Chapter 41

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Dave thought for a moment and said, “Steven is a no-good guy and was terrified when you guys brought him to the station. Coupled with some coaxing on my part, he decided to go out for shelter.

It cost me forty thousand dollars to send him away. The kid isn’t likely to be on the loose in Mexigau.”

“How did you scare him off?”

Dave repeated what he had told Eliza.

Luke asked, “You weren’t afraid he’d come back?”

“Afraid, so I engineered a way to make him a wanted man, so that as long as he was wanted by the police, he wouldn’t dare come back.

If he doesn’t come back, the police won’t be able to find out the truth.”

Luke pressed, “How was it designed?”

“Steven is an over-ambitious person, he doesn’t want to work for someone, he always wants to do something big.

He approached me many times, wanting to go into business with me, to put it bluntly, so that I would pay for it and he would run it.

I’m not short of money, but I’m not going to spoil it for him either.

It wasn’t until I found out Alisa was dancing at the club that a plan began to brew in my mind.

I agreed to invest with him, he wanted to rent a store to open a restaurant and I agreed.

After the store was rented, he gave me a key and I designed the store to be a murder scene.”

Luke tried, “How exactly?”

“I got some blood sprayed on the walls and floor and wiped it away with disinfectant, the smell almost killed me.

Hid the Taser and Alisa’s belongings in the store’s exhaust ducts, the police will naturally suspect Steven when they find out about them.”

Dave’s description matched the scene, and Luke continued, “Who did you kill?”

“I didn’t kill anyone, I do do some crazy things, but not murder.”

“Then what happened to the blood?”

“Bought it.”

“Where was it bought? When, where, who purchased it?”

“Garcia Logue, March 5th, we traded on Bingme Street.”

Marcus was a little surprised, “You would know Garcia the ‘Blood’? That’s quite a surprise.”

Luke asked in a whisper, “You know this guy?”

“Yea, he runs a blood station.”

“Is it legal?”

“Half and half.” Marcus shrugged and turned to Dave and asked, “Garcia isn’t someone you should know though?”

Dave laughed, “No matter what kind of guy, as long as he’s in the U.S. he can’t stay away from lawyers.”

“I know Garcia and I will ask him for confirmation. If you’re lying ……,” Marcus gave a you-know-what look.

Luke changed the question again, “Where’s Tony?”

Dave asked back, “You guys didn’t find him?”

“We wanted to give him a statement.”

Dave laughed, “If you guys couldn’t find him, how could I.”

“What’s Tony Weir’s real name?”

“WHAT? what do you mean?” Dave looked confused.

Luke stared at the other man for a while, not knowing whether his expression was real or not.

He asked for some more details about the case, and Dave admitted to two robberies and a kidnapping, but knew nothing about the clues involving Tony Weir and Steven.

A little after 1:00 p.m., the two Luke men exited the interrogation room.

Susan, the Vice Squad, and Dave also came out of the adjacent observation room.

Susan nodded slightly at the two men, “Good interrogation.”

Vice Squad said, “I bet this guy is definitely hiding something. No chance Tony and Steven were taken out by him.”

Luke shook his head, “He’s been pretty cool, it’s hard to get him to talk without evidence.”

“You guys go ahead and eat, we’ll work on it this afternoon.” Susan left her sentence and turned to go.

Luke had been hungry for a long time and ran to a nearby Mexican restaurant and ate a big meal.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the conference room held a case summarization meeting.

Deputy Director Reed also attended the meeting.

Comparing the victim’s statement, clues and Dave’s confession, the three basically match officially declared the ‘Taser Robbery’ solved.

Garcia also admitted to providing Dave with plasma.

As for Tony and Steven’s disappearance, since there was no evidence to prove that it was related to Dave, it could only be dealt with according to the relevant regulations.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Flying Bar.


Luke and a group of colleagues sat around the table and drank.

Luke drank most of the cold beer in one gulp, cool.

Marcus grinned widely, “Captain, still the first time I’ve had a drink with you, my pleasure.”

Susan scanned her gaze around, “I really don’t come to places like this very often.”

Marcus suggested, “You should come here more often for a little drink, take in the convivial atmosphere around you, it will ease the stress of work.”

“I’ll think about it.”

The lieutenant said, “At least you’ll have to come for the celebration after the crime is solved.”


Luke said, “Captain, the ‘Taser Robbery’ has been solved and I’d like to take two days off backwards.”

Susan didn’t answer right away and scanned the others, “Anyone else want to take a break?”

“Oh, I’ve got a little something going on too.” Marcus laughed.

“OK, one day off for Marcus and two for Luke.”

Marcus was pretty happy to hear the first half of the sentence, the second was a little disgruntled, “Why does he get a day off more than me?”

“The Taser robbery case can’t be successfully solved without everyone’s efforts, but Luke’s performance in this case is especially outstanding, Alyssa’s disappearance and Dave’s clues were all discovered by him.

I’m a man of rewards and punishments, there are rewards for good work, and for bad work, you know the consequences ……”

Susan asked rhetorically, “Is that a problem?”

“NoNo, fair enough.” Seeing Susan’s eyes shoot to himself, Marcus immediately wimped out and hurriedly changed the topic, “When we interrogated Dave today, this guy has been very calm, do you guys think he’s faking?”

Susan said, “I’ve been in the observation room, he doesn’t look like he’s faking. Don’t take him lightly guys, investigating cases is our home turf, next up is his forte.”

The vice squad heard the implication, “He’s already confessed to the crime, the evidence is overwhelming, can he still use legal loopholes to get off?”

Susan shook her head, “I don’t know. Vice team, you have more experience than me in this area, I’ll leave it to you.”

The vice squad nodded.

Jenny was not involved in the interrogation and was more curious about some of the details, “Since Dave is a calm person, why would he do something so irrational?”

Luke had more contact with Dave and could better understand Dave’s mind, “Jealousy, he was jealous of Steven.”

Jenny pursued, “Dave is a lawyer, rich and has status, why would he be jealous of Steven who is not as good as him? And Steven is still his good friend.”

Luke took a sip of his beer and continued, “You hit the nail on the head. Just the fact that Steven is his good friend, inferior to him in every way, yet married to the goddess of his dreams, is what makes Dave even more jealous.

This jealousy he had been building up for over a decade, like a water storage dam building up more and more, and Alyssa’s stripping at the club caused that dam to crumble, and the jealousy raged down, and he lost his mind.

Emotions are vicarious.

Calm people are mostly repressing their emotions, and once they lose their minds they go even crazier.”

Susan raised her glass in a gesture, “OK, looks like I’ll be coming to the bar more often from now on.”

“Haha ……”

The crowd laughed.

In the evening, Luke got home and his mom and brother were already asleep.

Luke took a shower and went back to bed as well.

Lying on the bed, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully solved the ‘Taser Robbery’, successfully rescued the victim Eliza, rewarded with 20 draw opportunities]

The last time he saved Daisy and caught the robber Tim, Luke gained ten lottery chances.

The Taser robbery case was more complicated and gained twenty lottery chances.

Although Luke wasn’t clear about the specific way the system evaluated, he could roughly guess that the more difficult the case was to solve, the richer the reward.

Then what are you waiting for, draw.

The pointer turned.

Random stop, selected area lit up, one thousand dollars.

Second draw, one thousand dollars.

Third draw, one thousand dollars.

Fourth draw, one thousand dollars.

Seven draws, wonder card.

Fifteen draws, bulletproof card.

The card has the word ‘Bullet Dodge’ written on it, and there is a small line of notes underneath [Passive card, function unknown].

List of prizes for this draw

‘Eighteen thousand dollars!

Strange Encounter Card, [Passive card, disappears automatically when a strange encounter occurs].

Bullet Dodge Card, [Passive card, function unknown]

Twenty draws and only two new cards were obtained, the winning rate was a bit low this time.

The good news is that the bonuses are generous.

The cards and bonuses moved to the warehouse screen on the left, there were a total of four reserve cards.

Adventure cards, 2 cards.

Detection card, 1 sheet.

Bullet Dodge Card, 1 sheet.

Bulletproof card, literally should belong to the protection type of card.

In the gun-ridden Los Angeles, this kind of protective card is very precious, which is like a layer of insurance for Luke.

However, there is a difference between bulletproof and bulletproof, the specific effect needs to be known after use.

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