Chapter 418

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Will, my poor child.

Where the hell are you …… oooh ……” The two Asian police officers had just left, Yao Xin couldn’t help but cry.

Li Zhaonian glanced at his wife, his eyes were also red, wanted to comfort, but did not know what to say, his right hand gently patted his wife’s back.

Li Zhaonian advised: “Zhaonian, younger siblings, don’t worry too much, the police are here to understand the matter of eating a king’s dinner that day, this is not all clear.

Will is what we have grown up with, what kind of child we know very well.

Instead of thinking blindly, we should think of a way to find Will earlier.”

Yao Xin wiped her tears, “Right, right, big brother is right, let’s find Will, as long as we can find Will, everything will be clear.”

Li Zhaonian is not so optimistic, they have been looking for, but there is no news of Will at all, in the past Will also had a temper, but never like this time: “Luke, you are an expert in criminal investigation, what do you think?”

Luke said, “Police investigation is a step-by-step process, when they find out a clue or a suspect object, they will verify and check it at the first time to exclude false clues; if there are doubts, they will also focus on the investigation.

Take Will’s case, I think it should be divided into two scenarios at this point. The first scenario, the conflict between Will and the bald guy, is limited to the restaurant, and this scenario will be simpler.

The second scenario, the police have other clues to prove that there were other contacts between Will and Baldhead, since we don’t know about this situation, it will be trickier.

Whichever of the above scenarios it is, the police will send someone to verify it at the first opportunity, just like they did just now, to find Will, make a statement, and if they can explain it clearly, they will rule him out as a suspect.

If they can’t find Will, they will increase their suspicion of Will and even speculate if the other party is fleeing from the crime.”

Yao Xin revealed a worried look, “Then what should we do?”

Luke replied, “The easiest way is to find Will and ask him.

On the point of finding someone, the police will have more means, such as cell phone location and credit card location.

If Will just ran away from home, the police will easily locate his address.

Perhaps there will be news of Will soon.”

Li Zhaonian pursued, “Then what if the police can’t locate Will’s address?”

“That would mean that Will is not only hiding from you, but also from the police.” Luke didn’t point his words out, but everyone at the scene already understood.

Yao Xin reddened her eyes and choked, “Will won’t, he’s not that kind of kid.”

Luke comforted, “I think so too. So you guys don’t have to be too anxious, there’s no chance that we’ll hear from Will soon.”

Li Zhaonian grabbed Luke’s arm, “Luke, can you look for connections and inquire about the case of Zhang Qilong’s murder? I still feel a little unsettled in my heart, it’s too coincidental that he died.

Moreover, Zhang Qilong was a member of Wo Sheng Tang, if they know that Zhang Qilong’s death is related to Will, they won’t let Will off the hook either.”

“Okay, I’ll try to think of something.” All being close relatives, Luke couldn’t refuse, but he wouldn’t promise too much either, “I’ve been working in Los Angeles, so if this happened in Los Angeles, there wouldn’t be any problems.

But I’m not familiar with the NYPD, so I can only ask my friends to help me ask around, and I can’t say how much I can learn.”

“I understand.

In a moment I’ll go fetch 10,000 dollars, you can’t let your friend help for nothing, give as much as you should.” Li Zhaonian had been doing business for many years and was very thorough in terms of human affairs.

“I’ll ask if I need it.” Luke would definitely not stand by and watch his cousin’s affairs, but there was no reason to add money to it.

“Ringing ……”

Just then, Luke’s cell phone rang.

Anthony’s number was displayed on the screen.

“I’m going to take a call.” Luke exited the restaurant and pressed the answer button, “Hey, it’s Luke.”

“Hey man, how’s your day going?” Anthony’s voice came from the phone.

“Not great.” Luke used to be the one asking about other people, but this time he was the one being asked.

“Oh, looks like my call was timely.

I contacted the FBI New York office and told them about you.

I have a friend in the New York office who happens to be able to talk.

He’s agreed to give you the status of a temporary criminal investigation counselor in the New York office.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad, looks like I’ve had a lucky break.”

“Don’t be talking about fucking luck, it’s on me.”

“You’re right, count me in your debt.”

“Wow wow, it’s not easy to get Captain Luke to owe a favor, I’m going to have to think about what I’m going to do with it.”

“You can think about it, but whether or not you honor it is my problem.”

Anthony grumbled, “You’re such an asshole, flipping out before the advisor status even materializes.”

“I’m just saying the ugly word up front so you don’t get your hopes up too high.”

“You’re overthinking it, I’ve never had too high expectations of you.”

“Very well then, by the way, is my counselor status effective immediately? Where do I go to get my papers.”

“It’s not as easy as you think, there’s always a procedure.

You go down to the FBI’s New York office and ask for the head of the office, Negan Thomas, he’ll want to talk to you personally.

If there’s no problem, he’ll help give you the paperwork.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Luke responded, that would be nice, a little more formal and complete with paperwork.

Luke hung up his cell phone and returned to the restaurant, saying, “I know some friends in the FBI, I’m going to pay them a visit, maybe they can help.”

“FBI? “Yao Xin spoke with a trill, the organization gave her a bad impression and instinctive fear, “Are they investigating Will too?”

“No, but their sources are wider.”

Li Zhaonian didn’t know much about it either, but he could only rely on Luke now, and he was willing to trust him, “Go about your business, we’ll wait in the restaurant.”

Luke nodded, “Call me if anything happens.”

Li Zhaofeng chased after him, “Luke go in my car, be careful on the road.”

“I know.” Luke took the keys and drove off.

The FBI New York office was also in the Manhattan area, a ten-minute drive from Chinatown.

Luke pulled up to the entrance and the stop bar wasn’t up.

An old balding white man poked his head out of the post and asked, “Hey kid, who you looking for?”

“Negan Thomas, head of the FBI’s New York office.”

“Who’s this?”

“Luke Lee.”

“Ooooh, it’s really you. Much like I was when I was younger.”

Luke smiled, “You know me?”

“Of course, recipient of the Public Safety Officers Medal of Valor for taking down the gunman in the Las Vegas shooting, you’re a hero.”

“I didn’t realize I was so famous?”

The balding old man asked, “Are you going to join the FBI too?”

Luke “……”

This question was really …… difficult for him.

The bald old man waved his hand, “No need to say, I understand.

A capable and famous elite like you is definitely suitable for a bigger platform and a broader space.” The bald old man whispered.

“These boys in the bureau have been comfortable for too long, it’s time to find someone to stimulate them.

I’m optimistic about you.”

“Thanks.” Luke squeezed out a smile.

What else could he say?

“Tick tock ……” A car behind him started blaring its horn, urging.

The old man remembered something this time, “By the way, who did you say you were looking for?”

“Negan Thomas, head of the New York office.”

“You enter the building, go through security, there’s an elevator on your right, take it straight to the seventh floor and you’ll be there, he’s in the office on the far east side.”

“Thanks, still don’t know your name?”

“Shaq, the guys at the station like to call me Old Shaq.”

“See you some other time, Old Shaq.”

“Bye, Luke.

By the way, I like your hair.

I had thick hair when I was younger, too.” Old Shaq touched his Mediterranean.

Luke looked at the top of his shiny head and wanted to say, we’re different, really different ……

Luke drove right into the FBI compound, he’d been to the FBI Los Angeles office before, it was a little bigger and lower building than here.

Luke drove inside the parking lot and found that the parking lot was divided into two front and back, the two parking lots were separated by an iron fence, the parking lot Luke was in was in the front.

Luke got out of the car and entered the building, there was a security checkpoint in the lobby, Luke fished out two pistols from his body, checked his identity information, made a registration, and then, let him enter the building.

Luke was suddenly a little skeptical about the usefulness of this security check.

What were they checking for?

C4 or dirty bombs?

Luke followed Old Shaq’s reminder to go up to the seventh floor and found the supervisor’s office, which was next to where the assistant’s office was, and a white woman with glasses asked, “Sir, who are you looking for?”

“Negan Thomas.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

“Yes, my name is Luke Lee.”

The white female assistant with glasses sized Luke up and knocked on Negan Thomas’ door.

“Come in.”

The female assistant pushed the door open, “Sir, Mr. Luke Lee is here.”

“Invite him in.”

The female assistant invited Luke into the office and casually closed the door.

A middle-aged man in his forties greeted him, “Hey Luke Lee, I know you.”

“Supervisor Thomas, nice to meet you.”

“Can I call you Luke?”

“Sure.” Although there was no affiliation between the police and the FBI, Thomas’ was in a much higher position than Luke as the supervisor of the FBI office.

Anthony was also only the deputy supervisor of the Los Angeles office, mainly responsible for interstate or major criminal cases.

The two men sat down at the couch.

“Knock knock.” The assistant knocked on the door and walked in, brought two cups of coffee and placed them on the coffee table, and left the office again.

Negan Thomas picked up his coffee cup and took a sip, “I heard you were in some trouble, can you tell me what it was?”

“A few days ago, I flew to New York for Chinese New Year, and on the night of January 21st, I found myself being followed by a car, which made me a little uneasy.

I’m used to being proactive in L.A., but in New York …… it can be very passive.

So, I contacted Anthony to ask for his help in borrowing a temporary FBI identity.” Luke paused at that and continued.

“This morning, my cousin was involved in another murder case, and the trouble that ensued made me uneasy.”

Negan Thomas nodded in understanding, “I’m in law enforcement too, and know what it’s like to be reactive.

Anthony mentioned this to me and wanted me to help you arrange a temporary identity.

I agreed.

If you’re willing, you can temporarily serve as a criminal investigation counselor for the FBI’s New York office.”

“Thanks.” Luke thanked him sincerely and deliberated for a moment, “Although I shouldn’t have to ask this, I’d like to know why you’re helping me?”

“I’ve read your profile, you have an outstanding talent for criminal investigation, and according to Anthony, you’re extremely good in the field, a rare talent.

Although Anthony is an asshole, he rarely compliments people.

Besides, you’ve been awarded the highest medal of honor for public safety officers, so you deserve to be trusted.

Why not?”

Luke asked back, “Is there anything I can do?”

Luke didn’t believe in free lunches.

“I might ask for your advice in the event of a difficult major criminal case; after all, you hold the position of FBI Criminal Investigation Counselor.”

Luke laughed, “Is there a salary?”

“Because it is a temporary position, there is no fixed salary, but there will be bonuses and subsidies.”

“Happy cooperation.” Luke extended his right hand.

Negan Thomas also shook Luke’s hand, “Welcome to the FBI.”

“Thanks.” Luke felt the need to check in with Reed later, although it was only a temporary status, it was never a bad thing to communicate with the leader more often.

“Supervisor Thomas, there’s something else I’d like to ask you for.”

“Negan, just call me Negan.

What is it?”

“My uncle owns a restaurant in Chinatown, and my cousin works in that restaurant.On the night of January 20th, a customer ate at the restaurant, but was not willing to pay the bill, so there was a verbal altercation with my cousin, but there was no action.

Afterward, my uncle reprimanded my cousin for trying to settle the matter, thinking that he shouldn’t have quarreled with the customer.

My cousin got a little angry and ran away from home.

On January 22nd, a male body was posted down in a Chinatown trash can, and the deceased was the same guest who didn’t pay for his meal two days before.

This morning, two patrolmen found my uncle’s restaurant; they knew about my cousin’s quarrel with the deceased and wanted to find him to find out what happened.

But there has been no news of my cousin.

The deceased may be a gangster.

I’d like you to check on the deceased.”

Negan Thomas was a bit surprised, “I thought you wanted to investigate your cousin’s whereabouts or find out about the Chinatown murder case.”

“May I?” Luke asked rhetorically, he did want to, but it was a bit difficult to actually do.

The FBI wasn’t allowed to intervene in every case, usually interstate cases or major criminal cases, just one death wasn’t enough to alarm the FBI, so getting the FBI to intervene in a Chinatown murder case would require a reason.

As for checking the whereabouts of the cousin, this is some taboo, not to mention the cousin, is the son did not go through my consent, private investigation of people’s whereabouts is also taboo, people turn over and sue you, a lawsuit a quasi.

Of course, the FBI would like to investigate a person is not impossible, as long as a suitable reason on the line, to take a step back, there is no reason to secretly investigate is not impossible.

But Luke only the first day to become the FBI’s temporary adviser, each other before there is no cooperation, put forward this request is a little shallow.

If it is Anthony is okay, but he Negan Thomas total did not say a few words.

Negan Thomas said, “What’s the name of that dead man, I’ll help you look up his information.”

Luke said, “Zhang Qilong, Chinese descent, probably a Wo Sheng Tang gang member, died in a trash can in Chinatown on January 22nd.”

“I’ll have Chris take you through the paperwork for a criminal investigation consultant, and when you’re done, you come back to me.” Negan Thomas pressed button 1 on his landline.

“Chris, come in here.”

A few moments later, the female assistant pushed her way in, “Sir, what can I do for you?”

“You’re taking Luke to check in with the criminal investigation counselor.”

Chris looked at Luke with some surprise and nodded, “I know.”

Luke followed Chris out of the office, Chris didn’t say much, but simply asked Luke if he had his ID with him, and then he took Luke to take pictures, fingerprints, registration, and formalities.

The journey was smooth, less than two hours Luke got the FBI New York office criminal investigation consultant’s documents.

A brand new black wallet with the FBI’s coat of arms printed on it in a somewhat complicated shape.

Underneath were printed the three letters FBI.

When opened, it was divided into two pages, the top page still had the coat of arms on the left side, the three bold letters FBI printed in the center, and Luke’s picture on the right side.

Very handsome.

On the bottom page, there was a golden crest, beautiful, with an eagle on top of the crest design and a shield underneath.

Chris offered his right hand, “Counselor Lee, welcome to the FBI.”

“Thanks.” Luke smiled and shook the other party’s hand, without this supervisory assistant leading the way to give the green light, this document would definitely not have been obtained today.

Luke returned to Negan Thomas’ office.

Negan Thomas held a printed document with warmth, “This is Zhang Qilong’s information.”

“Thanks.” Luke took the information and sat down by the sofa to check it out, “I won’t bother you.”

“Make yourself at home.” Negan Thomas returned to the office desk and started to busy himself.

Ten minutes later, Luke finished reading the information and didn’t take it away, but put it back to Negan Thomas’s office desk and took out a business card, “Supervisor Thomas, this is my business card, you can call me if something happens.”

Negan Thomas also took out a business card of his own and handed it to Luke, “I will.”

Negan Thomas got up and sent Luke out of the office, “If you run into trouble in New York, feel free to come to me.”


After saying goodbye to Negan Thomas, Luke said hello to Chris again before getting off the elevator to the 1st floor lobby.

Luke was, after all, a first-timer, and turned as he walked, coming to the back door of the building.

Out the back door, right in front of the backyard parking lot that he had seen through the iron fence earlier, was a number of vehicles, both cars with FBI logos and regular vehicles.

Luke circled the parking lot and stopped at a black Citroen sedan, staring at the license plate number for a moment and running his fingers over it, there were some magnetized iron shavings.

Luke touched the car on the ass and turned away.

He found his car, said hello to old Shaq, and drove away.

Inside the seventh floor office of the FBI’s New York office, Negan Thomas was standing next to the window, cell phone in his right hand, dialing, “Hello.”

“How’s the date going?” Anthony’s voice came from the cell phone.

“FUCK! What is that weird accent you have.” Negan Thomas grunted, “Something went a little wrong.”

“You guys had a bad talk?”

“The talk was okay, but he should have known that he was being followed by our people.”

Anthony laughed, “I’ve already said that his criminal investigation skills are great, otherwise, I wouldn’t have recommended him to you.”

“If you think so highly of him, why don’t you let him join the Los Angeles office?”

“This kid is very capable and climbs fast, in case I commit a crime one day, there’s no chance that he’ll be on top.

I wouldn’t want to find myself a successor right now and give the people above me ideas they shouldn’t have.

But you’re different, he’s no threat to you.

And he’s nice enough to try and get along with him more.”

Negan Thomas cried a little, “You wouldn’t be able to do that without committing a crime?”

“Then what’s the point?”

The Jimmanga Restaurant.

A closed sign hung on the door.

It was past eight in the evening.

Li Zhaonian had already brought Jack home.

Li Zhaonian and his wife were sitting in the restaurant, they were not in the mood to receive guests.

The husband and wife had not eaten for a day, looking at each other without words, the words that should have been said a long time ago, the people that could be asked had also been asked, and the land that should be searched for had also been searched for.

They are really out of ideas.

Li Zhaonian’s only expectation was that Luke would bring back news of his son.

It would be best if he could come straight back with his son.

“Da da ……”

A sound of footsteps came from outside.

Li Zhaonian looked up and saw three young Asian men walk in the doorway of the restaurant, and the leader was none other than Zhang Qilong’s henchman, Brother Blue Hair.

Li Zhaonian stood up, revealing a panicked look, “What do you guys want?”

The blue-haired man showed a ferocious look and kicked over the chair next to him, “Where is your son? Tell him to roll out.”

“What do you guys want with him?”

The blue-haired man pointed at Li Zhaonian’s nose and cursed, “That bastard killed our boss, Brother Long, tell him to get out.”

The two little brothers next to him yelled back.

“Just tell the little beast to get out.”

“Waste him dammit.”

Li Zhaonian took two steps back, “There must be a misunderstanding here, it’s impossible for my son to kill someone, you guys must be mistaken.”

Blue hair kicked over the table again and scolded, “Gave you face didn’t you, hurry up and say where he is?”

Yao Xin reddened her eyes and said angrily, “We all said we don’t know.

You guys hurry up and leave the store, or I’ll call the police.”

“Report Nima ……,” the blue-haired man waved his hand and was about to slap Yao Xin, Li Zhaonian hurriedly blocked in front.

“Splat!” The slap on Li Zhaonian’s face.

Li Zhaonian was shocked and angry, clenching his fists, but he didn’t dare to resist, pulling his wife into the kitchen.

“Male Gobi, give face to face, smash for the old man, don’t let the old man see a whole thing!” The blue-haired man waved his hand and led two minions to smash in the restaurant.

Li Zhaonian stood in front of the kitchen door, carrying his right hand, and didn’t stop them, just coldly looked at them.

“Hey, what are the brothers doing?”

Suddenly, a tall, black-haired man walked into the restaurant.

The three punks twisted their heads to look, an unkind look on their faces.

Li Zhaonian reminded, “Luke, they’re Zhang Qilong’s men, saying they’re looking for Will, and as soon as they came in, they beat people up and smashed the house.”

The blue-haired man rolled up his sleeves to reveal the tattoos on his arms and picked up a chair leg on the floor, “This has nothing to do with you, don’t be a hero.”

Luke smiled and said, “Dude, we all live in Chinatown, we are all neighbors, we don’t see each other, why bother.

If I say so, let’s forget about this today.

Just consider giving me face.”

“Haha ……”

The blue-haired man and the little brother all laughed.

“Bah……” The blue-haired man spat, “I fucking gave you face.

If you don’t get lost again, I’ll even beat you together.”

Hearing this, Luke sighed softly and turned around to walk towards the entrance of the restaurant.

A pock-marked little brother laughed and scolded, “You damn well don’t look at how many pounds you have, dare to act like a big man here.”

The blue-haired man also skimmed his lips and pointed at Mr. and Mrs. Li Zhaonian with a table leg, “Hurry up and call that brat back, otherwise no one who comes will be able to help you.”

With a “wow ……” sound, the roller shutter was yanked down.

The blue-haired man pointed at Luke and cursed, “You’re damn well looking for death.”

“I can’t leave such a lively party.” Luke stretched his back, he had been suffocating for the past two days, and finally he was able to soothe and comfort himself.

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