Chapter 421

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:38
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After all, this was the first time they had worked together, and even though Luke had given specific information about the suspect, the people present still carried a few doubts.

The United States also had footprint identification, but their analysis was more objective and scientific, simply put, it was able to be reflected in the data, through experimental data that most people could read.

For example, the height is deduced backwards through the size of the shoe, the gender is deduced backwards based on the style of the shoe, and so on.

But there is no such thing as Luke’s precise speculation of height, weight, gender, and physical characteristics.

Footprint identification in China is based on the point of force of the foot, the way of force, and the landing point to infer the physical condition of the owner of the shoe prints, which is more based on subjective experience.

This kind of footprint identification is very difficult, and only a very few experts in China can master it, and if they are not experienced enough to learn the essence, they may also mislead the investigation of the case.

Luke is now the FBI’s criminal investigation consultant, not the specific person in charge of investigating the case, since he has already found the specific characteristics of the suspect, there is no need for him to stay here.

The integration of the team needed a process, and if Luke took the initiative as soon as he came up as a consultant, it might make the FBI agents resist.

Furthermore, he was an outsider after all, far less familiar with the New York situation than these FBI agents.

That Zhou Tiancheng didn’t look like he could be found that easily either, so he simply left it to them to investigate first, and it wouldn’t be too late for Luke to join the investigation when the suspect who killed the accountant Ma Jiansheng was caught.

And then, Luke offered his farewell to Negan, “Supervisor, I still have some things to do at home, so I’ll leave first.”

Hearing Luke’s words, Michael Jett let out a sigh of relief.

The other agents were a little surprised.

Negan nodded, “I’ll see you off.”

Luke waved at the other FBI agents, “See you guys some other time.”

The other agents nodded in response.

Exiting the villa, Negan asked privately, “How accurate is your footprint identification?”

Luke thought for a moment, “Eighty percent.”

“Where did you learn that?”

Luke pointed to his head, “I’m a genius.

Hire me as a forensic consultant for the FBI, you’re making a fortune.”

Negan “……”

Why does that sound like something that asshole Anthony would say.

Luke waved his hand, “No need to send it, call me anytime you need me.”

Negan said, “Hey, I found out where your cousin is.”

“Wow wow, that’s very sweet of you.”

With the FBI’s capabilities, it wasn’t hard to investigate Will’s whereabouts, it just depended on whether or not people trusted you and were willing to help you.

Before, Luke hadn’t offered to ask the FBI to investigate Will because he was worried that it would be more taboo to make friends.

Negan took the initiative to investigate, but also to Luke to take the initiative to show good, he naturally want to appreciate.

Chinatown, Yue Lai Yue good restaurant.

Chinatown more than forty streets, this restaurant is located in the south side of Chinatown on Henry Street.

Li Zhaonian’s Jiman Xiang was on the east side of Chinatown, belonging to the sphere of influence of Wo Sheng Tang.

And this place belongs to the Flying Dragon Gang.

The two gangs have been feuding for a long time.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the fight between Wo Sing Tong and the Flying Dragons caused panic throughout New York City, and these two street gangs of Asian youths once turned Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Flushing’s Chinatown into a brothel of gun battles and armed combat.

In the late 1990s, both sides reconciled and lowered their profile.

Many of the leaders of the Wo Sing Tong and Flying Dragon gangs, who were as fierce as tigers, have now sheathed their swords and washed their hands of the business.

Some of them are running Chinese restaurants and hot pot stores in Chinatown, some of them have started real estate, and some of them have taken a degree and are now working as editors-in-chief of magazines.

Generation for generation, there are still a lot of young people admiring to join these two gangs, only, compared to the last century has been a lot less.

At six o’clock in the evening, Luke walked into the Cantonese Lai Lai Yue Yue Restaurant.

The restaurant was very large, covering an area of nearly two hundred square meters.

The decoration was very elegant, and it was more upscale than Li Zhaonian’s Ji Man Xiang.

At the entrance of the restaurant stood a welcoming lady with a professional smile, “Sir, how many are you?”

“Just me.”

“This way please.” The welcoming lady was wearing a red cheongsam with flesh-colored bottoms inside.

Luke walked behind and sized up the welcome lady’s figure, feeling that the cheongsam was more suitable for summer and a bit bloated in winter.

Leading Luke to the table, the welcome lady left, and a waitress handed over the menu, “Sir, what would you like to eat?”

Luke took the menu and browsed through it, basically it was all Cantonese food, Luke was a northerner in his previous life and did not know much about Cantonese food and did not eat much of it, “Help me recommend the specialties.”

The waitress pointed to the menu, “White cut chicken, braised pigeon, crispy roast goose, sweet and sour pork, Buddha jumps over the wall are our signature dishes, you can choose any one, and order a white burnt vegetable heart with meat and vegetables.”

Luke was not very interested in chicken and ordered a crispy roast goose, a sweet and sour pork, a Buddha jumping over the wall, a white cauterized vegetable heart and a bottle of Guojiao 1573.

At this time of the day there weren’t a lot of people, and the dishes were served relatively quickly, the first dish was Buddha jumping over the wall, which should have been made in advance.

A small yellow porcelain jar inside the thick soup, sea cucumber, abalone, shrimp, beef tendon and other ingredients, the flavor is not bad.

Other dishes were brought up one after another, and Luke ate the food and drank the wine while observing the restaurant.

This restaurant had a welcoming lady, four restaurant waitresses, and a cashier, who was in her thirties, well-dressed, and probably the owner’s wife of the restaurant.

Luke had come to eat at this restaurant because Negan had gotten word that his cousin Will had been here, swiped his credit card here to be exact.

He came over today to try his luck as well.

Luke ate this meal slowly, and after more than an hour of eating still hadn’t seen Will.

Luke had eaten almost enough and was about to leave.

The owner’s wife of the restaurant came over and smiled, “Sir, is this your first time in our store?”

“Yes.” Luke looked up and sized up the other party, the owner’s wife was also of Asian descent, she was quite pretty and had a faint fragrance on her body.

“Are you satisfied with your meal?”

“Quite well.”

“Do you have any comments on the food and service?”

“The dishes all taste good, it’s the bowl of rice I asked for at the end that tastes average.”

“Thank you for your comments, we will improve.

I’ll waive your bill for this bowl of rice.”

“No need.” Luke liked rice and was picky about its texture, not that the restaurant’s rice had problems.

The owner’s wife made a note of the problem with the rice, “You are welcome to come back next time.”

Luke called out to the other party, “What is your name?”

“My surname is Lin, I am the owner of this restaurant.”

“Boss Lin, can I ask you for a favor?”

The boss’s wife replied with a smile, “I’m just a small restaurant owner, if you want to talk about restaurant matters, that’s definitely not a problem.

If it’s something else, I may not be able to help.”

Luke took out Will’s picture, “Have you seen him?”

The owner’s wife took the photo and looked at it, “Yes, a handsome Asian guy who came to the restaurant for dinner.”

“I’m his cousin, this kid had a falling out with his family a few days ago and ran away from home.

The family is worried.

If he comes back next time, can you give me a call?”

The boss’s wife revealed a look of difficulty, “I’m sorry, I can’t grant you this request.

You are my guest, and he is also my guest.

Regardless of the reason, I will not tell anyone else about my guest’s information.

I believe that if I really did.

You would definitely feel uncomfortable in your heart as well.”

“Can you tell me the last time he came for dinner?”

“I think he left just after eight o’clock the night before last.”

“Did he come alone, or with others.”

“He came with a friend.”

“What kind of friends?”

“I can’t remember.”


“I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.” The owner’s wife finished and returned to the checkout counter.

Luke didn’t pester him any further and got the waitress to check out and leave.

Although he hadn’t seen Will, the fact that he had come to the restaurant for dinner the night before proved that he wasn’t in danger.

In Luke’s previous impression, the impression of this cousin was not bad, but after this incident, Luke had some dislike in his heart.

If it wasn’t for the face of his father and uncle, Luke wouldn’t even bother.

The following morning.

Luke got up early, the little fat man’s vacation was over and he was going to return to Los Angeles.

The original plan was for the two brothers to go back together.

But because of the gambling king Zhou Tiancheng’s case, Luke decided to stay in New York for a period of time to solve Zhou Tiancheng’s case and ensure his father’s safety.

Luke sent his brother to the airport, and the little fat man revealed a dissatisfied look and muttered, “Why do you want me to go back alone?”

“If you don’t go back, mom should kill New York.” Luke pinched his brother’s head with his right hand.

“I don’t like flying alone.”

“Don’t make excuses, I’m going back in a couple days too.”

“Will you bring me a present?”

Luke “……”

I owe you?

He said perfunctorily, “Will do.”

“Liar, you went out yesterday and said you’d come back with something nice for me. You didn’t bring anything.”

Luke “……”

He originally wanted to pack two roasted pigeons to go home, but the boss’s wife refused his request, and although he knew that people were not obliged to help, Luke was a little upset in his heart, so he didn’t mention the matter.

Li Zhaofeng said, “Jack, I can’t let you go either, but you have to go to school.

When summer vacation comes, you can still come to New York to play.”


“Of course, let’s high five.” Li Zhaofeng extended his right hand and high-fived his son.

After twenty minutes of dilly-dallying and it was about time, Luke waved his brother off.


Finally gone.

Father and son drove home.

While driving, Lee Shaofeng said, “Luke, you staying over here in New York won’t affect the work in Los Angeles, right?”

“I contacted the director and explained the situation here, and he gave me a few extra days off.”

Li Zhaofeng stole a glance at his son, grown up and mature, he knew that Luke stayed in order to help himself, he wanted to say a word of thanks but couldn’t say it, “By the way, it’s already time to start filing the tax return, do you need my help?”

Luke thought for a moment, “Sure, I was just about to say something about that.”

Filing taxes in the United States is complicated, and many tax regulations require professionals to have a better interpretation and judgment.

Why is it that every time taxes are raised, the most unlucky people are the middle class, because the poor don’t have money and can’t pull wool over their eyes.

The rich have money, in order to reasonably avoid taxes, will hire professional commission lawyers and accountants to plan their own taxes, through the redistribution of income, expenses, design a variety of reasonable programs, to achieve the effect of tax savings, tax avoidance.

The middle class is the most miserable, there is some money, but not a lot, can not afford to hire professional lawyers and accountants to help rationalize tax avoidance, may not be the cost of hiring them has exceeded the amount of tax increases, why bother?

Luke is different. Isn’t it right for a father to help his son plan his estate?

It’s free labor for nothing.

Luke’s pre-tax income last year was nearly four million dollars, and his own estimate was about two and a half million dollars after taxes.

Luke’s source of income is more complicated, the tax return will also be more troublesome, how much tax can be refunded he is not very clear, the best way is to find a professional to help themselves to tax return, may also be able to save a sum of money for themselves.

Back home, Luke told Li Zhaofeng about his financial income, and the latter was directly dumbfounded.

Li Zhaofeng in any case did not expect his son’s income will be so high, he now remembers that two years ago, his son called himself to borrow money, as if from last year onwards did not call to borrow money.

If Luke was able to maintain this income, it was already necessary to take some ‘tax avoidance means’.

“Ringing ……” Luke’s cell phone rang.

Luke took out his cell phone and checked the screen, it was an unfamiliar number.


“Counselor Li, this is Michael Jett, we have found the suspect who killed Ma Jiansheng, if you have time, please come to the FBI Criminal Investigation Department.”

“OK, I’ll be right over.” Luke hung up his cell phone and said, “Dad, I’m going out.”

“Go ahead, leave the tax return to me, in addition, I will help you refer to some effective tax avoidance means, we’ll discuss it when you come back.”

“Okay.” Paying so much tax every year, Luke was also heartbroken, being able to avoid taxes legally was the best.

Half an hour later, Luke arrived at the FBI New York Office Criminal Investigation Department office.

“Snap ……”

As soon as Luke entered, there was a round of applause.

Luke was confused, what was going on here, he looked at Michael Jeter with a puzzled face.

Michael Jett said, “We have identified the suspect based on the clues you gave us, the footprint identification is nothing short of amazing.”

The white female agent said, “I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

A young agent said with a hint of admiration, “Counselor Li, can I learn footprint identification from you? It’s so marvelous!”

Several other agents also praised Luke.

Americans had the advantage of never being stingy in praising others.

Luke smiled without losing his politeness, in fact, this time it was also his luck that the suspect’s features were more obvious.

Even so, trying to find the suspect from the huge New York City was not that easy, Luke asked, “How did you line up the suspect?”

Michael Jett said, “Supervisor Negan told us about the relationship between the deceased and Zhou Tiancheng, we guessed that the real purpose of the murderer was most likely to find Zhou Tiancheng, and we found out through the Intelligence Analysis Department about a few organizations that were tracking Zhou Tiancheng’s whereabouts.

We’ve ruled out NYPD and CIA for now.

We have lined up several Chinese gangs, gang members with previous convictions are the key targets, among them we found a man named Mo Shaoxiong, who basically matches the characteristics of the footprint identification.”

Michael Jett took out a piece of information and handed it to Luke.

Name, Mo Shaoxiong.

International, Thai-American.

Gender, male.

Age, 35.

Height, 171cm.

Characteristics, thin build, right leg fracture

Prior Convictions, domestic violence, mobbing, intentional injury, threatening and intimidating

Michael Jett introduced, “This guy is a famous hitman of the Flying Dragon Gang, definitely a dangerous man.

We also found out that he has a black Toyota in his name.

I had someone check the surveillance around the deceased’s house, and there was a Toyota of the same color and style that passed by during the time period of the murder, and although the license plate number was intentionally obscured, the known circumstances basically match.

This guy is probably the killer.”

Luke asked, “The Flying Dragon Gang is also looking for Zhou Tiancheng?”

Michael Jett said, “Zhou Tiancheng was a gangster himself before he ran the gaming industry, Zhou Tiancheng and the Flying Dragon Gang have always had a good relationship, Song Jinbao and the Flying Dragon Gang are also very closely connected, and according to the information that we have gotten, after Zhou Tiancheng was wanted by the Malay country, it was the Flying Dragon Gang that assisted him in smuggling him to New York.”

Luke thought of how his father had once said that Song Jinbao had once claimed to be from Wo Sheng Tang when he came to meet him, now it seemed that Song Jinbao should have lied at that time.

“Since the Flying Dragon Gang is on good terms with Zhou Tiancheng, why did they send their men to force a confession out of Ma Jiansheng?”

Michael Jett said, “These gangs cooperate with each other because of their interests, and it’s too common for them to flip out because of their interests.

I guess there are two possibilities, the first possibility is that Zhou Tiancheng and the Flying Dragon Gang are still in the honeymoon period, and this killer was sent by Zhou Tiancheng to silence him.

The second possibility is that Zhou Tiancheng and the Flying Dragon Gang have flipped, and the Flying Dragon Gang is also looking for Zhou Tiancheng’s whereabouts.

Of course, the best way is to find the killer and ask him.”

“You found evidence to convict?” Although Luke was confident in his footprint identification, those could only be used as evidence to investigate the case.

“No, but this is a special situation, these gangs are well informed, the killer could run away at any time, we have to do something immediately.”

Michael Jeter’s eyes scanned the other he agents, “Guys, what do you think?”

The white girl with the long brown hair said, “I’d suggest checking in with Negan and getting his permission before we move.”

“Hey, I’m acting team leader now, so if I want to remove the word acting, I need to take on the responsibilities of a team leader.

Instead of asking the supervisor about everything, right or wrong, I’m in charge of this.” Michael Jeter wasn’t being reckless, it was just that there was no such thing as perfection in this world.

Asking Negan’s opinion is like letting Negan take the bottom, in case the mission fails and he catches the wrong person, his responsibility can be minimized, but on the other hand, this is like pushing the responsibility to Negan, letting Negan take the blame for himself, which leader is willing to use such a subordinate again?

“I’ve decided to send someone to monitor the suspect, Mo Shaoxiong, to prevent him from getting the news and escaping early.

Li, do you want to participate?”

“Why not? “Luke is not afraid of making mistakes and does not have to take the blame, just work a little harder, but also can integrate into the group as soon as possible.

In the past two days Luke seriously thought about it, this FBI criminal investigation consultant’s gold content is still very high, even if he returns to Los Angeles, he can still use the FBI’s relationship.

Another, he is now also considered a rich man, and will often go out to travel in the future, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Hawaii, Canada, Japan, Korea ……

All these places Luke wanted to go to play, by then the LAPD identity is not good, but the FBI is universal.

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