Chapter 417

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Woo-hoo ……”

A police car emblazoned with NYPD pulled up alongside the street.

Two Asian patrolmen stepped out of the car and shouted to the crowd of onlookers, “Who called it in?”

“It was me. ” said a Chinese-American man in his thirties.

The Asian patrolman asked, “You saw a body?”

“Yes, right over there.” The Chinese-American man pointed to a trash can in the crowd.

“NYPD, move over.” The Asian patrolman pushed his way through the crowd and walked over to the trash can to check it out, frowned slightly, held down his walkie-talkie and said.

“This is unit 3C4, we responded to the reported location and found a male body, calling for backup, over.”

Another Asian patrolman waved his hand, signaling for the crowd to back off, and took out a cordon from his car to protect the scene.

Soon, several police cars arrived at the scene and attempted to evacuate the surrounding crowd.

Li Zhaonian was still standing frozen not far away.

Yao Xin was timid and didn’t dare to move forward, pulling her husband’s arm and saying, “Let’s go, I know what you’re worried about.

I just heard a dead person, also have bad ideas, also scared.

When I saw the legs exposed outside the trash can, I knew it wasn’t, it was a false alarm.”

Yao Xin tugged her husband back, found that her husband is still unsettled: “Zhaonian, what’s wrong with you? Scared by the dead? Not bold enough to still come forward.”

“You know who I saw?”


“Zhang Qilong.”

Yao Xin was also a bit surprised, the figure of a bald man floated in her mind, “Really, didn’t he come to the store two days ago to eat for free?”

“Can’t be wrong, it’s him.” Li Zhaonian’s tone was certain.

“Did he offend someone?

He’s a member of Wo Sheng Tang, it seems that Chinatown is going to be in chaos, and business will be even worse.” Yao Xin looked a little complicated.

Hearing his wife’s words, Li Zhaonian was relieved, right, Zhang Qilong is a gangster, it’s common to fight with others, and he has offended a lot of people.

It’s not worth worrying about.

Thinking of this, Li Zhaonian’s footsteps a few points lighter.

He walked to the door of the store, saw the store sitting people, was about to greet, but found that it was his own family.

Li Zhaonian looked at the couple who returned in pairs, “Where did this go? Don’t even care about the store.”

“Someone died over there, let’s go over and take a look.” Yao Xin responded and greeted, “You guys sit down first, I’ll go pour some tea.”

Little Fatty reveals a curious look, “Second Uncle, we also heard someone shouting about a murder just now.

I wanted to go and take a look, but my dad and my brother wouldn’t let me.

How did they die, male or female?”

Li Zhaofeng said, “Why are you a child asking this? Not afraid of not being able to sleep at night.”

Luke said: “I do not sleep with you at night.”

Li Zhaonian “……”

I’m afraid this ‘kid’ weighs more than himself.

Li Zhaonian turned his words around, “Any news from Will?”

“No, the two of us are also fretting.” Li Zhaonian finally spoke softly.

Although it was a false alarm, he was still afraid.

It was quite silly to think about it, how could a parent fight a child.

Li Zhaonian proposed, “Not going home on this New Year’s Eve is quite disturbing.

With Will better relations with the people have asked?”

Li Zhaonian said, “Will’s friends and classmates have all asked, and all said they haven’t seen him.”

Yao Xin walks out with a teapot, “This kid doesn’t know where he’s gone, no news for two days, in the past, even if he had a temper tantrum, he wouldn’t even be able to find anyone.”

Luke asked, “How did you contact Will’s friends and classmates?”

Li Zhaonian said, “Called and asked.”

“Uncle, since they are on good terms with Will, they must be helping Will, and their words can’t be trusted in full.”

Yao Xin’s face showed a touch of joy, “Right, we should go to the door and ask.”

“You know where people live?” Li Zhaonian felt a headache, his children were all debts.

Although Li Zhaonian couple let Luke’s father and son eat before leaving, but Will did not find, the couple is upset, father and son of the three which is good to stay to add to the chaos.

In the evening, Luke took a shower and dialed a video call to Orty in bed, only to have the other party switch to a voice call, “Hey, beautiful, why don’t you turn on the video?”

“Afraid I’ll scare you.” Orty’s crisp voice rang out on the phone.

“I was looking for something exciting.”

The video lit up, revealing a white face mask, but still showing the delicate contours of the cheeks, “Like it?”

Luke laughed, “The camera goes down a bit.”

“Is there enough down here?” Orty pointed the camera at her feet, very tender and delicate, with red nail polish.

Luke complimented, “I like the color, it suits you.”

Orty rolled her eyes, “Something wrong? I can’t talk right now, this mask is expensive and I don’t want it to go to waste.”

“I just wanted to tell you that I’m here in New York.

Do you want any gifts?

I’ll bring it to you when I get back.”

“Why did you go to New York all of a sudden?”

“To spend Chinese New Year with my dad.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.

I don’t have anything to bring for now.

But thanks for thinking of me.”

“OK, see you in LA.”

Orty shifted the camera toward her chest, a tantalizing flash of cleavage, and said somewhat playfully, “Good night.”

The video cut off and Luke’s smile tightened.

This voice video of his appeared to be titillating, but in fact, he was intentionally revealing the news that he was in New York.

This trip to New York, although it is a family visit, but let Luke’s psyche is a little unsettled, he is here and can not use too much LAPD resources, Anthony’s side has not returned the letter, even if the letter is returned, Luke is only borrowing the identity of the FBI, can not mobilize too much FBI resources.

At this time, the role of Ortiz came out, Pinkerton Detective Agency’s business may not be able to spread throughout the United States, but the major cities must have a detective agency, New York, the world’s largest metropolis is even more so.

The New York Police Department must have Pinkerton Detective Agency’s network of relationships, similar to Orty and their own, really need to perhaps more practical than the FBI’s relationship.

After all, Luke was a contracted consultant with the Pinkerton Detective Agency and had a long-standing relationship.

This was also the reason why he and Orty had contacted each other, it was better to have a good relationship ahead of time and let her know that she was in New York than to ask for help when things went wrong.

Some women still eat this up.

Early the following morning.

After eating breakfast, Luke and his father sat in the living room drinking tea.

On the side of the little fat man again with Maggie video, the two of you, the little fat man also pretend cute, pampering, listening to Luke rolled his eyes.

He suddenly misses Los Angeles, this time of the year, Los Angeles is still very warm, you can sit in the yard and drink tea, New York does not have this condition.

“Dad, what are we doing today?” Luke didn’t want to listen to the little fat man get bored, he had to find something to do.

Li Zhaofeng suggested, “How about I teach you guys how to play chess?”

“Sounds good.” Luke knew how to play chess, he just hadn’t played in many years, he still remembered the rules of chess, how much skill was left was unknown.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he practiced.

“Jack, go to the house and get the chess pieces.”

The little fat man was disgruntled, “Why me?”

Luke spread his hands, “You want to get beaten up?”

“Sure enough, you’re still the ‘good’ brother.” The chubby little man’s pitch drew up, emphasizing a certain word.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Little Fatty twisted his head, muttered two sentences in a low voice, bid farewell to Maggie fondly, and went upstairs to get the chess set.

Subsequently, the father and son three began to play chess.

The rules of chess were simple and easy to learn, Little Fatty was young and had a good memory, so he learned quickly.

Luke used to know how to do it, he just hadn’t played it for a long time, and after playing a few games the feeling came.

The pleasure between men was simple, as long as they could get together to study something, it was easy to get addicted.

Without realizing it, it was noon, and Little Fatty, from a newcomer, had mastered the rules of chess and moved a few simple combinations.

Luke progressed even faster, can and Li Zhaofeng kill back and forth, he liked the wide open play, sometimes a wave of the next two directly replaced away from the horse cannon rook.

“Jingling ……”

Suddenly a cell phone ringing.

Li Zhaofeng took out his cell phone and pressed the answer button: “Zhaonian, something?

In, what’s wrong?

You don’t rush, slowly say.

Well well, we’ll go over here.”

Li Zhaofeng hung up his cell phone, his face was a bit gloomy.

Luke asked, “What’s wrong?”

“The police went to your uncle’s restaurant and said they were looking for Will to find out what happened.”

“Found Will?”

“No, that’s why they found your uncle’s restaurant. Your uncle panicked and didn’t know how to react?”

Luke was puzzled, “Why are the police looking for Will?”

“It seems to have something to do with the man who died in Chinatown yesterday.

That dead man was the bald guy who ate bully food at the restaurant, and the police seem to know that he had a run-in with Will.

Your uncle doesn’t know how to react now.

The police are right next to him, and he’s not being very clear.

Said he wanted you to go over and help with the situation.”

Luke put down his chess piece, “Let’s go.”

Although he didn’t know the NYPD, he was familiar with the police’s way of handling cases and knew how to respond to the police’s inquiries, and could also learn some information from the police’s inquiries.

Li Zhaofeng looked at his youngest son on the side: “Jack, you don’t have to go, stay home, I’ll order you a pizza.”

Luke thought of being followed that night and was a bit uneasy about his brother, “Come along.

He’s older too.

Some exposure to things isn’t a bad thing.”

Li Zhaofeng thought that his eldest son was worried about his youngest son learning about Will’s rebellion and wanted to give him a warning, so he nodded in agreement.

Ji Man Xiang.

There was a police car parked in front of the restaurant, and there were a few neighbors outside looking into the store from time to time.

Mr. and Mrs. Li Zhaonian were sitting at the table somewhat handcuffed.

There were two other Asian patrolmen in the store, a man and a woman.

The male patrolman said in Chinese, “Mr. Li, you don’t have to be nervous, we’re just looking for Will to find out some information.”

Li Zhaonian said helplessly, “I’ve told you guys many times, I really don’t know where he is.

What exactly are you guys looking for him to learn about?”

“According to the clues we got, he is likely to have some connection with the 1.22 Chinatown murder case.”

Li Zhaonian revealed a worried look, “Impossible, you guys must be mistaken.

It’s impossible for my son to be connected to the murder case.”

The male police officer asked, “We also hope so, that’s why we looked for him to understand the situation, since he is innocent of the case, why doesn’t he take the initiative to make things clear?”

Li Zhaonian sighed, “I really can’t contact him.”

The male police officer and female colleague looked at each other, “I heard that the deceased had a conflict with Will before he was born, is there such a thing?”

Li Zhaonian clenched his fists, not knowing how to answer, say no, lying.

Say there is, he is also worried that he will harm his son ……

At this time, his heart is also in a state of confusion, has not been able to contact his son, but waited until the police door.

He also wanted to know where Will had gone, why he had not been able to show up, could it really be related to the death of Zhang Qilong?

No way, absolutely not.

Unconsciously, Li Zhaofeng’s back was already wet with sweat.

The male police officer coughed lightly, “Mr. Li, did you hear me? Do you need me to ask again?”

Li Zhaonian opened his mouth, still did not know how to answer, he is not a person who is not a man, but the relationship is related to his son ……

The heart was in turmoil.

A Volvo pulled up in front of the restaurant.

Luke’s father and son walked down from.

Luke entered the restaurant and surveyed the two officers in the room.

Li Zhaonian breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had found his backbone: ”Luke, you’re here.

These two officers are here to see Will about yesterday’s murder.”

The male officer looked over at Luke, “Do you know where Will is?”

Luke didn’t answer and asked instead, “Can I see your credentials?”

“Sure.” The male officer nodded and gestured to the female officer off to the side.

The female officer pulled out her own ID and handed it to Luke, blinking with a thoughtful look, “You look familiar.”

“I know, Keanu Reeves, everyone says so.” Luke smiled, handing the other man back his ID, “Why are you looking for Will?”

“We’re investigating the 1.22 Chinatown killings, and from the clues we’ve gotten, he may be connected to the killings in some way?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Any proof?”

The male police officer asked back, “Who are you? A lawyer?”

“I’m Will’s brother.”

The male officer pressed, “Do you know where Will is?”

“Sir, what’s your name?”

“My last name is Liu, just call me Officer Liu.”

“Officer Liu, I respect the NYPD and I’m willing to assist you in your investigation, but before that, I want to find out what happened?

I think trust should be mutual, don’t you think?”

“You’re right.

We gave statements to some of the people involved in the case, and someone identified Will and said that the dead man had a confrontation with him while he was alive.

There’s also some evidence against Will that I can’t reveal too much ……

So, we need to find Will to verify the situation, not arrest him.

It’s a necessary procedure.”

Luke nodded in understanding, “Will had a fight with his father and ran away from home, and we don’t know where he is now.”

Officer Liu pointed to himself and Luke, “We both have Chinese ancestry and we both know the significance of Chinese New Year, why would he leave home at this time of the year?”

Luke said, “For a ‘big boy’ in his rebellious stage, running away from home knows no time or holiday.”

The big boy Luke was referring to was not a physical age, but a mental age.

“OK, even if you guys don’t know where he is.

Then I’d like to ask if there was a conflict between him and the deceased?”

Luke knew this couldn’t be hidden, and there was no need to hide it, the more ambiguous it was the more it would make NYPD suspicious: “I don’t know who the deceased is?”

Officer Liu took out a photo, “Do you recognize him?”

“I’ve seen him once, but I don’t recognize him.”

“His name is Cheung Kai Lung, we found his body in a trash can in Chinatown yesterday.

Did he have a run-in with Will?”


On the night of January 20th, I came to the restaurant for dinner.

I was talking to Will at the time, and there was a table next to me that was getting ready to leave.

Will then went over and asked if they needed to pack a bag.

They said no and got up to leave.

Will reminded them that they had forgotten the check.

The deceased and his friend didn’t want to pay the bill and argued a bit.

But no blows were struck.

The deceased and his companion then left.” Luke spread his hands in disbelief and said, “That seems to me to be a minor incident, not a conflict.”

The policewoman said, “Not paying for a meal is not a minor conflict.

If it were me, I would have punched him.”

Luke said, “So you’re a cop.

And my uncle is just a small restaurant owner who can’t even avoid this kind of thing by opening a restaurant.”

Officer Lau asked, “If it’s just a small thing.

Why would Will run away from home?”

Luke explained, “Will left home not because of this incident, but because he didn’t want to work in the restaurant, he was still young and wanted to do something of his own instead of serving dishes in the restaurant all day.

And my uncle wanted him to stay and work at the restaurant and take over the restaurant later, and that’s what they were fighting about.

To be honest, I don’t want to serve dishes either, if it was me, I might have left long ago.”

Officer Liu bristled, where he couldn’t hear that Luke had been skimming the surface for Will, and with no conflict with the deceased, there was no motive for the murder, “You should consider taking a lawyer’s license.”

Luke laughed, “Would you hire me?”

“I’d consider it.”

“I’ll give you a discount.”

Officer Lau handed Luke a business card, “Will come back and contact me, you know, it’s a necessary procedure.”

“I will.”

Officer Liu looked at Luke, then at Mr. and Mrs. Li Zhaonian, and turned to leave with the female police officer.

After getting into the car, the female police officer was still a bit distracted.

Officer Liu looked at the female beat officer, “What did you find out?”

The female police officer sounded certain, “I should have seen him.”


“I can’t recall.”

Officer Liu shrugged, “Forget it then.

As talkative as he is, we’re looking for Will, don’t worry too much about it.”

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