each worth millions of dollars, totaling over twenty million dollars.”

“Hasn’t the museum’s security been beefed up since it received the threatening letter?”

“Of course it was beefed up.

But those ten oil paintings were not stolen inside the museum, but were robbed during transportation, and the robbers took the car that was transporting the paintings.”

“Where were the ten canvases going to be transported?”

“It is said that after the Getty Museum received a threatening letter, fearing that Van Gogh’s irises would be stolen, it strengthened the security within the museum, especially focusing on the venue where the irises were exhibited.

The Getty Museum has more than one building with large venues, but in the process of restructuring, some security loopholes were found in other venues.

In order to avoid being exploited by robbers, the Getty Museum was going to transfer some of the valuable paintings to a bank vault first.

But there was an accident during the transportation ……”

In the middle of the conversation, the waiter began to serve the dishes.

The first course was clay pot beef, when the beef was poured out of the pot, there was an immediate aroma that hit his nose, tickling Luke’s cravings and instantly feeling a little hungry.

Luke picked up his glass of red wine and made a toast with Orty, and then began to gorge himself.

Turkish pies, grilled eggplant, seafood platter, each dish was distinctive and delicious.

The last dish served was the old-fashioned roasted lamb chops, which made the trip worthwhile just by smelling the aroma of the lamb.

After a piece of lamb chop went down, Luke felt a lot more satisfied, and only then did he continue to chat with Orty, “The Getty Museum contacted the Pinkerton Detective Agency again?”

“More than that, the robbery of the oil paintings has a great impact on the Getty Museum, they are using all their connections to find the whereabouts of the oil paintings, they have issued a bounty to all the detective agencies, as long as they can retrieve the ten robbed oil paintings, the museum is willing to pay a reward of two million dollars.” Orty picked up his red wine and raised his glass in a gesture.

Luke also took a sip of red wine and tried, “You expect me to accept this commission?”

Olty shook his head, “Like I said before, many commissions are not accomplished by one person and require teamwork.

You are just one person now, not capable of accepting a commission.”

Luke spread his hands, “Then what are you telling me this for? Trying to make me regret it? Or to grieve for that two million dollars?”

Ortie laughed, “Would you?”

“I never regret anything for something that doesn’t belong to me, there’s no point.”

Orty wiped her red lips with a napkin, “As far as I know, the reward is not only valid for the detective agency, but also for the police department.

You can take over the case using your own police force’s identity, so not only do you have a team, but you can also utilize the police department’s resources.

Of course, the prize money is probably going to be split up for the most part.”

“That’s not realistic.

I have a very important case in hand right now.” Not to mention that Luke had a case on his hands, even if he didn’t have a case on his hands, it wasn’t like he could work on whichever case he wanted.

The police were not detectives, they could not pick cases at random, if they took the initiative to ask for an investigation into this case just because there was a reward, wouldn’t the police department system go haywire.

Orty said, “That would be a shame, it’s not a small amount of money.”

Luke asked, “Which department is currently in charge of this case?”

Orty said, “The transport vehicle was robbed in the southern division’s jurisdiction, and the southern division is said to be the first on the scene.

Also, I’ve gotten a tip that the FBI may also be involved in the case.”

Since the FBI was also involved in the case, Luke wasn’t about to wade in and raised his glass, “Thanks anyway.

And thanks for the dinner, I had a very satisfying meal.”

The following morning.

Luke arrived at the police station early in the morning, however, instead of going to the robbery and murder division, he went to the technical team first.

After waiting for half an hour and getting the identification results, Luke returned to the Robbery Murder Division.

As soon as he entered the office, Luke greeted, “Guys, it’s time for a meeting.”

Luke walked over to the projector and put the identification results on it, “Yesterday, the technical team brought the food and red wine that the Gray couple had eaten back to the Detective Bureau for identification, and the drug ingredient that caused the coma was found in the red wine.

Yesterday afternoon, Georgia Gray was taken to the hospital to be examined and the tech team got a copy of her blood, which the tech team tested for drugs and did not find the coma-causing drug component in the blood.”

Jenny said, “Georgia Gray did lie, she wasn’t knocked out, so what happened on the night of the 29th? Why did she disguise herself as being held captive in a secret room?”

Jackson said, “My guess is that it might have something to do with her husband, according to her statement, on the night of the 29th, she had dinner with her own husband.

Our previous guess is that she may have been confused by her own husband and imprisoned in the secret room;

Assuming, the mesmerization and imprisonment was self-directed by her, then her husband is not a suspect.” Speaking of which, Jackson ventured a guess, “Could it be that it was her husband who was actually mesmerized, and she was the one who administered the ecstasy?”

Kuro said, “That makes sense, but to prove it, we still have to find her husband first.

It’s not much of a change from the way the investigation was done before.”

Jackson shook his head, “No, there’s still a difference.

If Mr. Gray turns out to be the victim, chances are he’s already met an untimely end, and a wanted manhunt is no longer appropriate.

It is possible that he has turned into a corpse, and a corpse can never be found using the means of searching for a living person.

And if we can’t find a body, we can’t convict Georgia Gray.”

Jenny frowned and said, “Since Georgia Gray had no detectable ecstasy content in her system, it proves that she lied, which should be considered a piece of evidence.”

Luke also thought about this point, “It is indeed a key piece of evidence, but the greater role of this evidence is to allow the police to discover the suspicions of the case.

Although it could prove that Georgia Gray might have lied, it wouldn’t be possible to convict her and the trial would go into stalemate.

So, I’m not going to beat the bushes until we find the key evidence or Mr. Gray.

We can investigate covertly while we confuse her.”

The lieutenant said, “What is the direction of the investigation? Finding Mr. Gray’s body?”

Luke agreed that there was a good chance that Mr. Gray had been killed, “That’s kind of the main direction.”

The lieutenant said, “Mr. and Mrs. Gray moved to the vacation home from the 18th and had little contact with the outside world during that time.

It’s possible that Mr. Gray could have been killed anywhere between the 18th and the 29th, that’s a bit of a long timeframe, it would be best to pinpoint the time of Mr. Gray’s disappearance.”

Luke nodded and instructed, “Ramon, Jenny, contact the Gray couple’s peripheral connections and confirm when Mr. Gray last had contact with the outside world.”

“YES, Sir.”

Blackie said, “If Mr. Gray was really killed, his body may have been buried as well, are we looking for a burial site around the resort and the missing Porsche Cayenne.”

Luke thought for a moment, “The task of looking for the Porsche Cayenne will be left to you.

As for searching for the body around the resort, you can start with a covert visit to identify a few convenient locations to bury the body, but you must be careful not to be discovered by Georgia Gray for the time being.”

Jackson said, “If Georgia Gray did kill her husband, is she the real killer of Kiru Jones?”

Luke said, “It’s possible that Georgia Gray is the real killer of Kiru Jones, but it’s also possible that she killed her husband to avenge Kiru Jones’ death.”

Luke had already guessed that Georgia Gray was the key person in this case, but still couldn’t figure out the cause of the whole case, “Lieutenant, is there any progress on your side of the investigation?”

“Yes, I went to meet the fiancée of the slain police officer Jens Hauraige yesterday, the two of them were engaged to live together and were in a good relationship, and they were originally going to get married in the summer of 23, but unfortunately ……

I went through the belongings in Jens Haurage’s home and found a key in a drawer, which was not a key to a door lock, and no safe-type items were found.

I then questioned his fiancée and learned that Jens Haurage also rented a storage unit.

I found that warehouse, which contained some furniture and miscellaneous items, in addition, I also found 200,000 dollars and some information.”

Black was surprised, “What did you say? You found 200,000 dollars in the warehouse?”


Blackie grinned his thick lips, “That’s not normal, is it, who would keep that much cash in a warehouse? I wouldn’t do something like that anyway.

Unless that money came from the wrong place.”

Luke warned, “Marcus, keep your mouth shut and watch out for getting yourself in trouble.”

Black patted his mouth, “SORRY, I shouldn’t just doubt my coworkers.”

That being said, Luke actually agreed with Blackie’s words in his heart, who in their right mind would keep 200,000 dollars in cash in a warehouse.

However, it was fine to be suspicious in one’s heart, given the identity of Constable Jens Hauraige, such words could not be said easily.

“Lieutenant, you just said you also found some information, what kind of information?”

“Like the floor plan of some large venue, it looks a bit familiar, but I can’t think of it for a while.” The lieutenant handed over the information.

Luke opened it and saw that it was indeed a floor plan of the arena, which was also labeled with the location of security personnel, surveillance, and infrared triggers ……

Luke felt very familiar looking at this floor plan, he flipped through a few of them in a row and finally remembered the déjà vu location.

Getty Museum.

This information was actually the floor plan of the Getty Museum, no, exactly it should be the distribution map of the museum’s security personnel and security facilities.

Luke remembered the conversation between him and Orty last night, could it be that Jens Haurage’s death was related to the case of the robbery of the museum’s paintings?

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