Chapter 415

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:19
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“Crackle ……”

In the morning, Luke was woken up by the sound of a firecracker.

Luke put on his clothes and opened the door on the balcony, a blast of cold air hit him, making him shiver, this was the winter he was familiar with.

The weather in Los Angeles was comfortable, but it didn’t have the atmosphere of New Year’s Eve.

Not far from the street someone was setting off firecrackers, like a father and son of Asian descent, this neighborhood is closer to Chinatown and houses a lot of Chinese.

After setting off the firecrackers, the teenage boy, under the command of his father, cleaned up the firecrackers on the ground, not to say that they are more qualified, but just that if they do not clean up the firecrackers, they will be reported and fined.

The so-called civilization is all built under strict regulations and laws, and cannot be restrained by morality alone.

Luke changed his clothes, simply washed up, and went down to the second floor.

Li Zhaofeng was making breakfast in the kitchen, “Up, how did you sleep last night?”

“Not bad, just a little dry.” Luke cleared his throat.

This house is a bit old, although redecorated, but some pipes are difficult to replace, the heating pipe is still exposed, and not underfloor heating, the air will be drier, sleep a night throat is a bit unaccustomed.

Li Zhaofeng admonished, “New York is indeed drier than Los Angeles, you have to drink more water.”

Luke sat at the dining table and had a chat with his father, Li Zhaofeng always had a smile on his face when he was cooking, he liked this mode of getting along, and had always fantasized about this scene in his head.

The meal was almost ready, no need to call, the little fat man came down with a yawn.

“Good morning.”

Li Zhaofeng laughed, “Just in time for dinner.”

Little Fatty sat across from Luke, “What to eat?”

Little Fatty loves to eat, but he is also picky, especially in the morning when he just woke up with no appetite, and when he encounters something he doesn’t like to eat, he is also perfunctory.

“Salty food.” Li Zhaofeng put a spoonful of batter mixed with vegetable leaves into the pan.

Salted food is a traditional northern snack, also called spreading slices.

The ingredients were simple, flour, eggs, and vegetables.

Li Zhaofeng also fried bacon and ham as side dishes.

Little Fatty only took a look and immediately gulped, his appetite came.

Little Fatty picked up a sheet of savory food wrapped in bacon and ham, and ate it with a big mouthful.

Luke moved unhurriedly, but did not eat less than him.

It had to be said that Li Zhaofeng did put some thought into receiving his two sons.

After eating two salty foods, Luke was full and drank a glass of milk to smooth it out, “Did Will come home?”

“I sent a message to your second uncle, didn’t reply. I guess he’s still squirming.

Will this child is also stubborn, this is not the first time to run away from home.

Today’s New Year’s Eve, it’s not likely that he ran straight to your grandparents’ house.” Li Zhaofeng shook his head, his nephew has already graduated from college, he can not control too much.

Little Fatty also ate his fill: “When are we going to Grandma’s house?”

“Pack up and go.

Your grandparents live in the suburbs, it’s more spacious than our side.”

Unlike Los Angeles, the housing prices in the suburbs of New York were lower than the city center.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that houses in the suburbs of New York are cheap, it only means that houses in the center of New York are too expensive.

Which American doesn’t want to buy an apartment next to Central Park?

Luke’s father and son drove to the Surot neighborhood.

Luke’s grandparents were here.

The house was a small two-story building with an open yard, a flagstone path flanked by green lawns, and a black pickup truck sitting in front of the garage on the east side.



As soon as they entered the yard, the little fat man began to yell.

The three of them walked into the house and an old man in his seventies came out of the kitchen and smiled, “Luke and Jack are back, come on in.”



Luke and Jack both took the initiative to call out.

“Good.” Luke’s grandmother was also full of smiles and beckoned, “Come over, see what kind of delicious food grandma is cooking.”

There was a frying pan set up in the kitchen, and the old man and the old lady were frying New Year’s goods balls, tofu, scalloped fish and so on.

The old lady took a piece of crispy meat from the pot of fried New Year’s goods and put it into Little Fatty’s mouth.

“Cluck ……” Little Fatty chewed vigorously and ate with a smile on his face.

“Is it delicious?”


The old lady also took a piece and handed it to Luke.

Luke also secretly praised, this is the flavor of the New Year.

Li Zhaofeng asked, “Mother, why don’t I help you guys fry it together?”

“No, don’t get your hands dirty, it’ll be ready soon.” The old lady waved her hand.

Li Zhaofeng knew that the frying pan couldn’t be stopped, “Okay, then you guys go ahead and fry, I’ll take them to clean up the rest, we’ll talk later.”


Li Zhaofeng greeted and took Luke’s brothers to sweep the yard, put up couplets and fortune words ……

After cleaning up, the house looked much more festive.

At noon, the family simply ate some fried New Year’s food, and the evening was the main event.

In the afternoon, Li Zhaonian couple also came, also brought a lot of is the ingredients.

The old man took a look at only two of them: “Will it?”

Li Zhaonian perfunctorily said, “Went to a friend’s house, will come over later.”

“Luke and Jack are here, why did he go to a friend’s house?” The old man was a little upset.

Li Zhaofeng helped to round up the situation, “It’s fine, their brothers met yesterday.”

Luke looked at the bad atmosphere and pulled Little Fatty out to set off the cannons.

“Crackling ……” a burst of cannons, the flavor of the year is more full.

“Brother, I see that there are fireworks in the garage, let’s eat the rice bowl and set off fireworks.”

“Good.” Luke hadn’t put them off in years either.

Toward evening, the preparation of the New Year’s Eve dinner began.

The Li family is from the north, making dumplings is essential.

Li Zhaonian was the chef, and had long prepared the ingredients in advance, with vegetables, seafood, and meat.

At seven o’clock in the evening, the dumplings were finished and the dishes were ready.

Braised silver pomfret, donkey meat in sauce, hairy blood wanton, pot-packed elbow, steamed tofu sandwich, stir-fried baby bok choy, sweet and sour shrimp.

Worthy of being a professional cook, this table of New Year’s Eve dinner is made with all the colors and flavors.

Little Fatty couldn’t take his eyes off the side and couldn’t wait for the meal to start right away.

Luke habitually pinched his head, signaling him to be a little out of breath.

“Serve the food!” Li Zhaonian shouted.

The dishes were brought to the table one after another.

The old man took out two bottles of Maotai and smiled, “I bought this a few years ago, I’m happy today, let’s drink it.”

The old lady turned on the TV and found Central One to watch the Spring Festival Gala: “Eh, why isn’t Will here yet.

Zhaonian, you give him a call, it’s dark, ask if you need to pick him up.”

Li Zhaonian is also worried, the rabbit child does not know where, where to pick up?

He must have a big face, but also let me pick up.

New Year’s Eve is still making trouble, they do not know to go home?

Li Zhaonian thought more and more angry, and do not know how to tell parents.

I don’t want to lie to my parents, but I’m afraid they’ll be worried if they find out.

This bastard boy, really do not let people worry.

The old man also saw the problem: “Zhaonian, what’s going on?”

Li Zhaonian can only say seven parts true and three parts false, “I argued with that kid a few times, he hid at a friend’s house and refused to come back.”

“I’ll call him, Will listens to me the most.” The old lady pulled out her cell phone.

“Mom and Dad, leave him alone, the kid is probably still angry and won’t answer the phone.” Li Zhaonian also said perfunctorily.

The old lady still made a call and didn’t get through.

The old man sank his face, “Zhaonian, you are over forty years old, why are you still so unstable.

This New Year’s Eve, what are you angry with the child.”

Yao Xin said, “Dad, I don’t blame Zhaonian, Will is also stubborn.

Tomorrow Zhaonian and I will go to a friend’s house to pick him up.”

“Alright, let’s eat first.” The old man still carried a few pains.

The wine was good, the food was good, but everyone had something on their mind, and the New Year’s Eve dinner was not enjoyable.

Only Little Fatty didn’t care and ate openly.

After finishing the meal and cleaning up the dishes, Li Zhaonian and Yao Xin drove off.

Li Zhaonian originally wanted to bring his son to stay, so that both grandchildren could accompany their grandparents.

But fearing that his parents would ask after Will, he also took his son home.

Luke didn’t like saucy wine and drank less, so he drove back by him.

It’s a good thing that New York is more lenient in checking for drunk driving, otherwise the family would have been in one pot.

Little Fatty lay on the back seat and slapped his head, “I forgot to put on fireworks.”

Li Zhaofeng said, “Let’s do it tomorrow, everyone is not in the mood today.”

Little Fatty asked, “Dad, where did Will go?”

“Your uncle doesn’t know either, if he knew where he was, he would have dragged him back long ago.

It’s a pain in the ass, too.”

“Are Will and Uncle having other conflicts?” Luke felt that last night’s incident shouldn’t have caused such a big gap between father and son, and that last night’s quarrel might just be the trigger.

Lee Siu Fung sighed, “Your uncle wanted Will to learn cooking and give the restaurant to him in the future.

Will is not too happy about it and wants to break in on his own.”

“Then let’s break into it, he’s still young.

If he’s just graduated from college and is confined to the restaurant, he’s not going to be happy about it.

The more you force him, the more he’ll resent it.”

“Will didn’t go to a good university, and your uncle is worried that he’ll be useless for a few years, so he might as well learn to cook earlier.

The restaurant is at least his own property, your uncle can also teach him by hand, better than outside.”

In fact, Luke also agrees with his uncle Li Zhaonian’s view, young people are big-hearted, always think they can break into a career, but in fact, very few can be successful, and even if they are successful, they mostly rely on their father’s relationship.

Will took over the family restaurant, with the foundation laid by his father, while young and energetic, ideas, the restaurant will be well developed and expanded, is the best way.

Luke second life as a man, has understood that success is mostly standing on the shoulders of giants, and giants are often your fathers, in the father’s work in the field of deep plowing, is definitely a safe shortcut.

But Luke equally knows that it’s not easy to make young people understand this, some of the road has to be walked by oneself, only after experiencing it personally and hitting the south wall will you turn back, only then will you willingly walk on.

“It’s better to let Will go out and break in, it’s best to break out on your own.

Even if he fails, his heart will be free of thoughts, and he will naturally take over the restaurant willingly.”

“It looks like …… it can only be like this.” Li Zhaofeng nodded his head, he knew that his brother could not manage, rather than father and son on top of each other, it is better to discuss.

As it is now, the meltdown, even people can not be found, more anxious.

Li Zhaofeng glanced at his eldest son, fortunately not growing crooked.

He was satisfied and proud of Luke’s current situation.

The year before last, Luke was still a short-tempered, temperamental ‘bad boy’, this year he knows too much, not only has he succeeded in his career, he has also matured in dealing with others and has become like a man.

With him taking care of Jack in Los Angeles, he was also relieved.

Luke habitually swept a glance in the rearview mirror, vaguely feel the car behind some familiar, seems to have seen in the last last intersection.

Could it be that he was being followed, it shouldn’t be, right?

Even if someone wants to be unfavorable to himself, can he still follow him to New York?

Luke again a trace of vigilance, no one dares to provoke themselves in Los Angeles, but in New York is not the same, if someone wants to deal with themselves, this is really a good time.

Luke recalled the people he had offended recently, could it be those two gangs in Mexico?

The cases of those two gangs were finally handed over to the FBI to be wrapped up by the FBI, even if they were to take revenge, they shouldn’t be looking for themselves.

Could it be the professor?

He was wanted by himself in Los Angeles, and he ran to New York to take revenge?

If that was the case, it would be a good opportunity to capture him instead.

However, before that, one has to ensure the safety of his father and brother.

A black Citroen sedan tailed Li Zhaofeng’s Volvo into the neighborhood, the car was far away and had its lights out, making it hard to spot.

Luke’s father and son got out of the car and returned home with a smile on their faces.

There was a white man sitting in the passenger side of the black Citroen, taking pictures with his camera.

The man in the driver’s side parked the car a short distance away, “These Chinese seem to be celebrating ‘Chinese New Year’, I heard it’s kind of like Christmas.”

The white man in the passenger side puts away his camera, “How long are we going to keep an eye on them tonight? Anyone switching shifts?”

“Who knows?”

“Go to bed then, I’ll keep watch.” The white man in the passenger compartment looked toward Li Zhaofeng’s house.

“I’m hungry, I need to eat something first.” The driver opened the car locker and took out a bag of bread from it, “Do you want some?”

“Buzz ……”

The man on the passenger side took out his cell phone and glanced at the screen, “Boss, what are your orders?”

“Where are you?”

“The target went home, we’re on stakeout outside.”

A low voice came from the phone, “Leave immediately.”

“There’s no one on shift yet.”

“Never mind that, evacuate immediately.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Don’t ask for now, if you encounter an accident, don’t actively attack the other party, and focus on evacuating.

Protect yourself.”


The white man on the passenger side turned off his cell phone and cursed in a low voice, “What the hell?”


“Evacuate this place immediately.”

The driver started the car while asking, “What happened? Could it be that we’ve been discovered?”

“The hell knows!”

The car started slowly and drove off into the distance.

There was an extra pair of eyes in the shadows on the side of the house, and Luke slowly stepped out with a puzzled look on his face.

He took out his cell phone and zoomed in on the photo on the screen, and could see the license plate number of the black Citroen sedan.

Luke sent the license plate to Matthew and sent a message, “Man, check it out for me, I’ll buy you dinner when I get back.”

Matthew replied, “It’s a New York license plate, are you in New York?”

“Yes. Was it difficult?”

“A little.

It’s LAPD’s system, not NYPD.”

“That’s why I’m looking for you.”

“OK, I’ll try.”

“Let me know first thing in the morning.”


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