Chapter 416

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:25
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“Ha ……”

Luke came down from the second floor with a yawn and greeted Li Zhaofeng and Little Fatty who were sitting in the dining room.

“Good morning.”

Little Fatty generally set the dinner plates while saying, “You got up late.”

Luke sat at the dining table, “Just fine.”

Because he was followed by someone last night, Luke slept a bit uneasily, and if those two people still dared to follow them, Luke would definitely settle the score with them with interest.

“Out of the pot.” Li Zhaofeng began to use fishing dumplings.

Little Fatty spread his hands, “Didn’t we just eat the dumplings last night?”

Li Zhaofeng drained the dumplings of water, “This is a tradition from our old home side.”

Little Fatty was curious: “Dad, how many years have you been in America?”

Li Zhaofeng thought for a moment, “Almost thirty years.”

“How long has it been since you went back to China?”

Li Zhaofeng thought for a moment, “Almost ten years.”

Little Fatty curiously said, “You always talk about tradition, and I haven’t seen you go back to China.”

Li Zhaofeng put two plates of dumplings on the dining table, “Ten years ago, your great grandfather passed away, your grandfather’s heart is no longer in his mind, and he did not open up to go back to China.

In addition, the cost of going back to China is too high, in addition to airfare, there are all sorts of human affairs, and even relatives to borrow money.

Basically, there is borrowing without repayment, regardless of how much, the heart is not happy.”

Li Zhaofeng brought a plate of dumplings in front of himself, “Do you guys eat Laba garlic?”

“I eat.” Luke has not eaten garlic for a long time, dumplings with garlic has a different flavor.

Li Zhaofeng held a glass bottle with green garlic cloves soaked in vinegar, he gave a few cloves to his eldest son and asked his youngest son, “Do you want it?”

“No, I don’t like having a bad taste in my mouth.”

Li Zhaofeng said, “Lapacho garlic doesn’t have much flavor, it’s okay to eat two less.”

Little Fatty took a couple of looks and shook his head, “Forget it, this color looks weird.”

Luke, on the other hand, ate with relish, since it was New Year’s Eve, it was more appropriate to eat some traditional food, eating is an atmosphere.

The little fat man does not like to eat garlic, but the dumplings filled with beef and scallions are very flavorful, the skin is thin and stuffed, the meatballs are very firm, basically a mouthful or two mouthfuls of one.

While eating, his mouth muttered, “Dad, what are our plans today?”

“Going to your grandpa’s house for a reunion dinner at noon, this year is also considered finished, in the afternoon I want to take you guys to Chinatown for a look around, the last time I went there it was already late and I didn’t have time to play.

There are still some nice things there.” Li Zhaofeng wanted his two sons to learn more about traditional Chinese culture.

For that matter, Luke, though he didn’t talk much, was more familiar and comfortable with traditional Chinese culture.

Jack was a bit worse, more curious, but it was good to have curiosity, and after knowing more, he would naturally understand.

Little Fatty asked, “Will Auntie’s family be there at noon today?”

“Yes.” After saying this, Li Zhaofeng explained, “According to the tradition of our hometown, it’s usually the second day of the month when we go back to our mother’s home, but New York doesn’t have a vacation for the Spring Festival, so we all have our own things to do, so why don’t we just sit down together and get together.”

Little Fatty said, “California has already listed the Spring Festival as a legal holiday, today is the first year of its official implementation, our school has a day off, and it is for this reason that it is easier for me to take a long vacation.”

Li Zhaofeng nodded: “This is a good sign, I hope the New York government can learn from it as well.”

“Ringing ……,” Luke’s cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone to see that it was Matthew’s number.

“I’m going to take a call.”

“Aren’t you going to eat your dumplings?” The little fat man finished his share and stared at the dumplings on Luke’s plate, Luke had eaten them all by chucking them into the dipping saucer and left the rest untouched.

Luke “……”

I’m just taking a call.

Little Fatty nodded to himself, “OK, I got it.”

Little Fatty is a man of action and directly clips the dumplings on Luke’s plate and eats them.

Luke “……”

I didn’t say anything, how did I get it?

Luke can still say what, can not turn off this thousands of miles between the phone, only to noon there is a big meal to comfort themselves.

Eat less, eat good food at noon, make up for it.

Luke went back to his bedroom and pressed the answer button, “This is Luke.”

“Captain, I ran that license plate number, it’s a setup, the original car would have been a white Toyota.”

“Anything else?”


“I see.”

“Anything else?”

“Hard at work, I’ll buy you a drink when I get back.”

Luke hung up his cell phone, not really surprised by the outcome.

Luke would have been more surprised if someone had dared to follow him in his own car.

What kind of person was it?

It was hard to guess with the few clues he got.

The best thing to do would be to wait until the next time they followed, and Luke would ask in person.

The process of asking might create some misunderstanding and small friction, Luke had to find a buttress first.

After thinking about it, Luke took out his cell phone and dialed Anthony’s number, “Hey, is it easy to talk?”

“Yea, wanna buy me a drink?”

“Wait till I get back.

I’m in New York right now, got into a little trouble.”

“What were you doing in New York?”

“My father is over here in New York and I came to spend the Chinese New Year with him.”

“A traditional Chinese festival?”


“Thanks to your father, I got an extra day off too.”

Luke laughed, “Then you have a lot of people to thank.”

“OK, tell me, what happened to you?”

“Last night, I was followed, I had it checked out, it was a set up car.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I’m worried about getting into trouble with them, LAPD identities don’t work too well over here, and I need an identity to back me up.

Can you help me get an identity with the FBI.”

“You want to join the FBI?”

“No, just get a temporary identity.”

“The FBI’s work is very important, and the requirements for an agent’s identity are very strict, so it’s not too easy.

However, I can help you think of a way.”

“Thanks, count me as owing you a favor.” Luke hung up his cell phone.

In fact, Luke was not very worried about his own safety, he carried two pistols with him, which was enough to protect himself, he was just worried that it would spread to his loved ones.

After the meal, the family drove to Luke’s grandfather’s house again.

As soon as they got out of the car, Little Fatty ran inside with his ass in the air and yelled, “Good New Year’s to Grandpa and Grandma, I pay my respects to you.”

“Good good good.”

The old couple rushed to welcome out, “Good New Year, give you a red envelope.”

The little fat man joyfully took it, opened it, it was loaded with one hundred dollars, smiled more happily.

Luke also followed the New Year’s greetings, and similarly obtained a red envelope.

Luke already worked, originally did not want, but could not resist the two old man hard to give.

Since it was a piece of the old man’s heart, Luke also accepted it.

Not long after, uncle and aunt also came.

The little fat man ran to pay his respects again, and obtained another red envelope.

Will did not follow, Li Zhaonian although his face with a smile, but the smile is a little forced, as soon as he entered the door went to the kitchen to work.

Grandma Luke also went into the kitchen, talked to Li Zhaonian in a low voice, and came out with a somewhat ugly face.

Just then, another car pulled up outside the courtyard.

An Asian woman in her forties walked down from the car, the woman’s appearance and Li Zhaofeng brothers have a few similarities, it is Luke’s aunt Li Wan.

Little Fatty did not feel rusty at all, “Auntie, good New Year, I pay my respects to you.”

“Good New Year.” Li Wan responded with a smile and handed the little fatty a red envelope.

Behind Li Wan was also a young woman around twenty years old, precisely Li Wan’s daughter Julia Chen.

Luke also went up to greet her, “Happy New Year, Auntie.”

“Happy New Year.

When did you guys come back?”

“Came on the 19th. Didn’t your aunt and cousin come?”

“Your aunt’s law firm has been busy lately, so he had a client appointment today, and he said he’d take everyone to dinner some other time.

Matt is away at college and won’t be back this year.”

Luke nodded his head and said to his cousin aside, “Julia, you’re getting prettier and prettier, I wouldn’t even dare to recognize you if I met you out of town.”

Julia was tall and somewhat thin, with a ponytail, very youthful vigor, “Luke, I heard that you received an award at the White House, or the president himself, really?”

Luke was about to speak, the little fat man drilled over, “Look at this.” Little Fatty took out his cell phone and clicked on a picture of Luke giving the award and a picture of him sitting in the guest seat, “Actually, I was there.”

Little Fatty gave a look that said, you can ask me.

Julia smiled, “Jack, I heard you got a girlfriend? Is she pretty?”

“Sure, her name is Maggie, the prettiest girl in our school, bar none.

I have a picture of her, do you want to see it?” The little fat man had a show-off look on his face.

The old lady said, “Let me see what my future granddaughter-in-law looks like.

Luke, where is your girlfriend?”

Luke laughed, “I’m an unmarried person.”

The old lady shrugged, “That’s what your uncle said when he was young.”

“Really? My uncle was so forward thinking?”

Li Wan laughed, “He was young when he came to America and was brought astray by the locals.

Your grandmother fretted about it for several years until she met your second aunt.”

The old lady said, “I wouldn’t fret over the same thing twice.

Luke, I hope you get there early enough to meet the right girl.”

Luke didn’t argue, who can say what will happen in the future, whether to be a slag or a prodigal son, it depends on fate.

Luke did not say how it must be, happy sex is good.

At noon, another table of good food, the family gathered around to eat a reunion dinner.

Li Wan asked about Will, so that the meal has a hint of shade.

Luke is not affected, the morning was not full, noon naturally have to eat a little more, and so authentic home cooking, go outside can not eat.

After the meal, Luke took out the gifts he bought in Los Angeles and gave them to the loved ones who were present, as for those who were not present, they also asked their family members to pass them on.

As the saying goes, “many people do not blame, received the gift of Julia obviously Luke warmed up a few points.

After dinner, the family sat together and chatted.

After two o’clock in the afternoon, Li Zhaonian took Luke and Little Fatty to play in Chinatown.

Li Zhaonian and his wife also went back to Chinatown to pack up in the afternoon and prepare for business tomorrow.

Father and son came to Chinatown, parked the car in the nearby parking lot and walked into the Chinatown market.

Chinatown is not only Chinese stores, there are also foreign stores, the entrance is not far from a store selling hats, the owner is an Indian.

Three hats cost only ten dollars.

Father and son bought a baseball cap each.

The store also has some other small commodities, a wide range, a little like Yiwu branch.

Chinatown stores have a characteristic, all the stores are labeled with two languages, English and Chinese, or traditional Chinese characters.

There are many small stores selling souvenirs on the street, jewelry with American flags, handbags with Lady Liberty printed on them, sunglasses, watches, etc., mostly for tourists.

For these stores, the father and son trio just skimmed over them.

Li Zhaofeng took his sons to Chinatown not only to show them around, but also to let them understand and be exposed to more Chinese culture.

When he came across such stores, Li Zhaofeng would take his sons around, such as porcelain, theater face painting, stalls selling gourds, copper coins, Chinese knots, and Go.

Li Zhaofeng also bought a pair of Xiangqi for his brothers, the reason why he bought Xiangqi instead of Weiqi is that he only knows Xiangqi, and does not want to show weakness in front of his sons.

Chinatown’s restaurants are varied, Luke also saw a Zhang Liang spicy hot pot, let him have a kind of time and space reversal illusion, I do not know whether the authentic.

Along the way, Luke they also encountered a few waves of tourists, people of all colors, in a foreign country, the mysterious ancient oriental country is still very attractive.

Walking, they turned to the vicinity of Li Zhaonian’s restaurant, Li Zhaonian was ready to go in to rest for a while, and ask about Will, it’s best if you can help, even if you can’t, it’s not good to pretend you don’t know.


“Someone died over there!”

An Asian amah rushed into the street at the speed of a hundred-meter race.

Ji Man Xiang Restaurant.

Inside the kitchen.

Li Zhaonian is wiping the stove with a rag, it was supposed to be cleaned up before closing time, but that night father and son had a fight and the work was not done.

Li Zhaonian seems a little distracted, wiping wipe with the right foot accidentally kicked the oil drum, this is a small matter, but Li Zhaonian heart irritable, and kicked a kick will be the oil drum kicked down.

Fortunately, the oil drum is covered with a lid, no oil leakage.

Yao Xin walked into the kitchen and asked, “What’s going on here? The good-for-nothing oil drum invited you to mess with you.”

Li Zhaonian glared at his wife and didn’t answer, his right hand flung the rag aside and walked out of the kitchen.

Yao Xin also sighed and did not speak again, after so many years, she knew very well that if she said one more word, the couple would have to quarrel.

Yao Xin also out of the kitchen, sitting in the dining room chair, twisting her head to look at her husband: “Where do you think Will went?

He didn’t answer his phone, and several of his close friends have asked him, but they all said they haven’t seen him.

This New Year’s Eve, not even a phone call.

Hey, really do not let people worry ……”

Li Zhaonian grunted: “What does he care, he is not a three-year-old child, has been more than twenty people, what do not know.

I like him so big time early in the restaurant work, a day dry twelve hours.

Unlike him, he’s not in tune day after day and says he’s tired after a few hours of work.

Leave him alone.

Doesn’t he want to go out?

Let him go, I’d like to see how capable he can be ……”

“Kill people!”

“Kill people!” The Asian amah’s voice was so penetrating that it could be heard from a long distance away.

Li Zhaonian froze for a moment and violently stood up and ran out.

“What are you going for? The apron hasn’t been taken off yet.” Yao Xin shouted, and the other party didn’t even look back.

Li Zhaonian stopped the Asian amah: “Old sister-in-law, where did someone die, do you recognize them?”

“dumping garbage over there, died a man, two legs still drooping outside, I did not dare to come over to see, strange scary ……”

When Li Zhaonian heard, he quickly ran over in the direction of the garbage can.

Yao Xin also turned pale and chased after him.

Li Zhaonian gasping for breath, ran to an alley, the alley next to a row of garbage cans, at this time, the garbage cans have gathered around a lot of people.

Li Zhaonian peeled off the crowd, to the side of the garbage cans, and saw a blue garbage can outside the exposed two legs, he took a deep breath, and went over to check.

A man’s chest is stained with blood, his face is dirty, his head is tilted, and he can only see the side of his face, but his body is much thicker than Will.

Luckily it wasn’t ……

Li Zhaonian breathed a sigh of relief, feeling his body going weak.

Immediately, his face stared again, this person ……

He seems to recognize.

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