Chapter 405

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:09:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Fifty years old, forty years old face, if well maintained to just.

But nowadays the cosmetic surgery industry is developed, many rich noblewomen will micro-expression, this whole expression will be unnatural.

Micro-expression analysis is no longer useful.

Out of the division, let Luke a little depressed.

A lot of things think well, and when you do it, you will encounter all sorts of problems.

Besides, all the previous things were just Luke’s speculations, and since he didn’t find any problems, he investigated other clues, and Luke didn’t dwell on it too much.

If there is evidence to prove that Ruth Morgan is related to the oil painting robbery, Luke will carry out a deeper investigation, such as investigating her economic situation, whether there is a large amount of money spent; followed by arranging for someone to conduct a stakeout.

But on this visit, no clues were found that Ruth Morgan was related to the robbery, and it was not good for Luke to investigate deeper without evidence.

It was out of order.

Luke also didn’t want to offend a Morgan family member for no reason.

Solely, Luke went to visit the next buyer, Albus Stone.

Albus Stone was a stock market tycoon, known as California Buffett, who had long held shares in Disney, Apple, Amazon, and other companies.

This old man is eighty years old this year, living in a villa in the suburbs, of course he has more than one house in his name, Luke can only take his chances.

The yard is elegant, although the area is not as large as the manor, but much larger than an ordinary villa, Jackson as usual, ring the doorbell, explain the purpose of the villa was led into the villa.

The left side of the courtyard is planted with flowers and plants, can smell a faint fragrance of flowers, the right side is an open-air swimming pool, a large area, near the location of the villa stood awnings, the following tables and chairs, tea sets, a woman with white hair is drinking tea.

The servant led the two of them to the side of the old woman, and then owed his body to leave.

The old woman looked up at Luke and the two men, “Albus Stone is my husband, what do you want with him?”

Jackson introduced himself, “Mrs. Stone, I’m Detective Jackson from the Robbery Murder Division and this is our Captain Lee.”

The old woman put down her teacup and said slowly, “This is the first time we have a detective as a guest in our home.

Please have a seat.”

Luke got right to the point, “We’re here to see Mr. Albus Stone.”

Mrs. Stone asked rhetorically, “What do you want with him?”

“I heard that Mr. Albus Stone has a painting by Ike Shaffer in his collection?”

“Yes, the oil painting is called Secrets of the Louvre, he bought it a few years ago, any questions?”

Luke repeated what he had said to Ruth Morgan, only this time replacing it with a work by Eck Schaffer.

Mrs. Stone thought about it and shook her head, “I …… can’t remember, the oil paintings were all arranged by my husband himself.”

“We are just worried that the gang of robbers will continue to commit crimes, and their target is likely to be the oil painting The Secret of the Louvre, I want to personally talk to Mr. Stone to avoid accidents.” Luke’s tone was sincere.

Mrs. Stone cupped her teacup with her hand, “Thank you for your kindness, my husband is recuperating from his illness and it is not convenient for him to meet outsiders.”

“We won’t disturb for long.”

Mrs. Stone frowned tightly, “I’m sorry, I don’t want these things to affect him.”

Luke wasn’t going to leave without seeing the main man, who knew if he was weak-minded, “Mrs. Stone, this group of robbers is dangerous, several police officers have already been killed by them.

If they really set their sights on that oil painting in your house, both you and Mr. Stone will be in danger.”

Mrs. Stone blushed slightly, “Can’t you catch the robbers?”

Luke said, “We have been working hard on the investigation, and we likewise need Mr. Stone’s cooperation so that we can investigate the case as soon as possible.”

Mrs. Stone looked a little embarrassed, and a hint of faint sadness, shaking her head, “SORRY, it is indeed inconvenient for him to meet the guests.

I already know what you’re here for, and will be careful.”

Mrs. Stone assumed an attitude of farewell.

Luke used all the excuses he could and said what he should have said, but the other party refused on the grounds that Albus Stone was recuperating from his illness, so Luke couldn’t force himself.

However, he had just come to the door and the other party was sick, was it not a bit too coincidental.

Albus Stone was already eighty years old, it was normal to have an illness, as to whether it was to the extent that he was unable to see his guests, that was unknown.

Luke and Jackson both got up to leave.

Just at this moment, a servant ran and hurried out, “Madam, you should quickly go and take a look.

Mister has fainted again.”

Mrs. Stone’s face changed greatly, the tea cup in her hand dropped to the floor, and she jogged towards the house with her hands lifting her skirt, and as she ran, she asked, “Has the doctor passed?”

“Yes, Dr. John has been resting next door and has gone to rush to the ward.”

Luke and Jackson looked at each other and followed suit as they headed for the villa.

The interior of the villa was large, and the group walked down the corridor to the innermost room, where a shout came from the room of

“Patient passed out, labored breathing, arrhythmia, getting weaker, prepare to use defibrillator ……”

Mrs. Stone bursts into the room and cries, “Dr. John, how is my husband? You must save him!”

A man in a white coat was pressing on the patient’s chest and had no time for him.

The female nurse next to him shouted, “The defibrillator is ready.”

At that moment, Luke also walked to the door, the room smelled strongly of medicine, an old man wearing a ventilator was lying on the bed, the clothes on his chest were ripped open, and there were several people gathered around the hospital bed.

The doctor took a ‘taser’ in each hand and pressed it into the old man’s chest.




The crowd held their breath as several consecutive electric shocks were delivered.

The female nurse shouted, “Mr. Stone has regained his heartbeat!”

“Thank God!

Thank you for not taking him away.” Mrs. Stone walked over to the bedside and held the old man’s right hand tightly.

Luke was too embarrassed to stay in the way and left the villa with Jackson.

Jackson sighed, “I originally thought that he was faking his illness and was too weak to see us, but I didn’t expect ……”

Luke also did not expect Albus Stone’s condition to be so critical.

On the way back, the atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing.

There wasn’t much to gain from his own side of the trial, Luke wanted to ask the vice squad if they had found anything on their side.

Luke called to inquire, the vice team might still be busy and didn’t answer.

Luke hung up his cell phone, forget it, let’s go back to the police station first.

The car stopped at the traffic light intersection, suddenly, a black Mercedes flashed by in front of him, extremely fast.

Then, a few cars followed behind as well, with no police logo on the body, but flashing police lights and sirens.

Jackson raised an eyebrow, “Oooooh, what a scene.”

Luke had a feeling the tracking vehicles didn’t look like police, “Follow them.”

“YES, Sir,” Jackson hit the right turn signal and stopped waiting for the light, turning right directly out of the straight lane.

Jackson drove fast, catching up to the car in front of him with flashing lights and honking horn.

Luke took out his laptop in the car and ran the license plate number information through the police system.

Up ahead, inside a Ford SUV sedan, Anthony, who was sitting in the passenger side, buttoned up his body armor and cursed under his breath, “FUCK, I can’t believe this asshole found out!

What are you idiots doing?

I really want to kick you all back into training camp and partner up with those rookies.” Anthony cursed while commanding on his walkie-talkie, “Contact the nearby patrols and have them attempt to intercept at the front of the road.”

In the middle of the conversation, the Mercedes sedan at the front of the road jerked the steering wheel, made a left turn and dumped its tail, knocking down the fence and rushing into the reverse lane.


Turn around!

Be safe.” Anthony grumbled, the tire breaker not working.

Several cars with flashing lights followed suit and turned around.

Jackson saw the car in front of him turn around violently and exclaimed, “It’s kinda raw!”

Luke gripped the right handrail, “There are FBI people tracking ahead, no need to rush.”

The FBI people were also investigating the oil painting robbery, making such a big fuss, they were probably tracking the suspects in the case.

Luke followed them up because he wanted to see what they were arresting, but didn’t want to grab the credit, so there was no need to risk the danger of a sharp pursuit, just follow steadily behind.

The Mercedes drove very fast, where there are many cars, where it drilled, has cut off several cars.

Afterwards, the Mercedes made a sharp right turn and drove into an alley, which was very narrow and could only accommodate the width of one car.

The Mercedes drove in front of it, and several FBI cars also turned into the alley.

The FBI’s were tracking fast, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, the Mercedes jerked to a stop.

“Bang!” With a sound, the rear of the Mercedes crashed into the front of the FBI car.

Several tracking cars behind it also had different collisions.

The Mercedes stepped on the gas again and drove away quickly.

But the front of the first FBI car was hit so badly that it was deformed and smoking, and the car was slow to start.

The car tracking behind was not badly hit and could still drive normally, but it was blocked in front by the first FBI car and could not catch up with the Mercedes.


A shout of curses followed.

Over the intercom, Anthony cracked up as well, “I’m sick of you idiots, @#$%……”

Several FBI cars could only back up to the entrance of the alley, and although they weren’t slow, they had already delayed the capture.

Originally Luke and Jackson belonged to the rear of the temple, but now they were the ones to beat the headlights out of it.

Luke is also a little confused, do not know where that alley can lead to.

Jackson, on the contrary, was excited, “Captain, I know the way, I’ve patrolled this neighborhood before.” As he spoke, he turned on his turn signal and pulled into the right lane.

Because he became the lead car, in order to avoid congestion ahead, Luke also turned on his lights and siren.

After a few FBI cars backed out of the mouth of the alley, they were originally a bit confused and didn’t know which way to follow, and when they heard the sirens, they followed.

Jackson is more familiar with the situation in the neighborhood, the car drove very fast, and drove through another intersection, and really saw the figure of the black Mercedes.

Jackson stepped on the gas, accelerated his speed and crashed directly into it.

“Bang!” The sound.

That Mercedes seemed to not expect to be blocked right in the middle, caught off guard, the car was a little out of control, drifting out of the lane and crashing into the guardrail on the right side.

Then the driver’s side door of the Mercedes opened, and a white man climbed out of the car and turned to run away into the distance.

Jorge, the suspect in the oil painting robbery.

Luke recognized the other man at once.

It was really a big fish.

Luke and Jackson got out of the police car as well.

“LAPD! Don’t move!”

The white man didn’t dare to turn around and ran faster.

Luke and Jackson rushed after him.

It was a competition of physical strength and endurance at this time, Luke and Jackson were both in good physical condition, and had been chasing the fleeing white man closely.

However, Gyorgy was also running fast, perhaps because he didn’t want to be caught, which stimulated his physical potential.

A man ran in front, Luke and Jackson both chased after him, and a group of FBI men followed far behind, forming three distinct echelons.

Seeing that Jorge’s speed did not slow down, Luke knew that the other party was fighting for his life.

But Luke does not want to fight for his life, his life is much more valuable than the other side, can not catch people is also the responsibility of the FBI, Luke does not have too much loss, why fight for his life.

Thinking of this, Luke stopped and took out his pistol.

“Bang Bang!”

When Jorge heard the gunshot, his legs went limp and he flopped to the ground, falling on his ass.

Jackson pounced on him and pinned him straight down, holding his hands down, “LAPD, don’t move!”

With the left side of his face pinned to the ground and a panicked look on the right side of his face, Jorge muttered, “Don’t shoot, I’m unarmed!

Please, don’t shoot.”

Jackson handcuffed Jorge and searched him.

At that moment, the FBI men caught up with them, and Anthony gasped, “What are you doing here?”

Luke laughed, “It’s a good thing I’m here, or else this guy would have gotten away right under your nose.”

Anthony blushed a little and gave Jorge a hard look.

Luke complimented, “You guys did a good job, finding Jorj so quickly.”

Anthony’s face became even more ugly, it was true that Jorj was the one they checked out first, only to be caught by Luke instead.

However, they lost the man they followed first, so they couldn’t accuse Luke of stealing the credit.

Damn it, it’s all these idiots who lost the person!


Anthony cursed his men in his heart again.

Luke also cried and laughed a little, this time he really didn’t want to steal the credit, he could only say that things are unpredictable.

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