Chapter 400

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Boom!” The sound.

A powerful air current nearly lifted Luke off the ground.

He had brought his men to keep an eye on the entrance of the backyard, and fortunately, he was some distance away from the villa, or else he would have been similarly affected by the explosion.

Even so, his ears were buzzing and he was temporarily deafened.

In order to avoid the secondary explosion, Luke hurriedly greeted the people to hide behind the police car.

After a while, the secondary explosion did not occur, hiding aside the small black opened his mouth, waving his hand, as if to say something to him, but because of the impact of the explosion, Luke’s ears buzzing, can not hear clearly.

Luke looked at his watch and a full minute passed before he ventured out to check.

The villa was on fire, and there was a mess of blown up wood shavings all around.

The area around the villa was also a mess, Luke rubbed his ears and felt his hearing gradually returning, he could vaguely hear wailing coming from the villa.

The ones who were injured by the explosion were all officers from the southern division, Luke couldn’t just see them die.

He took over the scene of the explosion, leaving a few people on guard around the area, and took the uninjured and successively supported patrolmen into the villa to save people.

The explosion scene was very tragic, flames, smoke, broken walls, furniture, broken flesh, mutilated bodies ……

A total of eight police officers entered at that time, of which three were killed on the spot by the explosion, three were seriously injured and two slightly injured.

Generally speaking, the injured cannot be easily moved.

But the specific situation, specific analysis, the villa is on fire, if left unattended, even if it does not burn, it will be smoked to death by the smoke;

Luke asked the police officers to move the injured out to stop the bleeding, especially the three more seriously injured, if not in time to stop the bleeding simply can not wait for the ambulance to come.

One of them, Inspector Davo Galli, who was more familiar with Luke, was also seriously injured, covered in blood, with a broken arm and leg, a broken chest, and more out of breath than in.

Luke looked at the other party was also a moment of fear, if not the other party came a step earlier, then the team leading the search would be him, from a certain point of view he is also regarded as Luke’s life-saving benefactor.

At the same time, Luke also did not expect this group of robbers will be so vicious, actually will be placed in the villa bomb, which is a naked provocation.

The matter has made a big deal.

The nature was also different.

Luke couldn’t figure out why the other party would place a bomb in the villa.

Apart from attracting the hatred of the police, what good could it do?

Could it be to blow up the police officers investigating the case, thus affecting the progress of the case.

Or maybe it was just pure revenge.

“Whoops ……”

A siren sounded.

Several cars with FBI logos pulled up at the entrance.

Luke was a bit surprised, it was reasonable that the FBI shouldn’t come so quickly.

The FBI leader was an old acquaintance, Agent Anthony.

“Luke, what are you doing here?”

“I was investigating a homicide case, and I found out that this villa might be the suspect’s stronghold, but the officers from the Southern Division got here before me and entered the villa to search it first, and there was an explosion.

What about you?”

“I’m investigating the robbery of an oil painting and am here to see Inspector Davo Galli. What is his condition?”

“He’s seriously injured and has just been put in an ambulance.”

“Too bad, I was hoping to exchange some case leads with him.” Anthony blushed slightly and shook his head in disgust.

Luke offered, “The case I’m investigating is also related to the oil painting robbery in some way, we can share some information as well.”

Anthony asked rhetorically, “What have you got?”

Luke pointed at the wrecked villa behind him, “This should be a stronghold of that group of robbers, they installed bombs in advance.”

Anthony looked at the bombed out villa, “It could also be a trap.”

Luke nodded, agreeing with Anthony’s guess, “What did you guys find out?”

“This group of robbers is very professional, I suspect they may be a roving type of operation, most likely committing crimes in other cities or other states.

I’m having someone look for similar cases across the United States, and I’m sure I’ll have a lead soon.”

“That means the FBI is not making any progress in their current investigation?” Luke was a little unconvinced by the other man’s words.

Anthony revealed a noncommittal look, “What about you? What case are you investigating and why is it related to the oil painting robbery?”

“I’m investigating the murder of a Southern Division officer who previously worked as a security guard at the Getty Museum.” It wasn’t exactly a secret, Luke couldn’t hide it if he wanted to.

“Just because he worked as a security guard at the Getty Museum before, isn’t it a bit arbitrary for you to think that he’s involved in the robbery of the Getty Museum paintings?”

Luke said, “He was murdered, it’s not enough to suspect anything.”

Several police cars drove by and parked a short distance away, and the top brass from the Southern Division arrived at the scene.

Luke and Anthony walked over to say a few words about the scene, and after learning that Luke had organized manpower to rescue him, the top brass of the southern division thanked Luke.

Luke handed the scene over to the top brass of the Southern Division and also bid farewell to Anthony.

Anthony patted his shoulder, “Man, keep in touch.”

At this time, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon.

After tossing and turning all morning, Luke and the others hadn’t eaten yet.

Luke took a few team members to a nearby restaurant to eat.

Because of the explosion, the mood of the crowd was a bit low.

Luke picked up a cup of coke and fiercely poured a few mouthfuls, coke is not a good thing, but if you feel unhappy, then drink it, fat house happy water is not called for nothing.

Blackie still couldn’t help himself, talking about the bombing just now, “I thought this group of robbers were seeking money, now it seems to be a group of heartless guys.”

The lieutenant said, “I’m not really surprised, don’t forget Patrolman Jens Hauraige, it’s not the first time they’ve killed a cop.”

Luke said thoughtfully, “Looks like we’re going to have to shift the focus of our investigation this time.”

Previously, Luke had put his main experience in investigating the two homicide cases, but now the situation was different again, they had already solved the Highway 1 body dumping case, and the clues in the patrolman’s murder case were too few, but it could be determined that it was related to the case of the oil painting being robbed.

Since there were few clues in the patrolman’s murder case, they would focus on investigating the oil painting robbery case, and as long as they could catch this group of robbers, the police officer’s murder case might also be solved without any problems.

With that, Luke rearranged the tasks.

The investigation focuses on three directions, the first direction is still the old case investigation, this group of robbers’ boldness, technology and equipment, there must be previous convictions before, the vice squad is responsible for the investigation.

The second direction is the loot, this loot does not refer to the ten robbed paintings, but the property in the vault of Mr. and Mrs. Gray’s house that was put together with that pistol, which is in charge of Blackie and Jackson.

The third area of investigation was the Getty Museum, and Luke was going to make a personal trip to the Getty to find out what was going on and see if he could find out more about the robbery.

After the meal, Luke and Porter rushed to the Getty Museum.

The Getty Museum was still in its normal exhibition, and a few heavily armed security guards could be seen a short distance away; apparently, the museum was in haywire because of the robbery of the painting.

Porter observed the security personnel and cameras inside the museum, “With such tight security, it’s not easy to steal an oil painting here.”

Luke said, “That’s why the robbers are sounding out the transportation process.”

Porter lowered his voice, “The robbers were able to set up an ambush in advance, which means they already know the exact time and place of transportation, there might be a mole inside the museum, could it be that murdered police officer Jens Hauraige?”

Luke nodded slightly, although he didn’t want to easily suspect the police officer, the $200,000 found in Jens Haurage’s warehouse and the museum floor plan indicated that this was highly probable.

Porter said thoughtfully, “If Jens Haurage was the mole, why was he killed? Because of the unequal sharing of the loot?”

This question had also occurred to Luke, Jens Haurage was killed on the night of December 25th, the oil painting was robbed in the early morning hours of December 30th, the oil painting hadn’t been robbed yet when Jens Haurage was killed, so there was no such thing as an unequal division of the spoils.

More likely is that Jens Hauraige wanted to quit, the robbers were afraid that he would leak the information to kill.

There is also a possibility that the robbers obtained the transportation route of the oil painting from Jens Hauraige, and in order to avoid the police to find them through Jens Hauraige, they killed in advance.

After showing his credentials, Luke met Shukri Blythe, the deputy director of the museum, who was also solely responsible for the museum’s security measures.

Shukri Blythe invited Luke’s two men into his office, sizing them up and asking, “Two officers, which department are you from?”

Just in the past few days, he had already seen several sets of people who came to investigate the case.

“I’m Detective Porter from the Robbery and Murder Division, and this is our Captain Lee.” After Porter’s introduction, he thought of the two people posing as detectives and added, “Have any people from the Robbery-Murder Division come to investigate before?”

“No.” Shukri Blythe shook his head, “I’ve heard great things about the Robbery-Murder Division, are you also in charge of investigating the theft of the painting?”

Luke asked, “Do you know Jens Haurage?”


Luke pulled out a picture of Jens Haurage, “He’s a patrolman who was working part time as a security guard for you before.”

“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy, and I’ve hired a lot of new security guards lately …… didn’t recognize him first.

What happened to him?”

“Dead. Shot to be exact.”

“Does this have anything to do with the robbery of the painting?”

“That’s what we came to the museum to investigate.”

Shukri Blythe folded his hands together, “Is there anything I can do to assist?”

“You’re not exactly familiar with Jens Hauraki?”


“Does Jens Haurage have access to the transportation routes for the oil paintings?”

“No. The transportation routes for the oil paintings are only known to a handful of security personnel, and he’s just an ordinary security guard, so it’s logical that he shouldn’t know about it.”

“Who all knows?”

“Uh…… “Shukri Bread hesitated a little, “You suspect that they leaked the transportation route of the oil painting?”

Seeing that the other party was a bit hesitant, Luke changed his words, “I need a list of all the security personnel in your museum.”

“OK,” Shukri Blade agreed.

Although this was broader, it was less targeted.

Shukri Blythe walked over to the desk, took a key out of a drawer and opened the safe, taking out a file and handing it to Luke, “Here’s what you need.”

Luke took the file and began to review the security officer’s profile.

The information was recorded in great detail, including name, age, height, skin color, eye color, hair color and so on.

Luke flipped through a few of them and found the profile of the deceased, Jens Hauraige, which also recorded the other man’s current position as a Southern Division Patrolman.

He continued to look and saw a familiar name.

Davo Galli!

Benevolent job: night detective, Southern Division, Detective Sergeant.

Was it a coincidence that two Southern Division police officers were both working as part-time security guards at the Gehry Museum?

Coincidence does exist in this world.

What if it wasn’t a coincidence?

Four words came to Luke’s mind when he thought of Davo Galli lying on a stretcher, murderous.

Luke thought of Anthony again, recalling the conversation between the two when they had talked about the bomb in the villa, which Anthony had said was a trap.

At the time, Luke hadn’t thought too much about it, and now it seemed that this alleged trap wasn’t aimed at the police, but at Davo Galli alone.

The rest of the police officers were just there to bury Davo Galli.

Anthony should have already found out that there was something wrong with Davo Gali, he should have been heading for him then, but unfortunately it was still too late.

Luke looked at Shukri Blythe, “Does Davo Gali have access to the transportation routes of the oil paintings?”

Shukri Blythe nodded slightly, “Of course, he is the detective of the Southern Division and the security consultant of the museum.”

It would seem that Davo Galli had access to the transportation route of the oil paintings, and was more than likely a mole that the robbers had placed in the museum.

And what about Jens Hauraki?

What role did he play in this?

This is something that I’m afraid only Davo Galli knows.

The fact that the robbers silenced him just goes to show how important he was.


Bonaire Hospital.

After some treatment, Davo Galli’s injuries had finally stabilized, however, his body was still weak.

He was lying on the hospital bed, his body was wrapped in bandages, his right hand was still being infused with fluids, and his eyes were staring blankly at the roof of the room, the strength of the anesthesia had already passed, and a gust of pain was coming from his body.

It was so hard, but at least he was alive.

Why was there a bomb in the box?

That’s not what was said before.

Those ungrateful bastards wanted to get rid of me along with them.

That’s right. If they kill me, no one will know who they are.

Luckily, I’m lucky to be alive.

I won’t let you go, even if it’s to the ends of the earth, I will definitely take revenge!

“Squeak” There was an extremely slight sound.

The door opened.

A woman in a blue-green nurse’s uniform walked in, she was a black person, wearing a mask, it was hard to see her appearance.

She moves very gently, turns and closes the door, locking it.

She walked over to Davo Galli’s bed and surveyed the other woman, taking a syringe and potion bottle out of her pocket and sticking the needle into the bottle to draw out the medication.

She shifted her gaze to the infusion bottle and the syringe was inserted into the intake jug, the medication inside the syringe pushing into the intake jug.

Davo Galli’s eyes widened, a panicked, angry look on his face, and he shouted as hard as he could, “What are you doing?”

The black female nurse did not answer.

Davo Gali’s body was so weak that even with all his strength, only two people could hear that

“Who are you?”

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