Chapter 423

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke won this battle a little bit.

But the police are all about teamwork, and it’s good to fight more against less and get the suspect safely.

Luke did.

Amir Khan chest injury, Luke did not dare to easily move him, let him lie flat on the ground, the first time to call 911.

The NYPD, FBI and ambulance then arrived on the scene.

Michael Jeter looked at Amir Khan, who was lying on the ground, and said with concern, “Amir, are you okay?”

“Not very well, I was almost killed by this guy, for the first time in my life I was so close to death.

It was Counselor Lee who saved me.”

Michael Jet looked again at Mo Shaoxiong who was sitting on the ground with quite a few bruises on his face and forehead, “It seems that the capture process had some twists and turns.”

“Yes, this is a ruthless man.” Luke briefed the situation.

Although Michael Jet was not at the scene, he could feel Mo Shaoxiong’s ruthlessness, he spared being shot to rush to Amir Khan’s side, while Amir Khan’s fighting ability was almost zero, a single glance would probably be subdued by Mo Shaoxiong, once Amir Khan was subdued by Mo Shaoxiong, he would most likely hold Amir Khan hostage to escape.

Amir Khan was carried on a stretcher, said: “I said before, Mo Shaoxiong is a highly planned person, he has long chosen an escape route.

The subway has a high flow of people, which makes it difficult to carry out arrests and use firearms, plus Mo Shaoxiong is a black market boxing king, with extremely strong personal physical fitness and fighting ability.

The probability of him escaping is extremely high.”

Michael Jett patted his shoulder, “OK, the case we will continue to investigate, you get well and recuperate.”

“Whoa whoa …… can you let go? It’s hurting me.” Aamir Khan yelped, baring his teeth in pain.

“Sorry.” Michael Jeter let go, you sissy.

Amir Khan was still talking to Luke as he was carried to the ambulance, “Counselor Lee, thank you for saving me.

When I recuperate from my injuries, I’ll buy you a drink.”

“OK, feel free to recuperate from your injuries.” Luke perfunctorily said, by the time you get well, I’ll be back in Los Angeles long ago.

Michael Jeter walked over to Mo Shaoxiong’s stretcher again, “Hey man, get well and we’ll see you tomorrow.”

Mo Shaoxiong raises his right hand and gives a middle finger.

Michael Jeter patted his left shoulder, “You’re a polite asshole.”

Mo Shaoxiong’s shoulder oozed blood again, grimacing in pain and cold sweat.

Michael Jett watched Mo Shaoxiong get into the car and walked over to Luke, “Counselor Li, you’re not hurt, are you?”

“No.” Luke asked back, “Did you find the evidence to convict Mo Shaoxiong?”

“He assaulted a police officer.”

Luke said, “You know that’s not the same thing, gotta get a grip.”

Michael Jett knew that of course, and he was fretting about it, “What’s your best idea?”

Luke glanced at his watch, “I’m going off duty, I don’t get paid overtime.

This case still depends on you.”

Michael Jett looked at Luke’s back, “How about I buy you a drink?”

“Let’s finish the case first.” Luke was just a consultant, why bother with the captain.

Michael Jett looked at Luke’s back and shouted, “Hey, do you want to go visit Mo Shaoxiong together tomorrow?”

“OK,” Luke waved his hand and left.

Luke now felt that being a counselor was quite good, making his own suggestions at the right time, and not having to take responsibility for himself when the case went wrong.

Michael Jett slapped his hands, “Guys, move fast and clean up the scene.

Lois, go order dinner, we’ve got our hands full tonight.”

When Luke returned home, Li Zhaofeng had already made dinner.

Steamed plaice, steamed little crispy pork, fluffy eggs, vinegared cabbage, donkey sausage, and rice for the main course.

Most men who lived alone were good cooks.

Luke brought out most of the remaining bottle of Guojiao 1573; the last time he’d gone to the Yue Lai Yue Good Restaurant he’d been there mainly to look for his cousin, and had only had a shallow taste, and there was still a lot of wine left over.

Luke poured two glasses of wine and ate a piece of donkey sausage, the flavor was good, very fragrant.

It was a special meat flavor.

Looking at this table of sumptuous Chinese food, Luke is really a little reluctant to leave.

The two men clinked a glass.

Luke took a bite of plaice, the taste of this fish was good, and there was only one main spine.

As the two ate and chatted, Li Zhaofeng asked, “How’s the case going? Did it go well?”

Luke said, “It’s not bad, I’m just a consultant, helping them to counsel, and I don’t have to bother too much.”

Li Zhaofeng put down his chopsticks and clinked another glass of wine with Luke, “In the afternoon, I studied your income and expenses.

Your income last year was high at 4.13 million dollars, but your expenses weren’t much, with 1.2 million dollars in taxes paid.

It is not appropriate to have an irregular income other than the salary of the police department, and to have many sources of income and pay a high percentage of taxes.

I would suggest that you could start a company and use it to offset some of the tax payments.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “I’m just a cop, my energies are focused on investigating cases, what kind of company can I start?”

“My suggestion is to open a detective agency in your personal name, since you are in a partnership with Pinkerton Detective Agency, you can use the name of your personal detective agency to sign contracts and take commissions in the future.

Your hiring money becomes the company’s (detective agency’s) income, your airfare to New York this time can be considered a business trip, and inviting people to eat and spending money can also be reimbursed at the company.

The detective has to go out to investigate and meet with clients, so he or she can buy a car and rent a house as an office for the detective agency.

All of these expenses can be written into the company’s books to offset costs.”

Luke thought for a moment, “That means that all of these expenses can be deducted from the income, and it’s what’s left over that’s taxable.”


“Is this way considered tax evasion and will it attract the attention of the IRS?”

“Don’t worry, these will affect the company’s external image and etiquette and socializing, then it is closely related to the company’s development.” Li Zhaofeng gave an example, “Zuckerberg has been paying himself a dollar salary since 2013, but his private jet spending, security, etc. in 2019 amounted to $23.4 million.

When Trump was being investigated for his taxes, reports showed that he was spending $70,000 a year on haircuts.

Then there are a lot of celebrities and entertainers who have studios, and those clothes, bags, luxury cars, watches, etc. are expensive, but those are all expenses that are within the scope of the job, and they can be offset into the cost of the company.”

Luke said, “But you also said that my spending isn’t that high, and it doesn’t offset much tax.”

Li Zhaofeng laughed, “This is simple, as long as you make your company a loss-making state, you won’t need to pay taxes.

For example, your company made a million dollars this year, then the company invested in a restaurant with this million dollars, this restaurant expanded its scale and wanted to open a branch, so it purchased a store, and as a result, this restaurant’s year-end budget, the profit was very low, and there was even a loan for the store.

There is no way for the restaurant to pay your company a dividend, and the company’s account is in a temporary ‘loss’ position.

But in reality the company acquired shares in the restaurant and a store.”

Luke laughed, “Investing in a restaurant with a detective agency sounds a little odd.”

“Registering a company requires $3000, which is nothing compared to your income, you can register an additional investment company, put the detective agency under the name of the investment company as well, and then go to increase your assets in the name of the investment company, indirectly achieving the purpose of tax avoidance.

Of course, what I have said is rather general, and the actual operation will be more complicated and require some costs, which is the reason why the rich can avoid tax and the middle class need to pay tax honestly.

But for your income, the cost and effort is worth it.”

These things are easy to say, but they are not easy to do, and if you make a mistake, the IRS will catch you in a loophole, and you have to get a professional, trustworthy person to do it.

Luke was not having the energy for this, and simply let go of his own father.

The next morning, Luke slept in.

There was no need to get up early since he didn’t have to go to work anyway.

Li Zhaofeng had already gone to work at the accountant’s office, and there was egg fried rice left in the pan with eggs, sausage, diced carrots, and shiitake mushrooms, and it tasted good, the kind of texture that Luke liked.

After the meal, Luke chatted with Linda for a while on video.

After not coming home for so long, mom was still thinking about it in her heart, and the little fatty had arrived home safely and went to school.

In the afternoon, Luke received an invitation from Michael Jeter to go to the hospital together to visit Amir Khan and Mo Shaoxiong.

These two people live in the same hospital.

Inside ward 407.

Amir Khan was half lying on the hospital bed, next to him sat an Indian-American woman with a high nose and wheat complexion, very pretty.

The woman of Indian descent picked up an apple and sat next to her as she peeled it, concerned, “Amir, are you feeling better?”

“Sally, I feel much better seeing you. Thank you for coming all the way out here to see me.”

“How did you get hurt?”

“I was injured during the arrest of a fugitive, the suspect was a black market boxing king with many lives in his hands.”

“Black market boxing king? The kind in the movies?” Sally showed a curious look, “It must have been a dangerous situation, right?”

“Yes, he was a very vicious guy, he had the eyes of a hungry wolf, I knew he was dangerous, but I couldn’t let him go.

If I let him go, he’ll hurt more people.

There would be more victims who would lose their families, their husbands, their sons ……

So, I have to catch him.”

“Wow Wow, Amir, I’m so proud of you.” Sally handed over the peeled apple.

“Here you go, my hero.”

“Thanks, it’s good to have you around.” Amir took the apple and bit into it, a smile spreading across his face like he was eating honey.

“Knock knock.”

A knock sounded outside.

“Come in.”

The words fell as Luke and Michael Jett pushed the door open and walked in.

“Hey man, how’s the recovery going?” Michael Jeter walked into the hospital room and greeted him.

Amir Khan said, “Michael, Counselor Lee, I thought I wouldn’t see you guys until I got out of the hospital.”

“Don’t think of us as heartless.” Michael Jeter surveyed Sally next to him, “Who is this beautiful woman? Your sister?”

“No, Sally is a good friend and a college friend of mine.”

“Hi beautiful, nice to meet you, I’m Aamir Khan’s group leader, Michael Jeter, you can just call me Michael.”

“Hello Michael.”

Luke introduced himself as well, “Luke Lee.”

Sally nodded her head in greeting.

Luke looked at Amir Khan on the bed, “Amir, I heard you broke a rib.”

“Yes, right here in this spot.” Amir Khan pointed to his chest, “How’s that guy doing? Didn’t get shot by me, did he.”

Michael Jeter laughed and glanced at Sally next to him, “A shot in the shoulder doesn’t kill you.”

Because of Sally’s presence, Luke and Michael Jett chatted for a few moments and left, the main purpose of their visit today was still for Mo Shaoxiong.

Mo Shaoxiong’s ward was in ward 609.

There were two FBI plainclothes guards at the door.

Michael Jeter and Luke directly pushed open the door of the ward and walked in, Mo Shaoxiong lying on the hospital bed, in order to avoid him escaping, both hands and feet were cuffed.

The bastard was a dangerous man, and no amount of caution was too much to ask.

Luke and Michael Jett walked over to the hospital bed, and Mo Shaoxiong stared grimly at the two men.

Michael Jett checked his handcuffs and smiled, “Your new jewelry is beautiful, it suits you.”

Mo Shaoxiong clenched his fists and cackled.

Michael Jett asked, “Do you know why you are being arrested?”

“No, you’ve arrested the wrong person.”

“Do you know Ma Jiansheng?”

“Never heard of the name.”

“He is an accountant.”

“I don’t have any accountant friends.”

Michael Jett took out Ma Jiansheng’s photo and pointed at it and questioned, “Did you kill him?”

Mo Shaoxiong scanned the photo and shook his head, “No. As I said, you have the wrong person.

Better hurry up and let me go, otherwise my lawyer will definitely sue you.”

Michael Jett grunted, “Sue us for what?

So many people in the subway saw you assault a police officer, that alone is reason enough for us to arrest you.

I swear, you’re definitely going to jail.”

“In that case, there’s even less to go on.”

Luke kept his eyes on the other man, “Hey, how about we talk?”

Mo Shaoxiong glanced at Luke, “If I hadn’t gotten shot, you couldn’t arrest me.”

“If you’re not convinced, we’ll have a match later when we have the chance.”

“You are very powerful.

But not tough enough on yourself to put up a fight, that’s your biggest flaw.”

“You’re wrong.

I’m a cop, I don’t need to fight for my life, it’s enough to catch you.” Luke responded and turned his words around, “Why did you kill Ma Jiansheng?”

“I told you, I didn’t kill Ma Jiansheng.”

“Have you ever been to Ma Jiansheng’s house?”


“Who instructed you to kill Ma Jiansheng?”

“No one instructed me.”

“Was it the Flying Dragon Gang?”


Luke kept his eyes on the other man and saw the signs of a lie, “You’re good at Muay Thai, but lying isn’t your strong suit.”

“I don’t want to see you guys again and I’m not going to answer any more of your questions.

If there is evidence, you guys can just convict me.

Otherwise, please leave.” After Mo Shaoxiong finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

Through the conversation just now, Luke could already determine that he was the murderer of Ma Jiansheng.

But this bastard must have more than one life in his hands, he might even be a professional killer, it wasn’t easy to find evidence to convict him.

Of course, this was a problem for Michael Jeter to consider, Luke had confirmed that Mo Shaoxiong was the murderer through the conversation, and that was enough.

He helped the FBI to catch the real killer, as to whether he could be convicted or not that was up to the FBI.

Michael Jeter also seemed to sense Mo Shaoxiong’s attitude and did not say anything more.

Subsequently, the two left Mo Shaoxiong’s hospital room, and there was some silence along the way.

After walking to the hospital parking lot, Michael Jett said, “Advisor Li, I forgot something and have to go back.

Do you want to come with me?”

Luke glanced at the other party, “I have a date tonight.”

Michael Jett nodded, “See you tomorrow.”

Luke smiled, got in his car and left.

Ward 609.

The door to the room was opened without warning.

Mo Shaoxiong snapped his eyes open and looked at the door, “I said.

Won’t answer any more of your questions.”

Michael Jeter closed the door to the room and walked straight to the hospital bed, took out his cell phone and tapped on a photo: “Recognize the person in the photo?”

Mo Shaoxiong twisted his head to look at the photo, his eyes immediately reddened, “This matter has nothing to do with them.”

On the photo was a Thai woman around thirty years old holding a four or five year old girl.

“I just received a call from the Immigration Bureau saying that there are problems with their immigration information and they may be deported back to Thailand.”

Mo Shaoxiong’s eyes widened, “No, they can’t go back, you’ll get them killed.”

“Don’t put the blame on me, you yourself should know very well that there are problems with their immigration information, and they will be deported according to American law.

This has nothing to do with me.

Besides, they are Thai themselves, why can’t they go back?”

“You don’t know anything about Thailand, I have offended people there.

If they go back to Thailand and are found by those people.

It’s likely that they will be sold to the red light district.

You can’t do that.”

“Hey, I’ll say it again.

It’s not that I’m going to do this.

Rather, when we were investigating you, we found out that their immigration information was not legal.

By law, they themselves are subject to deportation.

It wasn’t me who wanted to harm them.

It was you who harmed them.”

Mo Shaoxiong prayed, “Please help them, I know you can.”

“Firstly this matter is now handled by the Immigration Department, and secondly I have no reason to help them.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to tell the truth, did you kill Ma Jian Sheng?

If you lie, I’ll leave immediately.”

Mo Shaoxiong lowered his voice, “If I tell you, they will die just the same.”

“As long as you tell the truth, I will help you guys turn into tainted witnesses.

All three of you will be given new identities, legal American citizens.

Go live in a new city, a new neighborhood, and no one will know who you are, I promise.”

Mo Shaoxiong clenched his fists, his body trembling slightly, “I have to think about it.”

“You only have 24 hours, and in 24 hours immigration will be in deportation proceedings, and I won’t be able to help you then.” Michael Jett put down a sentence and turned around to leave the ward.

That new Counselor Lee was indeed very powerful, but they, the FBI, were no slouches either.

Yue came to the better restaurant.

Luke didn’t go home after leaving the hospital, but came to this restaurant to eat and take his chances.

Luke also sat in the same spot as before.

He ordered a roasted pigeon, beef in sacha, steamed grouper, sausage boiled rice, and a bottle of bamboo leaf green.

Luke had drunk this wine once before, the flavor was very special, drinking not only wine, but also a kind of memory.

The roast pigeon tasted good, and Luke wondered if he should pack one back for his dad.

The sacha beef was amazing, it tasted different from what Luke had imagined, it was quite tasty.

While it wasn’t busy, the restaurant owner’s wife even came over and chatted with Luke and gave Luke a bowl of green bean paste.

Luke kinda liked the texture.

The boss’s wife wore a black sweater today, jeans underneath, black boots, and a slender figure, attracting the attention of many diners.

Some of the guests liked the tone.

When they hear which restaurant owner’s wife is pretty, they can’t wait to go there to eat every day.

Just after seven in the evening, a little girl of eight or nine years old came in the restaurant, carrying a red school bag, and walked over to the cash register, “Mom, I’m back.”

The owner’s wife looked up and asked, “Did you finish your homework?”


The boss’s wife frowned slightly, “Are you hungry? Let’s eat first.”

The little girl threw her schoolbag on the table near the cash register while going to the restroom.

The boss’s wife served her a green bean paste and a boiled rice.

Although the little girl wasn’t fat, she ate quickly and finished in less than ten minutes.

“Mom, can I watch some TV?”

The boss’s wife had a stern face, “Finish your homework before you say anything.”

“I finished my school ones.”

“Don’t try to fool me, your school doesn’t leave much homework at all, it won’t take you more than half an hour to finish it.

Write the homework for the tutoring class too.”

The little girl bristled, took the contents of her book bag out and plopped down on the table to do her homework.

A noise rang out at the entrance to the restaurant, and five young Asian men walked into the restaurant, their voices loud.

They picked out a large round table, and some took off their jackets and rolled up their sleeves, revealing green tattoos.

Luke saw the group as well, and one of the Asians, in his mid-twenties, caught his eye.

The young man had a yellow mohawk and looked a little goofy, it was Luke’s cousin Will.

Finally found this kid, see him this dress, Luke really want to smack him a meal.

Forget it, in the end, just cousin, get along with less, the relationship is not very close.

If this is a little fat boy, Luke would have smoked him in the morning.

Not only because of his stupid hairstyle, but also the four accomplices next to him, there is no one serious person, cursing, tattoos, ear piercing, it seems to be out of the mix.

Luke suddenly thought of the man who was driving the car when he arrested Mo Shaoxiong yesterday.

Although he couldn’t see his face, he had a similar body type to Will.

Then he thought that this was the range of the Flying Dragon Gang, could it be that this kid had joined the Flying Dragon Gang?

At this time, Will also saw Luke, his face changed slightly and hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at Luke.

Luke thought about it and did not take the initiative to go up to him.

For one thing, he didn’t want to start a conflict in the restaurant and put on another scene of violently beating up punks.

No fun.

Another was that Luke’s identity as an FBI criminal investigation consultant was rather sensitive.

If Will really joined the Flying Dragon Gang and let the top management of the Flying Dragon Gang learn that he had an FBI cousin, it would probably cause unnecessary trouble.

Just then, Will stood up, glanced in Luke’s direction, and walked towards the bathroom at the back of the restaurant.

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