Chapter 42

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Eno neighborhood.

“Jack, wake up!”

The familiar voice woke the chubby little man from his dream, he wiped the drool from the side of his mouth and wondered what he had dreamed.

“Bummer, every day is ……,” Jack sighed softly, lying in bed for a couple minutes before another rush came from downstairs.

Only then did he sit up and haphazardly put his clothes on and went to the next bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Jack carried his book bag downstairs, habitually looking in the direction of the kitchen, where his mom was most likely frying an omelet.

Jack once protested hope that breakfast can change a pattern, mom laughed, the next day …… is still omelette.

But today is a little different, a tall handsome young man in the kitchen busy, mom is sitting at the dining room table watching, mouth grumbling: “When did you learn to cook? You used to cook for that woman when you lived out there?”

Luke made a pause gesture, “Mom, stop talking about that woman, I told you, I dumped her.”

“I still think you’re the one who got dumped.”

“Whatever, I don’t care anymore, I have a new target.”

Linda picked up her coffee cup, took a sip and asked, seemingly casually, “What does she do? Tell me.”


“WHAT? You’re not kidding?” Linda was skeptical.

“No, she’s good looking and hot.”

“Wow, well I can only wish you good luck, looking forward to meeting your new girlfriend.”

“COOL, I’m going to have a lawyer sister-in-law? The golden lawyer kind?” Chubby interjected.

Luke laughed, “What a sweet-talking kid, no wonder mom likes you so much.”

Chubby had a smelly face, “Yea, who wouldn’t like ‘Charming Jack’, but, I think Mom likes you better.”

“I don’t like any of them, I’m getting sick of you two assholes, I wish you’d move out together.”

“Mom, it’s against the law to abandon a minor, if you’d send me a game console, I’d consider not reporting you.”

Linda rolled her eyes, “Congratulations, there goes your allowance for the month.”

The little fatty looked at Luke with a resigned face, “DETECTIVE (Detective), you heard me, I’m calling the police.”

Luke didn’t want to continue this topic, “OK, love breakfast is ready.”

Fatty wrinkled his nose, “It smells pretty good.”

Luke divided the egg fried rice into three portions, the ingredients of the fried rice were rice, egg, diced bacon, diced radish, diced onion, shrimp, peas, colorful and beautiful, rich in taste and balanced in nutritional mix.

Little Fatty gulped, he was willing to try anything as long as it wasn’t an omelet.

Little Fatty took a bite with his spoon and his eyes widened, “Wow wow, it tastes good, it doesn’t taste like the ones they sell in the restaurant, kind of like Dad’s, I like it.”

Luke took a bite himself and raised his eyebrows, it did taste good, the craftsmanship hadn’t regressed.

In his last life Luke didn’t have any hobbies, nor did he have the time to drum up hobbies, when he was resting he would just read a novel, a movie, and cook something delicious.

Leftover rice will be fried the next morning, mostly rice, scallions, eggs three ingredients, there will be time to add some diced radish, diced ham, or the first time to use such a rich ingredients.

A whole jumbo shrimp was satisfying to eat in my mouth.

Luke also liked the texture of the peas, and it was the first time he had tried peas in his egg fried rice.

Linda took a bite and nodded, “Not bad, you made it using Chinese food?”


Linda made a suggestion, “It would taste better with a layer of cheese on top.”

Luke liked cheese on his burgers, fried rice was better, too mushy.

Jack quickly finished the plate of fried rice, not a single grain of rice was left, “Older brother, you can consider changing careers, you will definitely be a good cook.”

Changing careers, Luke was not considering it for the time being, however, he did want to do some side business now, preferably the kind of project that relied on luck, easy and profitable, as a means of realizing the Divine Detective System.

Last night, he won the eighteen thousand dollar prize, after realizing it, not only can he pay off his car loan, but also have a few thousand dollars left over, but he just hasn’t figured out a suitable method yet.

After dinner, Luke took the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of scrubbing the dishes.

Mom was pleased with his performance today and treated him much better.

Jack went to school.

Mom went out.

Luke was left alone at home.

Luke gave Daisy a call to ask her to have dinner with him tonight, but unfortunately Daisy had to work overtime tonight, so the date was rescheduled for tomorrow.

Not work, Luke suddenly do not know what to do, simply do nothing, just lying on the couch watching TV series, lunch ordered fried chicken with beer.

In the afternoon, he continued to catch up on his TV shows, and the American shows were still chewy.

In the evening, Luke treated himself to pizza, the family ate pizza while watching ‘The Maury Show’.

Luke wasn’t sure if it was suitable for Little Fatty to watch at his age, but his mom, who was the guardian, didn’t object, so he didn’t bother.

It was a ruinous show, but really fucking funny.

If you’re depressed, watch the Morrie Show.

If you’re feeling miserable, keep watching the Maury Show.

If you have a smooth ride in life, stay away from this toxic show.

At ten p.m., Luke went to bed on time, having had a boring and restful day.

In fact, he kinda liked this ‘decadent’ life.

The next day, Luke wanted to continue to spend most of the day in a state of dishevelment, but was caught up by his mom as a helper, mowing the lawn, repairing the wooden fence, and working all morning.

After lunch, Luke washed the car, showered himself, and drove the Harley out.

Six o’clock in the evening.

The Kervis Law Firm.

A woman in a suit coverall walked out of the building with a shapely, curvaceous figure that attracted a lot of attention.

“Hi, beautiful.” Luke waved as he sat on his Harley.

Daisy greeted him at a trot, her voluptuous upper body bumping like a bunny, “SORRY, I’m late.”

“Never again.” Luke looked a little bit apoplectic, the foreign girl body really has material

“YES, DETECTIVE,” Daisy responded, her big blue eyes rolling, “But what happens if I’m late again?”

Luke looked serious, “I’ll punish you.”

Daisy smiled, “OK, how do you want to punish me?”

Luke handed Daisy a red helmet, “Get in, I’ll take you somewhere.”

“I …… haven’t been on a motorcycle yet.”

“All the more reason for you to try it.”

Daisy put on the helmet and sat sideways on the motorcycle, feeling a little uncomfortable, “Are you sure I won’t fall off if I sit like this?”

“Wrap your arms around my waist.”

“Are you serious?”

Luke didn’t answer, and started the Harley straight up, hitting the gas and charging off.

“Even the Karma’s ……,” Daisy was startled and instinctively hugged Luke, muttering, “What a bad guy.”

At first, perhaps because of nervousness, Daisy’s body is a little stiff, driving a few blocks gradually get used to it.

Half an hour later, Luke rode his Harley to Chinatown in the Double Heights district.

Los Angeles has three Chinatowns where Chinese gather, the downtown area is the oldest Chinatown, there are more Cantonese people and the environment is worse.

The second one is called Little Treasure Island and has more Minzhou people.

The third Chinese street is in the Double Heights neighborhood, where most of the new immigrants live, and the overall environment is the best.

Luke chose to date Daisy here mainly because of the home field advantage.

In addition to appearance and financial conditions, talk and demeanor and knowledge can also attract a woman’s attention.

Daisy is a very good woman, high face value, high education, high ability, Luke two lives do not dare to say than the other side.

There is one thing that Luke is definitely better than the other party, and that is the familiarity and understanding of Chinese culture.

Chinese culture is profound, many foreigners like Chinese culture, people think that common sense in foreign countries is likely to be remarkable knowledge.

Luke’s humor and fun can attract Daisy’s interest.

To pick up a girl is to show your strengths.

If you can bring a girl into your familiar territory, this date is halfway to success ……

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