Chapter 431

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:11:09
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Fobol, Criminal Investigation Department.

Chen Yue’s statement makes a major turn in the case.

Luke and the others returned to the office to launch an investigation into the situation.

Amir was also discharged from the hospital, a smirk of triumph on his face, “I’ve said it before, Zhou Tiancheng is definitely not a simple character if he can become the King of Gamblers.

It won’t be killed so easily.”

Louise bristled, “You didn’t say that the one who died was Song Jinbao.”

Amir was unconvinced, “Who can guarantee that it was definitely Song Jinbao who died, maybe Chen Yue lied.

Maybe Chen Ning’s real father was neither Zhou Tiancheng nor Song Jinbao.

Who knows?”

“Wow.” Michael revealed an exaggerated expression, “However, Amir has a point, we can’t be sure that the deceased is Song Jinbao just based on Chen Yue’s words.

We’ve already gotten it wrong once.

Definitely can’t make the same mistake again.”

Luke didn’t find Chen Yue showing signs of lying and said, “I think we should make two preparations.

On the one hand, verify if the deceased is Song Jinbao and confirm the authenticity of Chen Yue’s statement.

On the other hand, look for Zhou Tiancheng’s whereabouts, since we know that he might not be the deceased, it’s best to find him as soon as possible, once he leaves New York, it will be difficult for us to find him again.”

Louise rubbed her chin, “If Zhou Tiancheng really isn’t dead, where do you guys think he would be?”

Amir replied, “I’ve thought a lot over the past few days as I lay on my hospital bed, if I were Zhou Tiancheng, even if I was lucky enough not to die, I would still be hunted down by all forces.

Because Zhou Tiancheng is now the walking big fat sheep.

And the best way to get rid of the hunt is to change to a new identity, a new face, so that the people chasing me won’t be able to recognize it.

That’s how you can start a new life.” Amir concluded, “I suspect that he might get plastic surgery.”

Louise said smoothly, “Zhou Tiancheng’s identity is very sensitive now, if he goes to a plastic surgery hospital he will leave a medical record, and both Fobler and the NYPD will be on him.

This is tantamount to throwing himself into the net.”

Amir added, “I didn’t say he would go to a regular plastic surgery facility.

He could go to a shady clinic for a facelift, and as long as he has the money he won’t leave any records, change his face and get away with it.”

Luke praised, “Good thinking.”

Michael said, “As far as I know, there are indeed some black clinics in the New York underground black market, but it’s hard for ordinary people to get in touch with them, most of them need to be introduced through gang connections.

Zhou Tiancheng and Zheng Lagong are very close, he will most likely contact the black clinic through Zheng Lagong’s channel.

Could this be the reason why Zhou Tiansheng killed Zheng Lagong?

As long as Zheng Lagong is dead, no one will know about the black clinic and the change of face.”

The more Michael thought about it, the more likely he felt it was, and then began to arrange for manpower to investigate.

The first step was to confirm the true identity of that corpse.

Secondly, investigating Zheng Lagong’s peripheral connections, focusing on lining up channels related to the black clinic.


Ji Man Xiang Restaurant.

“With a clatter ……”, the store’s roll-up door was pulled up.

Li Zhaonian’s family of three was a bit emotional, the restaurant was their source of income and had become a part of their lives.

The neighbors next to them also heard the commotion, and an Asian uncle with a beer belly asked, “Yo, Lao Li, you guys are here. Where have you been, not open for so many days?”

“It’s not the New Year, so I rested for a few more days.

I came here today to clean and stock up, and I’ll start working tomorrow.”

“That’s great, it’s been a while since I’ve had your donkey meat roast, I’m craving it.”

“Come on, don’t cook tomorrow, I’ll bring it over to you, two donkey meat roasts and a bowl of wonton soup.”

“My relatives came to travel, brought me some tea, when not busy, I’ll give you some to taste.”


You go and get busy, let’s clean up the restaurant.”

A family of three into the restaurant, Will saw the restaurant full of wreckage, smashed tables and chairs, dry blood on the ground, he saw some heartbreaking, some guilt in his heart.

“Mom and Dad, what’s with all the blood?”

Yao Xin glanced at the door and whispered, “After discovering Zhang Qilong’s body, his three little brothers came to the store to look for you, and when they couldn’t find anyone, they vandalized the restaurant and terrorized me and your dad ……

Luckily Luke came and beat up the three punks, and on this floor is the blood of the three punks.”

Will breathed a sigh of relief and said guiltily, “It’s all my fault.

If I hadn’t taken care of things, the restaurant wouldn’t have been trashed by those assholes.” Speaking of this, Will was a bit angry and couldn’t help but clench his fists.

Li Zhaonian advised, “Will, don’t be impulsive, this matter still has to be done as your brother said.”

Will nodded, “I know. I’ll listen to my brother on everything.”

Li Zhaonian patted his son’s shoulder, “You are still young, making mistakes is normal.

Learn from your mistakes.

Alright, start cleaning up, there’s a lot of work today.”

A family of three began to clean up the restaurant, mopping, overhauling tables and chairs, can be repaired with tools to repair, can not be repaired to throw away.

Li Zhaonian went to the market to get food.

Will went to the warehouse to find some extra tables and chairs ……”

Eight o’clock in the evening.

A family of three will restaurant clean up properly.

Li Zhaonian was so tired that he sat on his butt on a chair, looked at the clean and tidy restaurant, and laughed, “Tomorrow we can open for business.”

Yao Xin said, “In the past, I always felt tired of opening a restaurant, but after suddenly resting for a period of time, my heart is not in a state of mind, rather not as solid as when I was working.”

“Who says it isn’t, that’s all I’ve got in my life.” Li Zhaonian looked to the side of the son: “Will, you have grown up, have their own ideas.

Your mom …… and I have also figured out that we will not chain you to this restaurant.

You think about it yourself, what exactly do you want to do, we also help you plan planning.”

“OK.” Will was a little surprised and a little moved.

He’d fought for what he’d always thought of, but didn’t seem all that happy about it.

“Yo, cleaned up pretty well?” An ill-timed voice rang out from the doorway of the dining room.

Will twisted his head to look, and outside walked in five men, the leader of which was none other than Wo Sheng Tang’s gangster Blue Hair.

Li Zhaonian’s family of three glanced at each other, a look of awe appeared on their faces.

Yao Xin grabbed her son, fearing that he would be impulsive.

Li Zhaonian also blocked in front of his son, forcing out a smile, “The restaurant hasn’t officially opened today, we can only dine tomorrow.”

Hemp face a pair of squinting eyes scanning around, see no one else, before clearing his throat: “Stinky girl, what you pretend to be stupid, we are like to eat well.

Your girl got a cerebral thrombosis, so quickly do not recognize the masters.”

Li Zhaonian politely said: “Recognize recognize, we did not say last time, both sides have wrong place, the future well water does not offend the river water.”

Blue hair pointed at Will’s nose: “This asshole killed our brother Long, this is not so easy to pass.

Kid, if you are sensible and don’t want to involve your family, come back to Wo Sheng Tang with us.”

Will suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a cold voice, “I didn’t kill Zhang Qilong.

If I really killed Zhang Qilong, there would be no need for you guys to come, the police would have arrested me.”

Hemp face said disdainfully, “NYPD is nothing, whether you killed Lung or not, we and Shengtang have the final say, understand?”

Li Zhaonian afraid of Will impulsive, pushed him back a hand, said: “Brothers, last time we can be clear, you are also out of the mix, if now backtracking is not good.”

Blue hair face changed: “I @#¥% …… less fucking mention last time, really think that grandpa is afraid of that asshole.”

Blue hair from the pocket to touch out a gun, fierce look: “Brothers, take out the guy.”

“Brush ……”

Blue Hair, Hemp Face, and Fat Punk all pulled out pistols from their arms.

The other two punks stood to the side, like they were here to stand.

Blue Hair pointed his gun at Will, and then moved it towards Li Zhaonian: “Don’t think you’re bullish just because you have a nephew who can fight.

No matter how good a martial artist is, he’s still afraid of a chopper, I’ll kill him with one shot.

He has one gun, we have three.

In Chinatown, he’s a tiger and a dragon.

In this area, we and Shengtang have the final say, understand?”

Perhaps it was because of the gun in his hand, Blue Hair was full of energy and seemed to have forgotten about the last small setback.

“Hey, you guys are secretly partying behind my back again.” Luke laughed as he walked into the restaurant, Li Zhaonian breathed a sigh of relief, and Yao Xin’s tense face also soothed.

Will kept his eyes on the gun in Blue Hair’s hand.

When he saw Luke, Blue Hair first scrunched his neck, then gripped the gun in his hand, slightly raised his chin and said to Luke, “Hey, kid, what’s your name? I forgot to ask last time.”

“Yeah? I thought I told you.

My name is Luke Lee, can you put the guns down in your hands? A restaurant is a place for chopsticks, that’s rude.”

Blue Hair raised an eyebrow, “Are you fucking amnesiac?

You were the one who pulled out your gun first last time, if you didn’t have a gun, I would have already knocked you down.

Kid, don’t think you can fight, none of us here are worse than you.”

“That’s what you came to the restaurant to say, I heard you. You can go now.”

“Go?” Blue Hair laughed to his companions around him, “He told us to go, haha.” Blue Hair pointed his gun at Luke, “You still think you’re in charge here?

No, I’m the boss here.

It’s me.”

Will’s face turned very ugly, his two fists clenched tightly, if only he had a gun now.

Li Zhaonian showed a worried look, “Don’t shoot.

We were wrong that day, we were wrong and are willing to pay for it.”

Blue Hair glared viciously at Luke, “I want you to say it.”

Luke said with sincerity, “You’re right, we were wrong that day.

I apologize to you.”

“You know to apologize now? It’s too late!” Blue Hair waved his hand and said to his four little brothers, “Brothers, smash this place up.

When they clean up once, we’ll smash it once.

When they truly realize how serious their mistake is, this matter will be considered finished, haha ……”

Blue hair is very arrogant smile, lifting his foot kicked the chair next to him, out of the mix for what, is not just a quick revenge.

“Haha ……” a few little brother also laughed, fists rubbing palms, ready to store to smash.

Blue hair provocative look at Luke, we have five people, three guns, your girl again can fight and have a butt?

After smashing the store, I will properly clean you up!

“Oooh ……” just at this moment, a police siren sounded.

“FUCK! Who called the police?” Blue Hair looked at Li Zhaonian and the others, and then pointed at Luke.

Luke shrugged, “Nothing to do with us.

It’s not too late outside, maybe someone heard the commotion and called the police.”

“Don’t fucking scare me with the police, what are you guys going to do? Send us to the police station?” Blue Hair put away his pistol, but wasn’t very nervous.

Luke said, “We’re in business, we talk about peace and harmony.

What happened last time was our fault, we are willing to pay 500 dollars and this matter will be over. What do you think about that?

We are very sincere.”

“Five hundred dollars is too little, I want a thousand dollars.” Blue Hair’s voice was a little weak as he listened to the approaching sirens, but in front of his little brother, he couldn’t wimp out, if he wimped out again, he wouldn’t be able to stand up at all.

“I give.” Li Zhaonian hurriedly took out a thousand dollars in cash and handed it over to Blue Hair.

“Count on you guys to be sensible, let’s go.”

Blue Hair waved his hand and greeted his little brother to leave, and said to Luke who was at the side, “Think about how to say to the police, if we are implicated, there will be time for you to regret.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll fix it.”

Blue Hair led a few minions out of the restaurant and rushed to the other direction after seeing the police car not far away.

The pockmarked little brother asked, “Brother Blue, let’s just forget about it?”

“Forget it my ass, a thousand dollars and you want to get rid of the master, this is not over.

Since you guys are willing to follow me, I won’t treat you badly.

In the future, we will not only eat and drink spicy food, but also buy a sports car to pick up foreign girls, haha ……” Blue Hair began to draw a big cake to a group of minions.

Zhang Qilong’s death was not a bad thing for him.

He did not really want to Luke, Li Zhaonian and other people how, just last time by Luke bullied miserable, if not to get back to the scene, which little brother is still willing to mix with him.

This time, not only to get back the face, but also got the benefit, it is also a good start.

After a group of gangsters left, Will went out of the restaurant and said a few words to two patrolmen, who also drove away.

Will returned to the restaurant, his face was a little ugly: “Brother, this group of gangsters is too bullying, even took out the gun, but also pitched us a thousand dollars.

If it’s just this one time, then it’s fine, I’m afraid they’ll go back on their word and come back to the restaurant to extort money.”

Yao Xin also revealed a worried look, “Yes, I heard that blue hair said, we clean up once, they smash once, then how can we do business in the future.

If we really can’t, let’s call the police.”

Li Zhaonian also feel Luke today with the usual different, but he read more, not like his wife and son so anxious: “Luke, what are your plans?”

Luke pulled a chair and sat down: “Uncle, have you eaten?”

“How can I care?”

“Get some food first, let’s eat while we talk.”

Seeing that Luke was still in the mood to eat, Yao Xin instead got down to earth and nodded, “There’s ready-made, I’ll go get it.”

Will brewed a pot of tea and poured a cup for Luke, “Brother, what exactly are you planning?”

Luke said, “It’s not difficult to solve this matter, the easiest way is for me to reveal my identity as a Fobol advisor.

But there is a hidden danger here, I am not often in New York, what will you do if I leave?

Another, you just went undercover with the Flying Dragon Gang.

If the Flying Dragon Gang knows about our relationship, will they suspect you?

Although the likelihood of suspicion is not high, there’s no need to take that risk.”

Thinking of the Flying Dragon Gang’s means of killing undercover agents, Will’s face was a bit ugly.

In fact, there was a more important reason why Luke didn’t reveal Fobler’s identity.

He still lacked an informant in New York who would help do some dirty work.

Although this Blue Hair didn’t have much of an identity yet, after Zhang Qilong’s death, if he could successfully rise to the top, he would be considered a small gang leader, and in the future, he would have one more eye in Wo Sheng Tang.

If Luke reveals the identity of Fo Bo Le, several of his juniors also recognize Luke, associating with the Flying Dragon Gang’s means of cleaning up undercover agents, Luke thinks it’s better to keep a low profile.

Luke picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, “There is another method that is more secure.

The reason why Blue Hair came to look for trouble, what he wants is nothing more than face and face.

Just now in front of his little brother, we have given him enough face, his ‘boss’ is also stable.

Just find him again in private and make enough of the inside.”

Li Zhaonian frowned, “About how much money is needed?”

“Uncle, this lizi doesn’t necessarily mean money, just leave it to me.”

“There won’t be any danger, right?”

“Just don’t worry, it’s fine.” Luke said without thinking.

Will had been a gangster for a few days and knew that this group of gangsters were not easy to deal with and were the most difficult to deal with, “Brother, why don’t I go with you.”

“No, I’ll do it alone.” Luke had never seen any big storms, but it was just a small gangster, he really didn’t put it in his eyes.

Not long after, Yao Xin brought up a few quick dishes, marinated donkey meat with sauce in advance, chopped pepper eggs, stir-fried vegetable hearts, hot and sour shredded potatoes, and the main course of rice.

Not too many dishes, not a lot of quantity, also enough for four people to eat.

A familiar melody resounded in a fast-moving red Toyota sedan.

[A pair of hands that can’t be trimmed

Bring out the warmth always behind

Even though verbose always concerned

Don’t know how to cherish too guilty ……]

Several pentatonic men were ghostly wailing in the car.

It was the Blue Hair gang.

They had all been drinking and were very wavy and high.

Blue Hair, with a few points of drunkenness, sat in the passenger side with some complacency and waved his right hand, “Brothers, did you have a good time today.”


“Maotai flavor?”


“Is the foreign girl pretty?”


“I’ll put it here today, as long as you follow me in the future, Brother Blue will take you to eat and drink spicy food, okay?”


Blue hair after shouting a bunch of slogans, heart more and more complacent, mixed for so long, finally mixed a little fame.

Although the people under him were not many, but at least he was a boss.

All these years, it is not a waste of time.

The red Toyota pulled up under an apartment building, and Blue Hair drunkenly got out of the car, waving his hand, “Brothers, I’m home.

I’ll see you tomorrow, and I’ll take you guys to get money, okay?”


“Get money!”

“Brother Lan, slow down.”

The fat gangster saw that he was walking unsteadily, “Brother Blue, do you want me to send you up?”

“Send the fucker, this bit of alcohol is nothing to me.” Blue Hair grunted and turned towards the apartment, waving his hand from behind.

This was an old apartment with seven floors, Blue Hair had been living here for many years, and although he had been drinking, the old horse knew his way around, and it didn’t affect his ability to get home.

Blue Hair walked to the door and took out his key for the lock, inserting it several times before opening it.

He entered the apartment room and was about to close the door.

The door, however, did not budge.

Blue Hair had been drinking and his mind was already not working well, so he tried to pull the door open to see what was going on.

The door had just been pulled open when he saw a man standing next to him.

Next, the man rushed over and grabbed his arm, and before he could fight back, he felt a strong force slamming him out.

“Bang!” The sound of the blue hair fell heavily on the ground, felt his bones breaking, and was so shocked and angry that he bared his teeth in pain.

Suddenly, the lights came on.

A man walked over and stood directly above Blue Hair.

Upon seeing the man Blue Hair was startled, “It’s you.”

Luke smiled and greeted, “Good evening, Blue.”

Blue Hair reached for the gun in his pocket and just pulled it out.

Luke kicked him in the wrist and the pistol flew out.

“Put your little toy aside and I’ll show you something different.” Luke handcuffed him, grabbed him by the blue hair, and yanked him right into the bathroom.

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