Chapter 396

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke also noticed the anomaly and stood up to look at the door.

Porter had his right hand pressed down on his gun, ready to pull it out at any time.

The two patrolmen at the door didn’t come in right away, they were also a little embarrassed, if the person in the living room was impersonating a police officer, it wouldn’t be a small matter, there was no doubt that the other party would shoot if they were in a hurry.

The safest way at this time is to stand by, enter the house with guns in both hands, first disarm and search the two men, and verify their identity while ensuring their safety.

But the actual operation is difficult, not to mention whether the other side will cooperate, even if they cooperate with such a flurry of operations down, but also the other side will be offended.

If the two people in the living room were really people from the Robbery and Murder Division, their rank must be higher than theirs, and it is not likely that they will also look for their leader to complain.

Dolly White also saw the skepticism of the two officers, “Sir, is there a problem?”

“No,” the leading white constable took a deep breath, gestured with his companion behind him, and the two entered the house with their right hands held down on their guns.

Seeing that it was the officers who entered, Luke raised an eyebrow, “What precinct are you guys from? The southern precinct?”

“Yes.” The white officer sized up Luke and the two of them, “Sir, what do you guys do?”

Porter also guessed that there might be a misunderstanding here, “My name is Porter, I used to work in the Southern Precinct as well.

Now I’ve transferred to Squadron 1 of the Robbery and Murder Division of the Detective Bureau, this is our Captain Lee.

You guys should have heard of him.”

The black patrolman in the back nudged the white patrolman, “Hey, it’s Luke Lee, the one who solved the case of the headless woman’s body and won the Public Safety Officer’s Medal.

I’ve seen him on TV, no need to be skeptical.”

The white officer looked at Porter with some familiarity as well and moved his right hand, which was holding down his gun, “SORRY, SIR, we got a call to come over and check out the situation.”

Luke looked at Dolly White in the back, “What was the alarm about?”

“The homeowner suspects your identity as detectives and wants us to help with identification.”

“Let’s follow procedure then.

Porter, show them the credentials.”

Porter pulled out his badge and credentials and handed them to the white officer, “We’re investigating the murder of Jens Hauraki.”

The white constable took the credentials and verified them, then handed them back, “SORRY, Sir, no offense, this is a misunderstanding.

If there’s nothing else, we’ll leave you to your investigation.”

“Very well.”

The two officers apologized again and then left the living room, whispering to Dolly White, who was seeing them off, “They’re real detectives, don’t be suspicious, and assist the investigation properly.”

“Thank you.” Dolly White sent the two detectives to the door and returned to the living room, somewhat awkwardly, and said to both of Luke’s

“SORRY, this morning also came two people from the robbery and murder division, I said his name, but you guys don’t recognize it, I think there is something wrong ……

Besides, Captain Lee is too young.

I’m sorry, I was paranoid and shouldn’t have suspected you guys.”

“No, you did the right thing.” Luke didn’t take it to heart and gestured for the other party to sit down, and continued to ask, “The detective from the Robbery and Murder Division you mentioned is called Jada Landis?”

“Yes. He approached my house and said he was investigating the oil painting robbery and asked for some details about the robbery.”

“They came in pairs?”


“Describe their features.”

“A man and a woman, the man identified himself as Detective Jada Landis, a white man, over five-foot-eight, he wore a pair of glasses and had a mustache.

The female, who didn’t give her name, is a black man with a ponytail, about six-foot-seven, and has a great body.”

“What exact time did they arrive? How long did they stay?”

“I think they came in about ten o’clock in the morning, stayed less than half an hour, and left about half-past ten.”

“They identified themselves as detectives from the Robbery and Murder Division?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Luke stood up and dialed Reed’s cell phone.

There were four squadrons in the Robbery-Murder Division, and while Luke knew most of them, he had little recollection of these two ‘colleagues’ as described by Dolly White, but of course, they could have just transferred to the Robbery-Murder Division, which was why Luke called to check with Reed.

Reed was the boss of the Robbery-Murder Division, so if there was a personnel transfer at the Inspector level, there was no way he wouldn’t know about it.

Luke explained the two men and Reed told him with certainty that there was no detective named Jada Landis in the entire Robbery Murder Division.


Someone was posing as a Heist Murder Division detective investigating the Getty Museum painting heist.

Whether it was for the investigation or for the Robbery-Murder Division, there was no way Luke could ignore it.

Luke hung up his cell phone and said, “I’ve confirmed that the Robbery-Murder Division doesn’t have a detective named Jada Landis.

You’ve been duped; those two are the imposter detectives.”

Dolly White spread her hands, “Why did they do that? Trying to get something out of me?”

“That depends on what they asked. Redescribe the questions they asked and what you talked about and you might be able to guess what they were after.”

Dolly White recalled for a moment, “They asked the names of the other two members of the escort, and also about the ten paintings, such as whose paintings were they? Did they depict people or scenery?”

Dolly White shook his head, “We were transporting wrapped oil paintings that had to be protected by at least five layers to avoid being bumped, not to mention the paintings, not even the frames could be seen.

After that, they also asked me to describe the transportation route and how the oil painting was robbed.”

Luke said, “You will re-describe the clues you told them.”

“OK,” Dolly White was also worried that the two fake detectives would be unfavorable to him, and cooperated by carefully describing the theft of the oil painting.

Luke listened attentively, Dolly White, as a person involved in the case, his description was much more detailed than that described by Detective Davo Galli, and Luke recorded quite a few details in his notebook when the oil painting was robbed.

For example, all four robbers wore the same mask of a human skin nun, all four wore gloves, and the robber who gave the orders was a man.

The robbers fled in a black Ford commercial car with its license plate obscured by a black object, and the robbers’ car turned down Foyle Street and onto Lancaster Street on the right.

Dolly White’s description gave Luke a fuller picture of the crime scene.

At the same time, from Dolly White’s description, he could also sense that the robbers were really professional and bold, leaving almost no valuable clues.

After leaving from Dolly White’s home, Luke did not return to the police station, but rushed to the scene of the crime Foyle Street field view, a hundred hear as well as see, others said better, but also not as impressive as their own personal view.

Luke rushed to Fowle Street, the sky has been completely dark, the street people obviously reduced, Luke in accordance with Dolly White’s description of the scene around the view, because the cordon has been removed, want to find new clues in the vicinity of the scene of the crime is difficult, and even if you find it, but also may have been destroyed, it is difficult to be used as evidence of the case.

Luke turned down Fowle Street into the street on the right, from which the robbers were supposed to have escaped in a Ford commercial car, according to Dolly White’s description.

He scanned around and saw a camera mounted above the street, which from the angle probably captured the suspect vehicle.

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One office.

Luke yawning, holding a cup of coffee in his hand walked out from the captain’s office, last night was busy checking the crime scene of the robbery painting, returned home already at ten o’clock in the evening, good thing there is something to gain, it is not a waste of time.

Luke walked over to the whiteboard and wrote down Dolly White’s name and listed a tree diagram underneath him, which also included the suspicious person under the alias of Detective Jada Landis.

The members of the 1st Squadron gathered around in perfect silence and looked at the tree diagram on the whiteboard.

The lieutenant asked, “That’s the unlucky guy who escorted the painting.”

Porter laughed, “The unlucky guy you’re talking about is a standard strong man, having served in the Army with biceps bigger than mine.”

“Big boobs apply just as much to men as they do to real danger.” The lieutenant pointed to the head.

Luke interrupted the two to describe the oil painting robbery in detail, along with the two suspicious men posing as detectives.

Jenny asked, “What were those two people posing as Robbery and Murder Division detectives? Could they be suspects in the robbery painting?”

Luke said, “From the conversation between the two posing detectives and Dolly White, these two people should not be suspects in the robbery of the oil painting, and the content of their questioning is consistent with the police’s thinking on the case.

I have a feeling they were running more towards the robbed painting.

Unfortunately Dolly White couldn’t provide any more valuable clues other than the looks of the two impostor detectives, and he didn’t see the car the other man was driving.”

The lieutenant said, “We must find these two assholes, we can’t let them do their dirty work under the name of the Robbery and Murder Division, or we’ll have to take the fall in the end.”

Porter agreed with these words, he and Luke had almost made a scene today when they went to Dolly White’s house.

The arrival of the two patrolmen today appeared to be a routine check, but it was more like a scare, because both sides had guns, and it was easy for guns to go off under high tension, but luckily both sides were more restrained, and Luke didn’t give the two patrolmen a hard time.

Luke walked to the projector and played a video, “This is the surveillance video we found around the scene of the oil painting robbery.”

As the words fell, a black Ford commercial car appeared in the video, the car’s license plate was covered by a black object, making it impossible to see the license plate, which was consistent with the description of the escort officer, Dolly White.

Luke looped the video while zooming in partially on the front windshield of the car, and because of the streetlights, it was vaguely possible to see inside the driver’s side of the car, and there were two people sitting in the driver’s side and the passenger’s side of the car, both of them old women dressed in black nun’s robes.

Luke pressed the pause button, “This should be the suspect vehicle, the suspects are both wearing black nun’s robes and nun’s old woman’s human skin masks, the four people are uniformly dressed because the nun’s robes are rather loose, the escort officers can’t tell the physical characteristics even if they have been in contact with them.”

The lieutenant said, “Where there is contact, traces will be left.

These guys are unified in their actions, detailed in their plans, well-organized, and experienced, so they definitely have a record.

I think we should line up old cases and ex-convicts from the past, maybe we can find clues to the robbers.”

Luke nodded, “Good idea, Lieutenant, over to you.”

The lieutenant gave an OK sign.

Porter said, “Now that we’ve found the suspect vehicle, I think we should continue to track the car, maybe we can find their stronghold.”

Luke said, “It’s a good idea, Porter, you’ll be in charge of tracking the suspect vehicle.

If you run into technical problems, you can ask Matthew for help.”

“YES Sir, leave it to me.” Porter was energized.

This was the first time he had worked on a case on his own since he came to the Robbery and Murder Division.

“Cackle ……”

The office door opened and Black pushed his way in and smiled, “Hey guys, gathered so neatly, are you here to greet me?”

The vice squad bristled, “If I were late, I would have admitted my mistake with a humble gesture, not a playful, big grin.”

Xiao Hei had long been immune to the Vice Squad’s words.

He said without a care in the world, “Are you guys in a meeting? Looks like I’m not too late.

I just got news that I found the Porsche Cayenne that Mr. and Mrs. Gray lost.” Saying that, Xiao Hei looked at the vice squad again and sighed.

“That’s why I’m here late, not getting up late or being late on purpose, but going to investigate the case.

You don’t need to feel guilty.

No need to apologize either.

I’m used to being misunderstood.” Black sighed, portraying himself as a behind-the-scenes hero who endured humiliation in three words.

Vice team “……”

Four words came to mind, villainous.

Los Angeles suburb.

Porto’s car dealership.

A black Explorer pulls into the dealership.

Luke stepped down from the passenger side and surveyed the dealership’s surroundings, the spacious yard was filled with all kinds of used automobiles, from east to west low-grade, mid-grade, and high-end cars.

Blackie got out of the car as well and walked over to Luke, touching him with his arm, “Hey, it’s been a long time since we’ve been on a solo mission together as a golden pair.”

“Yep, kinda miss it.” Luke thought of David as he spoke, going on a mission with him would have been a thrill.

A plump black female receptionist approached, “Can I help you gentlemen?”

Blackie stared at the black female receptionist’s chest, “Wow, how big are you?”

The black female receptionist rolled her eyes and pointed to the cars behind her, “Sir, this one of mine isn’t for you, better look at them.”

Black shrugged and pointed aside to Luke, “Get your boss out here, I’ve brought a big client.”

The black female receptionist looked at Luke and turned to go to the store.

It didn’t take long for a fuller black woman to walk in, standing just over one meter six, that waist and legs were thicker than Luke’s, and it felt like the two wouldn’t be too far apart in weight.

The plump female black man laughed, “Two gentlemen, do you like this one of mine?”

Seeing this body, Blackie also backed off a bit, pointing to Luke on the side, “I’m here to accompany him to buy a car.”

The black woman laughed and looked over at Luke, “Just kidding.

My name is Lilith and I am the owner of this car dealership.

What type of car do you want, sir? What’s the budget?”

Luke looked around at the cars and said, “I’m looking for a used SUV, the kind that has a face for picking up girls.

Money is not a problem.”

The boss’s wife bristled, she had seen too many similar customers, who said money was not a problem before buying, and then the problem appeared when they talked about it later, still not enough money, “Do you have a favorite brand?”

“I prefer Porsche, Cayenne for example is good.”

“What kind of color do you like?”

“Dark blue.”

The black boss’s wife looked at Luke, then glanced at Blackie, a smile piling up on her fat face, “SORRY, we don’t have a similar style of car here.

Why don’t you leave a contact information and I will contact you when we find a similar car.”

“I didn’t hear what you just said.” Xiao Hei pulled out his ears and took out his badge from his pocket, “I’ll give you another chance to say it again.”

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