Chapter 427

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:10:59
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“They won’t cheat me, it’s all been agreed that as long as I’m willing to join the Flying Dragons Gang to spy, they’ll definitely let me join the police department.” Will’s face showed a tangled look.

“So, I have been hesitating to return to the Flying Dragon Gang.

If I delay any longer, there may be no way to complete the mission.”

“Being an undercover agent is dangerous and most inviting, even if you can successfully complete the mission.

The NYPD will also transfer you to other precincts, and odds are you won’t be allowed to work in the 62nd Precinct.”

Will interrupted Luke, “That won’t happen, we agreed in the first place that I was to work in the 62nd Precinct, otherwise, there was no need for me to accept such a daunting task.

I’m sure the NYPD won’t go back on their word.”

Luke asked coldly, “Will, how old are you?”

“Twenty, I meet the age requirement.” Will went to community college, a two-year program.

Luke shook his head, ultimately too young, “They might not go back on their word, but they might let you know what to do.

Generally, undercover missions are off-site to avoid retaliation, and the Flying Dragon Gang’s sphere of influence is in Chinatown, overlapping with the 62nd Precinct’s law enforcement area.

If, for example, you complete an undercover assignment and actually get a job at the 62nd Precinct, you feel like you can take care of your uncle’s restaurant and keep the gangsters from eating the bully pulpit.

But the problem is, you may also run into acquaintances of the Flying Dragon Gang, and your undercover identity will be exposed.

Your head-on firefight with the Flying Dragon Gang will instill awe in them.

You going undercover with the Flying Dragon Gang will more likely cause them to feel resentment.

They will definitely target you.”

“So what? Do they still dare to kill cops?” Will didn’t immediately accept Luke’s point of view.

“They may not dare to kill you outright, but they’ll target you and disgust you.

They are the local snakes in Chinatown, and it’s too easy for them to get you into trouble.

With them deliberately targeting you, you will also become radicalized to protect yourself and your family, and it will be easy to violate the rules by using unconventional means.

After multiple violations, the police department can’t bail you out.

Once you’re out of the police force, the only way to escape New York is to flee.”

Will was still unwilling to believe it, “Since you can think of it, the police department’s top brass can think of it as well, they shouldn’t do this to me.”

“When you finish your mission, they will tell you what I just said, letting you know the dangers of staying in the 62nd Precinct, and they will suggest that you work in other precincts so that you can get away from the Flying Dragons Gang.

If you don’t want to leave and ask to remain in the 62nd Precinct, then you will have to bear the consequences yourself, after all, they have already made it clear to you.

They didn’t go back on their word, nor did they leave you alone, they just gave you the choice.

It may not be what you thought before, but that’s the way the world works, and a lot of things aren’t as rosy as you think.”

Will’s nostrils flared slightly, his face was a little hard to see, he wasn’t stupid, Luke wouldn’t harm himself, had broken all the reasoning down, he knew Luke was right, he just couldn’t accept it for a while.

Li Zhaonian was concerned, “What should Will do now?”

Luke didn’t answer right away and asked instead, “What undercover assignment did the NYPD arrange for you?”

Will opened his mouth to speak.

Yao Xin also walked over and pushed her son, “This stupid kid has been refusing to talk, your uncle and I have also asked, but he is just a dead duck.”

Li Zhaonian revealed a look of hatred: “Will, what time is it now, why don’t you say it?

If you really want to offend the Flying Dragon Gang, you will have to live in fear for the rest of your life.”

Will sighed, “It’s useless to tell you guys.”

Luke said, “Then what do you have to worry about?”

Will thought about it and it seemed to be the same thing, “They asked me to go to the Flying Dragon Gang to spy.

There’s a man named Zhou Tiancheng who is a gambling king over in Southeast Asia, and I heard that he was smuggled into New York through the Flying Dragon Gang’s connections, and the Malaysian police are looking for him, requesting assistance from the NYPD side.”

Luke was a little surprised, but thinking about it makes sense, for Zhou Tiancheng this piece of fat meat Fo Bo Le are moved, there is no reason why the NYPD will not be moved.

But he felt that something is wrong, the New York police behavior is not a bit of temporary meaning, Flying Dragon Gang is not set up for a day or two, if Luke is the police department senior, surely in the gang will arrange informants, even if listening to Zhou Tiancheng’s news, but also should be used to informants, rather than enabling the newcomers to go undercover.

The first rookie undercover agent was inexperienced, and then again, it was a bit late to arrange an undercover agent now, at best they were just peripheral juniors, almost unable to get in touch with Zhou Tiancheng’s news.

Luke stared at the other party, ”Fo Boller is also looking for Zhou Tiancheng.

Zhou Tiancheng’s whereabouts are not something that ordinary members of the Flying Dragon Gang can access.

If I’m not wrong, you should have other missions, right?”

It was Will’s turn to be surprised, and a hesitant look appeared on his face, “Well, actually, inquiring about Zhou Tiancheng is only secondary, the NYPD feels that the odds are that I won’t be able to inquire.

However, the NYPD still has an informant in the Flying Dragon Gang, this informant is at a very high level in the Flying Dragon Gang, and the news of Zhou Tiancheng’s arrival in New York was also told to the police by him.

But the informant has been out of touch since then.

They want me to find this informant and confirm his safety. If he’s not comfortable contacting the police, I’ll deliver the message.”

That’s right, Luke wondered, “What was the informant’s name?”

“Zheng Lagong.”

“Vice Master of the Iron Blood Hall?” Luke blurted out, he didn’t expect that this suspect wanted by Fobol would actually be an informant of the NYPD.

Zhou Tiancheng’s matter might be more complicated than imagined.

“You know him?” Will grew his mouth, already more than just surprised.

Luke said, “Fobler is tracking him down.”

“I won’t tell the NYPD.” Will said.

Luke was unimpressed, “The NYPD should have gotten the message.

These guys are hiding pretty deep.”

Will was a little puzzled, “Isn’t there a connection between the NYPD and Fobler?”

“That depends on what’s going on.

When the identity of an important informant is involved, it’s definitely kept secret.” Luke said this as if he remembered something, “The day Mo Shaoxiong escaped, were you his driver?”

“You know all this?” Will was a bit incredulous, this cousin was also too well-informed, simply omniscient.

Luke did not have the intention to explain, and continued to ask: “Zhang Qilong’s death, is it also related to the NYPD?”

Will licked his lips, “That day I found the 62nd precinct and said that I wanted to be a police officer, they gave me a recruitment profile and tried to send me away.

I didn’t want to leave and was adamant about joining the precinct.

When they asked why, I told them about Zhang Qilong’s eating at the restaurant.

After that, the officer in charge of recruitment told me to wait for a while.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, I was brought to the deputy director’s office, where he carefully inquired about my experience and asked if I was willing to work as an undercover agent.

If I’m willing to go undercover with the Flying Dragon Gang, when the mission is over, I’ll be able to enter the precinct’s counterpart’s police academy for training, and after graduation I’ll join the 62nd Precinct directly.”

Will poured a mouthful of tea and continued, “I considered it very seriously, and didn’t want to be subjected to those gangs’ birds of a feather, and didn’t want to live in such a lousy way anymore.

So I said yes.

In their words, entering the Flying Dragon Gang also requires a test.

Chinese identity in Chinatown was a plus, but not enough.

Wo Sing Tong and the Flying Dragon Gang have been fighting with each other for many years, and the grudge is deep.

Therefore, the NYPD plotted to make me completely offend Zhang Qilong, which would be the same as offending Wo Sheng Tang, and I would be justified in joining the Flying Dragon Gang.”

Li Zhaonian’s heart went up and down and he became even more nervous: “Zhang Qilong’s death is really related to you?”

“That night, I did see Zhang Qilong, he was with three of his juniors, we had a verbal altercation, and then I ran away.

I didn’t kill him, and I don’t know how he died.” Will spread his hands and added, “However, the NYPD thought it was a good opportunity.

If I let the Flying Dragon Gang think that I killed Zhang Qilong, I would be justified in joining the Flying Dragon Gang and would be reused by the Flying Dragon Gang.

That’s how things work.”

Yao Xin’s fists clenched tightly, her heart has been lifted, she only now knows the cause and effect, when she didn’t know, she was heartbroken, but after knowing, her heart was even more afraid: “What in the world should we do? This is not to offend both gangs?

How can we stay in Chinatown in the future?”

Li Zhaonian is also at a loss, he has encountered a lot of things in his life, but it is the first time he has had a similar experience: “Luke, your brother how to deal with this? What should we do in the future?” Yao Xin chimed in.

Yao Xin chimed in, “Yeah, Will, you can’t go back to the Flying Dragon Gang.”

Will rubbed his chin with his right hand, showing his inner turmoil.

Luke asked, “What have you inquired about since you entered the Flying Dragon Gang?”

“After I entered the Flying Dragon Gang, I have been following someone called Wolf, who is a junior leader of the Iron Blood Hall.

I haven’t come into contact with the top echelons of the Flying Dragon Gang, and I haven’t met Zheng Lagong, so I didn’t dare to directly inquire about Zheng Lagong and Zhou Tiancheng.

I just asked about the Iron Blood Church, and learned that Zheng Lagong used to hang out in Southeast Asia before arriving in New York, and that he and Zhou Tiancheng have a very good relationship.

There is also the fact that Mo Shaoxiong is Zheng Lagong’s beloved, some dirty work will be handed over to Mo Shaoxiong.

On that day, Brother Wolf received a call from Mo Shaoxiong, asking us to come to his house, and that’s when I became Mo Shaoxiong’s driver in a confused manner.”

Luke roughly understood what happened.

If Zheng Lagong was really a police informant, what role did he play in this matter?

And was the rotting corpse related to him?

Luke suppressed the doubts in his heart, the most important thing in front of him was to solve Will’s problem.

“What are your own plans?”

Will stuck his head and was silent for a while, “I don’t know what to do now.

It’s very confusing.”

Luke asked, “I don’t think you’ve officially joined the Flying Dragon Gang yet?”

“No. Brother Wolf said to wait until next month to unify the ceremony for newcomers who join the gang.

Since I’ve performed well, there will definitely be a part for me.”

“Since you’re not deeply involved with the Flying Dragon Gang now, and Brother Wolf knows that your parents don’t agree with you joining the gang, I suggest that you use this as an excuse to completely break away from the Flying Dragon Gang.

You don’t have access to the secrets of the Flying Dragon Gang, and there aren’t many people in contact with the Flying Dragon Gang, so the less likely you are to be exposed in the future.

On the contrary, waiting for you to complete your undercover mission before leaving the Flying Dragon Gang may sow a lot of future problems.”

Li Zhaofeng agreed, “Will, your brother is right, you have to make a decision early, otherwise you will fall deeper and deeper.”

Will was a little agitated, “How can I retreat now?

The Flying Dragon Gang is waiting for me to go back, the NYPD is waiting for me to deliver the news, and Wo Sheng Tang is also looking for me.

None of them will let me go if I give up halfway now.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Then what are you going to do about it?”

Will closed his eyes and helplessly said, “I don’t know what to do, let’s take one step at a time.”

The crowd had a discussion, and there was still no result.

Will didn’t have the courage to completely throw in the towel and quit.

Luke couldn’t possibly help him to hold the bottom, and without using Fobler’s identity, he couldn’t pacify the three parties’ forces.

If he used Fobler’s identity, things might become more complicated, and might even make the Flying Dragon Gang misunderstand that Will was Fobler’s undercover agent.

Luke had already helped him with ideas, as to whether or not to adopt them was his business, the trouble was caused by himself, ultimately he needed to deal with it himself.

Luke can give him ideas, can give him to check and fill in the gaps, but will not be on the front for him.

However, Luke hadn’t come here for nothing today, learning from his cousin about the identity of Zheng Lagong as an NYPD informant.

To a certain extent, it might affect Fobler’s previous inference.

Previously, Fobler speculated that Zheng Lagong might be the black hand behind the killing of Ma Jiansheng and Zhou Tiancheng, now he might have to add a question mark.

Luke asks his cousin some more questions about Zheng Lagong, for example, when Zheng Lagong lost contact with the NYPD, and what speculations the police have about Zheng Lagong’s loss of contact.

The following morning.

Luke came to Fobler’s New York office with these doubts, he first went to the 7th floor to meet the supervisor, Negan, and talked to him for ten minutes before going to the Criminal Investigation Department office.

Michael Jeter was in a meeting with the group, “Hey man, you’re late again.”

Luke laughed, “You can dock my pay.”

Michael Jeter “……”

Did you?

“I mean, you’re missing out on big news.”

Luke asked, “The DNA results came back on Channing and that body?”

“You’re such an atmosphere killer.”

Michael Jett shrugged and threw Luke a document, “According to the test, the probability of parentage between the corpse and Chen Ning is upwards of 99.99%, and it can be determined that they are father and daughter, and that the deceased is Zhou Tiancheng. Our speculation was correct, he was most likely taken out by Zheng Lagong.”

It was correct that the deceased was Zhou Tiancheng, but whether or not he was killed by Zheng Lagong, Luke felt that there might be a question mark.

But Luke wasn’t going to go public with the fact that Jung Lak Kung was a police informant, this information was obtained from his cousin Will, and if Luke told Agent Fobler in a dignified manner, it might reflect badly on his cousin, but again, this information was important, and Luke needed to use it wisely.

“What’s the status of Yueh-Lai’s boss’s wife, Chen Yueh, and the assassin?”

Michael Jet replied, “The boss’s wife is still in the intensive care observation room, but that bastard is physically strong and is out of life-threatening condition for the time being.

I’ve already sent someone to give him a statement.”

Just then, a familiar voice rang out from the side, “I guess that killer was also sent by Zheng Lagong.”

Luke frowned slightly, “Amir Khan, why did you hear his voice?”

Seeing a ghost?

“Counselor Lee, you didn’t hear me wrong, I’m here.”

Luke looked at the voice, there was a flat panel propped up in the corner of the table, which showed a giggling Amir Khan.

“That’s right, I’m analyzing the case via video.

I know the last time I was out in the field, I left a bad impression on you.

But it’s the analysis of the case’s features and the suspect’s behavior and mindset that I’m good at.”

Luke heard his brimming confidence even through the video and smiled, “OK, looking forward to your performance.”

“Knock knock.”

The office door slammed twice and Michael Jett was about to speak when the door was pushed right open.

Negan strides into the office, “Good morning guys.”

Michael Jett smiled, “Hey Boss, are you here to guide us through the case?”

“I just received a message about Jung Lagoon.”

Michael Jett asked, “From the Ministry of Intelligence?”

“Never mind the source of the information, you should focus more on the information itself.”

“OK, you’re the boss.”

Negan nodded, “According to the information I’ve gotten, Zheng Lagong might be an informant for the NYPD.”

This news was like a stone hitting the lake, it could be said that a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Aamir Khan was surprised, “So how is it possible? How can he be a police informant?”

Michael Jeter rubbed his nose, “I can’t believe those NYPD assholes haven’t revealed a single bit of information.

Boss, can we be sure of the accuracy of this information?”

“If anything is certain, what do I need you guys for?” Negan grunted and exchanged a look with Luke without a trace.

Luke had told him this information.

Luke had only told him one person, and he had promised to help Luke keep it a secret.

Luke did so for two reasons.

The first reason was that this news was important to Fobol, so informing Negan alone was not a big risk, and by Negan, the head of the Fobol office, publicizing this news, no one would suspect Luke, and there were too many sources of information with Negan’s identity.

Secondly, Luke wanted to sell Negan a favor through this information.

The favor wasn’t for his own use, but a favor for Will.

Will was in a bad way, and he might be needed to wrap things up, and odds were that he would have to borrow the identity of Fobler’s advisor.

Letting Will hang around in front of Negan at this time is beneficial and harmless.”

Luke was the first to know the news that Jung Lagoon was an informant, and also made an analysis of the impact of his change in identity on the case, saying.

“If this news is true, it may bring some variables to the case.

The first possibility is that the informant, Zheng Lagong, defected in front of the huge benefits and instructed someone to kill Ma Jiansheng and Zhou Tiancheng, and forced Zhou Tiancheng to ask about the whereabouts of a large amount of property.

It matches our previous judgment.

The second possibility, Zheng Lagong also met an untimely death, killed Zhou Tiancheng another person.

If it’s the second scenario, then it involves another person, Mo Shaoxiong.

He’s the one who identified Cheng Lakung.

There’s a problem with his confession, he lied.”

Michael Jett’s face was a bit ugly, Mo Shaoxiong was the one he interrogated and helped solve his wife and daughter’s immigration problems.


Old man won’t be shagged.”

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