Chapter 414

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:17
A+ A- Turn Off Light

New York City was the economic center, financial center, and commercial center of the United States, as well as one of the world’s three major financial centers.

The city carried too many honors.

Strictly speaking Luke was still in New York for the first time and had too much curiosity about the city.

Little Fatty was still young when he lived in New York, his memories were blurred long ago, and he was somewhat unfamiliar with the current New York.

In Luke’s proposal, father and son three people are ready to come to a day trip to New York, the tour route is developed by Li Zhaofeng.

In the morning, the weather was clear and sunny, a good day to play.

Father and son had breakfast, took the car to the pier, ready to take a boat tour of the Statue of Liberty.

This bronze statue is so famous that even if you haven’t heard of it, you’ve seen it in the movies, and it’s arguably an American symbol that has been destroyed I don’t know how many hundreds of times in sci-fi type movies.

Statue of Liberty bronze statue is not built by Americans, but by the French to build the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the United States Independence gift, the bronze statue in France casting is completed, disassembled and shipped to the United States, and assembled to complete.

Bronze statue is located in the Hudson River estuary location, cruise ships from far and near, just from the bronze statue under the past, perhaps too much fame for the reason, after seeing Luke think also okay.

The Statue of Liberty is built on a small island, you can also buy tickets to go to the island, Luke did not find it too interesting, and did not go to the island.

The cruise ship traveled to Pier 86 where there was a military and maritime history museum.

This was interesting and not to be missed by military buffs.

The museum displayed the USS Intrepid aircraft carrier, the USS Growler submarine, the Concorde and the Lockheed A-12 supersonic reconnaissance plane.

It’s a real military ship and you can look around inside, many of which are families with boys.

Fathers and sons were touring and discussing, chatting away, and some of the rustiness was gone.

This was the difference between fathers and mothers, Linda even if she brought the two brothers here to visit, the three would not have a common language.

The three of them visited the warship for a long time, and didn’t get off the ship until one o’clock in the afternoon.

After eating hot dogs at a roadside stand, father and son didn’t take a break to catch a bus to downtown Manhattan.

The place where they got out of the car was off Trinity Church Road, directly across the street there was a traffic light, in the light pole on the street signs clearly indicate that the small street across the street is Wall Street.

Wall Street is so narrow that it is hard to imagine that this is the street that plays the global economy into the palm of your hand.

Looking at both sides of the street lined with the world’s major banks, the New York Stock Exchange, had to believe it.

Wall Street is most famous than the big bronze bull, it gathered around a lot of people, people of all colors want to touch a hand.

Luke squeezed into the crowd and touched the bull’s head, hoping to make more money next year.

“Look at this!”

Li Zhaofeng shouted, and the two brothers took a picture with the bronze bull.

After that, they went to the Empire State Building, Fifth Avenue and Times Square, and looking at the black crowd, it was as if they were back in some pedestrian street in China.

After all this shopping, it was already 5:00 p.m. when we rushed to the last stop, Chinatown.

Father and son are a little tired after a day of play, come to Chinatown is not to play, but to eat.

Luke’s uncle, Li Zhaonian, runs a restaurant in Chinatown.

The family made a date to get together in the evening.

The last time Luke went to Washington to receive his award, he originally wanted to ask his father to go with him, but Li Zhaonian was recuperating from being hit by a car, so Li Zhaonian went to Washington as the family representative.

The most impressive thing is that this uncle loves to drink and has a good capacity for alcohol.

Jimanxiang Restaurant.

This restaurant mainly deals with Jizhou cuisine, which is not famous compared to the common Sichuan and Cantonese cuisine, but relatively few restaurants are open and the competition is small.

The restaurant wasn’t big, only about a hundred square meters, with two large round tables and the rest were tables for four.

“Big brother, Luke, Jack, come in and sit down.” A Chinese woman in her forties with a smile on her face welcomed Luke’s trio into the restaurant.


“Second Aunt.”

This woman was officially Li Zhaonian’s wife, Yao Xin.

“When did you guys come back?”

Luke said, “Came back yesterday.”

“It’s not easy to come back, so stay at home for a few more days. Auntie will cook you some good food.”


“You guys sit down for a while, I’ll go get you some water, Will knows you’re coming back and has been asking for the past two days.”

Li Zhaofeng said, “It’s not an outsider, you go and get busy, don’t worry about us.”

Not a moment later, a young Chinese man in his early twenties walked out, holding a teapot in his hand, pouring tea for the three, “Uncle, Luke, Jack.”

“Will.” Luke sized up the young man, his appearance was similar to his uncle’s, a little shorter than himself and on the thin side.

“Brother Will.” The little fat man picked up his cup of tea and drank it in one gulp, thirsty and tired from running all day today.

Luke asked, “Will, have you graduated from college yet?”

“I just graduated this year, and I didn’t find a suitable job, so my parents grabbed me.” Will glanced at his watch, “The store is open for the last day today, closing early, when these tables of guests are gone, it’s a break.”

Li Zhaofeng said, “There’s no rush, we’re tired after a day of spinning, we just happen to be sitting and resting.

You go and get busy.”

“It’s not busy, we stopped taking new guests half an hour ago, and the dishes are almost served.

My dad is cleaning up in the back kitchen, preparing to take two days off for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.”

“It’s time to take a break and rest, in the previous years, the tables were all wrapped for New Year’s Eve, and there was basically no rest for 365 days a year.” Li Zhaofeng laughed, “How did your dad figure it out this year.”

Chinese New Year is not a legal holiday in the United States, this day is not a vacation.

Although Chinese people also celebrate New Year, it is ultimately different from the country.

Will skimmed his lips, “It’s good that he figured it out, Chef Li and his wife went back to China for Chinese New Year this year, the store lost two people at once, and I gave up my job, so the store has only two people, him and my mom.

He wants to do it, but not open ah.”

Li Zhaofeng said, “Chef Li went back to China to celebrate the New Year, will not be able to come back for a while, opening on the second day of the year is not the same manpower shortage.”

“Is not enough, but other families are open on the second day of the month, my father can not stay at home.

In his words, he can do a few tables to do a few tables, then I can also help, the kitchen and restaurant both run, really busy to hire two people temporarily.” Will face some reluctance.

Luke is heard to understand, these days do what are not easy, their own when the police although hard, at least a lot of vacation.

As long as the overtime pay is not bad, it is still quite elegant.

This open restaurant all year round are not free: “Christmas also do not rest?”


Around Christmas is the busiest time for Chinatown restaurants. The week before Christmas, the restaurants are packed, and the number of reservations reaches two or three times the usual number.

On Christmas Day, people have to be hired on an ad hoc basis, otherwise it’s just too busy. Many foreigners are dragging their families to eat.”

As Will’s words fell, the four Asian guests at the large round table at the entrance stood up, looking like they were done eating and ready to leave.

Luke had noticed the people at that table earlier, loud, drinking and rowing, and not looking very high quality.

Although he had never owned a restaurant, he knew that restaurateurs were most fed up with such customers.

Will got up and walked to the round table at the door and said with a smile, “A few of you are done eating, do you want to pack a bag?”

An Asian man with dyed blue hair grunted, “Make a fur ah, say as if you have a large amount of food in your house.”

The smile on Will’s face disappeared, “One hundred and fifty dollars total.”

The bald man in the leather jacket next to him said, “Write it down, and count it later.”

Will’s face became even more ugly, “Boss Zhang, which time you came you also said to keep the account, looking at the New Year, our store will be closed tomorrow.

You this account is not also should end.”

“Settle you @#¥%…… I gave you face.” The blue-haired man pointed at Will’s nose and spat.

Luke listened to the familiar national curse, too damn …… affectionate.

It had been a long time since I heard it, and I really wanted to go up and give the blue-haired man two big mouths.

Luke also walked close to the front, did not say anything, but prepared to do it.

That bald head in these four people looks like the boss, once you do it first pack him ……

Li Zhaonian rushed over and pulled Will’s arm: “Brothers don’t be angry, he is young and can’t speak.”

Li Zhaonian heard the commotion and also hurriedly ran out from the back kitchen, “Boss Zhang, what’s going on here ah, how did you get into a fight, smoke a cigarette and calm the fire.”

Li Zhaonian hurriedly took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one for the bald man.

The bald man smoked a mouthful of cigarettes and asked Li Zhaonian, “Boss Li, my brothers didn’t bring any money with them today, so let’s keep score first, okay?”

“Our store doesn’t take credit, others definitely can’t. But I have to give you face.

Besides, we’re all from the same hometown, you can’t afford to pay for my meal.”

“Just because we’re from the same neighborhood, I’ll take care of your business, I don’t like to go to other stores.”

“You’re right.

I apologize to you on behalf of this child.”

“Okay, you’re busy, I’ll go first.”

“You go slowly.”

The bald man walked two steps, turned to Will and said: “Kid, Chinatown has the rules of Chinatown, learn from your father, it’s not easy for him to set up this family business, don’t smash it in your hands.”

Will and angry and annoyed, was Li Zhaofeng grabbed his arm, but there is nothing to do, can only watch this group of freeloaders swaggering away.

After this mess, the remaining two tables of guests did not have the heart to eat.

Li Zhaonian was busy apologizing, but also gave the other two tables of guests a discount.

Sent away the guests, the restaurant has no outsiders, Li Zhaonian’s face sank, a butt sitting in the chair: “I told you how many times, we are open for business, and peaceful only people are willing to come, you and the group of people on the bar, our business in the future still do not do?”

Will is not convinced: “Then let him eat and drink for free, he wants to come alone also forget it, every time with a group of people.

How much money do we have to eat in a year? If we all eat like him, the restaurant will go out of business.

Instead of being eaten up by them, it’s better to quit before it’s too late.”

Li Zhaonian waved his hand and said feebly, “You don’t need to be in charge of this, I know in my heart. Just don’t do your job as a runner to worry about the boss.”

Li Zhaofeng advised, “Zhaonian, you also say less, Will is also well-intentioned.”

Yao Xin pushed her husband, “Alright, your son is old enough, don’t say too much.

Pack up, we should eat too.”

Li Zhaonian nodded, in front of his big brother’s family of three, he couldn’t say anything else, and glared at Will, “Don’t freeze, go to the back kitchen and give me a hand.”

“You love to find whoever you want, I quit!” Will’s eyes reddened and he left a sentence and ran out.

Luke was about to chase him out to take a look when Li Zhaonian waved his hand in anger: “Leave him alone, let him go.

Raising him for nothing, he blows up after a few words.

Who did you learn that stinking problem from.”

“You two have the same stinky temper!” Yao Xin hurriedly walks to the door, where there is still the figure of her son.

Ten minutes later, the father and son trio left Ji Man Xiang.

After making such a mess, how could they still be in the mood to eat.

The little fatty was already too hungry to walk, and wrapped his arms around Luke’s arm, “Brother, I want to eat.”

Luke’s stomach was also rumbling, he ate a hot dog at noon, can he not be hungry?

Li Zhaofeng also some depressed, for the younger brother’s family is anxious, but not good to show on the face, the two sons is not easy to come back, he does not want his sons to play the pain, clean up the mood, pretending to be relaxed, asked: “What do you want to eat, Chinese food, or Western food?”

Li Zhaofeng is worried that the two sons are used to eating western food, always eat Chinese food will not be accustomed to.

“Just have meat.” Little Fatty was not picky.

Li Zhaofeng smiled, “Let’s go, there is a restaurant in front of us, I guarantee you haven’t eaten before.”

At this time, it was already dark.

The night in New York’s Chinatown was not very lively, and there were fewer pedestrians on the road.

Another hundred meters or so ahead, Anjia Lamb Shop.

Luke looked up at the plaque and knew that it was a Northwest restaurant.

Sure enough, a look at the menu secret roasted lamb, big plate chicken, red willow big skewers, grilled buns, pulled pork, hand-held rice, grilled naan and so on.

Li Zhaofeng thought that the two sons have not eaten Northwest cuisine, each of which ordered a copy, wanting to let the two sons have a taste.

A roasted leg of lamb, a small portion of chicken + noodles, ten red willow skewers, grilled fish, spicy lamb feet, three baked buns, a fried rice noodles, a hand-held rice, a grilled naan.

If you can’t eat it all, you can have it for breakfast in the morning.

Luke first came with a glass of cold beer, drank most of it in one gulp, quenching his thirst and hunger, cool.

Baked buns were the first to come up, Luke ate them in four bites, finally had food in his stomach, which asked: “Dad, what does Boss Zhang’s group do? By what right are they eating for nothing in the store.”

Li Zhaofeng watched his eldest son finish the roasted bun in a few mouthfuls, he wanted to give the remaining one roasted bun to his eldest son, but his youngest son finished it as well, he regretted to ask for less, fortunately the roasted leg of mutton was also served up, which dispensed with the embarrassment.

“Eat the mutton.”

Li Zhaofeng took the knife and cut two pieces of mutton and distributed them to his two sons, before he said, “They are from He Sheng Tang, that Boss Zhang is a gang leader, and he is considered half a hometown with us.

In the past, someone came to your uncle’s store to cause trouble, and he helped once.

Your uncle thought he was a good guy, and he was from the same hometown, so he might be useful in the future.

So he invited him to dinner a few times.

Who ever thought of sticking, basically once or twice a month, every time said that the bookkeeping, but never mentioned the matter of clearing the accounts.

He has a gang background, so your uncle wouldn’t dare to offend him.

This Chinatown is not quite the same as outside after all, and this has never been resolved.”

Luke asked, “Dad, do you need me to step in and help my uncle out.”

Li Zhaofeng shook his head, “Forget it, this is not something that can be resolved in a sentence or two.

Your uncle knows in his heart.”

Luke nodded and didn’t say anything more, concentrating on eating.

This wasn’t Los Angeles, it was New York.

He, a LAPD, didn’t have many privileges here.

If he really wanted to clean up this group of gangsters he still had to make connections, it wasn’t hard to clean them up, the hard part was to beat them up and make them afraid to retaliate.

Otherwise, if Luke leaves, they will go to the restaurant to make trouble, and uncle’s restaurant will not want to do business.

That way Luke is not helping, but harming them.

This matter also makes Luke a little upset, if this is in Los Angeles, where to look forward and backward, Luke early that group of people cleaned up.

Being in a different place, without the police uniform, Luke’s heart is a bit unsettled.

Thinking of this, Luke envied Anthony that guy, the FBI’s name where all good to make, there are not so many scruples, even to a foreign country can also bluff people.

There is a chance to get an identity, otherwise even Los Angeles does not dare to go out.

Li Zhaofeng ultimately underestimated the two sons, this meal down basically no leftovers, not to mention packaged dishes, the brothers divided the staple food.

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