Chapter 426

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Bang ……”

Another gunshot rang out.

Louise was startled and also pulled out her pistol to point at the gunman.

However, Louise didn’t dare to shoot in the first place, the gunman was standing in the crowd and could easily cause accidental injuries.

She didn’t have the certainty of not hurting innocent people.

The gunman could care less about the life and death of the people around him, but she couldn’t.

However, what surprised her was that Luke shot without the slightest hesitation.

After the gunshot.

The gunman fell to the ground.

“Ah ……”

A scream rippled through the crowd.

Lois walked over quickly and kicked the gunman’s pistol to check the robber’s injuries.

The gunman had been shot twice in the chest, and blood kept pouring out.

Louise squatted down and pressed the gunman’s wounds while asking, “Counselor Li, how is Chen Yue’s injury?”

“She was shot once in her shoulder and once in her abdomen, and the wounds are dangerous.” Luke hurriedly took off his jacket and held it down on Chen Yue’s wounds, shouting to the waiter who ran out of the restaurant, “Call 911!”

Luke’s eyes scanned the crowd to prevent any other shooters.

The situation just now was very critical, the gunman’s marksmanship was very powerful, even though Luke pushed Chen Yue, she was still shot twice, but fortunately avoided the vitals.

At the same time, the gunman also shot at Luke, almost hitting Luke’s chest, fortunately, the activation of the bullet avoidance card, the bullet cut through Luke’s left chest, penetrating Luke’s jacket.

[Bullet Dodge Card activated, used.]

[Accuracy card activated, used.]

This crisis situation Luke directly used a ‘Precision Card’ when he fired his gun.

There were a lot of tourists around and he was worried about hurting innocent people, so he didn’t hold back this time and shot directly at the gunman’s chest.

“Counselor Li …… went to the school …… to save ……” Chen Yue squeezed out a few words with difficulty from his mouth.

“Don’t talk, I will contact Fobol’s colleagues to protect your daughter.” Luke waved his hand and asked a restaurant waiter to come over to take care of Chen Yue.

He stood up and dialed Michael Jett to send someone to the school to pick up Chen Yue’s daughter.

Luke usually seldom used his system card, but today he used three at once, which was kinda heartbreaking.

It suddenly occurred to Luke that he was now working on a case as Fobol, and he wondered if there would be a reward.

If there was no reward for this case, it would be a big loss.

Now he could only hope to find Zhou Tiancheng.

If Zhou Tiancheng was really dead, then the person who killed Zhou Tiancheng should also know the whereabouts of his property, and only by finding Zhou Tiancheng’s property could Luke make up for the loss of these three cards.

“Whoops ……”

A few minutes later, the NYPD rushed to the scene for support, pulled up a cordon, and dispersed the crowd of onlookers.

Twenty minutes later, an ambulance arrived on the scene.

The paramedics carried a stretcher and lifted the two injured into the ambulance.

Louise said, “Counselor Li, I’ll send them to the hospital for treatment, and I’ll leave the scene to you.”

“Go ahead.” Luke had just joined Foppel and was unfamiliar with many situations, it would be more appropriate for Louise to take the two injured to the hospital.

After witnessing the ambulance leaving, Luke cast aspersions, even the gun was fired, not pay wages, at least have to give some subsidies, or else also said not to go ah.

In fact, the scene is already clear, Luke is just waiting for the scene surveyor to collect evidence.

He stepped outside the cordon and prepared to have a cigarette.

A young, slender Asian woman approached him, wearing a short orange tweed jacket on top and dark jeans and black boots underneath, overflowing with youthfulness.

She glanced at the Fobol ID on Luke’s chest, picked up the microphone and asked, “Sir, I’m Noreen Chen, a reporter from CBF TV’s New York office, can I interview you?”

Luke smiled and said amiably, “Can’t.”

Noreen “……”

Then what are you smiling about?

“I won’t take up too much of your time.”

“Sorry, I’m not a press secretary.”

Noreen Chen didn’t give up, “A number of tourists in Chinatown have heard the gunshots, and it has caused some panic, and may even have some impact on New York as a whole.

Sir, as an advisor to Fobler, you have the responsibility and ability to quell the panic, just say a few simple words.

The rumors are spreading and it will make the citizens even more panicked.”

Luke shrugged, “I don’t want to be too famous.”

“Sir, I’m afraid you’re overthinking it, I’m just a trainee reporter, I don’t have that much influence.

Besides, I’ve already aired a few news stories alone, and most of the citizens of New York City still don’t recognize me.

Let me introduce myself again, my name is Noreen Chen.” The words were said to the camera.

“OK, go ahead and ask.”

“Can you tell us what just happened?”

“A gunman attacked an Asian woman.”

“Did you subdue the gunman?”

“Yes, I wounded him and he’s being taken to the hospital now.

It’s over and Chinatown is safe now.

There is no need to panic.”

“Sir, on behalf of the people of New York, I would like to thank you for your heroic behavior, can I ask your name?”

“No, I was just doing my duty.”

“Why did that gunman attack that Asian woman?”

Luke said perfunctorily, “Still under investigation.”

“Last question, why do you yell ‘LAPD’ on the streets of New York for law enforcement?”

Luke “……”

“Sir, did you hear my question?”

“Yes, you’re a good looking man, I like your eyes.”

“Thanks, but that’s not what I asked.

I mean ……”

Luke interrupted, “It was nice interviewing you, I’m going to work, bye ……”

Luke got into the cab and lit a cigarette, muttering under his breath, “Fobol, Fobol ……”

Fobler’s New York office.

Criminal Investigation Department.

“Snap ……”

Luke walked into the office and a familiar knock sounded on the door.

Michael Jeter pointed to Luke in a self-satisfied manner, “Hey man, I heard about that, that was a super cool shot you took.”

Luke laughed, “I’m just as cool when I’m not shooting.

Did you bring back Chen Yue’s daughter?”

Michael Jett pointed in the direction of the lounge, “Lois is taking care of her.”

“What about Chen Yue’s condition?”

“Luckily, she was taken to the hospital in time, she’s done with surgery and is still in the intensive care observation room.

The same goes for that gunman, neither is completely out of life-threatening condition.”

“Bang!” The door to the lounge opened with a cry, “No, I want to see my mom.”

“Your mom is still in the hospital ……”

“Then take me to the hospital, now, now, now ……”

“Your mom said for me to help take care of it for now ……”

“I’m not listening.” The little girl put her hands over her ears, “I want to see my mom, I don’t want to stay here, I want to go home …… oooo……”

Michael Jett came over and said, “Hey, if you want to see your mom sooner, listen to me carefully; the more you make a scene, the less we will take you to see Chen Yue;

If you can cooperate with us to finish the job, you can take you to see Chen Yue earlier.”

“Are you true to your word?”


“What kind of work? What do you guys need me to do?”

“It’s simple, as long as you answer a few questions.” Michael Jett wore the expression of a knowing big brother.

“You ask?”

“What’s your name?”

The little girl replied, “Chen Ning.”

“Where is your father?”

“I don’t have a father.”

“Anyone who has a father would not have come into this world otherwise.”


“When did he die?”

“When I was very young.”

“How do you know that?”

“My mom told me.”

“After that, you never saw your father?”

“Sir, you’re funny, he’s dead, how could I possibly see him again.

Oh, I see, you mean in a dream?

Sorry, I never dream.”

Michael Jeter said, “Have you ever seen a picture of your father?”

“No, we don’t have pictures of men in our family.”

“Then what is your father’s name?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is it that you don’t know, or you don’t want to say?”

“I’m curious too, and once asked my mother, but she refused to say.” Chen Ning wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, “Why do you keep asking my father?

What exactly happened?

Why did my mother get hurt?”

Luke kept his eyes on the little girl and saw no signs of lying, Luke said, “She should really not know.”

Michael Jett nodded his head and said to a colleague at the side, “Take her for a DNA test.”

Chen Ning asked, “When can I see my mom?”

“My colleague will take you to do an identification, have something to eat, and then you can rest early and see your mom tomorrow.”

“No, I want to see her today.”

Michael Jett wasn’t good with little girls, “Lois, please.”

Louise squatted down and patiently persuaded Chen Ning, chatting for a while before taking the little girl out.

Michael Jet scratched his head and sighed, “This is the situation I’m most afraid of encountering, little kids are too much of a headache.”

Luke asked, “Did Jung Lagoon get him?”

“No. We went to his house and searched it and found nothing.

Also went to the bar where he always hangs out and no one has seen him either.

From my experience, it’s 80% that this guy has run away.” Michael Jett was a little disappointed, “Too bad.

We’re a step too late.”

Luke analyzed smoothly, “The King of Gamblers, Zhou Tiancheng, smuggled himself into New York through Zheng Lagong’s connections, after which the two fell out for some reason.

Zheng Lagong knew that Zhou Tiancheng had accumulated a large amount of wealth through the gambling industry, and he wanted to take Zhou Tiancheng’s wealth for himself.

He then sends his man Mo Shaoxiong to investigate Zhou Tiancheng’s whereabouts.

Mo Shaoxiong found Zhou Tiancheng’s accountant Ma Jiansheng and killed him, and learned Zhou Tiancheng’s whereabouts from Ma Jiansheng.

Mo Shaoxiong told Zheng Lagong about this news.

Zheng Lagong personally led people to kill Zhou Tiancheng and forced him to find out the whereabouts of his property.”

Michael Jett thought about it and asked, “From the available evidence, this analysis makes sense, but why would someone want to kill Chen Yue?”

Luke also thought about this, “Maybe the relationship between Chen Yue and Zhou Tiancheng is not as simple as she said.

Although Chen Yue and Zhou Tiancheng were divorced, they still had a daughter.

Zhou Tiancheng could withhold money from his ex-wife, but he wouldn’t withhold it from his daughter.

I suspect that one of the purposes of Zhou Tiancheng’s coming to New York was to see his daughter and at the same time transfer some of his property to his daughter’s name.

This way, even if Zhou Tiancheng dies, he can ensure that his daughter grows up smoothly and richly.

Of course, there were pros and cons to this matter.

If Zheng Lagong found out, he would definitely kill Chen Yue in order to ensure his own safety as well.

I think Zheng Lagong should be aware of Chen Yue’s existence, and even the reason why Chen Yue can open a restaurant in Chinatown is because of Zheng Lagong’s shelter.

It’s just that the interest is too big this time, Zheng Lagong and Zhou Tiancheng flipped out.”

Michael Jett said, “No matter what, the priority now is to find Zheng Lagong. Part of that money belongs to Fo Boller, we can’t let that bastard squander it all.”

Luke reached out and touched fists with him, “Totally agree.”

Michael Jett laughed, “Want a drink tonight? My treat.”

“Some other time, I have a date today.”

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Suburban New York.

Luke drove with his father to his grandfather’s house.

As soon as father and son got out of the car, Aunt Yao Xin warmly greeted them, “Big brother, Luke, you’re here, come on in.”


“Aunt, where is my uncle.”

“Busy in the kitchen, preparing his specialty dishes.”

Because of Will’s affair, Li Zhaonian and his wife lost their New Year’s spirit, and didn’t cook many dishes.

“Then I’m blessed today.” Luke answered with a smile and opened the trunk to move things.

When they entered the house, Li Zhaonian was busy in the kitchen, Will was playing on the sidelines, and Luke’s grandmother, who was also an idle one, was sitting at the dining table choosing vegetables.

Luke greeted the crowd.

The old man was sitting in the living room drinking tea, waved his hand and greeted, “Come and sit.

Let’s have a natter between the two of us.”

Luke thought that after he came to New York, he had been busy and hadn’t really spent much time with his grandparents.

Luke picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for his grandfather, “Grandpa, when I came here today, I bought you a case of Wuliangye.”

“No need, there’s wine at home.”

“You put it on and drink it, this wine is not afraid of going bad.”

The old man smiled and said, “OK, store it first, and open it when you get married.”

“That’s not necessary, you can drink it if you want. I’ll buy it for you later.”

The two men drank tea while chatting about Los Angeles.

“I also went to Los Angeles when I was young, it’s really good over there, your grandfather even invited us to his home for a drink, and this is more than ten years in the past.” The old man showed a look of emotion.

“How is your grandfather now? Is his body alright.”

“Quite well.

When some time passes, you guys can go to Los Angeles to play.

I’ll cover the expenses.”

“Kid, don’t talk big, I’ll take it seriously, don’t feel bad about your wallet then.”

Luke laughed, “Don’t worry about coming, I have plenty of money.”

Dinner was ready and everyone sat around the table.

The old man took out his own treasured Maotai wine again and said, “I didn’t have a good drink on New Year’s Eve, so let’s have a few good drinks this year.

Will, you kid can’t fool around anymore in the future, learn more from your cousin.”

“Got it, Grandpa.” Will picked up his wine glass and got up, “Cousin, I’ll toast to you, I’ve troubled you during this period of time.”

Luke also picked up his wine glass and laughed, “Don’t be polite with me.

Bottoms up.”

Li Zhaonian greeted with a smile, “Eat your food, eat your food, Iron Pot Stewed Goose, Red Stewed Mutton, Dry Pot Fatty Intestine, all are my specialties.”

Luke chucked a piece of goose meat, to say that this goose meat is still the Northeast people eat more, but also really delicious, compared to the root chicken meat, the meat is more firm, and not firewood, a little similar to the feeling of chicken thigh meat.

Red stewed lamb and dry pot fat intestines flavor is also good, are under the wine and rice dishes.

After eating, Luke helped clean up the dishes and Yao Xin was in charge of scrubbing.

When Luke finished cleaning up, he found that his grandparents had gone back to the house.

Only Li Zhaofeng, Li Zhaonian and Will were left in the living room.

Luke felt like something was up.

Sure enough, when he saw Luke go out of the dining room, Li Zhaonian stood up and greeted, “Luke, come over here for a moment, there’s something I need to discuss with you.”

Luke walked to the living room and sat beside his father, Li Zhaonian, “Uncle, what is it?”

“It’s about your cousin.” Li Zhaonian glanced at Will, “It’s better for you to talk about it yourself. While your eldest uncle and your brother are here, let’s discuss it together.”

Will was a little difficult, “Dad, I have said …… that this matter is not good to say …… that it needs to be kept secret.”

Li Zhaonian’s face drooped: “There are no outsiders here.

If you feel that you need to keep secrets from us all, then you are not treating us as your own family.

You can go wherever you want, I definitely won’t stop you this time.”

Yao Xin hears that this tone is not right and rushes to persuade, “Zhaonian, you can’t speak properly.

Will, your elder uncle and your brother are not outsiders, if you don’t even believe them, who else can you believe?”

“It’s not that I don’t believe.” Will let out a sigh and helplessly said, “Alright, I’ll say it.

A few days ago, I joined the Flying Dragon Gang.”

Li Zhaofeng’s face immediately changed: “Will, how did you join the gang?

Is it …… because the few people from Wo Sheng Tang ate bully food in the restaurant?”

“Yes, there is that reason, but not all.” Will scratched his head with his right hand, a little chagrined, “I was angry that night, I thought a lot, why did they dare to bully us?

Why did they dare to eat bully food in the restaurant?

Because we are not strong enough, we don’t have guns in our hands.”

Li Zhaofeng’s face carried disapproval, “Then you can’t join other gangs, Wo Sheng Tang is not a good person, and so is the Flying Dragon Gang.

And once you join a gang, it’s hard to quit.”

Will explained, “I know.

I didn’t really join a gang, at least that wasn’t my intention.

I went to the 62nd Precinct, and one of my classmates’ brothers works for the police department, and I wanted to join the department.

I learned that joining the police department is not as easy as one might think.

There are generally two channels, the first channel is to pay for your own way to the police academy, tuition and police equipment need to be paid for out of your own pocket, the tuition alone will cost about five thousand dollars, plus police equipment and training uniforms will cost at least another two thousand dollars.

This is a bit expensive for me.

The training period is about 8 months or so, and after you graduate, there is no guarantee that you will be hired by the police department, you need to submit your resume to the police department, and if the police department hires you, you have to go through their police academy again, and they want you to use the training and the way of doing things at their academy to work for the 62nd police department, which is too hard for me.

I can’t guarantee that I will pass the training, much less be accepted into the police department.

The second way, if you can pass their police department’s own selection test, you can go straight into their police academy training and come out and work directly in the 62nd Precinct.

So, I chose the second one, but I need to complete the 62nd Precinct’s assessment.”

Luke asked, “Why do you have to join the 62nd Precinct?”

Will said, “The 62nd Precinct is responsible for the security of this part of Chinatown, and if I can work in the 62nd Precinct, no one will dare ……

mess up at the restaurant.”

Li Zhaonian’s eyes were slightly red, he knew that his son was doing this for himself and his wife.

Luke was curious, “What test?”

“Join the Flying Dragon Gang.”

“The 62nd Precinct made you an undercover agent?”


They knew that I was a local from Chinatown and could easily be trusted by the Flying Dragon Gang and wanted me to ask for some information.”

“You’ve been tricked.” Luke sighed, thinking that this cousin of his was really stupid.

Is an undercover agent something that ordinary people can do?

This is being fooled and crippled.

Luke might be a police officer in his life, or he might join Fobol, but there was one thing he definitely wouldn’t do, and that was to be an undercover agent.

This was the bottom line Luke set for himself.

Luke admired those who went undercover in gangs, but he couldn’t do it himself.

He dared to call the shots with the gang bosses, and he would rather go to a firefight with the gangs than to be an undercover agent.

It was too dangerous, too hateful.

No one likes to be betrayed.

Any organization had zero tolerance for this kind of behavior.

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