Chapter 422

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Suburb of New York.

No. 308 in the Marca neighborhood.

This is an old-style villa with a gray roof and yellow walls, the left side of the yard is a lawn, and the right side is a garage access, the glass is all one-way perspective, and it is impossible to see the inside from the outside.

Because there is still no evidence of conviction, Michael Jeter did not make a big fuss to arrest the suspect, but divided into two groups, one group of people squatting to guard the suspect Mo Shaoxiong, and the other group of people to continue to investigate the murder case, looking for evidence of Mo Shaoxiong’s conviction.

In charge of squatting were two cars and four men.

One of them, Michael Jeter, sat in a Chevrolet automobile with a black agent.

Luke and an Indian agent sat in a Ford sedan.

Luke sat in the driver’s seat; since becoming a lieutenant, Luke rarely drove on missions anymore.

Luke sized up the Indian kid next to him, the other was still wearing a pair of glasses and looked a little shy, “What’s your name?”

“Sir, my name is Amir Khan.”

“Are you kidding?” This happened to be one of Luke’s favorite Bollywood actors, and the only actor of Indian descent that Luke liked.

The Indian-origin agent pushed his glasses up with his right hand, “No, I know what you mean, I have the same name as him.

As a matter of fact, I love his movies, I’ve watched every one of his movies many times.”

“OK, I forgive you.”

“Sir, you’re so funny.”

“How long have you been in the FBI and what rank?”

Amir Khan gestured with his hands as he spoke, “I joined the FBI last year, I’m just a regular agent.”

“Then why don’t you drive? Do you think I know the streets of New York better than you?” Luke’s tone held a hint of dissatisfaction.

“Sorry, I’m not good at driving.”

“Then what are you good at? Computers?”

“No. I know a lot of people have a fixed image of Indians and are used to associating us with computers and software, but I’m not good with computers at all, and I don’t like it.” Aamir Khan said as he gestured his hand back and forth.

Luke asked, “You’re fond of gesturing while you talk?”

“That’s right, you caught me.”

“So, what exactly are you good at?”

“Criminal profiling.

I’m a criminal profiler.

I graduated from Stanford, I have two PhD’s and three Bachelor’s degrees ……”

Luke interrupted, “You’re good, but why is a profiler on a stakeout too?”

“It’s Michael Jeter’s idea, because the suspect’s profiles are all through speculation with no tangible evidence.

So, Michael Jett wants me to do a profiling of the suspect, Mo Shaoxiong, to see if he matches the killer’s behavioral and psychological traits.”

Luke was kinda interested in the profession of profiler, “So what do you think now that you’ve seen the suspect’s place?”

Amir Khan thought for a while, “I think it should be divided into two situations, the first situation, if this is the suspect’s temporary residence and does not belong to him personally, then analyzing the living environment does not make much sense.

In the second case, if the residence here belonged to him, or was even designed by him personally, then that would tell us something.

First of all, the villa windows are all one-way perspective, indicating that he pays a lot of attention to his privacy, does not want to pry into his life, and is a very careful person.

His yard is very clean and tidy, with no clutter in sight, which is not common among gangsters, and combined with his professional characteristics, it means that he is disciplined in his actions, and is the type of person who has a strong plan.”

Luke wasn’t a big fan of his analysis and nodded, “Man, it was nice meeting you.”

“Me too, Counselor Lee.”

Luke then stopped talking.

Amir Khan pushed up his glasses and took the initiative to say, “Since I was preparing to join the FBI, I’ve read a lot of books on criminal investigation, and I know about footprint identification, but footprint identification in the United States can only analyze some simple data.

The footprint identification you showed this time let me see a new world, it’s simply amazing.

Can you tell me a little bit about the principle of analysis?”

Luke took a look at the other party, wanting to see from the other party’s expression whether he was really interested in footprint identification or was simply being polite, he didn’t want to have an awkward conversation.

Seeing that the other party’s demeanor was not fake, Luke nodded: “Some other time, let’s have a chat sometime.

For now, well, you’d better focus on the mission Michael Jett explained.”

“That’s right, you’re right, I almost forgot.”

Luke stared at Mo Shaoxiong’s villa, there was no movement, and he couldn’t see anyone, the most disgusting thing was the one-way perspective of the glass, completely unable to see the situation in the villa, if there was a tunnel inside, the suspect ran away and they didn’t know.

Luke took out his walkie-talkie, “Michael, can you confirm that the suspect is in the villa?”

“Yes. Find anything wrong?”

“It just feels too quiet.”

There was silence on the other side for a few moments and Michael’s voice rang out, “What would you do if it was in L.A.?”

Luke said, “I would have found evidence to convict the suspect as quickly as possible.”

“I would, but until then the suspect can’t be allowed to get away.

In my experience, this guy is definitely the killer.” Michael Jet sounded certain.

Luke didn’t say another word, he was the advisor, he should make the suggestions, and it was the acting team leader’s business as to how to decide.

His demonstrated ability to identify footprints was more than enough to deserve the status of advisor.

There was no need for one person to do all the work of the whole team, neither could he receive more pay, nor was he inviting.

Not far away drove over two cars, a black sedan, a white sedan, the two cars drove into the suspect Mo Shaoxiong’s house one after the other.

Luke’s eyes frowned slightly.

Amir Khan habitually pushed his glasses and looked out the window: ”1234, four people came down from the two cars, all wearing hoods and masks, and could not see their appearance.

Are these guys from the Flying Dragon Gang too?”

These four people dressed very tightly, Luke also did not see tattoos and other kinds of markings, it is impossible to determine whether it is a member of the Flying Dragon Gang, looking at their demeanor, it should be familiar with the suspect Mo Shaoxiong, and directly entered Mo Shaoxiong’s house.

The walkie-talkie rang Michael’s voice: “Counselor Li, Mo Shaoxiong’s associates are here, what do you think?”

Luke said, “It’s not clear what they are up to, but it’s likely that they will make a move, it’s better to be careful, I suggest calling for backup.”

“Agreed, stay in contact, over.”

Luke put down his walkie-talkie and took out his body armor with the FBI logo from the back seat of the car, even though he had a bulletproof card, it was a good idea to save one.

Amir Khan in the passenger compartment also picked up the bulletproof vest and put it on his body, and asked, “Counselor Lee, do you think we’ll be in danger?”

“I don’t know, this isn’t Los Angeles.” Luke asked back, “What do you think?”

Amir Khan pushed up his glasses and replied, “Uh …… if they are really gang members, I’m not particularly worried.

Asian, especially Chinese gangs are usually peace-oriented and rarely get into firefights with law enforcement.”

“I hope you’re right.” Luke checked his pistol and asked, “What heavy weapons are in the trunk? Those alone won’t cut it if there’s a firefight between the two sides.”

Amir Khan shrugged, “I’m not sure.”

“OK,” Luke was a bit helpless, and secretly wondered if Michael Jeter had taken a liking to his advisor position, and had arranged for such a partner with no field experience to try to take himself out by the hands of the gangsters.

Amir Khan also seemed to see Luke’s dissatisfaction, twisted his head and looked out the window to hide his embarrassment, “Hey, the door to the villa is open!”

Luke twisted his head to look over, the door of the house opened and four people walked out from the house, these four people wore black down jackets, hoods and masks, it was impossible to see what they looked like.

The four men got into two separate cars and started them up and left without so much as a glance at Luke or the others.

Amir Khan grinned and said, “Wow, four people went in and four more left in the cars, they were so tightly dressed that it was impossible to tell their exact identities.

It is possible that Mo Shaoxiong could have stayed at the villa or left in any of the cars.

Why do I have the feeling of doing a math multiple choice problem.”

Luke looked at him, “Superior student, how do you choose? The black car, the white car, or the villa?”

As they talked, the two cars got onto the community highway and drove east and west in different directions.

Aamir Khan replied, “It’s a question of probability, kind of like the three door question.

So, I’m going to go with Mo Shaoxiong staying at the villa.”

Luke started the car, swerved, and followed the black sedan.

Amir Khan “……”

Dude, is this okay?

How is everyone going to get along happily?

Luke turned on the intercom, “Michael, I’ll follow the black car, you do the rest.”

The intercom was silent for a few moments and Michael said, “OK, I’ll stay at the villa and keep an eye on it, get the neighborhood patrol to assist in stopping the white vehicle for questioning.”

Luke asked, “What about the black sedan?”

“Intercept it and check to see if there is a suspect, Mo Shaoxiong, inside the vehicle.”

“Stopped on what grounds?”

“An informant reported that he was suspected of being involved in a murder case.”

“Direct arrest?”

The intercom was silent for a few moments, then Michael Jett replied in the affirmative, “Yes.”

“Is there authorization for that?”

“I’ll request it from Supervisor Negan.”

Luke said, “That means not yet.”

“Just keep an eye on that car, if Mo Shaoxiong is in the car, don’t let him get away, I’ll do the rest, OK?”

“Understood.” Luke hung up the walkie-talkie and said to Aamir Khan who was beside him, “You heard everything?”

“Yes, I’m in favor of Michael being the leader of the group, but I’d still say he’s being a little reckless.

This whole thing is probably going to blow up.” Amir Khan sighed.

The black sedan wasn’t fast and Luke had closed the distance between him and it and could see that it was a black Buick sedan, “What would you do if you were the leader of the group?”

Amir Khan said, “I would continue to investigate the evidence of Mo Shaoxiong’s crime and would not act rashly until then.”

“What would you have done if Mo Shaoxiong had fled to another state or another country, hidden inside the two cars that drove away?”

“Wow… ……

Suddenly I’m a little glad …… I’m not the acting team leader.” Amir Khan shrugged and looked aside as Luke asked rhetorically, “Counselor Lee, what would you have done?”

Amir Khan asked rhetorically, “Is it to watch Mo Shaoxiong flee, or to arrest someone without authorization due to insufficient evidence?”

Luke laughed, “I would find evidence to convict Mo Shaoxiong before he escapes.”

“Are you thinking that Team Leader Michael is not capable enough?”

Luke shook his head, “You said it.”

In fact, this kind of thing like FBI authorization is a bad debt, as long as you have a good relationship with your boss and the other party is willing to back you up, getting on the bus first and buying a ticket later is the same.

But there are risks in doing this kind of thing, if you arrest the wrong person or the case is done badly, you will leave your boss with a lack of ability and a love of messing up.

Michael will choose to do so, certainly have their own considerations, really want to go wrong is also he take the responsibility, on Luke not much impact.

After all, Luke just came to the FBI New York office, even if he gives orders, these FBI agents may not listen to him.

The black Buick in front of him seemed to notice that it was being followed and accelerated without warning.

“Sit tight.” Luke stepped on the gas, and the car instantly picked up speed, catching up with the black Buick sedan in front of him, and then, turned on the police lights and siren to signal the other party to stop.

The black Buick sedan in front not only has no intention of stopping, but instead drives faster and faster.

Amir Khan’s right hand gripped the armrest tightly, “Counselor Li, will you force a stop?”


“That’s why I don’t drive, I can’t do this and even hate driving.” Amir Khan looked a little nervous.

Luke didn’t care to bullshit him right now and concentrated on driving.

At this point, it was already six o’clock in the afternoon, and there were a lot of cars on the road, and it was starting to get a little congested.

This was conversely good for Luke, as the car was blocked, the suspect would naturally get out of the car.


The black Buick in front of him cut off the vehicle on the right while trying to overtake, and the unlucky one he collided with went into the green belt.

Luke turned off his lights and siren, which was tantamount to giving the suspect vehicle another opening in disguise.

“Ringing ……”

Amir Khan’s cell phone rang and pressed the answer button, “Hey Team Leader Michael, I hope you have good news for us.”

“Yes, good news indeed.

That white sedan was intercepted and Mo Shaoxiong was not in the car.

I knocked on Mo Shaoxiong’s house just now, and the person who opened the door wasn’t Mo Shaoxiong either, he should be in that black sedan.

Listen, he should be trying to escape, I don’t care what methods you use, you must catch him.

Never let him escape.”

Amir Khan said, “We are trying to intercept but he is driving fast and we need backup.”

“Send me the exact location and I will get the perimeter rangers to back you up.”

“YES, Sir.”

Amir Khan hung up his cell phone, sent a location to Michael Jeter, and said to Luke, who was beside him, “Counselor Lee, Mo Shaoxiong is most likely in that black Buick sedan.

You don’t need to force a stop, the patrol should set up a stop ahead, we just need to follow steadily.”

Luke laughed, tempted to ask why this guy joined the FBI if he was so afraid of death.

It was true that there was no need to forcefully stop the black Buick sedan, because the front was near the subway station, there were many people and cars, and it was already jammed.

The black Buick sedan ahead stopped, the driver’s and passenger’s doors opened at the same time, and two men ran off in different directions.

It is likely that one of these two people is Mo Shaoxiong.

Among them, the man who ran out of the driver’s side was taller, far more than Mo Shaoxiong who was about 170cm tall, however, Luke always felt that his figure was somewhat familiar, like he had seen it somewhere.

As for the man who ran out of the passenger compartment, he was shorter and thinner, more in line with Mo Shaoxiong’s physical characteristics.

Luke parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car, and immediately chased after the man in the passenger compartment in front of him, this man is wearing a black down jacket, wearing a hood, black pants underneath, thick-soled boots, dexterous figure, and running speed is very fast.

Amir Khan asked somewhat anxiously, “Counselor Lee, I ……”

Luke didn’t hear what he said, and had already chased into the subway station.

The subway station is very crowded, Mo Shaoxiong’s body is thin and more flexible, squeezing in the crowd, rushing across the street, running very fast.

Luke is tall and strong through the crowd in turn a little difficult.

“LAPD, get out of the way!”

The people around him looked at Luke with some unusual gazes.


Get out of the way!”

This one was right on the money, picking up the momentum as those who heard the voice dodged out of the way from both sides.

The people in front of Luke were actively dodging, without the pedestrians in the way, Luke’s height and long legs quickly caught up with the man suspected to be Mo Shaoxiong.

The other party is bent on escaping, in addition to the subway station is crowded, Luke can not use the gun.

Luke grabbed the other party’s shoulder.

“Prickly ……” sound, down jacket was yanked open a mouth.

The suspected man suddenly turned around and violently threw his right arm, slamming it into Luke’s chest.

Luke blocked with his right arm.

The two men’s arms collided.

Luke felt like he was hitting an iron bar, it hurt!

The suspect man’s hat was yanked off, and although he was still wearing a mask, he could be recognized from the shape of his head and face, it should be the suspect Mo Shaoxiong.

Mo Shaoxiong’s eyes showed fierce light, his other hand grabbed Luke’s arm and violently raised his knee, crashing into Luke’s chest and abdomen.

Luke was nimble on his feet, side stepped back and avoided his knee.

At the same time, Luke also began to counterattack, his right fist swung violently at his side waist.

Mo Shaoxiong swung his right arm and slammed his elbow into Luke’s chest.

Luke stepped back again, this elbow would have shattered his bones if it had hit him in the chest.

The two men pulled away from each other at a certain distance and stared angrily at each other.

Just now the short contact, although not long, but exchanged hands several times, Luke has attack and defense, Mo Shaoxiong gave up defense, always on the attack.

Just like just now, Luke clearly hit his chest and abdomen, but he didn’t dodge at all, instead, he attacked Luke with his elbow, intending to exchange injuries for injuries.

Luke thought of Mo Shaoxiong’s profile, he used to fight in the black market, proficient in Muay Thai, known for his ruthless strikes, once undefeated for three consecutive months, definitely a ruthless man.

“Mo Shaoxiong, I am now arresting you for assaulting a police officer.

Bind your hands and surrender.”

“I am not Mo Shaoxiong.

And I won’t tie my hands, if you want to arrest me, it’s up to you.” Mo Shaoxiong waved at Luke.

At this moment, the two men’s fight scared off the surrounding pedestrians.

Without the concern of accidental injury, Luke took the initiative to step back, as long as he pulled back a certain distance, he could draw his gun and shoot, there was no need to fight with him.

Mo Shaoxiong seemed to see Luke’s intention, striding after Luke, raised his right leg to a side kick, fast and hateful, fierce and domineering.

Luke hurriedly swung his arms to block.


Luke felt like his arms had been hit by a steel pipe.

This kind of opponent was annoying, completely fighting for his life.

But Luke didn’t want to fight him to the death, nor did he want to get hurt.

Luke was proficient in boxing and jiu-jitsu, his grappling skills were no worse than his, and Luke’s physical fitness was superior, if it was a ring fight, Luke was sure to win.

But now is a life and death combat, the competition is not only combat skills and physical quality, there is also ruthlessness.

Not only to the enemy ruthless, but also must be ruthless to themselves.

Mo Shaoxiong now gives Luke the feeling of hurting the enemy eight hundred to lose a thousand.

He spared his injuries, but also to get rid of Luke’s capture.

Luke faced such an opponent, wanting to capture each other without being injured was difficult.

Luke figured out what he wanted and knew how to fight.

It was simple, it was to stalk.

One word ‘entangle’ was the essence.

Luke wasn’t alone, he still had FBI and police support.

As long as he could keep Mo Shaoxiong, Luke won.

There was absolutely no need to spell out injuries to catch each other, it wasn’t worth it.

Mo Shaoxiong had several consecutive leg sweeps and elbow strikes that Luke skillfully avoided, and at the same time, tried to actively approach the other party in an attempt to subdue him with jiu-jitsu.

But after a few attempts, Mo Shaoxiong’s counterattacks were very harsh, still with the harsh means of exchanging injuries for injuries, Luke could only avoid and give up the idea of subduing the other party.

“FBI, freeze!”

Amir Khan chased after him, gun in both hands, shouting at Mo Shaoxiong.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his arm, “Man, you’re finally here, I was almost killed by this guy.”

“SORRY, I’m late.”

Amir Khan’s face showed some embarrassment and guilt, he knew that Mo Shaoxiong was a black market boxing king, and thought that Luke was really injured, explaining, “I just went to chase after another guy, but he got away.

Just rushed over to support you.”

Suddenly, Mo Shaoxiong moved, he abandoned Luke and violently rushed towards Amir Khan.

This move of his was surprising, not to mention Luke didn’t expect it, Amir Khan was also confused.

“Don’t move ……” Before Amir Khan finished his warning words, Mo Shaoxiong had already rushed closer.

“Bang!” The sound, Amir Khan shot.

At the same time of firing, Mo Shaoxiong seemed to be aware of it and instinctively dodged, but the bullet still hit his left shoulder.

But Mo Shaoxiong didn’t stop, the gunshot wound on his shoulder instead inspired his bloodlust, he swung his right elbow directly into Amir Khan’s chest.


Amir Khan was directly knocked down, even though he was wearing a bulletproof vest, it felt like he had broken his ribs.

With severe pain in his chest and difficulty in breathing, his entire body fell to the ground and his pistol dropped.

Seeing this scene, Luke wanted to curse, but there was no time at all.

He took three steps and followed suit, punching Mo Shaoxiong in the head.

Mo Shaoxiong lowered his head and blocked with his right arm.

Luke threw a false punch and raised his elbow to smash his left shoulder.


Mo Shaoxiong screamed miserably, his teeth chattered in pain, his body curled up and his body was weak.

Luke took this opportunity to swing his fist violently and slammed it against his head.

Luke’s fist was very heavy, a few punches down Mo Shaoxiong’s whole body was dazed, his body was powerless and collapsed to the ground.

Not daring to be careless, Luke pressed down on his back and handcuffed him.

Luke walked over to Amir Khan and patted his cheek, “Man, are you okay?”

Amir Khan breathed heavily, “No.

I feel like I got hit by a bull in heat.”

Luke was relieved, if you can talk, you can’t die.

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