Chapter 397

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“You are police officers, not here to buy a car.

As expected, men’s words can’t be trusted, I didn’t think I would still be deceived by men at my age.” The black boss lady Lilith’s voice became shrill as if she was reminding the others that the police were coming.

This nonsensical tone made Blackie a little tired and admonished, “Don’t change the subject, let alone play tricks, where’s the car?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, as I’ve said before, I don’t have any cars like that here, you guys can go to another dealership.” Lilith put on a show of shutting the door and sending her off.

“You think we’re here to hang out?

We’ve investigated well before we came here, that dark blue Cayenne is here with you, hand over the car and we’ll get you a favorable plea deal.

This will benefit everyone, otherwise, things will be very unfavorable for you.”

Lilith, the black boss lady, seemed to be greatly aggrieved, “Sir, I respect the police, but I don’t like being threatened.

We are doing a legitimate business, you can’t scare me.”

The other employees of the car dealership heard the commotion and gathered around, standing behind Lilith and showing their support for her with practical actions, looking at Luke and Blackie with wariness and anger in their gazes.

“Whoa whoa, whoa whoa …… so many people.”

Xiao Hei took two steps back, keeping a certain distance from the employees who surrounded them, while sweeping his gaze over each and every one of them, his eyes staring viciously at them, “What do you want to do? Attacking the police based on the number of people?”

Lilith said, “We didn’t mean that.”

Blackie bristled, “But you guys have this action, and I know the reason you’re doing this is that you’re purposely stalling for time, trying to hide that car.”

Lilith bristled, what can you do if you see through it, there are only two of you.

Blackie violently pulled out a pistol from his waist, startling the employees of the car dealership and backing away.

“Bang!” Xiao Hei fired a shot into the sky.

“Ah!” A few of the car dealership employees fell to the ground in shock.

Lilith revealed an angry look, “What do you mean by that? Threatening me?” Lilith raised her hands, “Just because we didn’t cooperate, you’re going to shoot someone?”

Luke was also a bit surprised, he didn’t expect Black to be so rigid, it wasn’t like his style of doing things.

David possessed?

However, since he did it, Luke had to back him up, his right hand pressed down on the gun, and his eyes swept over the people present.

Anyone who moved, that next shot wasn’t aimed at the sky.

“Whoops ……”

At this moment, a siren sounded around them, and several police cars pulled up to the entrance of the dealership.

Heavily armed officers stepped out of the cars, guns pointed at the people in the car dealership, and shouted, “LAPD!”

“Everybody freeze and put your hands up!”

“Jesus Christ, what are you doing!” Lilith was a bit frantic, she was also looking at people, she was just pulling her punches, why did she suddenly flip out?

“I just gave you the chance to choose.” Xiao Hei waved his hand and shouted, “I received information that this car dealership is hiding a stolen car.

Take everyone here back for questioning.”

“YES, Sir.”

Inspector Marcus gave the order and the officers cuffed everyone at the car dealership.

Lilith’s lips trembled slightly, I don’t know if she was angry or scared, “You don’t have to do this, just take me alone …… I can tell you where that car is.”

“There is no need for that.” Black pointed to the employees in the back, “All of them can tell me.”

Lilith questioned, “Hey, why are you doing this to me? Did I offend you?”

“My name is not Hey, my name is Detective Marcus, remember that name, understand?”

Lilith wimped out, “Detective Marcus, I was wrong.

I’ll tell you where that car is right now, don’t arrest my employees, they don’t know anything.”

Marcus walked over to her and whispered, “I don’t want to be such a pain in the ass, but I’m going to go easy on you guys this time, and there will be others who will take me lightly next time.

I want this to be the one thing that makes everyone remember Detective Marcus.”

At Black’s command, everyone at the dealership was taken to the police car and the dealership was shut down.

Luke laughed, “Inspector Marcus, you’re quite the bully.”

Black breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his somewhat wet palms, “It was just a fox and a tiger, I still need you to back me up.”

Luke said in a voice that only two people could hear, “You’re trying to use this one to make a statement?”

Black sat in the front of a car with his hands in his lap, “We were originally a golden pair.

But you have been growing, constantly learning all kinds of criminal investigation skills, and your position is getting higher and higher detective, vice team, and captain.

I …… don’t want to drag my feet.

I also want to grow, I know my other abilities are not strong.

Then simply do what you are good at well.”

“You have goals?”

“Yes. I want all the gangs in L.A. to have heard of Detective Marcus and not think of me as a nobody, ignored by an arrogant fat woman.”

“Not a bad idea.”

“Will you support me?” Before Blacky made this decision, he was also very determined, and he hoped to expand his influence in the gang through this matter.

Before, Xiao Hei also had quite a few informants in the gang, but maintaining these relationships was not because of how high he was in the police department, but because he grew up living in the black ghetto and was familiar with the rules in the gang, and most of his teenage playmates joined the gang, and the ones that were still alive now had become the middle force of the gang.

Blackie is also with these contacts in the gang ear, but to say that his status is how high, but really can not talk about.

He used to be just a police detective, and had just been promoted to detective not long ago, his reputation was not obvious, and there were many people in the gang who did not sell his face, and many people had never even heard of him as a person.

“You can try, but be careful of the degree.”

“Don’t worry, I’m more of a wimp than you think.”

Just like Blackie said, this time it wasn’t one or two people who had been arrested, it was everyone in the car dealership, if you don’t say something, if he doesn’t say something, someone will always say something, and the tacit understanding between them had collapsed a long time ago.

Everyone was hoping to get off on merit and get a favorable plea deal.

Not only did these men give up the location of the Porsche Cayenne stash, but they also gave up many other charges.

After this one, Detective Marcus had made a name for himself throughout the stolen car market.

It was also good for Luke that Blackie had the idea of progressing and working in that direction, and the more influence he had in the L.A. gangs, the more helpful he would be to Luke.

With the confession of the car dealership employee, the police quickly found the location where the stolen car was hidden.

The backyard of the dealership was enclosed, with a row of garages all used to house stolen cars that hadn’t been modified yet.

The Porsche Cayenne is hidden in the east side of the first garage, the car was collected yesterday, has not yet had time to modify.

Luke opened the car to check, the car’s interior is gorgeous, did not find the car recorder, the car trunk cushion is missing.

Luke felt something was wrong, had someone bring in the Luminol reagent, sprayed the trunk, closed the garage door, and the edges of the trunk fluoresced blue-violet under the light.

There was blood, and whether it was the blood of the dead man, Ariel Gray, would need to be identified to find out.

Luke continued to search the car’s condition; there was a fair amount of bird poop on the roof and front windshield, scratches on the sides of the car, and black dirt on the tires.

These marks on the car would prove where the car had been and what it had been through.

By asking the employees of the used car dealership, the police followed the trail to find the person who sold the stolen car.

According to him, the car was not stolen, but ‘picked up’.

The location where the car was picked up was in a short wooded area near Bruce Avenue in the suburbs of Los Angeles.

Luke and Blackie drove to Bruce Avenue, found the location of the picked up car, and then searched around the woods, but did not find any valuable clues.

Luke had expected this, as long as the murderer wasn’t stupid and wouldn’t have dumped the vehicle at the dump site.

Luke then thought about the bird poop on the roof of the Cayenne and the black dirt on the tires.

There were a total of two spots of bird poop on the roof, which indicated that the car should have stayed for a while, but Luke hadn’t found any birds around this grove of short trees.

The car had probably been parked somewhere else, and that was probably where the body was dumped.

There was also the black dirt on the tires of the car, which was also different from the dirt around the grove of short trees; most of the dirt in Los Angeles was yellowish-loamy or gray, and black dirt was not common, and there should be some rock particles interspersed in the composition of the black dirt.

Summarizing the many clues, Luke had an idea in his mind, then Luke contacted Matthew to let him help find the dump site.

The first step was to ask a bird expert to distinguish the species of birds through their feces, so as to find out the distribution area of these birds’ habitats;

Secondly, to find the place where there is black soil, this Cayenne should have been there.

One more thing, since we know the location of Gray’s family vacation home and also know the location of the abandoned car, then the dumping site should have some connection with these two locations, and the probability of the dumping site is in between these two.

Summarize all the clues, the place that meets the conditions, is likely to be the location of the body dumping.

In addition, also with the help of road surveillance to check the car trail.

With the police’s multiple lines of investigation, the locations of the body dump sites were gradually identified.

First of all, the Gray family vacation home and the abandoned car location as the diameter, the surrounding area as the focus of the investigation area.

According to the identification of bird experts, the bird droppings on the roof of the car belonged to the Black Phoebe Basshopper’s, which belongs to the more common birds in California, the round body is very cute, and there are a lot of habitats in Los Angeles.

Secondly, then identify the area with black soil, the three conditions will be cumulative, overlapping areas are likely to be the dump site.

After sifting through these three conditions, a total of two general areas were identified that fit the criteria.

Luke also had people check the road surveillance of these two areas and found that a dark blue Porsche had stayed in one of the areas.

The area was not small and it was not easy to find the body, Luke made an immediate request to call for a tracking dog.

This is a bloodhound, with long big ears, sticking out a long tongue, thick neck, black and yellow fur, looks naive, more like a well-behaved pet dog.

Luke found the clothes of the dead Airell Gray, as a source of smell for the bloodhound to sniff, with the dog trainer’s command, the bloodhound ran with small bumpy steps.

The bloodhound went into work, and the dog’s face had a little more seriousness, with a little bit of the temperament of a police dog.

Luke and his party also followed the police dog.

Under the Bloodhound’s leadership, the group left the highway and entered a wasteland, and walked a few hundred meters further into the Gobi.

Luke crouched down and noticed that the dirt in this area was really black, very similar to the dirt found on the tires of the Porsche.

Bloodhound is still running forward, Luke and others are afraid of affecting the tracking of the police dog, and do not dare to follow too close, it is not far away.

After a while, the bloodhound stopped, turned around in the same place, seems to be some turn, the dog trainer once again took out the clothes of Airedale Gray let it sniff, a command, the bloodhound ran forward again.

After nearly half a mile more, the bloodhound stopped and barked a few times at the dog trainer, “Woof woof ……”

Both front paws were on the ground picking at the black dirt.

The dog trainer gave the command, signaling the bloodhound to stop, and shouted to the crowd behind him, “Suspected target sighted.”

Hearing this, the crowd got a little excited and wanted to get closer to check it out.

Luke, however, called out to the crowd and told them to wait where they were to avoid destroying the scene because of the crowd.

Luke walked up alone to check it out and saw tire tracks and shoe prints around the bloodhound.

Luke’s eyes scanned the area, a place this desolate would not be visited by normal people.

Luke called for Jackson and Porter and told them to dig up the spot marked by the bloodhound.

The two dug very quickly, and in a short while, they dug out a thirty-four centimeter deep hole.

Seeing the ease with which the two men dug, indicating that the soil was loose, Luke felt more and more that there might be something buried underneath.

I don’t know if it was a mental effect, but he vaguely felt that he smelled a foul odor.

Jackson’s shovel plunged down, didn’t move, and used the shovel to pry away the dirt on the surface, “Captain, something was found down there.”


The two men continued digging and soon unearthed a black mat that looked like the mat on the trunk of a Porsche car, vaguely stained with small red dots.

Porter put on his gloves and yanked the black pad away, and immediately the stench of a corpse for hit his nose.

Luke couldn’t help but step back and put on his mask either.

Jackson was a step slower and coughed at the corpse stench, his stomach churning and rising, almost throwing up.

After a while, when the stench cleared, Luke stepped closer to check it out, a body was exposed in a large pit, the body had already started to decompose and was wearing a dark blue housecoat, vaguely recognizable as a male.

Luke stepped aside and instructed Blackie, “Notify the tech team and the coroner.”

“YES, Sir.”

From the available evidence, the body should be Airell Gray.

This was consistent with his earlier guess.

The murderer was most likely his wife, Mrs. Gray.

In order to convict Mrs. Gray, this corpse alone was not enough; evidence of her murder needed to be found.

Luke then led a careful search around the scene ……

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