Chapter 404

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the evening, Luke and Orty arranged to meet at a Japanese restaurant.

Japanese-style individual booths, wooden tables and chairs, tatami mats, and the waiter next to them was wearing a kimono.

Don’t say it, it’s quite a feeling.

After ordering, the waiter first served a pot of sake and a pot of oolong tea.

Luke picked up the teapot and poured a cup of oolong tea for the other party: ”How is it? This restaurant I found is not bad, right?”

“I’ve been to Japanese restaurants before, but I’ve always had sushi or teppanyaki, and it’s the first time I’ve sat on tatami mats, and it feels strange.

And those waiters’ clothes are very dated.” Orty seemed to be very interested in this restaurant, her beautiful big eyes full of curiosity.

Luke took a sip of oolong tea, “How’s that investigation going?”

Earlier, there were two unidentified people posing as people from the Robbery and Murder Division ‘investigating’ the oil painting robbery.

Luke guessed that those two people might be detectives aiming to find the oil painting and get a reward.

Luke met with the museum’s deputy director, Shukri Blythe, and asked which detective agencies had been commissioned.

It was learned that the museum had hired a total of three detective agencies, the Pinkerton Detective Agency, the Stanley Detective Agency, and the Carden Detective Agency.

Shukri Blythe had only met the receptionists of the three detective agencies, not the detectives in charge of the investigation.

Luke thought about asking the heads of the three detective agencies to meet, but was worried about spooking them, and he didn’t have sufficient evidence to suspect that the ‘fake detectives’ were from these three agencies.

To be on the safe side, he asked Ortie to help him find out the information, she had a lot of connections in the Los Angeles detective industry, so she might be able to find out the identity of the two ‘fake detectives’.

Ortiz said: “Three detective agencies to accept the reward, including our Pinkerton Detective Agency.

I can guarantee that no one from the Pinkerton Detective Agency is posing as a detective.

As for the other two detective agencies, we have people we know well, and we asked them to identify the two criminal investigation sketches you sent, and they didn’t recognize anyone who fit the profile.”

“Knock knock.” The door slammed.

The waiter from the Japanese restaurant pushed his way in, carrying a wooden tray with several small plates of food.

The waiter placed the small dishes on the table and turned to leave, closing the door to the room.

Luke said, “These two may have made some disguises in their appearance.”

Orty nodded, “I know.

The people who assisted in the identification are also experienced detectives, so if it was one of theirs they should be able to recognize it.”

“Then I may have guessed wrong.” Luke frowned slightly, who were the two people impersonating detectives if not detectives?

“Don’t worry, I’m not done talking.

How can I not be attentive to what Captain Luke ordered.” Olti revealed a playful color, “I asked quite a few people to assist in the identification, and one of the detectives felt that these two people looked familiar, very much like the two detectives from the Navis Detective Agency.”

Navis Detective Agency?

Luke frowned slightly, could it be that the deputy director of the museum, Shukri Blythe, had lied, and that there were not only three detective agencies that accepted the commission?

However, what was the point of him telling this lie?

Could it be that Shukri Blythe knew that the people from this firm were pretending to be detectives and intentionally covered for them?

Luke thought that this was unlikely, the police and detectives do not interfere with each other’s investigations, and in terms of the intensity of the investigation, the deployment of resources, the police’s ability to solve the case is much higher than the detectives.

Of course, detectives also have their own advantages, the cat has a cat way and the mouse has a mouse way.

If the police are unable to solve the robbery of the painting, then the Getty Museum is likely to use the detective agency to find out about the painting, and then repurchase the painting through an intermediary.

To put it bluntly, where there is sunshine, there are shadows.

Orty pulled a blank envelope from his delicate blue leather bag, “Here’s the information on those two men.”

Luke took the envelope and smelled a faint fragrance, opened the letter and scanned it, putting it away.

Another dishes were brought up one after another, and the two of them chatted while eating.

Luke also took the opportunity to ask about things in the detective industry, such as hiring a detective to investigate a person’s information, what tactics would the detective usually use?

Olty’s answer is also very simple, detectives are not as mysterious as imagined, nothing more than eavesdropping, tracking, visiting, checking information ……

These means, they will, Luke will also.

Originally, Luke also wanted to ask Orty if he could find out the details of the potential buyer of the oil painting.

After considering it again and again, he felt that it was not appropriate, the Los Angeles detective circle is so big, Olty is familiar with the detective circle of people, may not be familiar with these four potential buyers.

And the detective’s investigative techniques may not be as brilliant, Luke is also worried about leaking information, simply do not mention it.

The vice squad’s suggestion was a bit more prudent.

This time, he had found two suspects who were suspected to be impersonating detectives.

The next day.

Luke rearranged the task, and Marcus, Jenny, and Ramon investigated the two suspects who were suspected of impersonating detectives of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Originally, Luke guessed that the two people pretending to be detectives were probably detectives who had accepted the museum’s bounty and were investigating under the name of the police.

Now it seemed that it might not be that simple.

Luke and the vice squad each took one person and took the initiative to talk to those four potential buyers.

Of these, Luke was responsible for visiting Ruth Morgan and Albus Stone.

The Vice Squad was responsible for visiting Domer Wood and Buddy Caddis.

The lead on Ruth Morgan came mainly from Matthew’s investigation.

Ruth Morgan is 50 years old, her husband died a few years ago, and she lives alone on a suburban estate, so it wasn’t hard to find out her address.

In addition, Matthew also found out some records of her auctions and purchases at the auction house, this information was important, and it was also an excuse for Luke to talk to the other party.

Around eleven in the morning, Luke and Jackson arrived at Morgan Manor.

After arriving at the manor, Luke’s first impression was that it was huge.

The two parked their car at the entrance, and Jackson walked over to the large iron gate and pressed the doorbell.

A few moments later, the screen of the visual doorbell lit up and a white woman in her forties appeared on the screen, “This is Morgan Manor, do you have an appointment?”

Jackson flashed his badge, “Is this okay?”

The white woman asked, “Who are you looking for?”

“Ruth Morgan.”

“Can I help you?”

“There was a recent robbery at the Getty Museum where ten expensive paintings were taken, and we’d like to get some information from her.”

“A robbery? Are you kidding me? Is today April Fool’s Day?

How could our lady be involved in a robbery.”

Jackson bristled, “I’m guessing the Getty Museum thought the same thing before.”

“What do you mean? You suspect someone is trying to rob Mrs. Morgan?”

“Are you Ruth Morgan herself?”

“No, I’m her housekeeper.”

“This case is currently under wraps and I can’t tell you.

We need to speak to Ruth Morgan herself, it’s a matter of her safety.”

“I’ll report back to the ma’am, just a moment.” With that, the white woman turned off the video.

“How polite?” Jackson couldn’t help but spit out a comment.

Luke laughed, “Maybe giving you time to flash your badge was a mercy for her.”

Jackson whispered, “I was feeling a little guilty for lying, now, not at all.”

“Then behave yourself.”

After a moment, the visual doorbell lit up again and the white woman said faintly, “Madame invites you in.”

After that, the screen went black again, but the big iron door opened automatically.

In the distance, a tram drove by, somewhat similar to a golf tour bus.

Luke and Jackson looked confused.

A black man in a suit sat in the tram cab, got out and saluted Luke and the two of them, “Two honored guests, please get on.”

The two Luke’s got on the tram and enjoyed the beauty of the estate, then the tram stopped in front of a three-story villa.

After getting off the tram, a white woman walked over, the same housekeeper who had shown up at the visual doorbell earlier, “Two officers, please follow me.”

Led by the housekeeper, Luke and his two men entered the villa and were invited to the living room sofa.

A maid then brought tea and pastries, and the housekeeper once again slightly owed: “Please wait, Madam will be here soon.”

This wait was half an hour.

However, Luke and Jackson were not annoyed that there was a maid serving them all the time.

They drank black tea, coffee, and a variety of exquisite pastries, each piece was delicious, sweet but not greasy, and the ingredients were very carefully used.

After the two of them had eaten their fill, the door at the back of the living room opened and a white woman in her forties walked in, stylishly dressed, elegant, with a faint smile on her face, and walked right up to the couch, “Sorry to keep the two officers waiting.”

Luke stood up, “Are you Mrs. Ruth Morgan?”

“Yes I am.”

“Have a seat, what’s your name?”

“Captain of Squadron One, Robbery and Murder Division, Luke Lee.”

Ruth Morgan took a sip of the coffee the maid had just served and asked, “Captain Lee, what is it that you wanted to see me about?”

“At the end of last month, ten oil paintings from the Getty Museum were robbed, did you know about it?”

“Slightly heard about it.”

“Where did you hear that?”

Ruth Morgan smiled, “The robbers told me themselves.”

Luke laughed back, “You’re a joker.”

“I’m not used to being pried into privacy, so I’d better get right to the point of where you’re coming from.” Ruth Morgan was getting a little impatient.

“I hear you have an oil painting by the Impressionist Duke West.”

“Yes, I do have a painting by the master Duke West, Spring Return, which I bought at an auction house for nine million dollars, with all the formalities, what’s the problem?”

“Among the robbed oil paintings in the Getty Museum, there is also a piece of Master Duke West’s work, which is also the most precious one among the robbed oil paintings.” Luke started to perform.

In fact, the ten oil paintings that were robbed from the Getty Museum did not have Duke West’s works, and the reason why Luke said this was purely to pave the way for his later words.

Ruth Morgan thought for a moment, “As far as I know, there are eight of Master Duke West’s works that have survived.

One of them, a painting called Starry Night, is kept at the Getty Museum.”

“No, one of the ten stolen oil paintings is called Rainy Night, which is said to be the work of Master Duke West.” Luke did some homework before he came here, and the ten stolen oil paintings did not have a work by Master Duke West, but the Getty Museum did have an oil painting by Master Duke West, Rainy Night, in its collection.

“Sorry, I misremembered.” Ruth Morgan smiled, with more than a hint of seriousness, “But what does this have to do with me?”

“I’ve been investigating this case, and through the available evidence, it seems that this group of robbers is very crazy, most likely a group of fanatical artists.

We have traced one of their strongholds and found some information about Master Duke West’s works in it.

We suspect that they will probably do it again, and the target may still be the works of Duke West.

And you happen to be in possession of a painting by Master Duke West, Spring Return.” Luke said solemnly, “Mrs. Morgan, this group of robbers is very vicious, you’d better be prepared.”

“You think they will rob my oil painting ‘Spring Return’.”

Luke shook his head, “The police have been investigating the case, in fact, I don’t think they dare to continue to top the case, the possibility is very small.

But …… it’s always good to be careful.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” Ruth Morgan revealed a grateful look, “What do you think I should do?”

“I came over this time to see if there is anything unusual around you?”

Ruth Morgan shook her head, “There doesn’t seem to be.”

“If it’s convenient, I’d like to ask you a few questions, this group of robbers are very cunning, it’s hard for ordinary people to spot them.”

“OK, go ahead and ask.”

“Where did you put that oil painting called Spring Return? Is it safe?”

Ruth Morgan laughed, “I put it in a bank, it shouldn’t be necessary to say which bank. I can assure you that the oil painting is now safe.”

Luke was a little disappointed, he had wanted to take the opportunity to check it out, “Have you seen any suspicious people around?”


“Have you made any plans to buy an oil painting lately?”

“Maybe if there’s a piece I like.”

“Where do you usually buy oil paintings?”

“Auction houses.”

“Have you ever purchased an oil painting through unscrupulous channels?” Luke knew that even if he had, the other man might not be telling the truth, he just wanted to see his reaction.


Ruth Morgan was very alert and glared at Luke, “I suddenly remembered that I have an appointment.

Let’s talk about it today.

Sophie, see me off.” Ruth Morgan nodded slightly to the housekeeper, then got up and left without looking at Luke and the two of them again.

“Both of you, please.”

The two Luke’s were ‘courteously escorted’ out the door by the housekeeper.

Jackson glanced at the manor behind him, “Captain, do you think Ruth Morgan has a problem?”

Luke shook his head, he hadn’t found any obvious signs of lying during his conversation with Ruth Morgan.

However, the woman was also very alert, feeling that Luke’s question was a bit invasive, and directly swept the two away.

However, thinking about the last time he also failed to see through Mrs. Gray lying in the first place, Luke’s heart was a bit unsettled.

After getting into the car, Luke asked, “What do you think?”

Jackson shrugged, “On the surface, she seems polite, but there’s a sense of rejection, and I don’t like her very much.

Her official age is fifty, but she looks young at forty.

I bet she probably spends more money on maintenance and beauty every month than my salary.”

Maintenance, beauty.

Luke seemed to have caught the point.

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