Chapter 401

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Instead of answering, the black nursemaid asked, “Why didn’t you get blown up?

If you were blown up, I wouldn’t have to come.” The black nursemaid stared at the reagent in the intake jug, “But the result is the same now.”

Davo Galli prayed, “Don’t kill me, please.”

The black nursemaid flicked her finger at the intake jug as if hoping the liquid would flow faster, “Give me a reason.”

“After all I’ve done for you, providing you with the floor plans of the museum, the transportation routes for the paintings, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have been able to ambush the road ahead of time, much less snatch the paintings without incident.

We are partners.

I won’t say anything, even for myself.” Davo Gali showed a prayerful look and began to play the card of bitterness.

The black female nurse asked, “Sure enough, the mole is you.”

Davo Galli’s eyes widened and snapped to attention, “Who the hell are you?”


“You’re from the …… Heist and Murder Division?”

“Ah cut ……”

In a black Ford Explorer, Luke sneezed.

“Who’s thinking about me?” Luke sneezed twice in a row, Daisy? Or was it Orty?

Jackson, who was driving, asked, “Captain, is Davo Galli really the mole?”

“Highly probable.”

“But all we’ve got so far is that he worked as a security consultant at the museum, and there’s no way to prove that he had anything to do with the robbery of the painting.

Even if we find him, he won’t admit to it.” Jackson sighed, it wasn’t easy to get a search warrant on a detective without enough evidence.

“That’s a real problem, Davo Galli is an experienced detective in criminal investigation and knows how to destroy evidence and choose himself out of the case.” Luke was worried about one more thing, after the oil painting robbery, Davo Galli was one of the detectives involved in the investigation, there were so many things he could do, even if the Southern Division found clues to the case, the other side might destroy them.

It even seemed to Luke that some of the clues might have been provided by Davo Galli, and the officers of the Southern Division had been led by the nose by that gang of robbers.

At the same time, that gang of robbers is also ruthless enough, after learning that the robbery and murder division and the FBI intervened in the investigation, worrying that it might be traced back to Davo Gali, they simply came to kill and kill.

It is a pity that Davao-Gali life, save a life.

The car drove into the hospital, Luke two people went straight to the fourth floor of the hospital, Davao-Gali is living in ward 408.

Luke and Jackson had just gotten off the elevator on the fourth floor when they saw two FBI agents standing at the elevator entrance.

Luke flashed his badge, “I need to see Davo Galli.”

“I’m sorry, Davo Galli is still recuperating from his injuries and is unable to see outsiders at this time.” A white agent politely declined.

Luke backed off, “I need to see Anthony.

Don’t say he’s not in the hospital, and don’t make any excuses for it, understand?”

“Hey ……,” a chuckle came from the hallway as Anthony walked over, “Luke, don’t be so grumpy.

People who don’t know think you’re on your period.”

Luke got right to the point, “Why did you go to the exploded villa today to see Davo Galli?”

Anthony asked rhetorically, “Is there any point in talking about it now?”

“I don’t like being lied to, I thought we were friends.”

“Of course, we were supposed to be friends, but public is public and private is private.

We belong to different departments and are investigating different cases, and at the time, I only suspected that there was something wrong with Davo Galli, and I didn’t have the evidence yet, so I couldn’t put my finger on it.

If I guessed wrong and smeared a detective’s innocence, that would be a big problem.

No one can take the blame for that, so I had no choice but to hide it.”

“You have proof now?”

“Yes. The guy’s ecstasy wore off, his mind wasn’t quite clear, and I was able to get the truth out of him with a little trickery.”

“He saw through it?”

“He’s a detective, it was just a momentary lapse of judgment, he couldn’t hide it for long.” Anthony knew very well that an experienced detective like Davo Galli was highly alert, and the probability of success was not high if it was in the other party’s clear mind.

It was only then that he chose to strike when Davo Gali was weak, and even then, it was only a slip of the tongue.

Just by saying some baiting words, the other party could already see through it.

“Got the evidence?”


“He’s already alerted, and you have no evidence.

It’s a good idea to say that you just had surgery and are still not in your right mind.”

Anthony shrugged, “He’s already admitted it himself.”

“He could still change his story.”

“You’re right to be worried, but only about you guys.

We’re the FBI!”Anthony patted Luke on the shoulder, “Come on, have some faith in me, I’ll show you a good show.”

Inside ward 408.

Davao Gali was still lying on the hospital bed, looking at his hands that were handcuffed to the bed, the silver handcuffs were more than familiar, but it was the first time they were cuffed to his own hands.

“Creak ……” the door of the ward opened.

Several people walked into the hospital room, the first one was FBI agent Anthony.

Luke also followed into the ward, looking at Davao Gali lying on the hospital bed, his heart was a little complicated.

The detective who investigated the oil painting robbery became the suspect of the case, this kind of thing was only seen on TV, Luke still encountered it for the first time.

Anthony clasped his hands on his chest and leaned on the table behind him, “No need to introduce yourself, right?”

Davo Galli looked at Anthony and then at Luke, “The ruthless Agent Anthony, and the famous Captain Lee, I think it’s hard not to recognize both of you.”

Anthony continued, “How is your health now?”

“Thank you all for coming to visit me.

My health is poor right now and I want to rest for a while.” Davo Galli put on a look of sending off.

“That doesn’t matter, the doctor said you won’t die.” Anthony sighed softly, “But four of the seven officers who went to the villa with you have already died.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the cries of their families.

They all died because of you.”

Davao Gali showed a sad look, “You’re right, I was the one who led them to search the villa, if I had been more cautious and not so reckless, they might not have died.”

Anthony smiled, “Why was there a bomb in that villa?”

Davo Galli shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“Didn’t your associates tell you? Should we call them and ask them?”

Davo Gali gave a puzzled look, “What are you talking about? What associates?”

“You know what? I had someone install surveillance in this room while you were in the operating room, and what you said to that female agent was recorded in its entirety.

Would you like me to put the video aside so you can see it?”

“Surveillance? Who asked you to install it, and what authority do you have to install surveillance in my ward? Do you have the relevant formalities?

If not, whatever I say won’t be accepted by the court.”

“Don’t worry, we have all the formalities you want.” Anthony didn’t care at all, if he didn’t have it, he could just make it up later.

Although the order is reversed.

But it s not impossible for …… him.

Davao Gali’s eyes stared at Anthony without blinking, “Hey, I was injured in the line of duty, risking being blown up to capture the robbers, and this is how you treat me?

I’m a detective, not a criminal.”

Anthony said, “Then explain what you meant by what you said to that female detective.

That’s not something a detective should say.”

“I …… was blown up and out of my mind.

I was just talking nonsense at the time, and I don’t know what I was talking about.

Much less as evidence.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember, we have the video, do you want to play it again for you to recall.”

Davo Gali questioned, “Is this how you treat a hero who was injured while capturing robbers?”

“Davo Gali, I know you’re an experienced detective and must have done a lot of staging.

No one here is a fool, your setup won’t work on us.” Anthony walked slowly over to Davo Galli and

“I’ve got my eye on you, you can’t escape.”

Davao Gali’s forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, his complexion was a little twisted, as if he was under this great pressure, he squeezed out a few words, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about?”

“Since you are in contact with the robbers, you will definitely leave evidence behind. If you don’t confess, we will follow those clues to catch the robbers.

At that time you will lose your value and the chance that you can live.”

Davo Galli’s face was grave, “What do you want?”

“You can turn into a tainted witness and assist us in arresting the rest of the suspects, you should be familiar with this set of rules, I don’t need to say more.”

Davao Gali breathed hard, as if he was pressed by a thousand pounds of boulders on his chest, “I’m a bit uncomfortable and want to rest.

Let’s talk later.”

Anthony grunted, “Hey, don’t stall, I know what you’re thinking.

You’re gambling.

Betting that the FBI can’t find evidence to convict you.

Trying to get out in one piece.” Anthony shook his head, “That’s not going to happen, you can’t go back.

If you don’t turn into a tainted witness, not only will the police investigate you.

That gang of robbers will continue to silence you as well, you should have recognized them by now, you wouldn’t think that they’d just let it go.”

Davo Galli was silent for a long time, “Give me some time.”

“No, you’re in no position to negotiate with me, turning tainted witness is the best outcome for you.

Unless you have another major case on your back.”

“I don’t.”

“I think so, the fact that they chose to silence you so easily means you’re just a minion.

If you turn tainted witness, it won’t take long for you to get out, as long as the crime isn’t too serious.”

Davo Galli gripped the hospital bed railing hard with both hands, “I don’t want to go to jail.”

“You should know very well that if I tell you right now that I guarantee that I won’t put you in jail, I must be lying to you.

I can help you fight for favorable conditions, to what extent depends on your own performance.” Anthony finished and didn’t leave or speak again, just stared at the other man quietly.

Davao Gali looked at Anthony, and then looked at Luke and the others, he felt a huge pressure, and also knew that he could not ‘clear his name’: “I …… did participate in the oil painting robbery. ”

Anthony nodded, revealing an encouraging look, “What role do you play in the team?”

“I’m working as a security consultant at the Getty Museum, I’m responsible for being an insider and finding out the security measures of the Getty Museum.

I was also the one who told the robbers about the transportation route and time of those ten paintings.”

“How many people were in this group of robbers?”

“I don’t know, I only contacted one of them.”

“Where is that robber now?”

“I don’t know, I think he’s already run away, I don’t think you guys can catch him.”

“Who was he?”


“Real name?”

“I don’t know.”

“How dare you work with him if you don’t know?”

“I have his picture and fingerprints.”

“Why did you work with him?”

“I needed the money.”

“Where did you meet?”

“Las Vegas.

I got divorced last year and was depressed, so I went to Vegas to take a break.

Lost a lot of money.

That’s where we met, and he was generous with his money. ……

I got stuck in.”

“How do you usually keep in touch?”

“Using a prepaid cell phone, but I imagine he would have taken care of that by the time the villa exploded.

The guy’s very discreet.”

“Why did you search the villa that exploded?”

“That villa was one of our strongholds, and I knew I couldn’t hide my work as a security consultant at the Getty Museum.

So, I needed to have some credit for investigating the case so that no one would suspect me.

Earlier, we had discussed that this stronghold was reserved for me to ‘take credit’.

I didn’t expect these guys to place a bomb either.

A bunch of ungrateful bastards.” Davao Gali showed a gritted teeth look.

Anthony pressed, “You didn’t think a stronghold would clear you.”

“We still have a backhand, and as soon as the backhand sees the light of day, the suspicion against me will be removed.

It’s just that I didn’t expect the guys to be so determined to do it.”

Anthony pressed, “What backhand?”

Davo Galli hesitated.

Luke, who had been standing by without saying anything, walked over and asked, “Wasn’t it the patrolman who was shot and killed, Jens Hauraki?”

Davo Galli’s body shuddered, “Yes.”

“Was he the scapegoat you found?”

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